After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 78: The flea transforms into a human form and is rewarded with a spiritual weapon.

[Subject: Flea Demon Zero Zero Seven]

[Age: 318/430 years old]

[Cultivation: 212 years of practice in the Spirit Gathering Realm]

[Supernatural power: Rubber body, knowing knowledge by smell]

[Loyalty: 71 (somewhat loyal, unless faced with life and death threats, basically not betrayal)]

[Attributes provided: 1 physique; 5 spirit. 】

[Character: Cautious, timid, cowardly, afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, good at acting]

[Evaluation: Zhan 5 scum, a little waste, but with a good memory, somewhat useful. 】

[Transformation path: This demon has insufficient Dao skills, but it can be transformed in advance. After transformation, its strength will be weaker. It is counterproductive, but the flea demon is inherently weak, and it is almost impossible to perfectly transform. Even if it transforms perfectly, its strength is not strong. 】

"Hey, can you still transform in advance?"

Li Xiao thought it was interesting. Anyway, this flea demon was not used for fighting.

He clicked on the transformation conditions and checked them.

[Conditions for the imperfect transformation of Flea Demon Zero Zero Seven: 1 pound of black bear demon excrement, 1 pound of native bull demon excrement, three plants each of Earth Fairy Grass and Blue Yingcao burned into earthen ash, add bull demon urine, mix and smear all over the body, three In the future, scrape it from the body, roll it into mud balls and take it, and it will be transformed directly. 】

After reading the conditions, Li Xiao was stunned...

So perverted? long as the flea can be transformed into a demon.

Li Xiao waved: "Zero Zero Seven, come here."

Ling Ling Qi ran over in a hurry.

"I have something to tell you, you go and do it..."

Later, Li Xiao told it to get something.

After listening, Ling Lingqi said in surprise: "Your Majesty, how do you know I like these things? I liked them when I was a child..."

Li Xiao: "????"

Zero Zero Seven happily went looking for these things.

It's not hard to find.

There are bull demons and bear demons not far away. They are the kind of little demons who have only just gained enlightenment after more than ten years of practice. They can't even speak, but they can understand what is said.

Zero Zero Seven only needs to state his name as King Bai Feng.

It's easy to poop a little.

Earth Fairy Grass and Blue Ying grass are also ordinary spiritual things.

Li Xiao went to find this one by himself.

With Tiantongyou, you can still find it if you look for it.

A day later it all came together.

In accordance with the above requirements, Li Xiao ordered Ling Lingqi to personally mix the excrement of bears and bull demons with the ashes burned from the earth fairy grass and blue Ying grass, and then smear it on the body.

"Your Majesty, why are you doing this?"

Ling Lingqi applied the feces and urine on his body. He was very excited and touched it very evenly. "Although it's a little strange, why do I feel so happy??"

Li Xiao: "..."

as long as you are happy...

Three days later.

The mixture of feces and urine on Zero Zero Seven's body was all dried up after being bathed in the essence of the sun and moon...

Following Li Xiao's instructions, he scraped it off and then rolled it into a ball.

"Your Majesty, is this the job of a dung beetle?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it if I ask you to do it."


Ling Lingqi rolled these things into a ball and asked, "What next?"

Li Xiao said: "Eat it."

Zero Zero Seven: "???"

"Your Majesty, although I liked eating it when I was a child, I rarely eat it after I regained consciousness..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it if I ask you to do it!"

Helpless, Zero Zero Seven could only swallow it in one gulp.

It doesn't know what the king caused this to happen...

After a while.

Ling Lingqi felt that his stomach was burning hot, and the stench was filled with smoke. When he walked out of the smoke, his body had changed.

"You have transformed." Li Xiao said.


Ling Lingqi was stunned for a moment, then went to the cold pool to look at his reflection.

Now Zero Zero Seven's body has changed.

The original flea body becomes a human body.

However, his transformation is also imperfect.

It still has six legs, but it has four hands, two legs, and its mouth is still the pointed mouth of a flea. The rest is just like a human being.

But he is very short, only one foot (33 centimeters) tall.

He looks like a little old man with gray hair.

But it doesn't matter, Zero Zero Seven feels like he has reached the pinnacle of demon life.

"Hahaha, I've transformed! I've transformed!"

Zero Zero Seven shouted happily and danced.

So excited.

How difficult it is for a flea to transform into a demon!

No one can beat him, and he can't steal spiritual objects. He can only work part-time.

I really didn’t expect that he, Zero Zero Seven, would have a moment of transformation in his lifetime!

"Your Majesty, you are truly my great King!"

Zero Zero Seven finally knew the king’s good intentions for him.

A series of numbers appeared in his head.

[Loyalty +10] [Loyalty +10]

[Current loyalty: 90 (very loyal, basically not betrayal)]

Ling Lingqi knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Xiao: "Your Majesty, in this life, I am your person in life, and your ghost in death!"

Li Xiao: "..."

Looking again, Zero Zero Seven's panel has changed.

[Subject: Flea Demon Zero Zero Seven]

[Age: 318/800 years old]

[Cultivation: Transformation—Mysterious Magical Realm, First Realm of Magical Power]

[Supernatural power: Rubber body, knowing knowledge by smell]

[Loyalty: 91 (Dead-hearted)]

[Attributes provided: 10 constitution; 25 spirit. 】

[Character: Cautious, timid, cowardly, afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, good at acting]

[Evaluation: Although I have transformed into a human being, my transformation is imperfect, my magic power is low, I am still a scumbag, a little waste, but my memory is good, so it is somewhat useful. 】

After reading the introduction, Li Xiao was a little confused.

A little flea monster can actually live to be 800 years old. This...

"The flea transformed?"

Li Hu and Li Weiyu both looked at Ling Lingqi with envy.

It's really unexpected that this flea can transform so quickly.

"Hey, Zero Zero Seven has transformed?"

Li Yunquan, who heard the movement, also noticed this.

He came over and took a look: "Why does he look like an old man?"

Ling Lingqi explained: "Queen Mother, I was over three hundred years old when I transformed. Half of my feet were buried in the loess, which is the age of an old man."

"I see."

Li Yunquan nodded slightly, feeling happy in his heart.

Lao San has a demon in the transformation stage under him, which can be regarded as a great increase in strength.

"You are Lao San's subordinate. You have transformed. I will give you a gift."

Li Yunquan transformed into a tiger, blew out two tiger hairs, then transformed into a human form, rubbed his hands together, and used his magic power to refine a piece of clothing and a crutch.

"This clothes is of no use, but it can be adjusted in different sizes. It is a small magic weapon. This crutch has the same principle. I will give it to you as a reward. You will assist the king well in the future."

Li Yunquan threw away his clothes and crutches.

"Thank you Queen Mother!"

Ling Ling Qiyi was happy and hurriedly took the clothes and crutches.

The clothes are yellow robes and the walking stick looks like wood.

Putting on clothes and holding a cane, he really looked like a little old man.

Zero Zero Seven tried to grow bigger and smaller, and sure enough, the clothes and crutches also grew bigger.

But it's really just ordinary clothes and crutches.

It has no other functions except that it can be enlarged or reduced.

Li Yunquan can only refine things of this level for the time being.

"Hey, mother, when did you know how to refine magic weapons?"

Li Xiao was a little surprised. Can his mother refine magic weapons now?

"This is not a magic weapon, not even a magic weapon."

Li Yunquan explained: "When I was looking for spiritual objects in the mountains, I happened to meet merchants from several Ten Thousand Monster Cities. I talked with them and found that I could trade with them using spiritual fruits, so I spent some spiritual fruits in exchange for them. A "Basic Weapon Refining Technique". This technique can only be used to refine some simple things at the moment..."

There will also be merchants in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

These demon cultivators are just doing business.

He would carry goods from the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom and trade throughout the Shiwan Mountains.

There are many monsters living outside the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

There are those who are enlightened and those who are in the spirit-gathering stage.

They are unwilling to leave the place where they live and enter the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

But he would trade some things with these merchants in exchange for what he needed.

This basic weapon refining technique was obtained by Li Yunquan.

Of course, most of the things that can be exchanged are just some basic tricks and cannot be put on the table.

If you want to learn real magical powers, you have to go to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

"Mother, in a few days, I will find a way to get you some exercises."

Li Xiao said with a slight smile.

Now, Zero Zero Seven takes form.

Although he is still a bad fighter, he has already met the conditions to become a bounty monster hunter.

If you get the spiritual crystals, you should be able to get some better secrets on the techniques...

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