Twenty magic cores in total.

All the monsters in the hall stared with their eyes wide open.

For normal monsters, when they transform into human form, they start to cultivate in their Dantian, and finally condense a demon pill, which is similar to how human cultivators condense a golden pill. In fact, there is no difference.

The demon core is a combination of negative energy condensed by demons, and it can only be found in demons.

Although some of these magic cores are strong and some are weak.

But the most eye-catching ones are the two disaster demon cores.

That is a disaster!

When they transform into disasters, ordinary demon cultivators are no match for them. It is very scary!

"Oh my god, isn't this the flea demon that came three months ago?"

"Yes, it's him, I still remember it."

"He has completed twenty demon-killing missions in three months, and he can't even keep up with the journey!"

"This is too outrageous, is this flea demon so powerful?"

"Maybe, it was done by the king behind him?"

"It's really possible. In these 100,000 mountains, there are little demons who accidentally take on tasks after imperfect transformation, and let the king of the Gathering Spirit Stage complete the task."

"Yes, some demons in the Gathering Spirit Stage are more powerful than us in the Transformation Stage..."

The demons in the bounty hunting trip all exclaimed in amazement.

But they didn't quite believe that it was the flea demon who did it.

Because the flea demon has just transformed, it has no ability at all.

It may not even be able to beat the demons in the Gathering Spirit Stage.

This is the gap between species.

For example, small demons like mosquitoes and flies, who have just transformed, are also no match for the natural enemies of the Gathering Spirit Stage such as birds and frogs.

Unless they continue to cultivate to the Qi Realm after the transformation, the gap between species can be leveled.

This situation is not uncommon in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

The king on the mountain, the little demon under his command transformed first.

Then the king asked the little demon to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom to take the task and obtain resources.

He ate the reward himself to increase the speed of transformation.

Therefore, all the demons suspected that it should be the White Wind King behind the flea demon who did it.

But even so, the White Wind King behind the flea demon is too powerful.

Since the White Wind King did not take the task himself, it means that he is in the Gathering Spirit Stage below the Transformation Stage.

Even if it is a divine beast in the Gathering Spirit Stage, it is difficult to deal with something like disaster, right?

"What is the origin of this White Wind King..."

Even the disciples of the Bixia Demon Valley were shocked.

They dared not continue to trouble Ling Lingqi.

They thought to themselves that even if they acted together.

If they wanted to deal with the disaster of the True Qi Realm, they might not get any benefits...

"This, this, this... did you kill all these demons?"

The owl demon couldn't believe his eyes.

Three months ago, he was the one who received this flea demon, and he advised him not to seek death.

Later, he just regarded it as a joke.

Unexpectedly, the other party really completed all the demon-killing tasks.

"Of course... it's not me, it's my king!"

Ling Ling snorted.

Although he wanted to say that he did it, no one would believe him because of his strength.

"This... your king, what kind of demon is he?"

The owl demon said in surprise.

"This is not a question you should ask. My king is indifferent to fame and fortune. All his affairs are left to me."

Ling Lingqi pointed to the demon core and said, "Calculate the reward quickly."

"Okay... okay..."

The owl demon began to calculate the reward.

This owl demon has a human body and an owl's head.

He is also a demon in the transformation period, with a magical power of the first level of magic power.

However, he has no combat power, and his magical power is mainly patrolling, detective, and identification.

He used a magical power, his eyes sparkled, and he began to check these magic cores.

"Demons in the Gathering Spirit Stage, 10 contribution points."

"Demons in the Awakening Spirit Stage, 5 contribution points."

"Demons in the Gathering Spirit Stage, 10 contribution points."

"Demons in the Transformation Stage, Level 1, 200 contribution points..."

For the demon-killing mission of the Bounty Hunter, no one knows the level of the demons before the demon-killing mission.

The source of the mission is that the "patrol demons" sent by the Bounty Hunter Head Office patrol around the Shiwan Mountains.

Such "patrol demons" are generally birds or flying demons in the "Gathering Spirit Stage".

For example, owl demons, swallow demons, hummingbird demons, fly demons...

These small demons are small in size and have little demon power, so they are not easy to be detected.

After the patrol finds that there may be demons, they will report to the head office.

The head office will delegate the mission to each branch.

The second is that the demon groups in various parts of the Shiwan Mountains can report the disaster themselves.

This is the source of the Bounty Hunter's demon-killing mission.

But because most of these little monsters have no ability, they cannot really detect the strength of monsters.

Therefore, after receiving the task, bounty hunters only have the location, but no detailed information about the monsters.

It all depends on luck to encounter what level of monsters.

Many bounty hunters may encounter monsters that are more powerful than themselves.

Therefore, monster cultivators who are generally not powerful dare not take this monster-killing task.

Of course, the rewards are also extremely generous.

These contribution points can be exchanged for spirit crystals.

They can also be directly exchanged for magic weapons, elixirs, exercises and other cultivation resources in the bounty hunting line.

Therefore, this bounty hunting line is the best place for idle monster cultivators.

Even if monsters do not practice much, as long as they reach the gathering spirit stage, they will have a long lifespan.

Most monsters will choose to enter the monster city and live out their lives.

But some monsters must practice in order to pursue a longer lifespan.

Cultivation cannot avoid resources.

Most of the cultivation resources are controlled by the demon world sects.

If your qualifications are too poor to join the sect, you can only become a casual cultivator.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some demons who are qualified but like freedom take the initiative to choose to become casual cultivators.

But this is a minority after all.

"The demon in the enlightenment stage, 5 contribution points."

"The spirit gathering period demon, 10 contribution points."

The owl demon is still taking stock of these magic cores.

He can use magical powers to learn the demon's strength from the demon core and give corresponding contribution points.

In the blink of an eye, 18 magic cores were counted.

5 sessions in the awakening period are 25 points, and 12 sessions in the spirit-gathering period are 120 points.

One level of magical power in the transformation stage costs 300 points.

Then, there is the most critical calamity core.

This is the top priority and the rewards are very generous!

"Spider Calamity... This is the Spider Demon that just became Calamity... Let me see its strength..."

Under the investigation, the owl demon exclaimed: "Oh my God, this demon has just become a powerful person and is in the early stage of the second level of true energy realm. He is in the thirty-fifth level of small magical power and has a value of 3000 contribution points... ..Huh..Strange..."

He investigated some more, then looked at the Bixia Demonic Valley, and said: "The thirteen small magical powers in this Spider Calamity's body are from the Bixia Demonic Valley, including Bixia Demonic Fire, Xia Yin Hidden Kill, Green Blade Fire... If I guessed correctly, this spider demon should have devoured your Bixia Demon Valley disciples, then turned into a disaster, and was then killed by this Ling Ling Qi brother. "

The owl demon's magical power is able to see the demon's strength from the demon core.

As soon as these words were spoken, the truth was instantly revealed.

The whole story is that he was a disciple of Bixia Demon Valley who disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown.

They thought it was done by Yinsong,

But in fact, he was devoured by demons because of his poor academic skills.

In the end, he was killed by King Bai Feng behind the flea demon...

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you said we can't do bounty hunting for monsters..."

"Yeah, we still have to rely on bounty hunting monsters to kill Calamity."

"This Yinsong is really unjust. Fortunately, the truth has been revealed..."

All the monsters on the bounty hunt looked like they were gloating over the misfortune and were talking among themselves.

Hearing this, all the disciples of Bixia Demonic Valley looked extremely ugly.

After all, they were disciples of the sect, but they were devoured by demons.

And that monster was killed by a bounty hunter.

It's like saying that sect disciples are not as good as these bounty hunting casual cultivators...

But the fact is that it is not easy for the disciples of Bixia Demon Valley to have an attack.

At this time, Zero Zero Seven was extremely excited.

I didn’t expect the reward from the disaster to be so high. One thousand contribution points, if exchanged for spiritual crystals alone, would be one thousand spiritual crystals, and if exchanged for spiritual coins, it would be one million spiritual coins...

This is a huge fortune!

Wait, if this spider disaster is worth a thousand points, wouldn't the cricket disaster be even higher?

Thinking of this, Ling Lingqi knocked on the table and said, "Continue counting."

The owl demon nodded hurriedly, "Okay, okay...just a moment..."

He didn't dare to have any contempt for this flea demon now.

To be precise, no one in the bounty hunting world dares to look down upon this humble flea anymore.

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