After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 73: Destroy the magic weapon and create your own skills!

"What is this..."

Li Xiao took the object from Jiang Ziling.

It was a broken jade pendant with a fish carved on it. The carving was very exquisite, and even every scale could be seen.

The other side was broken, which might also be a fish.

Its texture was like mutton-fat jade, very round.

But this was definitely not an ordinary jade pendant, Li Xiao could feel the spiritual energy inside.

"Senior Lingying, I don't know what this is."

"I just felt that it might be useful to you, so I spent a lot of money to buy it from the auction house."

Jiang Ziling explained.

In fact, this was not bought with money.

Three days ago, Jiang Ziling was looking for a birthday gift for the senior at the auction.

Because the senior would definitely not look down on ordinary gifts.

Martial arts secrets, elixirs, etc., would not be in the eyes of the senior.

Only looking for something special would work.

That is, at the auction, Jiang Ziling saw that there were several big gangs in the world, fighting for a seemingly inconspicuous jade pendant.

So, she participated in the auction.

As a result, those big gangs, with their wealth and power, made bids one after another.

Later, the jade pendant was raised to a high price of 30,000 taels of gold.

Such a price was definitely not affordable for the Red Lion Sword Manor.

In desperation, Jiang Ziling ordered Jiang Hongyan to secretly kill the person who got the auction item.

That person was an elder of the Doushen Sect.

But it didn't matter.

A master-level strongman assassinated an elder.

It was still very easy, and there would be no handle left.

Of course, there was no need to tell the seniors about these details one by one.

"This, this is a magic weapon."

Ling Lingqi flew over and said, "This is not an ordinary jade pendant, this is a magic weapon!"

Li Xiao asked, "Is it the same magic weapon as the golden feathered robe on my mother?"

"That's not it..." Ling Lingqi shook his head: "This magic weapon is broken, half of it is missing, but even if it is complete, it is not as good as the golden feathered robe on the Queen Mother."

Li Xiao nodded: "Not bad, I like this gift very much, I accept it."

Since it is a magic weapon, if you eat it yourself, you should be able to gain some energy.

Hearing this, Jiang Ziling cupped his hands. If the senior likes it, then the matter is not wrong.

At this time, Ling Lingqi said again: "But... this magic weapon doesn't seem to be made by a demon..."

"Hmm?" Li Xiao asked curiously: "Could it be a human?"

Ling Lingqi shook his head: "I don't know. Demons usually use their bodies to refine magic weapons. For example, the Golden Winged Dapeng City Lord used his own feathers to refine magic weapons, but this is a jade pendant... The carving is exquisite, it doesn't look like it was made by a demon..."


Li Xiao was a little confused.

Is there anyone in the world who can refine magic weapons?

Isn't the strongest person in the world a master?

I am a master, why can't I refine it?

"Maybe... maybe this is something from ancient times?"

Jiang Ziling was not sure about this.

The martial arts master is indeed the strongest existence.

"Forget it, why think so much."

Li Xiao accepted the jade pendant.

But he had begun to be cautious in his heart.

If there is really a more powerful existence in the world.

Then he must not take it lightly!

Before growing up, stay in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

"Senior, here are some clothes for you."

"Sister Li Weiyu, I am a few years older than you, calling you sister is more intimate... These books are my birthday gifts for you..."

"Brother Li Hu, I don't know what you like, so I brought you a Cuju..."

Next, Jiang Ziling brought clothes to Li Xiao as requested.

In addition, he also brought birthday gifts to Sister Dahu and Erhu.

Li Weiyu held the book in her mouth and read it excitedly.

Li Hu held the ball in his mouth and played...

In this way, everyone was very happy on this birthday.

Until the evening, Li Xiao walked aside.

Let Jiang Ziling report to him.

Li Xiao did not want Tiger Mom Li Yunquan to know about his investigation of his biological mother.

Why should she worry about these things...


Jiang Ziling bowed and reported: "Two months ago, we found out that the Jinyiwei group was chasing a woman, and the woman eventually escaped to the boundless sea. The Jinyiwei searched the sea area for several months without success, so they returned and only sent a few people to continue searching in the sea area. After we caught the two people, we found out through interrogation that they were indeed chasing Concubine Yun!"

Now that the identity has been confirmed, Li Xiao is happy.

So, his biological mother is really still alive!

Li Xiao asked, "Where is Concubine Yun now?"

Jiang Ziling shook her head, "We haven't found her yet. Our people are still looking for her... However, we dare not go deep into the Boundless Sea, after all, there is no way out..."

Li Xiao said, "What is the Boundless Sea?"

Jiang Ziling explained, "A place similar to the Ten Thousand Mountains, but... the Boundless Sea is even more terrifying. There is thick fog in the depths, and there are no wind and waves. Ships can't find the direction and will eventually be trapped inside."

Many disciples of the sects will enter the periphery of the Ten Thousand Mountains for training.

You can still escape when you encounter danger.

But if you enter the Boundless Sea, you can't come back.

The ocean is several times more dangerous to humans than the land!

So the Boundless Sea is a forbidden place in the world...

Could it be mother has entered the boundless sea...that would be terrible...

Li Xiao couldn't help but feel anxious. He wanted to leave the mountain immediately and go to the boundless sea to find his mother, but he knew it was not the time yet.

Looking for a person in the sea is like looking for a needle in a haystack, how difficult is it?

In his previous life, the blue star he was on had an ocean area several times the land area.

If you want to find someone, you may have to form a fleet and search like a vast and overwhelming network.

What's more, it's a strange place like "Boundless Sea".

Without any strength, not only could he not save his mother, he might even die there.

In this one hundred thousand mountain, there are so many terrifying beings that I can't resist.

Thinking about the boundless sea, it is probably the same!

To become stronger, you must become stronger!

The idea of ​​becoming stronger kept repeating in Li Xiao's mind.

Although he can't find his mother right now, he can kill anyone who wants to harm his mother in the human world. Even if he is the emperor, he will kill him!

"Is the person who is chasing Concubine Yun the same emperor today?" Li Xiao asked.

"It's a secret order from the current queen!" Jiang Ziling said.

Li Xiao narrowed his eyes. If you dare to hurt your mother, you will definitely pay the price!

"What is the background of this queen?" Li Xiao asked.

Jiang Ziling said: "Behind the queen is the Xiao family of Liangzhou, a terrifying existence... Her family controls several major martial arts sects. There are endless martial arts geniuses among the disciples of the family. Many members of the family are officials in the court and control the court. "


Li Xiao guessed that it should be due to the power struggle between the DPRK and China.

Since this queen is very powerful, let's weaken her power first.

Let her feel the pain, and then make her despair little by little, torture her to death, and kill her directly. It is too cheap for her.

Li Xiao said lightly: "Destroy the Xiao family."


Jiang Ziling looked embarrassed: "The Xiao family is not a small person... Although our Red Lion Sword Village has grown recently, the gap between us and a behemoth like the Xiao family is as big as the sky."

It seems that Senior Lingying and Empress Yunfei are indeed related.

Otherwise, why would you say that you want to destroy the Xiao family?

Of course, I won't ask why, I just need to follow the instructions.

Li Xiao said in surprise: "Is the Xiao family so strong?"

Jiang Ziling nodded: "Senior, if he takes action himself, he will definitely be able to do it... But... even Elder Jiang Hongyan is not good at master cultivation now. The Xiao family has more grand masters, and I heard that the elders behind them are even more powerful. The power of the late stage..."

"I'm not going down the doesn't matter, don't be in a hurry."

Li Xiao thought for a while and said: "In addition to investigating the whereabouts of Concubine Yun, you should develop the strength of Red Lion Sword Villa for the time being, and then take action after you have the strength."

As for the queen, Li Xiao will take action personally when the time comes.

But not now, he's not strong enough yet.

In case there is a stronger existence in the world, it is not safe!

The fragment of the magic weapon just now proves that the world is not as simple as one imagines.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

I am only one year old, so I can't be too impatient.

Playing slowly and steadily is the way to survive.

"Yes, senior."

Jiang Ziling cupped her hands and looked down at Senior Lingying carefully.

If you want to develop Red Lion Sword Village, you can only rely on your seniors...

"The martial arts of your Red Lion Sword Village is too ordinary. Recently, I have some insights..."

Li Xiao naturally knew this. He walked to a piece of bluestone, turned his palm into a finger, and started writing.

The stone was like tofu, and Li Xiao's fingers were like the tip of a pen.


Jiang Hongyan on the side was simply stunned.

The writing is penetrating into the stone.

To achieve this level, one must have extremely strong finger strength.

But with the strongest finger force, cracks will definitely be left near the strokes.

However, the handwriting written by the seniors has round strokes and smooth outlines.

It's like writing on tofu with extremely flexible wolf hairs. Wherever the pen goes, there is no stagnation.

Even if she were a master, she wouldn't be able to do this...

A moment later, Li Xiao had written his own martial arts technique.

Once you become a master, you can create your own martial arts.

But it often takes a master a lifetime to create a martial arts book based on his lifetime experience.

Li Xiao only used a few thoughts to create a martial arts book.

Of course, this is a martial arts technique based on one of my heaven-level skills, slightly modified, and based on my own insights.

If you practice to the extreme, you can show half of the power of your heaven-level skills.

"The Thirteen Styles of the Spiritual Snake Taming the Unruly Sword..."

After Li Xiao wrote, he blew gently and the secret book on the stone tablet appeared.

Just now Li Xiao created a set of sword techniques.

It is named "Thirteen Styles of the Spiritual Snake's Unruly Sword".

"This is...the best, it has surpassed the best!"

Jiang Hongyan, who is also a Grandmaster, was surprised.

She knows what's good, and she can tell at a glance that this technique is unfathomable!

Jiang Hongyan's face was full of horror. Just looking at the writing on the bluestone, he felt a powerful momentum coming towards him.

Uninhibited and unrestrained, and there is a sense of freedom in it!

Although she has the same master cultivation level as her predecessors.

He also created his own White Ape sword technique before.

But it's just a top-grade swordsmanship...the only characteristic is that it can be practiced quickly.

But senior can crush her to death with just one finger...and create advanced techniques in the blink of an eye!

What a terrifying strength!

"Thank you, senior!"

Jiang Ziling excitedly bowed, she knew what this technique meant.

It meant... Red Lion Sword Manor will completely cut off its head and show its horns in the Dajing Dynasty! ! !

"Go back."

Li Xiaofeng waved his hand calmly.

In this way, Jiang Ziling took her confidants and the blue stone and left the mountain.

Presumably in the near future.

The pattern of Dajing martial arts will undergo earth-shaking changes because of this blue stone!

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