After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 571: Family law disposal! 【1 more】

   At first, the housekeeper thought that the Yu family had a big face like a pot, and ran to the Windy City without receiving an invitation.

   So after he had the Yu family kicked out, he didn't take it to heart anymore.

   If Feng Zhaoyi hadn't taken the initiative to find him, he really wouldn't know that she invited the Yu family.

   "Yes, it's me." Feng Zhaoyi became impatient, "Since you know, why don't you invite them back soon?"

   "Sorry, Miss Zhaoyi." The housekeeper smiled politely, but his eyes became colder, "I didn't know that the Yu family was your guest, so I'll have someone invite them."

  Feng Zhaoyi's expression eased: "The Yu family will become a family with us in the future, and I have to prepare for the fight against banners, so please go and invite me."

   She didn't realize that the housekeeper looked at her like a dead man, and walked away quickly.

  The butler handed over the rest to the other servants, and hurriedly went to the elder to tell what happened just now.

  The expression of the first elder of the Feng family changed: "Family? Check it out for me, what the **** is going on!"

   Five minutes later, the butler went back and forth, presenting all the information found to the elder.

  Especially the incident of Feng Zhaoyi's surprise attack on Si Fuqing during Xia Da Xin's military training is all over the Internet, it's easy to find.

  The Feng family elder turned page by page, the more he looked, the more angry he became.

   When he finally saw that Feng Zhaoyi had put Yu Xiheng into the family, and he had to listen to her in everything, with her as the head, he suddenly got up and smashed another table: "Bold and evil beast!"

   Not to mention that Yu Xiheng is Emperor Yin, even an ordinary person cannot be insulted and despised like this.

  The elder of the Feng family was so angry that his heart and lungs hurt: "Where is the person? Lock her up for me, and after the sacrifice to the sea is over, I will expel the Feng family immediately!"

   "She is preparing to fight the flag." The housekeeper said, "It should be at her residence."

   "Still resisting the flag?" The elder Feng family was furious, "Let her resist the flag, which is an insult to the Feng family and the ancestors who died in battle!"

   He took a slow breath: "You follow my orders, I'll go to Mr. Yu and Miss Si."

   The butler nodded and got busy.


   Here, Si Fuqing woke up from his sleep.

   She rubbed her eyes and stretched: "It's really comfortable."

   In order to accompany Yu Xiheng to Feng's house to attend the sea sacrifice ceremony, she had to work overtime to film and get Qu Lingyun's leave.

   "Awake?" A slender hand shielded her from the dazzling sunlight outside the window.

  Si Fuqing squinted slightly: "Well, what time is it? Are you going to start?"

   "There's still half an hour." Yu Xiheng frowned, "The girl woke up on time."

   "Of course, working workers, working spirits." Si Fuqing rubbed his shoulders, "Pack up and go out to sacrifice to the sea."

   She stood up, but her wrist was suddenly clasped.

  Si Fuqing paused and turned around: "Ninth Brother?"

  Yu Xiheng raised her eyes and looked at her fixedly. A pair of Ruifeng eyes floated slightly, and it was difficult to distinguish the depth, like two ponds of cold water.

  The corners of his lips were slightly raised, and suddenly he said, "Qingqing, thank you."

"What's there to thank for this?" Si Fuqing knew that he was referring to her scolding Yu's family, and snapped his fingers lazily, "I'm your bodyguard, of course I'll cover you, not to mention them I'm so angry with you."

   These words hit a soft spot in his heart, and his smile deepened, as if the rays of the sun were falling, making people's hearts tremble.

   "Well, don't get angry anymore." Yu Xiheng patted her head and smiled softly, "It's you who gets angry and hurts."

  Si Fuqing felt that the book "Becoming a Domineering Female President, Imprisoned Him!" "This book is worth studying.

  Although it cost her more than ten yuan, the money was spent on the blade.

   The door was knocked at this moment.

   Si Fuqing jumped off the sofa and opened the door.

The first elder of the Feng family wiped his sweat and immediately apologized: "Mr. Yu, Miss Si, I'm so sorry, I just found out what Feng Zhaoyi did, I have already had her locked up, and I will definitely punish her! "

  Si Fuqing nodded and said, "I have nothing to do, but she bullied the ninth brother, and the ninth brother was wronged, this is absolutely not acceptable."

  Elder Feng Family: "???"

Is the    role reversed?

  The first elder of the Feng family glanced at Yu Xiheng and found that he was calm and seemed to enjoy it extremely.

  The elder of the Feng family was silent for a moment: "The time is urgent, so we have to hold the sea sacrifice ceremony first. I will go to the people who are anti-banner first, alas, what a wicked obstacle!"

   "Resist the flag?" Si Fuqing said, "Let me fight."

  The Feng family elder couldn't help being surprised: "Miss Si?"

   The anti-banners in the sea sacrificial ceremony are not the same as the anti-banners at the funeral. The Fengjia chose the anti-banners to lead the way for the soldiers who died at sea.

  Si Fuqing said, "Is there any problem? I can learn the taboos and taboos."

  The first elder of the Feng family carefully glanced at the light-hearted man again, and hurriedly said: "No problem, no problem, I'm just afraid of disturbing Miss Si."

   This is a phoenix driving!

   "Disturbed?" Si Fuqing took the flag in his hand and smiled, "Isn't it all carried by humans? What's the matter."

  The elder of the Feng family looked solemn: "I've thought about it too much, Miss Si, please."

   Si Fuqing changed his clothes in the back room and went out.

  Everyone got on the boat and went to the sea sacrifice ceremony.

   At this time, Feng Zhaoyi was banging on the door desperately, but the door didn't move: "Open the door! Open the door! What are you doing? Today I am fighting the flag! Can you rebel against it?"

   She has been filming for a long time, but still no one pays attention to her.

  Feng Zhaoyi glanced at the time and found that the sea sacrifice ceremony had already begun, and it was even more urgent.

   Could it be that other children of the Feng family are deliberately framing her?

   Aren't you afraid of being dealt with by family law?

   Just then, the closed door was opened.

  Feng Zhaoyi breathed a sigh of relief, tidied up her clothes, and was about to go out, but before she could take a step, the two were thrown into the room by the guards.

   is the wind father and the wind lady.

   The guards closed the door again.

  Feng Zhaoyi's expression changed: "Dad! Mom?"

   Father Feng and Madam Feng were also flustered: "Zhaoyi, what's going on? Why are you arresting us?"

   Today is the annual sea sacrifice ceremony of the Feng family, and all the children of the Feng family must participate.

  Feng Zhaoyi was so anxious that he was about to cry for the first time: "I don't know, Mom, didn't they say anything when they arrested you?"

   Mrs. Feng shook her head, her face pale.

  Time passed minute by minute.

  Feng Zhaoyi's family of three were detained for six hours.

   There was no water or sunshine for the past six hours, and Feng Zhaoyi's spirit was about to collapse.

   Just when she was going crazy, the door was finally opened.

  The housekeeper led the guards in, and captured Feng Zhaoyi and the three at the fastest speed.

  Feng Zhaoyi angrily said: "What are you doing? You are the following crime!"

   "Ms. Zhaoyi, if you have anything to say, you can leave it to the Great Elder." The butler said lightly, "Take them away."



  Feng Zhaoyi was pressed to the floor, and a sharp pain came from his knee.

   Only then did she realize that there were people sitting around, including the head of the Mo family and the head of the Thousand Army Alliance.

   Trial of the Three Families and Four Alliances!

   It was the first time she had seen such a battle.

   Feng Zhaoyi panicked.

What exactly is going on? !

"The family has such evil obstacles, I am ashamed of the ancestors of the Feng family." In the middle position, the elder of the Feng family took a deep breath, completely unable to restrain the anger in his chest, "I also apologize to you all, It was my lack of supervision that allowed this evil to ruin the reputation of the Feng family!"

  Mo Yanwen smiled lightly: "The first elder doesn't have to blame himself. The Feng family has thousands of people like the Mo family. You can't take care of all of them."

   "If you violate family rules and ancestral teachings, you need to teach them a good lesson. The family has a great business, and there are no shortage of people."

   Feng Zhaoyi on the ground heard this, her body trembled, she raised her head suddenly, opened her mouth: "Elder, I..."

   Before she could finish her words, she was whipped in the face by the elder Feng family.

   The whip hit Feng Zhaoyi directly on the head.

   She only felt that her vision darkened instantly, her brain was "buzzing", and she felt dizzy for a while.

   "Without the Feng family, you are nothing!" The elder of the Feng family threw the whip up again, "Because he is a child of a noble family to bully the weak outside, the Feng family does not have something like you!"

   "Joining? Who do you think you are? Do you know how to respect others?!"

   "You can even do something as despicable as a sneak attack, you deserve to be fired by T18!"

   The elders of the Feng family are not light, and they are pumping in the most ruthless way.

  Feng Zhaoyi let out a shrill scream uncontrollably, one after another.

   She rolled on the ground in pain, all her internal organs were mixed together, and the pain swept her whole body.

   She did not expect that the Great Elder actually knew what she had done.

  Yes, the former Great Elder clearly wouldn't care about this kind of thing. What went wrong?

  Feng Zhaoyi no longer had the arrogance she had before, she was crawling on the ground, very humble.

   "Elder!" Feng Zhaoyi's voice trembled, "Elder I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong, please give me a chance to change, please forgive me!"

   Mo Yanwen spoke at this moment, with a gentle voice: "The family law is 108 whips, and it's not over yet."

  Feng Zhaoyi started another round of screams.

   After the execution of the family law, the Feng family elder said coldly: "From now on, Feng Zhaoyi's identity as a direct descendant of the Feng family will be abolished, the Feng family will be expelled, and the family tree will be removed!"

   "Boom", Feng Zhaoyi's mind went blank.

   She was expelled from the Feng family?

   How can this work?

   She has been fired by T18, and Feng Jia is her last umbrella.

   Did the Great Elder give up such an excellent family member for irrelevant outsiders?

   Father Feng and Madam Feng were also stunned, and began to kowtow frantically: "Elder, spare your life, spare your life!"

   Mrs. Feng was married into the Feng family, so she had no blood relationship.

   In his generation, Feng Fu had mediocre aptitude and was very inconspicuous.

   They also all counted on Feng Zhaoyi to successfully run for the next head of the Feng family.

   But in a blink of an eye, he fell from heaven to hell.

   But it's not over yet.

"Come here!" The first elder of the Feng family grabbed Feng Zhaoyi's shoulder, lifted her up, and pressed her in front of Yu Xiheng and Si Fuqing, "Apologize to Mr. Yu and Miss Si immediately! Kneel, don't allow her stand up!"

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