After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 77 Embrace the light and return to your true self!

"Xiong San, don't you recognize me anymore..."

The man smiled evilly, biting his head while speaking.

The sound echoed in the woods for a long time, making the demon shudder.

"You...who are you?"

Xiong San said tremblingly, he didn't know such a person.


After saying that, the man began to change. His face turned into a bear's head, his body turned into a bear's body, and finally he turned into a giant bear with black and gray hair.

This is the true nature of this demon.


Xiong San showed an incredible expression.

The bear in front of him is none other than his eldest brother Xiong Da.

Although Xiong Da has changed a lot, his original black hair has now become black and white, his body is bigger, and his face is more fierce.

But he could recognize it, it was Xiong Da.


Xiong San was still a little trembling when he spoke: "You...were you not arrested and executed in prison two hundred years ago because you violated the iron law of the demon world and ate demons? Why are you still alive..."

To be honest, even when facing his eldest brother, Xiong San was still very scared.

Monsters don't care about relatives or anything like that.

Maybe he would turn around and eat himself.

"Hey hey hey..."

Xiong Da changed back to his human form and continued eating. He even handed over a black dog leg and raised it: "Are you hungry..."

"I will not eat."

The three heads of the bear shook like a rattle.

"By the way, I have changed my name now. You can call me Big Brother, or Nan Shixing."

Xiong, who changed his name to Nan Shixing, laughed and said: "This is delicious. You really don't know the secret of it. You eat it..."


Xiong San shook his head and took a few steps back: "I... I won't eat. Eating demons will give birth to inner demons... and eventually you will lose your mind..."

"Look, do I seem to have lost my mind now?"

Nan Shixing said slowly.

"It seems not, what's going on..."

Xiong San was a little strange. Although the big brother in front of him was very scary now, he could recognize himself and communicate with him. He was indeed different from the monster.

A demon that has lost its consciousness only knows how to kill, wherever it goes.

He will soon be eliminated by a more powerful demon, and he won't live long...

"Eat this meat and I'll tell you."

Nan Shixing's eyes were red and he continued to hand the pieces of meat to Xiong San.

Xiong San still shook his head, not daring to take it.

In fact, the only reason why monsters eat monsters is because they are afraid of becoming monsters.

There is also a natural feeling of rejection.

Because no matter what kind of monster, as long as it becomes a monster, it is the same type.

Even if there are differences between types, they will be very exclusive.

Just like people cannibalizing people, they will be naturally repulsed.

It's the same even if you eat people of different races.

Unless absolutely necessary, neither humans nor demons will eat cannibalism.

"If you don't want to eat, when I finish eating these, I will eat you..."

Nan Shixing smiled coldly and continued to eat the meat with gusto.

After hearing this, Xiong San couldn't help but shudder.

Although the demon in front of him is his eldest brother.

But Xiong Sanneng is sure that this big brother will definitely eat him.

There are many pieces of meat on the ground, and they are cut neatly.

It was like being killed instantly by a terrifying supernatural power.

It lowered its head helplessly, found a piece of meat that was still intact, and tried to eat it.

"Ugh... ugh..."

Xiong San was a little nauseous and wanted to vomit, but he still managed to eat a piece of meat from the black dog's head.

It has not eaten meat for a long time. On weekdays, it absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, drinks spiritual honey, and uses spiritual wine for cultivation.

I suddenly ate the monster's meat, and my stomach felt like it was in turmoil.

But soon, it began to feel a warm current flowing through its body.

He began to slowly absorb the demonic power from the meat of the black dog's head and turned it into himself. His weak body was being replenished, and his Taoism was slowly recovering.

"Feel it?"

Nan Shixing grinned and said solemnly: "This is the charm of eating demons. No matter what kind of natural treasures or bullshit elixirs, they are not as fast as eating demons to practice..."

"Seems to be..."

Xiong San said excitedly, but he didn't know that a trace of violent energy was beginning to emerge in his body.

It's like opening up a new world and Pandora's blind box.

It turns out that the rules in the demon world are all about suppressing nature. This is the essence of demons!

He began to lose control of himself and continued to eat the meat.

It's like having an addiction.

At the same time, the bud of revenge ignited in its heart.

If he can really recover his cultivation and continue to improve, that baby... must take revenge!

"I feel it, I feel the hatred in your heart..."

Nan Shixing raised his head and licked the blood on his fingers: "Back then, my most beloved demon was killed. In order to take revenge, I was willing to eat the demon and improve my cultivation to take revenge. But those righteous demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, They actually arrested me and put me in jail! It was obviously not me, but the world! ! Thanks to the Lord, I was able to escape and kill my enemy... And you also have hatred! "

"Yes." Xiong San nodded fiercely.

"I came here specifically to find you today, come on..."

Nan Shixing stretched out his hand: "Join us and you can accomplish everything you want..."

Xiong San murmured and asked: "Who are you...?"

Nan Shixing said slowly: "The Holy Church of Light will eliminate all darkness and injustice in the world!"

At this time, Nan Shixing, who had eaten all the monsters, took a deep breath.

Afterwards, he slowly changed into a gentleman holding a feather fan.

His face also became handsome and unrestrained, without the terrifying and weird aura just now?

"I am willing to join! I want revenge!"

Xiong San said fiercely.

Big brother ate monsters and still appeared as a normal monster.

There must be a special method.

Anyway, there is no way to go now, so I can only join!

"The Lord will take you in, the poor monster abandoned by darkness..."

Nan Shixing smiled slightly, and a white wind appeared when he waved his hand.

The bloodstains and the leftover white on the ground disappeared.

And then Xiong San and Nan Shixing disappeared.

No trace was left, as if nothing happened...


Somewhere in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Holy Church of Light branch.

Nan Shixing introduced Xiong San to the Holy Church of Light.

Nan Shixing is just a hall master here, and there is also a branch leader above him.

"Welcome newcomers to join the embrace of light."

The monsters here are very kind, most of them are already in the transformation stage, wearing white clothes, very elegant, just like the sons of aristocratic families.

At this moment, the branch leader personally received Xiong San, which made Xiong San flattered.

"Welcome newcomers to join the light, the master will accept you."

The branch leader is a middle-aged man with a very kind face, and he put his hands together and said.

"Welcome newcomers to join the light, the master will accept you."

The believers around are also in human form.

Nan Shixing was also among them, surrounding Xiong San in the center and said in unison.

The ceremony of welcoming newcomers officially began.

In the sacred church, countless candles were placed.

The candlelight lit up the sacred church, as if illuminating the world...

The branch leader began to chant: "Almighty Light Demon Lord, I am willing to give my all and follow your footsteps. You are the Lord of All Things, you are the embodiment of truth, and you are the supreme being. I am willing to dedicate my life to you and dedicate myself to your teachings."

The expressions of the believers around him were full of awe.

There was a fanatical light in their eyes.

"Lord, I am willing to give my all..."

They followed the branch leader to pray together.

They raised their hands above their heads devoutly, with happiness and satisfaction on their faces.

They were completely immersed in the tranquility and beauty of the gods, as if the whole world was still.

"I will say one sentence later, and you will say one sentence."

The branch leader reached out, dipped the water in the bowl, and splashed it on Xiong San's head.


He took out a willow branch and hit Xiong San on the body.

"I am a sinner, I feel guilty about the world."

Xiong San repeated the words of the branch leader:

"I thank the heaven and earth, I thank my parents, I am a sinner..."

"I am willing to put aside everything, return to my true self, embrace the light, and drive out the darkness of the world..."

"Eliminate all injustice in the world...Return to my true self, return to my true self!"

Accompanied by the formation, the words of the holy teachings entered Xiong San's heart.

The things hidden in the deepest part of the demon bloodline are being activated little by little.

It feels that this world is upside down.

The nature of demons should be freedom, absolute freedom, and should not be controlled by rules.

Why do those high and mighty demons make all the rules and the iron laws of the demon world, and stubbornly stick to their nature...

Demons should release their nature!!!

They should embrace the light and sweep away everything.

Except for those demons who embrace the light, other demons are obstacles, everything is an obstacle.

"I want to return to my true self! Break all the shackles! Kill all those who control the world, those high and mighty superiors!"

At the end, Xiong San's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face.

"Congratulations, embrace the light."

The middle-aged man who led the branch took out a book and handed it to Xiong San: "The Demon God will protect you until the world becomes what we want..."

Xiong San took it and looked down.

On the book, there were three big words: Tianpeng Transformation.

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