After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 85 The final mission, the fox girl in the tea house!

Deep in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

It was already 30,000 miles east of the outer periphery of the Ten Thousand Demons Country.

"My king, there is only one task left."

Ling Lingqi opened the task book and read the last task.

Two months later, they had completed 19 demon-killing tasks.

But only in the first task, the demons in the Rabbit Village were stronger.

The other demons they encountered were not very strong.

The rewards they received were different because of their strength.

The weaker ones were as weak as the wolf demons they encountered when they were ten months old.

The stronger ones were about the same strength as the Black Wind King Xiong San at that time.

The strongest ones were about the strength of the wild dog constable in the transformation period.

Li Xiao simply crushed the demons with such strength all the way.

One punch killed a small demon.

This made Li Xiao a little confused. The demons were not very strong?

But after thinking about it, he felt it was reasonable.

The demons were not invincible and needed time to grow.

With the existence of such demon-killing missions, they are basically eliminated at the budding stage.

If there were no demon-killing missions and organizations like bounty hunting.

If the demons were really allowed to grow up, it would be a disaster for the demon world.

Because Li Xiao found that these demons were really unreasonable, and they only wanted to eat...

And the harvest during this period was not small.

Several demon groups were taken in.

Swallow demon groups can produce spiritual bird nests. The key is that they do not need to occupy spiritual land. They will fly around the mountains and eat some spiritual insects, and then they can produce.

The so-called spiritual insects are insects that have absorbed a certain amount of spiritual energy but have not yet become demons.

Spiritual insects will live in the spiritual fruit field and eat spiritual leaves for a living.

For demons that grow spiritual objects, they are pests.

In the Ten Thousand Mountains, it is difficult for insects to turn into monsters.

Most insects will spend their lives as spiritual insects at most.

It is also difficult to turn into demons, and fish, this kind of spiritual fish, are also called spiritual fish.

Li Xiao guessed that it was difficult for them to transform into monsters because their heads were relatively small.

But it was difficult for insects and fish to transform into monsters and human forms.

But once they transformed, their strength should not be underestimated.

As the saying goes, a fish leaps over the dragon gate, and a worm turns into a dragon. Once they turn over, their future is limitless!

For example, the flea 007 next to Li Xiao.

After transforming, he has benefited a lot from hanging out with him for the past two months, and his strength is soaring.

The main reason is that the attributes provided have also increased.

[Subject: Flea Monster 007]

[Provided attributes: 10→50 physical fitness; 25→30 spirit. ]

007's mana has increased, and now he can maintain the human size for a longer time.

His body can also become larger, and his defense has become very strong.

During this period, he also took the initiative to try to deal with monsters.

As a result, he was beaten by the monsters and lost his way. Fortunately, his magical power [Rubber Body] was not injured.

But...his defense is limited to being hit by blunt weapons, and he will be finished if he encounters sharp weapons...

"After completing this task, it's done."

"I heard that there are many good things in the bounty hunting."

"You can directly exchange it with contribution points."

"You can also directly exchange it for spiritual crystals with contribution points..."

Ling Ling Qi turned into a flea and stood on Li Xiao's shoulder.

And Li Xiao was responsible for rushing the way. With his strong physique, he shuttled through the mountains and forests like a stream of light.

It should be possible to reach the last mission location in one day.



At the same time.

In the Ten Thousand Mountains, there is another bounty hunter who is doing the task of eliminating demons.

It is the black wolf leopard demon Yin Song.

He walked along and found that the demons at the mission location were eliminated.

After asking, it was said that a bounty hunter flea demon did it.

This made Yin Song very interested in this "fellow traveler" flea demon.

He chased desperately according to the order of the task, but found that he could not catch up.

Every time he was one step late.

Finally, he planned to go directly to the last mission location to meet the flea demon.

"We're here, eh...strange?"

At this time, Yin Song came to the last demon-killing mission location.

This location was a bit strange, it looked like a small mountain village.

According to reason, outside the Wan Yao Kingdom, there were mostly some monsters below the transformation stage, and there would not be buildings like the mountain villa.

"Is there anyone?"

Yin Song walked into the mountain villa and actually found the existence of humans!

"Excuse me, sir?"

A young woman holding a flower basket came over.

"Huanghu Demon City Bounty Hunter."

Yin Song took out his waist badge and showed it.

"So it's the bounty hunter, sir, I'm finally looking forward to seeing you."

The flower basket woman hurriedly bowed and said, "Please come in, the owner of the villa is waiting for you."

Yin Song nodded slightly and followed the woman into the mountain villa.

On the way, he sniffed his nose and then asked:

"Are you...humans or monsters? Why can't I feel the monster in your body?"

As a black wolf leopard monster, Yin Song has the sense of smell of a wolf and the sensitivity of a leopard.

The sensitivity is more powerful than other monsters.

He didn't smell the monster on this woman.

This woman is no different from a human, she is simply a perfect incarnation.

But judging from her appearance, she is just a servant in this villa.

Therefore, Yin Song judged in his heart that these women are most likely human.

Although some demons can conceal their demonic aura.

But that requires at least a certain level of cultivation to do it.

Outside of Shiwanda Mountain, there are no demons except demons who are out on missions.

Basically there will be no demons in the form of transformation.

And how could a demon that could conceal demonic energy and transform into a perfect form be here?

Based on comprehensive judgment, this woman is most likely human.

"Yes, sir."

The woman smiled and said, "Actually, we are human beings."


Yinsong is a little strange.

It's not that he has never seen humans in Shiwanda Mountain, it's just that they are very rare.

The woman explained: "Sir, decades ago, our ancestors fled into the mountains to escape the war, and they have been living in the mountains since then. The 'king' here is very good to us and takes us in. We I have always lived here.”

Hearing this, Yinsong nodded slightly and asked: "This is..."

"Tea House." The woman smiled and said, "We grow spiritual tea here."

Human beings are clever and ingenious, and they are indeed suitable for growing tea... Yinsong thought this, without any doubts.

"We've arrived, sir."

The woman took Yinsong to the main room of the tea house and walked in. "Report to the owner of the tea house that the bounty hunter is here."

In the main room, a beautiful woman stood up and smiled: "Savior, you are finally here. Please take a seat."

After saying that, he looked at the woman and said: "Xiao Cui, go and prepare tea quickly. Prepare the best Flower Language Spirit Tea for the bounty hunter."

"Yes, owner."

After the woman bowed, she exited the room and closed the door.

"You are not a human, you are a demon...a demon in the transformation stage."

Yinsong looked at the owner of the village with a puzzled expression: "As a demon in the transformation stage, how can you live outside the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons?"

He saw three fox tails behind the tea plantation owner.

The iron law of the demon world is that once a demon outside the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom transforms, in addition to being registered in the demon city of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, it must also live in the Ten Thousand Demon Country.

A demon mixed with a group of human women.

No matter how you look at it, it feels very strange.

Could it be that there is something going on in this?

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