[Special Occupation: Apprentice Mountain King]

[1. Beast Control: You can subjugate 1 creature as your subject and share some attributes. (When the subject dies, the attributes disappear)]

[2. Mountain King Domain: In the forest, within 10 meters with yourself as the center, the combat power of yourself and your subjects is increased by 5%. ]

[Note: You can use energy points to upgrade the occupation level and upgrade or unlock more abilities. ]

"This occupation is pretty good!"

After reading the occupation introduction, Li Xiao was very satisfied.

The first ability is to control a creature and make it your subject.

You can also obtain some attributes of your subjects.

In other words, the more subjects you have, the stronger you will be!

The second is the domain skill. As long as you are in the forest, you will have the Mountain King Domain, which will improve the combat power of yourself and your subjects.

Is this... a way to fight with more people against fewer?

"I wonder what new abilities there will be after the upgrade?"

Thinking of this, Li Xiao directly added the remaining 2 energy points.

[Apprentice Mountain King] Advanced → [Primary Mountain King] Advanced → [Intermediate Mountain King]

[Special Occupation: Intermediate Mountain King]

[1. Ten Thousand Beasts Control: You can subjugate 5 creatures as your subjects and share some attributes. (Subjects die, attributes disappear)]

[2. Mountain King Domain: In the forest, within 50 meters with yourself as the center, the combat power of yourself and your subjects is increased by 15%. ]

[3. Observation: You can observe the status, loyalty, strengths and weaknesses of your subjects. ]

After Li Xiao upgraded his occupation to Intermediate Mountain King, his ability was indeed improved.

And a new ability was added.

"007, come here."

Li Xiao planned to try it with the flea demon first to see what was going on.

The main thing was that he could only try it with it at the moment.

You can't use this kind of subjugation ability on your family, right?

Family is family, subordinates are subordinates, this point must be separated.

"My king, what do you want me to do?"

Ling Lingqi rubbed his sleepy eyes and flew over happily.

This guy sleeps inside Li Hu's fur, which is warm...

Li Xiao said, "Tell me, are you loyal to me?"

Ling Lingqi immediately patted his chest and said, "Loyalty, absolutely 10,000 times loyal, I am willing to go through fire and water for you, and go through mountains of swords and seas of fire..."

Li Xiao said lightly, "Okay, let's put the oil pan down first."

Hearing this, Ling Lingqi's forehead was sweating: "My king, are you serious..."

Li Xiao: "..."

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Li Xiao directly stretched out his hand and performed the Ten Thousand Beasts Palm.

"Submit to me!"

A white luster sank into the forehead of the flea demon Ling Lingqi.

Of course, this is not a magical power, and Li Xiao does not have a trace of spiritual power.

This is a kind of spiritual imprint.

This luster can only be seen by Li Xiao himself.

The white luster sank into the flea demon.

But it didn't feel anything. It touched its forehead and said, "My king, I have already submitted to you. I am loyal to you. You are my best king..."


Li Xiao rolled his eyes. I don't trust you, you idiot!

[Subject: Flea Demon 007]

[Age: 318/430 years old]

[Cultivation: 212 years of cultivation in the Gathering Spirit Realm]

[Magic power: Rubber body]

[Loyalty: 45 (somewhat unreliable)]

[Provided attributes: 1 physical; 5 spiritual. ]

[Personality: cautious, timid, cowardly, afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, good at acting]

[Evaluation: 5 scum in battle, a little waste, but with a good memory, somewhat useful. ]

Li Xiao suddenly felt.

The contract for this 007 is somewhat of a waste of quota...

The attributes provided are also pitifully few.

The only thing that was somewhat useful was that he had a good memory and was knowledgeable, so he could explain to me some things I didn't understand.

"My king, is there anything else?"

"No, get out of here."


Ling Ling Qi went back to sleep happily.

He was also excited and thought that the words just now meant that the king was paying more and more attention to him.

Little did he know that Li Xiao had already made plans in his heart.

Loyalty 45.


Important things in the future can't be handed over to this guy.

He can only explore the way and look for treasures...



Ten Thousand Mountains, Ten Thousand Monsters Country.

Although the Ten Thousand Monsters Country is surrounded by an endless high wall, the area inside is actually very large, which is no different from the Ten Thousand Mountains.

The difference is that there are many plains here, and many monster cities are built on plains.

Of course, there are also monster cities built on mountains or on lakes...

Thirty miles south of the Storm Monster City, under a mountain.

A group of constables are chasing a black bear outside the city.

"Damn Xiong San, you burned all my hair off. I'll make you pay if I catch you!"

The speaker was a black dog with a human head and a dog body, wearing a police officer's hat. He was the police officer of Thunder City... To be precise, he was now the deputy police officer.

Behind him followed a group of black dog constables, who were his subordinates.

The black dog constable was chasing Xiong San everywhere, and finally found his trace last night.

This guy is now hiding in Storm Demon City, moving sandbags and doing hard labor.

However, the Black Dog Constable and his group were exhausted from chasing for too long, and were accidentally driven away by Xiong San's black wind magic.

"Keep chasing, search in the mountains!"

The Black Dog Constable commanded a group of Black Dog demons to search in the mountains.

Black Xiong San is in a very miserable situation now.

Two months ago, he framed the baby and ended up in trouble.

The Thunder Demon City issued a wanted order for him.

Helplessly, he dared not leave the Ten Thousand Demons Country, fearing that the Constables of Thunder City would catch him.

He could only hide and wander around in the Ten Thousand Demons Country.

Finally, he got a job as a sandbag carrier in a demon city.

He thought he would do it first and avoid the limelight.

But before he had worked for a few days, the damn Black Dog Constable smelled the scent and came to find him.

"It's over, it's over, I really have no way to go up to heaven and no way to go down to earth..."

Xiong San kept running on the mountain, and he didn't have much spiritual power to drive it now.

I haven't eaten for too many days...

It's only a matter of time before I get caught by the black dogs.

"Find a cave to hide..."

Thinking of this, Xiong San began to look for caves all over the mountains. As a result, he really found an abandoned cave. He went in without thinking and then blocked the cave entrance with a big stone.

It held its breath and pretended to be dead without moving.

Next, it depends on God's will...

However, less than a quarter of an hour later, there was a "boom" and the cave entrance was opened.

"Hahaha, dead bear, do you think you can escape my nose by hiding here?"

The black dog constable laughed and said, "Today, I will catch a turtle in a jar!"

"It's over, I'm dead..."

The black bear demon Xiong San closed his eyes in despair and waited for death.

The black dog constable outside is a demon in the transformation period.

The remaining black dog constables are also monsters in the gathering spirit period.

Not to mention that he is no longer a good opponent even in his prime, there is no other way except to wait for death.

Xiong San closed his eyes and waited to be caught.


He waited for a while, but there was no response.

"What's going on?"

He opened his eyes again and looked towards the cave entrance.

There was nothing at the cave entrance, and it was very quiet outside.


Xiong San slapped himself. Was he dreaming?

It hurts!

It's not a dream.

It's not a dream, why did the constables who wanted to catch him disappear?

He crawled out carefully...

The smell of blood hit him, and what caught his eyes was the ground full of corpses...

Bloodstains, broken limbs and arms were scattered on the ground...

The hazy sunlight shone through the gaps in the dense forest, and was projected on the soft moss in patches.

Crunch, crunch——

That was a man, holding the head of the black dog catcher, chewing it in his mouth, chewing with relish, blood and juice flowing in his mouth... sticky and bright red...

The man's face was ugly and weird, but he showed a satisfied smile.

The wind shuttled between the treetops, carrying a fishy smell, and this fishy smell and the person who was eating the monster formed the most bizarre picture in the wilderness.

He dug out the eyeballs of the black dog catcher, as if appreciating a work of art.

Appreciating it, it seemed to enjoy this unique taste.

Finally, he put his finger into his mouth and sucked it for a long time before reluctantly biting it open...


He made a trembling and comfortable sound.

Long and low, like rubbing glass with glass...


Seeing such a weird scene, Xiong San was immediately frightened and his limbs went limp, and he fell to the ground and trembled.

Monster, a real monster!

Silently killed the dog-headed headman and all the constables in the transformation period!

The black bear didn't even hear their resistance...

A trace of chill surged into Xiong San's heart, and he shuddered.

If he had known this, he would rather not escape and be caught by the black dog headman directly.

Even if he was caught, it would be better than being eaten by this terrifying monster...

"Don't, don't eat me, please..."

Black Bear Xiong San was so nervous that he couldn't move, and his breathing became unsmooth.

But he saw that the man turned his head and grinned.

Meat scraps rolled out of his mouth.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he spoke with a long and harsh voice:

"Xiong San, don't you recognize me..."

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