After the defense, the next step is a strong counterattack!

The golden eyes of the sky have firmly locked the location of the disaster, which is twenty meters deep underground.

This mole cricket disaster has a hidden aura on it.

Li Xiao guessed that it should also be a kind of magical power.

If it weren't for the countless tentacles transformed by the sarcomas of the disaster, which are now extending outwards, their power is overwhelming, making it impossible to hide them.

My golden eyes are almost blind.

It is better to combine it with Tian·Tongyou, a double combination, to lock the opponent's position.

No wonder I didn't see it through before.

When this mole cricket demon was still its true form.

He really can't see through the hidden magical powers released by his cultivation in the True Qi Realm.

In other words, although his strength is invincible in the true energy realm.

However, the induction of this kind of spiritual power is too different from the real Qi realm...

"Punch seriously!"

Li Xiao didn't talk too much and directly punched seriously.

Heaven's Jinghong plus Heaven's Tiger Strike are the strongest attack moves.

This move is so powerful that it will destroy the entire villa.

But it doesn't matter.

Now that the villa has been bombarded by the magical power just now, it is no different from a ruin.

As for other moves, such as Tian Peng Strike... Li Xiao didn't dare to try them yet.

Because this kind of attack requires close proximity and is not safe.

Moreover, Jinghong cannot be used. If the force is too strong, the arm will be broken.

Still the best is long range attack.


Li Xiaotian's Tiger Strike was accompanied by martial arts aura and bombarded towards the ground.

However, this time, he tried to turn the Gang Qi into a cone shape with the pointed end pointing downward, so as to reduce the damage to the villa and penetrate deep into the ground.

"No, this is impossible. What kind of magical power is this? How can it be so terrifying!"

The mole cricket Calamity changed its expression and immediately used its magical power to burrow into the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The powerful force crushed those fleshy tentacles to pieces.

Dirty blood and broken flesh fell all over the sky.

The Gang Qi broke through the blocking tentacles and hit the ground at the same time, causing the ground to explode instantly.

Before it stopped, the martial arts aura transformed into a cone shape and drilled towards the ground.

Sure enough, the martial arts energy turned into a cone shape, and its destructive power was concentrated at the top. Half of the villa was destroyed, but it was not completely destroyed. It continued to drill towards the ground at a very fast speed.

The mole cricket escaped quickly, but Li Xiao's Sky Tiger attack was even faster!

This is the gathering of Li Xiao's energy and blood, reaching a terrifying strength of 2.5 million kilograms!

In just an instant, the strong energy directly hit the mole cricket calamity's sarcoma-like body.

"Kill me, you will regret it, and the Lord will punish you..."

Before his death, Calamity the Mole cricket uttered his last vicious curse.

next moment!

Gangqi arrives.

In an instant, shattered!

Molecule disaster, death!

The world becomes peaceful...

A large pit with a depth of three hundred feet loomed in front of the eyes.

[In the process of growing up, you will always encounter various setbacks and difficulties. Only by having the courage to challenge the limits, ride the wind and waves, and cut through the thorns can you reach the final shore...]

[Only you, who are one year and four months old, can kill the mole cricket disaster and successfully survive a crisis. This will be recorded in your "Growth Diary" and you will obtain the achievement "Enemy of Disaster\

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