After being adopted by a tiger demon, I swept through the strange and chaotic world

Chapter 95: Fighting, the fox is taking advantage of the tiger's might!

The scene suddenly became tense.

The monsters on the bounty hunt were all confused.

In the end what happened?

First, Yinsong, who had broken his arm, came to ask who had taken over the mission.

It seems that he has not completed any of his tasks.

Then it might have been completed by the inner disciples of Bixia Demon Valley who were sent recently.

As a result, a group of disciples from Bixia Demon Valley rushed over.

Questioning Yinsong if he was the demon who killed them?

A series of events directly blinded the demons.

At this moment, a group of monsters that rushed in during the bounty hunting trip all looked like humans.

They all wore green sect clothes.

Every demon is at the second level of spiritual power and true energy realm.

The one at the head is the third level Yuan Gang Realm cultivation level of magical power!

They are all disciples of Bixia Demon Valley.

I found that my fellow disciples hadn't come back for a long time and went to the mission location to check.

It turned out that all the demons were killed.

What was left at the scene were all traces caused by physical force.

After further investigation, it was learned that Yinsong had taken over all the tasks.

And this Yinsong is famous in Huanghu Demon City as a demon who pursues physical power.

So, after learning that Yinsong was back, he immediately came over to ask!

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

Yinsong was also a little confused.

Why did this group of people say that they killed their disciples from Bixia Demon Valley?

"Don't make excuses!"

The man in green clothes at the head shouted: "You bounty hunting monster cultivators are full of bad habits. When you encounter opportunities in the wild, you just want to kill monsters and seize treasures. Who are you not?"

The bounty hunters present were very angry.

To say that they are evil-minded is simply a mockery.

But... no one among the demons dared to touch them, after all, they were disciples of Demon Valley!


Yinsong was already angry, and coupled with the young man's bloody nature, he immediately said angrily: "I have never killed you monsters in Bixia Demon Valley, are you blind!"


Seeing this demon, he still dared to refute. The man's right hand was shining with cyan light, and he was brewing magical powers.

"No fighting in Huanghu City!"

The owl demon immediately moved out of the demon law and wanted to stop it.

The man in green smiled coldly and said disdainfully: "The Lord of Huanghu City is the true disciple of our Bixia Demon Valley. Do we, the Demon Valley, need to follow the rules when we act here?"

Rules are used to control little demons.

And they are the inner disciples of Bixia Demon Valley, so naturally they don’t need to follow the rules in this demon city!

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in green used his magical power, and saw a blue bird transformed by true energy, like a sharp sword, piercing the air and heading straight for Yinsong's heart.


Yinsong was not to be outdone. He immediately used his magical power, condensed his true energy into the sword, drew a black sword light, and cut the blue bird in half.


The aftermath of the blue bird suddenly exploded in the bounty hunting area.

Many pieces of furniture were damaged, walls were broken into pieces, and sawdust flew everywhere.

Yinsong spit out blood and took several steps back before stopping.

If Yinsong was in his prime, he could easily block it.

Now his cultivation has plummeted, and his sword-wielding hand is broken.

"You Demon Valley, you are going too far to bully the demons!"

Yinsong looked at each other angrily.

He originally had a good impression of Bixia Demonic Valley, thinking that it was a disaster caused by people from Bixia Demonic Valley who happened to save him, but now it seems that it is not the case at all.

Moreover, these monsters are indiscriminate and will suppress you when they come up.

"Cut the nonsense!"

The man in green said: "If you want to prove your innocence, let us search you. If I find my junior brother's magic weapon, the eight-treasure turtle shell, huh..."

In their opinion, if the Yinsong Demon kills demons and seizes the treasure, the eight-treasure turtle shell must be on him.

The eight-treasure turtle shell was refined by the elders. Although the man in green was at the Yuangang realm, he did not have such a magic weapon and had been coveting it for a long time.

"If you want to search me, it's impossible!"

Although Yinsong is innocent, how can he let others search him?

"Then don't blame us for killing you and then taking it back..."

The man in green sneered and said, already planning to capture him.

This time he brought more than a dozen of his demon sect members, and he was also in the Yuangang realm. It was easy to take down an injured leopard demon casual cultivator.

The situation suddenly turned against Yinsong.

All the demons thought that Yinsong was probably going to die here today...

This disciple of Baguio Demon Valley is so overbearing that he ignores the laws of Demon City and directly wants to kill demons in Demon City.

However, at this moment, a voice broke the calm.

"Give way, get out of my way, you are blocking me!"

A little old man holding a cane pushed away several Bixia Demon Valley disciples who were blocking the door.

The person who came was none other than Zero Zero Seven.

After spending three months, he and the king sent the people of the villa back to the valley.

Then he took the magic core and came here to receive the reward.

As a result, a group of people blocked the door, so they pushed it open.

Just kidding, my king is invincible in the world. I am the number one general under King Bai Feng. How can I be blocked by a group of little demons?

As a result, as soon as he pushed away the group of monsters, he felt something was wrong.

This group of demons were all uniformly dressed in green. They were all in human form, and their cultivation was at the True Qi Realm. There was also a demon cultivator at the Yuan Gang Realm.

"Who are you, dare to push me?"

The pushed disciple glared angrily, and a group of demons immediately surrounded Ling Lingqi.

"What happened to pushing you?"

Ling Zero Qi's expression remained unchanged and he was full of momentum.

Now that the matter has been done, all we can do is pretend...

"Where are you from?"

Another green-clothed disciple said angrily.

Ling Lingqi looked around and sneered: "You are doing well, there are so many monsters..."

The green-clothed disciple said: "I am asking you a question!"

Ling Lingqi laughed, walked to the front, and said with a smile: "Boy, have you never heard of the White Wind King?"

"Hahaha, the king."

The green-clothed disciple sneered, and the disciples around him couldn't help laughing.

The periphery of the Ten Thousand Mountains and Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom is full of kings.

But after entering the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, these so-called kings have to bow their heads and behave themselves.

"He is the Green Wind King, he is the Black Wind King, he is the Wild Wind King."

The green-clothed disciple pointed at several disciples in succession, and finally pointed at himself, saying: "I am the Hurricane King, what's wrong with that?"

"Boy, don't be so arrogant." Ling Lingqi laughed.

"So what if you are arrogant!" The leading green-clothed disciple shouted.


Ling Lingqi still sneered, raised his cane, walked in front of him, pointed at him arrogantly, and then asked, "What's your name, little brother?"

The leading green-clothed disciple smiled and said, "Fatty Corpse."

Ling Lingqi bowed his hands disdainfully and said coldly, "Hello, Fatty Corpse, old Ling Lingqi, jokes are jokes, don't make fun of the four words of King Baifeng, otherwise you will die without knowing how you died! It's useless to call me here, if you have the ability, go to Hantan Monster Valley!"

"I don't know what..."

After saying that, Ling Lingqi snorted and turned around arrogantly.

In fact, he was panicking inside.

But his acting skills were still online, and Ling Lingqi played the fox pretending to be powerful.

But he couldn't delay any longer, he had to show his strength before he could continue to pretend.

Ling Lingqi turned around and walked directly to the counter of Bounty Hunting.

This group of disciples of Bixia Monster Valley stopped where they were, and they were really coaxed.

For a moment, they could not see the depth of this flea demon and the power behind it.

"Who is King Baifeng?"

"I have never heard of it."

"Is there such a force in Hantan Demon Valley?"

"I don't think I have heard of it either."

"What about you?"

"I haven't heard of it either..."

"Damn, he is bluffing us!"

These green-clothed disciples discussed privately, and none of them had heard of the name of King Baifeng.

Suddenly, these disciples of Biyao Demon Valley were extremely angry.

They walked towards Ling Lingqi, ready to suppress him and teach him a lesson.

However, the next moment, they all froze in place.

"Hand in the task!"

Ling Lingqi walked to the front of the owl demon at the counter, took out a cloth bag from his mouth, and poured it on the table.

Crackling... Twenty magic cores...

Some of the magic cores exuded a strange black aura, which was the magic core of disaster!

Not just one, but two!

One of them was shiny black, and it was an extremely terrifying magic core of disaster!

"It's him!"

Yin Song was stunned. He finally saw that powerful physical demon cultivator!

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

The sound of sucking in cold air kept ringing...

Suddenly, all the demons in the bounty hunting line held their breath.

The hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop!

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