After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 93 The mountain god blesses us with good weather and good harvests!

The sad story of the three-tailed fox and the scholar will remain here forever.

The remaining people, after packing up their sorrow and bidding farewell to the deceased, set off.

There were ten men and twenty-six women left, including old and young.

Li Xiao ordered Mo Sijun to become the leader of the remaining people in the tea house, and the people in the tea house would be under his control in the future.

He grew up here and was familiar with the people here.

In addition, he was the son of the owner of the manor, so everyone obeyed him.

Of course, there were other gains.

There were two hundred kilograms of flower language spiritual tea left in the tea house.

This is a special kind of camellia, which can improve cultivation and spiritual power when taken.

Some are similar to Red Bull. Drinking a sip before a battle can improve combat effectiveness a little bit.

This is the excellent variety obtained by the people in the tea house, using the spiritual objects of the mountains, breeding, blending... more than ten years of experiments and cultivation.

Or should we say that humans are the most intelligent creatures?

Even if the monster turns into a human, it will not think of this way to cultivate spiritual objects.

Through pollination between different spiritual plants, a new spiritual plant can be cultivated.

In fact, it is "artificial pollination". The wise working people in ancient times knew it, and the farmers here also passed down this technology.

After learning that this flower tea was cultivated and it was the only one in the world.

Li Xiao felt that he had picked up a treasure.

This Mo Sijun has a high talent for "spiritual plants".

He will definitely cultivate more good things in the future.

It can be said that good deeds are rewarded.

If other bounty hunters complete the task, they probably won't be kind enough to take others in.

Two hundred kilograms of spiritual tea is enough to drink for a long time.

Originally, these spiritual teas were to be tributed to the city lord of "Heavenly Fox Demon City".

But now the tea house is gone, and the fox demon is dead, there is no need for this.

Naturally, it was taken by Li Xiao.

However, there is still a problem at the moment.

Because the people in the tea house, including Mo Sijun, are completely ordinary people, not even warriors.

It is almost impossible to let them go to their own territory.

Along the way, not to mention the monsters, jackals, tigers and leopards can easily take their lives.

Li Xiao had to escort this group of people personally and bring them back.

"Not enough, there are still not enough subordinates."

This time, Li Xiao deeply understood why the big monsters would collect and accept them.

Because the big monsters need to practice, many small things can be done by the younger brothers.

For example, now, if he has a powerful "fighting general" in his hand.

He can completely entrust the escort to him.

But now, he can only do it himself.

After all, he only has one 007 under his command now, and his combat effectiveness is worrying...

I didn't realize this before, and I should pay attention to find it later.

I am a mountain king, and the more subordinates I have, the stronger my strength will be.

"Huh... By the way, I ate the zombie ghost insect before, and my energy bar was full once."

When mentioning the mountain king, Li Xiao thought of this.

Immediately raise the professional level by one level to see if there are any new changes.

"Add points!"

[Advanced Mountain King] Advance → [Primary Mountain King]

[1. Ten Thousand Beasts Control: You can subjugate 10 creatures as your subjects and share some attributes. (Subjects die, attributes disappear)]

[2. Mountain King Domain: You can open the domain. In the mountains and forests, within 80 meters with yourself as the center, the combat power of yourself and your subjects will be increased by 25%. ]

[3. Advanced Observation: You can observe the status, loyalty, strengths and weaknesses of your subjects. ]

[4. Mountain King Blessing: The more abundant the harvest and the more favorable the weather in the mountain territory you protect, the more blessings you will accumulate. Active use will receive a blessing. (You can collect blessings once a year, and it will take effect permanently after use)]


Seeing the new changes in the profession, Li Xiao's eyes lit up!

The previous skills were all passive.

After advancing to "Primary Mountain King" again, he gained an active skill.

[Your current territory is 500 miles in radius of "White Wind Valley". This place is surrounded by mountains, forming a protective force. There is sufficient water source, wind and energy are stored, and red fruits are produced. A great monster has been born. All beasts in the area live in harmony and there are no enemies...]

[Gather blessings... get the blessing source "good weather and good harvest". ]

[Good weather and good harvest: God has the virtue of loving life, raining down, blessing the people, making everything go smoothly, and spiritual plants grow rapidly. (It is a necessary condition for creating a Feng Shui treasure land)]

After a while, Li Xiao had a golden talisman in his mind.

When he returns to his own territory, he can grant the blessing source to take effect.

"Good, good, good!"

After reading the blessing source, Li Xiao couldn't help but feel happy.

It is said that: the mountain king and the water god each have their own duties, and they are happy to have both birds and fish.

The mountain king is the existence of the god who governs the mountain.

The better the mountain is managed, the stronger he will be.

This hundred thousand mountains is just too suitable for my profession.

If I continue like this, I can really create a "feng shui treasure land".

I heard from the ancient immortals that immortals all have their own caves and treasure lands...

And my treasure land is this mountain.

"Is it possible that one day, the entire hundred thousand mountains will be mine?"

Li Xiao suddenly had an amazing idea.

However, he soon shook his head and dispelled this unrealistic idea.

The hundred thousand mountains are not a mountain, but a collection of countless peaks.

The area of ​​these hundred thousand mountains alone is larger than the total area of ​​the land and ocean of the Blue Star where I lived in my previous life.

There are more than billions and billions of creatures inside, it is simply endless.

How could I manage so many living beings...

Escorting the people of the villa along the way is also a kind of leisure, giving yourself a relaxing vacation.

Let Li Xiao calm down and watch the beautiful scenery everywhere in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Every beautiful scene is so beautiful, much more beautiful than any 5A scenic spot in the previous life.

Occasionally Li Xiao would stop.

Let the people of the tea house pick spiritual fruits, spiritual flowers, and spiritual herbs... After they get these things, they can study the cultivation of "spiritual plants"...

When we return to the valley, we can set up the "Tea House".

In fact, what Li Xiao didn't know was.

Thirty thousand years ago, among the various Daoist sects in this continent of China.

There is a monastic profession called "spiritual planter".

However, as time passed, the Taoist sect had long since disappeared, and the spiritual planter had also lost its inheritance.

And now, he has unknowingly reached the forefront of the times...

"Sijun, come here."

Under a towering banyan tree, Li Xiao waved to Mo Sijun.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Mo Sijun immediately stopped studying the flowers and plants and walked towards Li Xiao.

This young man has a very kind personality and a kind face, and Li Xiao likes him quite a bit.

Li Xiao said: "I have no objection to you studying these flowers and plants, but at the same time, you must also know the importance of power. In this cruel world, without power, you are like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Do you understand this truth?"

In his previous life, Li Xiao read a lot of online articles.

There is a famous saying among time-travelers: While others store food, I store guns, and others are my granary.

And now that I am taking the granary route, I can't let anyone rob me...

Li Xiao believes that a sheep armed to the teeth is definitely stronger than the so-called wolf!

After all, once the resource output of the territory snowballs, it will be very terrifying!

Mo Sijun looked dim and nodded: "Your Majesty, I understand this."

He had witnessed that his mother died at the hands of disaster, how could he not understand this truth.

Li Xiao nodded and continued: "As long as you understand, tigers also take naps. I can't protect you all the time... So you have to improve yourself."

"Your Majesty, I am willing to become stronger...but..."

Mo Sijun lowered his head shyly: "Actually, I wanted to tell you before that I want to learn some skills. I don't expect to be as powerful as you, at least I can protect myself, but... I'm afraid of making you unhappy... "

"As long as you have the will to become stronger, I saw you right."

Li Xiao smiled slightly and took out two martial arts secret books:

"This is the martial arts that I created. "The Body Technique of Dancing Like a Shadow" and "The Thirty-six Styles of the Heavenly Serpent's Silk Sword Technique" are used for practice. Remember, they are not allowed to be passed on to others!"

The two martial arts come from the Tianji skills of White Ape and Spirit Snake respectively.

In fact, Li Xiao wanted to write a book about tiger martial arts.

But he is a half-demon fox and cannot learn such fierce martial arts.

This time, Li Xiao put more effort into it.

If you can practice to the Great Perfection, you will be able to gain strength equivalent to your own Tianji skills.

Of course, it is very difficult to cultivate to Dzogchen.

It takes countless hours of training...

But once it is achieved, the ability to obtain a heaven-level skill will be very powerful!

If Mo Sijun hadn't been so loyal, Li Xiao wouldn't have given it so easily.

In fact, Mo Sijun's loyalty is 100 because the limit is only 100.

Once this young man identifies himself with someone, he will never betray him again.

"Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty..."

He knelt down and accepted the two martial arts books.

Gritting his teeth, he secretly made up his mind to work hard and not let the king down...

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