The rabbit monsters in this village decided to move collectively after the village chief's suggestion.

After all, this place can't support so many rabbit demons without Lingshan.

Three days later, the rabbit monsters packed up and left collectively...

Five days later.

A young man wearing common clothes, a bamboo hat on his head, and a simple knife hanging on his waist came to Rabbit Village.

Looking at the deserted Rabbit Village and the flattened hills.

The young man fell into silence.

"Why is this place in ruins..."

The young man who spoke was named Yinsong, and he came from Huanghu Demon City.

He is also a bounty hunter.

And he is the number one bounty hunter in the Yellow Tiger Demon City Bounty Guild.

His father is a black wolf demon and his mother is a black panther demon.

When different demons combine, a new demon species will be born... He is a black wolf and leopard demon.

However, his parents died at the hands of his enemies.

Without a father or a mother, he has been wandering in the Shiwanda Mountains since he was a child.

Transformed by chance.

The young man has almost transformed into a perfect form, with only the tail of a leopard visible from his entire body.

He read the mission slip and confirmed again that the destination was here.

Yinsong was quite confused. After looking around, he found something strange on the top of the mountain.

He came to the top of the mountain, lowered his body, and rubbed the powder and rocks on the mountain.

"This is the power of the flesh... that was struck..."

The young man Yinsong shook his head and murmured to himself: "Impossible, is there really such terrifying physical power..."

He stood up slowly and looked around, a little hesitant: "I, Yinsong, pursue the ultimate physical strength, and supernatural powers are also related to physical strength. I started practicing from the first level of martial arts to the master, and I practiced the sword of human martial arts. Fa, I think I am invincible in my true energy realm, is there any demon that pursues the same pursuit as me..."

After thinking for a long time, Yinsong didn't figure this out.

"That's all, let's go back to the bounty hunting trip and take on another mission..."

He started and ran, running as fast as a black panther, fast and windless, and the remaining black shadow was like a stream of light, quickly disappearing in place.

One day later, he returned to bounty hunting.

"There's something wrong with the mission you gave me!"

Black Wolf Leopard Demon Yinsong came to the counter and slapped the Pu Dao on the table.

"what is the problem?"

The owl demon responsible for receiving the mission was startled and a little confused: "Excuse me, is there something wrong?"

The owl demon respected this young demon with super strong martial arts.

Although this Yinsong has not joined the sect, he has few opponents.

Even the inner disciples of many sects are no match for him.

But many demons don't understand his pursuit.

A demon who pursues the ultimate "martial arts", isn't this a joke...

Demons can become stronger by relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, relying on demon magic, and relying on magical powers.

Rather than anything, martial arts, strength...

"I went and there was nothing."

Yinsong spoke calmly, saying very few words.

"This is strange..."

The owl touched his head and said strangely: "It shouldn't be wrong... This is the disaster reported by the rabbit over there. Is it a lie? That's all. You can accept a new mission."

The owl thought that a very weak flea demon had taken on many tasks before.

But that's just a funny character, and it probably has nothing to do with the flea monster.

Maybe it was handled by the disciples of the sect...

As he spoke, the owl demon flipped through the book and selected the demon-killing mission that suited him.

This young man has been in Bounty Hunting for three years, only doing the task of exterminating demons.

"No need to bother."

Yinsong said: "Give me all the remaining demon-killing tasks."


The owl demon said: "According to theory, this is not possible, but there is no demon to take on this task of slaying demons, but we can be accommodating. The problem is..."

Yinsong frowned: "What?"

Owl explained: "There have been too many disasters in various places recently. The Valley Master of Bixia Demon Valley has ordered that many of his inner disciples be sent to participate in eliminating demons. Our bounty hunting mission conflicts with it, and you may be in vain. ..."

Hearing this, Yinsong couldn't help but think about it.

Could it be that the demons in Rabbit Village were caused by the disciples of Bixia Demon Valley?

But if Bixia Demon Valley does not cultivate magical powers, how can there be a master of physical strength...

However, Yinsong didn't think too much. If they really met, they would have to learn from each other!

After taking over all the remaining demon slaying tasks, the black wolf and leopard demon boy embarked on the road to slay demons.

Five days later, he came to a village again.

However, the situation remains the same, it all came to nothing.

Although the battle scenes left this time were not as exaggerated as last time.

But Yinsong could tell that this was caused by physical force.

There was a look of surprise on his face:

"Bixia Demon Valley actually has such a character..."

"If that's the case, I'm actually interested in this sect..."

"After all, the demon world has long abandoned the ultimate physical cultivation..."

Immediately afterwards.

Yinsong continued to the next location to eliminate demons.

But failed again and again...


Two months later.

Hundreds of thousands of mountains, cold pools and deep valleys.

A group of rabbit demons spent two months traveling across mountains and rivers to arrive here without any danger.

Fortunately, the demon who has become a demon will not eat them, but will only take some benefits.

Give me some spiritual fruit and you'll be able to pass.

As for encountering wild tigers, wild boars and other uncivilized beasts, although this group of rabbit monsters has no fighting power, they are monsters after all, and they can resist when they gather together.

"We are here, finally here... We are in the territory of our king..."

The old rabbit monster village chief finally arrived at the destination.

It couldn't help but thank God that there was no major danger along the way.

"Why did you come to my territory?"

A voice came.

The rabbit monsters looked up and found a human woman floating in the sky.

The perfectly transformed monster floated into the air with a powerful momentum!

It was Li Xiao's tiger mother Li Yunquan.

She felt that a group of monsters entered her territory, so she came to check.

"Excuse me, are you the tiger monster?"

The old rabbit monster village chief asked hurriedly.

Seeing that the other party did not answer, he hurriedly explained: "We are the demons of King Baifeng. The king is kind and let us live here..."


Hearing this, Li Yunquan put away his pressure and fell down: "Have you seen the king? How is he now?"

Li Yunquan knew that Li Xiao went out to kill demons and earn spirit crystals.

But she has been very worried. He has not come back for more than two months and almost went to look for him.

But the Ten Thousand Mountains are boundless and there are many dangerous places in them.

Even the powerful cannot cross the mountains.

It is too difficult to find someone.

Now that I heard the news about Li Xiao, I was less worried.

"The king is fine."

Then, the rabbit demon said what was said over there.

It was also said that the king was an unparalleled strong man, and he was very...

The rabbit demons in the whole rabbit village admired him very much.

Many female rabbit demons secretly developed strange feelings for the king...

"As long as the king is fine."

Now, Li Yunquan felt relieved and smiled.

Two months later, Li Yunquan was not idle and kept practicing.

Although she did not practice any skills, she could only keep practicing the strong "original magic power".

There was almost no opponent for her in these 100,000 mountains, and she could take any spiritual objects at will.

I wanted to leave it to Xiao'er.

But Xiao'er said that his demand for spiritual objects was very low now and he didn't need it.

So, with these spiritual objects, Li Yunquan's magic power became stronger and stronger.

"I'll arrange a place for you."

Li Yunquan directly used his magic power, without using magical powers, and dragged all the rabbit demons in the village up with his magic power, and flew to an open space near the peach forest.

The old rabbit demon village chief was a good planter. He squatted down and rubbed the soil, then said in surprise: "It's good soil. Although it's not as good as the previous Lingshan soil, it's not bad. I didn't expect that there is such a Feng Shui treasure land outside the Ten Thousand Mountains!"

Li Yunquan nodded slightly: "In the future, you will plant spiritual objects here and pay 70% tribute."


The rabbit demon village chief was stunned: "The first general under the king's throne said 80%?"

Li Yunquan was a little speechless, and then said: "Listen to me, treat all demons equally, and the demons here are 70%."

Although there is only a difference of 10%, this 10% can make the rabbit demon tribe develop better...

"Thank you, thank you, the king's mother!"

The rabbit demon village chief kowtowed in gratitude.

Lost and found, an unexpected surprise.

That flea demon is really full of bad water, but the king's mother is easy to talk to.

"Farm well and keep you safe."

Li Yunquan smiled slightly and was about to leave.

Who knows, a group of swallow demons flew in the distance.

"Excuse me, are you the king's mother?"

The leading swallow demon shouted: "King Baifeng asked us to live here. If you eat the spiritual bird's nest we made, you can beautify your face and prolong your life..."


Hearing this, Li Yunquan felt warm in his heart.

This child, he was still thinking about me while fighting demons outside...

"Is it the king's mother, the Queen Mother?"

Then, another group of spirit cat demons came: "Queen Mother, we can raise spirit fish..."

Li Yunquan was completely stunned.

Where did the third child find so many demons?

Is he going to build a demon city...

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