The crescent moon hangs in the sky and is dotted with stars.

Late at night, everyone fell asleep.

For demons, sleeping is also considered as practice. While sleeping, you can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In addition, it can calm your mind and calm your mind.

"So... breaking through to the level of Grandmaster should be related to spiritual power?"

Li Xiao has begun to long for a higher realm.

After all, just being physically strong doesn't make you immortal.

Li Xiao has now entered the realm of a master and has a good understanding of his body.

He could feel that if he had no illness, no disaster, no internal injuries, his life span would only be 200 years.

And Jiang Ziling said that a human martial arts master, even if he reaches the ninth level of Gangqi Realm, can only live for 150 years at most.

He will live 50 years longer than the Gang Qi realm master.

And his own tiger mother has a lifespan of five hundred years when she enters the spirit gathering stage.

Now that we have entered the transformation stage, we already have a lifespan of one thousand years...

The lifespan of demons is much longer than that of humans.

If you don't break through to a higher realm.

Two hundred years later, the tiger mother will send the black-haired demon to the white-haired man...

When Li Xiao came to this world, in addition to protecting his loved ones, he also hoped to be free and at ease.

What is freedom and ease, immortality, this is one of them!

I didn’t have a chance in my previous life, but I have a chance in this life!

"But...I found that the only skill I can imitate and add spiritual power to is Tongyou."

"There is simply no way to continue practicing."

"On the contrary, in the City of Ten Thousand Monsters, there are techniques passed down by humans?"

"The highest level in the world is just a master."

"But there is a broken magic weapon in the human world. It may have been refined by humans..."

"It just means that there may be a stronger existence."

"What's going on???"

Li Xiao felt like he had a headache and couldn't figure it out.

It seems that if he wants to continue practicing, he may have to step into the City of Ten Thousand Demons to find the answer.

After all, there are cultivation techniques there, and they were passed down from people...

Maybe it was passed down from people in ancient times?

And now it has been lost in the world?

But the City of Ten Thousand Demons is not so easy to enter, not to mention that I am still a human being.

Of course, this matter is not urgent at the moment.

The key is three years later.

If the tiger mother can't refine that anger, then the golden-winged roc will take action to obliterate it!

Time is running out, so you have to prepare for this day!

Become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger!

As long as you are strong enough, all problems will be solved.

Any conspiracy or conspiracy is nothing!

Thinking of this, Li Xiao took out the birthday gift given to him by Jiang Ziling during the day.

Broken jade pendant magic weapon.

He threw the jade pendant directly into his mouth.

Click, click, click!

The jade pendant was bitten to pieces by Li Xiao and then swallowed into his belly.

It tastes so bad...

[You eat the broken magic weapon "Pisces Green Rainbow Jade Pendant", in which only 20% of the nutrients can be absorbed. Energy conservation is triggered, and the remaining deep nutrients are converted into energy. 】

[When you are one year old, you need more energy, and the energy tank length is expanded to 100,000. 】

[Physique points +20]

【Energy +80000】

[The energy tank is full. 】

[Current energy points: 3]

"Sure enough, it is right to obtain the Heavenly Furnace."

"With a broken magic weapon, you can get some energy points!"

"The digestive magic weapon also absorbed 20% and gained 20 points of physical fitness."

Li Xiao moved his body, and now he was much scarier than the tiger.

If the body moves, it moves; if it doesn't move, it stays still!

The mental aura is very terrifying, and a single look is enough to capture one's heart and soul!

"Open new options!"

Then, Li Xiao directly used an energy point to activate the one-year-old state.

[The growth state is about to start. Please note: one year old is the most critical year in life. This time the status is selected as ‘special’, which is the only time in growth that the options are close to infinite)]

[Special option - Weekly capture (unique, lasts for one year after confirmation)]

[Zhou Zhou: From now on, any item your right hand touches will give birth to a special career, which is closely related to your future. Please choose carefully! 】

"Zhou Zhou?"

Li Xiao was slightly startled.

This time it’s not the same three options as last time.

The options are nearly endless!

Anything you touch will give birth to a special career!

It is also the only opportunity in the growth panel where you can choose completely freely!

"What should I choose..."

Li Xiao looked at his right hand and fell into a daze.

This hand can't touch things randomly now.

You must think carefully. Whatever you touch cannot be changed. It determines the future!

Touch the sword?

Be a swordsman in the future?

The sword energy spreads across thirty thousand miles, and the light of one sword chills nineteen continents!

It's not looks cool, but I don't know if it's powerful...

Right now, I have a sword here, which was left by Bairi Jiang Ziling.

Last time he asked Jiang Ziling to bring various weapons, including flying knives and the like.

When celebrating her birthday in the daytime, she brought Jiang Hongyan with her.

Or... touch the knife and become a swordsman?

Touch a gun and become a gunman?

After thinking about it, Li Xiao shook his head.

It seems that the weapons are a bit ordinary, and I am a master!

As long as you get started with eighteen kinds of weapons, you will soon become proficient in them.

The key is... this seems to be a world of high martial arts, low martial arts is not enough...

After changing my mind.

Li Xiao thought it would be good to touch the magic weapon, maybe he could get a chance to break through to a higher realm.

"But I don't have any magic weapon..."

"Hey, it seems that the magic weapon on my mother's body, the golden feather coat, is very powerful..."

"Wait a minute, if I touch the magic weapon and awaken the magic weapon blacksmith, wouldn't it be useless?"

"'s so hard to choose. Do you know I have difficulty choosing?"

Just when Li Xiao's thoughts were drifting thousands of miles away.

A warm big hand took Li Xiao's chubby little hand.

"Xiao'er, can't you sleep?"

At some point, Li Yunquan walked over to Li Xiao and sat down.

Under the moonlight, she was wearing a fairy-like golden feathered dress. Her hair was tied up with green silk hair, held in place by a green-dot emerald phoenix head, and her thin tassels hung down on her cheeks. She was really as beautiful as a fairy with pink makeup and jade.

Li Yunquan looked at Li Xiao with a smile, his eyes filled with affection.

From the mother, the affection for her son.

"Mother, I..."

Li Xiao was speechless for a moment.

"I know... about your biological mother... I actually heard about it..."

Li Yunquan took Li Xiao's hand, looked at Han Tan, and said softly: "Don't worry, mother won't mind. One day, even if you return to your biological mother, I will still be your mother, forever."

In fact, Li Yunquan had known it for a long time.

Li Xiao secretly arranged human forces to find his biological mother.

However, she kept pretending not to know because she didn't want Li Xiao to think too much.

And now.

When she saw Li Xiao sitting alone next to Hantan in a daze, she spoke her mind.


Li Xiao was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her mother to tell her this.

My mother thought I was in a daze here and thought I was worried about this matter...

Actually, I'm just adding a few points here...

But Li Xiao was still quite moved.

"Mother, I know that you will always be my mother, and I will always be by your side. Who says people can't have two mothers? I, Li Xiao, have one!"

Li Xiao looked at his mother with a determined expression: "I will always be your son, and this will never change!"


Li Yunquan said: "So, if you have any troubles now, you can talk to your mother."

Li Xiao said: "My worry now is that I am worried that you cannot eliminate that trace of hostility."

Li Yunquan shook his head and said: "It's okay. I can feel the presence of that evil spirit, which will give rise to an idea that makes me want to devour monsters to increase my cultivation... But when the idea appears, Jin Yuyi will suppress it. "

"It is indeed a treasure." Li Xiao said with a smile: "Then you have to thank the roc? But even so, if he wants to hurt you, I will never allow it."

"Don't worry, I should be able to do it." Li Yunquan said, "Is there anything else?"

Li Xiao shook his head: "No more."

Li Yunquan said: "Is it really gone?"

Li Xiao said: "No, mother, please take a rest early. I'll take a rest too."

Li Yunquan nodded: "Then... rest early."

The conversation between mother and son was simple and heartwarming.

Li Xiao lay back on the ground and began to think about what to arrest Zhou...

"Eh...wait, it just seemed like..."

Li Xiao suddenly remembered that the hand his mother held just now was her right hand!

In other words, the choice was made just now and may have already begun.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao hurriedly opened the panel to confirm.

Sure enough, my new career has been successfully created!

[Zhou Zhou selection was successful, you chose a tiger demon, and a special profession is being generated...]

[Generation successful! 】

[New special occupation-Tiger. 】

[Tiger: The tiger is not afraid of high mountains, the dragon is not afraid of the depth of water, the tiger is sitting on the dragon's plate, the world is turned upside down! The king of the mountain is the king of the mountain, the king of all beasts, and controls all beasts! 】

"Is this my special profession? It's so powerful!"

After seeing the role of this profession, Li Xiao couldn't help showing joy: "All of this is God's will!"

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