After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 79: Accepting the mission, arrogant and domineering!

"Haha, I, 007, am going to become a bounty hunter!"

007 entered the City of Ten Thousand Monsters, and now he walks with a sense of pride.

He swaggered and jumped into the city wall of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Then he came to the nearest monster city called Huanghu Monster City.

The city lord of Tianhu City is also a tiger monster who has achieved success in cultivation.

After entering the city, 007 went straight to the bounty hunter guild.

Basically, every monster city has this organization.

In addition to people issuing tasks, many things that the city's constables are too busy to handle, such as arresting fugitives, will also be assigned as tasks to idle cultivators.

In addition, there are demon-killing tasks issued by the "Demon-killing Department".

"Hey, hey, hey, that bull demon, open your eyes and don't step on me."

"I am a demon in the transformation period!"

"Pig demon, I'm talking about you, make way for me."

007 is so arrogant, after all, there are many demons in the gathering spirit period in this monster city.

When the other monsters saw that this little flea was really in the transformation stage, they didn't know how deep it was, so they all gave way.

In fact... in terms of strength.

Maybe many monsters in the gathering spirit stage can press Ling Lingqi to the ground.

After all, he was not perfect in transformation, and he transformed in advance, so his strength didn't increase much.

But his human skin is the capital of arrogance.

Feeling that the little monsters gave way, Ling Lingqi was in a good mood and felt that he had made it.

Entering the bounty hunter monster guild.

"Hey, fleas can also transform?"

The monkey monster in the gathering spirit stage who was in charge of the enthronement took a pen and registered his identity.


Ling Lingqi rolled his eyes.

This time he got what he wanted and registered as a bounty hunter monster in Huanghu City.

With this identity, he can leave the Ten Thousand Monsters Country and go out to perform tasks.

After registering, he entered the task hall and looked at the tasks.

"Hey, flea monster?"

"It's really a flea."

"It's really rare to see a flea transform..."

As soon as I entered the mission hall, there were many monsters in the transformation stage.

There were pig monsters, rabbit monsters, deer monsters, cat monsters, dog monsters, swallow monsters...

They all cast strange eyes.

It is indeed rare for fleas to transform.

The smaller the creature, the more difficult it is to transform.

Mostly mammals can transform.

It is very rare for insects to transform, but once they do, there are also powerful characters.

For example, centipedes, spiders, golden horned beetles, etc....

But... fleas are so small that it is almost impossible to transform.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it before? Didn't you see it today?"

Ling Lingqi glanced at it with an arrogant look.

In fact, he looked very calm on the surface, but he was panicking inside.

Most of the monsters here are in the transformation stage, at the same level as him...

However, with this arrogant expression, no monster bothered him.

After all, we are in the demon city, so we can't fight.

And fleas turning into demons must have some skills...

Seeing that he frightened the demons, Ling Lingqi stopped talking and observed the situation.

It was his first time to accept a mission, so he didn't know the situation very well.

"Hey, why are there fewer and fewer missions to capture fugitives?"

A rabbit demon in the transformation stage with a human body and a rabbit head and a long sword on his waist complained.

"Hey, it's not that there are fewer, but there are more people who are grabbing such missions recently."

Another demon with a human body and a deer head said: "There are too many demons and too little porridge, and there is not enough to share."

"Yes, now everyone has no work to do, and they will starve to death if this continues."

A swallow demon also complained: "Little demons like us are almost starving to death..."

When demons reach the transformation stage, they need more spiritual energy.

It is far from enough to just breathe in and out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If there is no more spiritual energy to replenish, cultivation will not only stagnate, but even regress.

At this time, you need to earn spiritual crystals and buy spiritual pills to fill your stomach.

Generally, the good jobs are occupied by other monsters.

Want to join a sect, but the qualifications are not enough.

To be a bounty hunter monster, to put it bluntly, it is difficult to find an idle monster cultivator in the sect.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some monsters with strong strength, who do not like to be controlled and like freedom, become bounty hunter monsters.

For example, in the Huanghu City Bounty Hunting, the first in strength is a powerful black wolf leopard monster, a monster who likes freedom.

He refused the job of being a guard and was willing to be a bounty hunter monster.

However, this is a minority after all.

"Why are there so many demon-killing tasks? It feels like there are more and more in recent years."

"Yes, I heard that the demon-killing army was not enough, so they were sent here."

"Except for the black wolf leopard monster, who dares to take such a job..."

Looking at the tasks on the wall, the monsters began to complain again.

Recently, there are more and more demon-killing tasks, several times more than in previous years.

I don't know what the situation is.

Moreover, most of them are monsters in the wild outside the Wan Yao country.

Because the demons in Wan Yao Country cannot be dealt with by ordinary bounty hunting, the demon-killing army can only assign some tasks of demons in the periphery to the bounty hunting in the demon city.

The Demon-killing Division does not belong to the demon city, but to a higher-level sect.

A sect manages a large area of ​​demon cities.

Most of the city lords of demon cities may be sent from the sect.

Most sects have a Demon-killing Division, which allows sect disciples to kill demons as a training, and can eliminate big demons in the bud to avoid major disasters.

"I took over this mountain protection mission."

"I'll take this escort mission..."

"I'll take the mission to hunt for monsters."

"A few of us formed a team to take on this demon-killing mission. Yes, the weakest one..."

The monsters began to take on tasks according to their own needs.

However, the task of "eliminating demons" is rarely undertaken by demons.

After all, slaying demons is too dangerous, and you might get caught up in it by accident.


Zero Zero Seven coughed twice and jumped to the front.

All the demons were attracted by this flea demon, after all, it was too conspicuous.

"This, this, this..."

The flea demon Ling Ling Qi clicked on many tasks in succession, all of which were small tasks such as "guarding", "hunting monsters" and "catching".

This caused dissatisfaction from other demons.

After all, these tasks are safety tasks that everyone must compete for.

Everyone was about to have a fit.

But Ling Ling changed the topic and said: "I don't want any of these."

All the monsters: "????"

Zero Zero Seven continued: "I accepted all the other tasks!"

Other tasks are all demon-killing tasks.

All the monsters: "????"

The scene was very quiet for a while.

After a while.

There was a burst of laughter.

"That flea demon wants to take over all the demon-killing missions?"

"Hahaha, I really don't know how high the world is."

"You're going to die."

"Where did this monster come from? Is it new?"

"It probably just transformed and expanded."

"I guess it's a good way to fill the gaps in the monster's teeth."

All the demons taunted him one after another.

Even the black wolf and leopard demon dare not take on so many demon-killing tasks in one go.

Owl Demon, the butler of the Bounty Hunting Company, was surprised: "Are you kidding me?"

Ling Lingqi said: "Do you think I am joking?"

The owl demon looked at Zero Zero Seven up and down, then frowned and said: "I just felt that your magic power is relatively weak and you have no strength. For your safety, we will not assign demon-killing tasks. I suggest you get a patrol task." "

Upon hearing this, Zero Zero Seven became anxious and blurted out: "There is someone behind me!"

The owl was startled: "Who is it?"

Ling Lingqi said proudly: "The king of my family!"

Owl said: "I would like to ask, what is the realm of your king?"

Ling Lingqi said: "My king's strength is unfathomable. He can break mountains thousands of meters high with one punch, and cut off the flow of rivers with a slap of his palm!"

Monsters: "......"

The demons burst into laughter again.

Just bragging.

A fox demon suggested:

"Brother Owl, he wants to die, why do you stop him?"

Afterwards, several more wolf monsters also started making noises.

"Yes, yes, even if you die, you deserve it."

"You have already reminded him that benevolence is the ultimate duty."

"If you want to pick it up, just let him pick it up. There aren't many who want to pick it up anyway."

After hearing this, the owl demon confirmed it several times.

Zero Zero Seven still has to pick up.

Helpless, Owl had no choice but to assign these tasks to Zero Zero Seven, and then said:

"There is a high probability that you will not be able to complete these tasks. I will leave these tasks to you, but I will also give them to others at the same time. Do you understand? Whoever kills them first will be his."

It just belongs, a task is given to two demons at the same time.

After all, this flea demon is just cannon fodder at first glance.


Zero Zero Seven agreed.

After he leaves with the mission.

There was another burst of laughter during the bounty hunting trip.


A flea demon, news about the next twenty demon-killing missions.

It spread in Huanghu Demon City.

"Just wait, when my king kills the demon, you all have to apologize to me!"

Ling Lingqi thought angrily and quickly ran back in the direction.


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