After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 572: Expel the wind! Almighty Goddess 【2 more】

   An even more severe pain came from Feng Zhaoyi's back, causing her to let out another scream.

   But these physical pains are far less than the impact of sight and hearing on her at this moment.

  Feng Zhaoyi found out that there were not only the Mo family and Qianjunmeng and the others in the main hall, but also a man and a woman beside the elder Feng family.

   This is the first time she has seen Yu Xiheng with her own eyes, but she has seen his photos countless times.

  For the first time, Feng Zhaoyi knew what a temperament meant and overwhelmed his eyebrows.

   She even caught some kind of fleeting familiarity in him that made her heart almost jump out of her chest.

   But before she could feel it carefully, her head was pressed down by the elder Feng family: "Apologize!"

   Feng Zhao's mind is in a mess, and his mind is so messed up that he can't think anymore.

   What's going on here? !

  Why did the Feng family make Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng their guests?

   She thought that the Feng family was here, and she could not be afraid of Si Fuqing, but how could the person who was looked down upon become her in turn?

   The extreme embarrassment made Feng Zhaoyi almost breathless, her voice was as thin as a mosquito: "I'm sorry."


  Feng Zhaoyi pinched the palm of his hand, his face flushed red, and he roared: "I'm sorry!"

"Do you want to make people deaf with such a loud voice?" The elder Feng family was so angry that he slapped Feng Zhaoyi's face, "A person who is almost thirty years old doesn't even have this kind of tutoring? For whom? Apologize? Don't even call!"

   As long as he thought that Feng Zhaoyi wanted Yu Xiheng to join the family, his heart was already in his throat, and he wanted to apologize to death.

  Feng Zhaoyi dares to make small moves here!

   I really don’t know how to live or die!

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Feng Zhaoyi collapsed and finally burst into tears, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have shot Miss Si for my own sake, and I don't dare to disrespect Mr. Yu, it's all mine I'm wrong, please forgive me."

   For Feng Zhaoyi, whose heart is higher than the sky, asking her to apologize to Si Fuqing and Yu Xiheng is more uncomfortable than killing her.

   "What's your own selfishness?" The elder Feng family slammed the table, "Tell me all about it!"

  Feng Zhaoyi didn't dare to hide it at all, and told all about the leader she met Zero in Beizhou and everything that followed.

   These things are not even known to Mrs. Feng and Father Feng. They stared at Feng Zhaoyi blankly, unable to understand what she did.

   The elders of the Feng family were even more angry: "Your conscience was really eaten by dogs!"

   Xiaobai hummed, it doesn't eat such a black heart.

  Si Fuqing finally turned his head and glanced at the man who remained motionless: "Isn't this still you?"

   A man with two faces, a black-hearted monster!

   Yu Xiheng pondered for a moment, then looked back at her with a smile: "It seems so?"

   "What seems to be, it is." Si Fuqing murmured, "You attract bees and butterflies without showing your face."

   "Sorry." Yu Xiheng whispered, "Next time I will follow your instructions and cover my body too."

   Si Fuqing paused: "That's fine, it's inconvenient to move."

   He said nothing, just looked at him.

   There was a soft smile in his eyes, as if there were stars hidden in the sky, falling down little by little, draining the Milky Way.

  When a man has a clear sense of youth and a reliable sense of maturity at the same time, his attraction is fatal.

  Si Fuqing avoided his gaze and looked serious: "Boss, my heart has been hurt, and I want to add a year-end bonus."

   Yu Xiheng just followed her: "Well, add."

  Feng Zhaoyi looked up and saw the two of them looking at each other "lovely" and didn't notice her at all.

Her hands trembled uncontrollably, and finally she couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Si Fuqing, you step on two boats, you are shameless! He is so good to you, you even think about carrying him behind your back. Raising a little white face outside, are you worthy of him?"

   "He asked T18 for a place in military training for you. How could you do such a thing? I'm going to report you!"

  The elder of the Feng family was shocked and angry, and kicked directly at Feng Zhaoyi's heart: "Bastard!"

   It is outrageous, it is simply outrageous!

  Si Fuqing blinked and said with interest: "He is so good to me, what can you do? Go and sue, come on, I'm optimistic about you."

   was already badly injured, and under the rush of fire, Feng Zhaoyi spit out a mouthful of blood, his face as pale as paper.

   "Get out with your daughter!" The elder Feng family became more and more angry, "From today onwards, it is forbidden to step into Fengcheng for half a step!"

   When things have come to this point, there is no room for manoeuvre.

  Father Feng and Madam Feng have eaten from the Feng family all these years. They didn't take anything and were swept out of the house.

  Other people in the main hall, Mo Yanwen Wen and Xiao Wenjiao also heard their scalps go numb, and their hearts were extremely stressed.

   said that Emperor Yin was a little white-faced, and a few lives were not enough to survive.

  Yu Xiheng naturally saw the unease of several people, he said: "Qingqing, the plane is ready, I will let Feng San send you."

   Si Fuqing was eager to try: "Ninth brother, I can fly a plane too, I can go back by myself."



   She picked up Xiaobai and turned around, obviously ignoring him.

   Yu Xiheng sighed with some humor: "There will be opportunities in the future, Feng San."

  Feng San took the gift from the elder Feng family and sent Si Fuqing out.

  The Feng family elder screened the others, leaving only Mo Yanwen Wen and Xiao Wenjiao.

   Mo Yanwen thought for a while before finally saying, "Your Majesty is not angry?"

  The little white face undoubtedly means that Yu Xiheng has only one face and no strength at all. This is clearly a blasphemy to Emperor Yin, the **** of war.

   "Don't be angry." Yu Xiheng hummed lightly, "I did this on purpose."

  Mo Yanwen thought for a moment, then he understood, he smiled: "It turns out that His Majesty is showing weakness in front of Miss Si, so as to stimulate Miss Si's desire for protection."

   Yu Xiheng raised her eyebrows slightly: "Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing."

   Xiao Wen advises: "..."

  High, really high.

   He will try the same when he goes back, pretending to be weak, maybe Mu Qingmeng will feel more distressed for him, and his family status will also be improved.


   At this moment, outside the Windy City.

   "Yiyi, what the **** are you doing?" Mrs. Feng was very disappointed, "You are destroying yourself, you know?"

   Left the Feng family, how do they live?

   Quality of life and status are gone.

   "Mom, Dad, don't worry." Feng Zhaoyi pinched his palm, his expression gloomy, "Soon Si Fuqing will have to accompany me too!"

  She was having a hard time, and Si Fuqing didn't even think about being comfortable.

   Mrs. Feng didn't believe what Feng Zhaoyi said. She wiped away her tears and just cried in despair: "Didn't you see the great elder being so respectful to her? How could she accompany you? Yes"

   "Zhaoyi, she's not someone we can offend, so don't do any more fearless struggles."

  Feng Zhaoyi sneered: "Mom, what she cares most about is her reputation in the entertainment industry, and those fans who are willing to fight for her. If you don't have these, do you think she will be miserable?"

   Mrs. Feng was stunned.

   She doesn't understand the entertainment industry: "Zhaoyi, you..."

   "Wait, I've already written an email to Mr. Ledson." Feng Zhaoyi's eyes were full of resentment, "She will soon become a rat across the street and everyone will yell and beat her, and she will be thrown into the world as a shame."

   She will definitely not stop just like that, and Si Fuqing will fall from the altar even if she dies.


  Because the task of filming could not be delayed, Si Fuqing rushed back to the "Light" crew that night. She was determined to be more voluptuous than Qu Lingyun, so that she could overcome the king of voluptuousness.

   It is the assistant director and other crew members who are suffering this time. They have never seen an actor actively urging the director to hurry up to film.

"Director Qu, Teacher Si, something happened!" At this moment, the assistant director hurried over, "A designer abroad accused Xi Jiangyue of plagiarizing a design he made the year before, and someone translated the news from the Internet into Chinese and moved it. Come here, now Weibo has exploded."

The brand   Xijiangyue is a very niche national style brand. Under the leadership of Si Fuqing, it gradually gained a firm foothold in the Daxia Empire. The improved summer clothing has also set off a new trend in China.

  Qu Lingyun of course knew that it was a brand specially developed by Lan, and he was already half-dead, but he was rescued by Si Fuqing.

   He frowned: "What's going on?"

   The assistant director handed over the tablet.

  #Si Fuqing#

  #Xijiangyue, plagiarism#

  #LN mobile phone designer Ledson#

  【Haha, shame on you and throw it abroad, obviously it belongs to your ancestors, why do you have to find foreigners to copy it? 】

  【It's really embarrassing to be pointed out by someone else's designer, I'm going to throw away all the clothes I bought from Xijiangyue, bad luck! 】

  【Can you have something original? If this is really discovered on the show, it would be a real shame. 】

   "This is what they said was plagiarized and original." The assistant director called out the picture, "Several designers in the design industry have identified it and confirmed that it is indeed plagiarism."

   Qu Lingyun's brows furrowed even tighter: "This is not the style of Ledson's design."

   This is obviously the ancient style derivative clothing of the Daxia Empire.

  Ledson does not work in Lan, but is the chief designer of LN, another well-known international brand.

   He had also come to Lan to apply for a job, but he failed Gu Wenzhu's assessment.

   More importantly, Ladson had never been to the Great Xia Empire at all, and in the several interviews he had accepted, he also looked down upon the Great Xia Culture.

   The assistant director wiped his sweat: "But he did release this design two years ago, but it has not been made into ready-to-wear, and the corresponding timeline can be found on social accounts."

   Presumably the design brand company where Ledson works does not pay attention to the trend of the Great Xia Empire, and this design has become the inventory at the bottom of the press box.

   The assistant director is also very strange that although Xi Jiangyue was invited to the international show, her international reputation has not been opened. How could Ledson suddenly pay attention to Xi Jiangyue?

   "I'll take a look." Si Fuqing took it. She glanced at Ledson's design and suddenly realized, "Oh, this is my draft."

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