"Ling Lingqi will protect me. If there is any disturbance, wake me up in time."

After this battle, Li Xiao was a little tired.

He told Ling Lingqi to keep watch while he went to sleep.

This sleep lasted for three days and three nights.

Until the morning of the fourth day.

A woman from the tea house came.

She said that the manor was holding a funeral ceremony for the deceased and asked Li Xiao if he wanted to attend.

Li Xiao nodded and got up to go.

After all...so many people died in this manor, which had something to do with him.

Although he didn't mean to do it.

But the fight inevitably hurt these weak humans.

At this moment, Li Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Sometimes, the weak are really powerless.

Even if the powerful people are fighting each other.

The weak will be affected and lose their lives...

Li Xiao was thinking, if there is a fight between more powerful beings, will he be like this group of people now, and be affected by the aftermath without doing anything...

Become stronger, only by becoming stronger can there be no so many troubles...

Early morning, tea house cemetery.

At some point, a hazy drizzle began to fall from the sky.

The path was curved, the drizzle was rippling, the grass was covered with dewdrops, and the ground was wet.

Li Xiao followed the crowd and came to the cemetery.

This is where the dead humans of all generations were buried.

The scholar was buried in the center above.

The tombstone of the fox demon was combined with that of the scholar.

They supported each other, so why bother with words? I hope they can meet again if they are destined to...

In the crowd, someone held a funeral and sang a farewell ballad with a unique tune:

"The moon shines on the ancient road, and the wind sends you on a long journey. My heart is heavy at the time of parting, and I can't let go of my tears..."

"There are thousands of words to say, only blessings to accompany you. I wish you a bright future, and we will meet again when you return safely..."

This ballad was brought by this group of people from the human world.

Perhaps every time someone among them dies, they will sing such a ballad.

The singing echoed in the mountains...

Humans are creatures with rich emotions, and Li Xiao was also moved.

"Ask the world, what is love, that makes people promise to be together for life and death?"

"Two travelers from all over the world, old wings have experienced many cold and summer. Joy is fun, separation is painful..."

Li Xiao walked to the fox demon's tombstone and left a mark on the blank space with his finger force.

After being buried in the ground, the crowd cried even more...

In the crowd, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old was crying.

He didn't know why it was like this, he always felt that he had lost something and was empty.

An old lady slowly stood up, sighed, looked at the boy, wiped her tears and said: "Sijun, go...you, go and kowtow to the owner of the manor a few more times..."

The boy didn't know why the old lady said this.

But he still did it, and walked forward and kowtowed three more times.

"Sijun, originally...your mother didn't allow me to tell you, hoping that you would live a peaceful life."

The old woman looked sad and said, "I originally thought that the owner of the manor could protect us for a lifetime, so it's better not to tell this matter. But now...the owner of the manor is gone, I can only tell you the truth...so that you won't die without knowing your biological parents..."

After the words fell, the scene was silent.

Needless to say, everyone guessed something.

I'm afraid that this Sijun is the child of the owner of the manor.

But now that everyone has lost their protection, they may die in the mountains in the future.

The old woman doesn't want him to die without knowing who his biological parents are.

The old woman continued: "Child, actually...your surname is Mo, Mo Meng is your father, and your mother is the owner of the manor...After your father died, the owner of the manor gave birth to you. Your mother named you Sijun because she missed her deceased husband. You...are actually a half-demon, but your mother hopes that you can live a peaceful life, so she didn't tell you the truth..."

Demons give birth to children differently from humans. It's not a ten-month pregnancy.

Some demons may give birth after one month of pregnancy.

Some may be pregnant for ten or even a hundred years.

Even some cubs of divine beasts need to be nurtured for a thousand years...

Therefore, when Mo Sijun was born, his human father had been dead for more than ten years.

"Father, mother..."

Mo Sijun put his head on the ground and did not get up for a long time.

Mo Sijun is the memory left by the fox demon Han Shuang.

She has been watching her child secretly.

She will be secretly happy for every growth of the child.

It's a pity that she can't forget her deceased husband for the rest of her life. The torment is hard to describe...

But now, she is finally freed and buried with her husband.

Maybe they can meet again in the next life...

"Mo Sijun."

Li Xiao looked at him and stretched out his hand: "Come with me."

How can such a half-demon with no power survive in this mountain?

Seeing this half-demon, Li Xiao seemed to see himself back then.

At the beginning, it was the tiger mother who took him in and saved his life.

Li Xiao also wanted to take in this poor boy.

The young man raised his tear-stained face. He was indeed born of a fox demon, with an unparalleled handsome appearance...

He looked at his mother's tombstone and the poem left there.

He then looked at Li Xiao and nodded deeply.

"You helped me avenge my mother's murder. From now on, I, Mo Sijun, will be devoted to you..."

He said this with a sincere look.

Li Xiao nodded slightly, and reached out to touch his head: "Say, you are willing to follow me forever, be my subject, never betray, and I will protect you forever."

Mo Sijun stretched out his hand across his chest, "I am willing to follow you forever."

A spiritual imprint entered Mo Sijun's mind.

[Subject: Three-tailed Fox Demon (Half Demon) - Mo Sijun]

[Age: 13/85 years old]

[Cultivation: None]

[Magic Power: None]

[Loyalty: 100 (Never betray)]

[Provided attributes: 2 physical; 6 spiritual. ]

[Personality: Kind, benevolent, brave, loyal. ]

[Evaluation: Grew up in a tea garden, has a high talent in spiritual plants; if you dig deeper, you will find more discoveries... For now, it is just an ordinary human. ]


Li Xiao did not have high expectations for accepting this half demon this time.

Unexpectedly, after accepting it, there was a little surprise.

A talent for spiritual plants, and one that can help me take care of the spiritual plants in my territory in the future.

Moreover, this half-demon has just submitted to me, and his loyalty is full.

Unlike Ling Lingqi, this idiot, it is still not full.

If I have to choose between ability and loyalty, Li Xiao prefers loyalty.

No matter how strong the ability is, if the loyalty is not good, it is a hidden danger.

As long as they submit to me and have a little talent, Li Xiao doesn't mind spending time to cultivate them...

"Now, the demon that protects you is gone."

After accepting the half-demon Mo Sijun, Li Xiao looked at the rest of the people and said, "There are two choices in front of you. One is to leave this mountain and live in the human world. I can arrange for you to go to the human world."

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao is indeed capable of arranging them.

He controls the Red Heart Sword Manor, and it is not too easy for him to arrange more than 30 people.

Li Xiao said the second option: "Second, continue to stay in the mountains, but... you need to find a new monster to protect you. It is fate that I met you. If you are willing, you can go to my territory and I will protect you... I will give you half a day to consider it, and I will leave after half a day."

These people are almost all tea farmers.

Not only can they grow spiritual tea, but some of them have the skills of building houses and carpentry.

Li Xiao accepted this group of people, which was also helpful for governing the territory.

Of course, Li Xiao did not force them, and the choice was theirs.

Ling Lingqi said, "You are so lucky. My king is invincible in the world. It is a blessing to be protected by him for three lifetimes."

After the words fell.

These people gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

Everyone saw Li Xiao's strength, and he could almost destroy the villa with one punch.

After a while, an old woman came to Li Xiao and knelt down: "We have lived in this mountain for too long, isolated from the world for too long, and can no longer integrate into human society... Please, King, protect us!"

"Please, King, protect us..."

Everyone knelt down and said in unison.

Li Xiao nodded slightly: "Okay, half a day, pack up and set off!"

Taking in a group of tea farmers is also an extra gain.

In the future, I can always let my mother drink spiritual tea...

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