After Being Robbed of Everything, She Returned As a God

Chapter 573: Si Fuqing's design, back to Liberty Island [1 more]

   In her previous life, although she had only been to the Daxia Empire once or twice, because Ye Wanlan would always tell her the Daxia myth in her spare time after the mission was over, she highly respected the Daxia ancient culture.

  It was also under the influence of Turning the Tail, which led to the establishment of Shenyin Club with Qing Huan and others on the Internet, and Qu Lingyun was found to jointly make a movie.

In the 3D game    "Oracle", she also unswervingly chose the Eastern camp.

  Occasionally, when she is tired from the experience in the Eternal Continent, she will take out a small book with her to design some clothes, and then bring it to reality through the game cabin.

   "Eternity" built a brand new magical world, and every grass and tree in it gave her countless inspirations, and she also abandoned a lot of manuscripts.

   The unpainted blueprint shown by Ledson is indeed one of her drafts.


   As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were quite quiet.

   Qu Lingyun and the assistant director looked at each other.

  The two people who are used to seeing strong winds and waves can't speak at this moment.

   After a full minute, Qu Lingyun finally found his voice: "Your... draft?"

  Ledson is forty-five years old this year. He has been famous in the international fashion design industry for more than ten years and is very famous.

   Of course, Gu Wenzhu and the right hand of the gods are the existence of faults, and no one can match them.

   "I think about it..." Si Fuqing stroked his chin, "It should have been drawn when I was in the industry. At that time, my skills were not good, so I just painted for fun, so it was a waste."

   Qu Lingyun's tone changed: "...Scrap, trash? Just play?!"

  Although directing is his main business, but he is not low in the field of clothing and jewelry design, how can he not see the essence of this design?

   Can this be called a scrap?

   The assistant director's voice was also very difficult: "So these Xi Jiangyue costumes... were designed by you, Miss Si?!"

   He must be dreaming, who will wake him up?

   "Yeah." Si Fuqing said lazily, "Isn't this saving money from hiring a designer? We can save a fortune."

   The assistant director was choked and was in shock.

   Dare to learn design, just to save money?

Qu Lingyun couldn't help but exclaimed: "Fuqing, you really have a lot of interests, if Alan is here, I must introduce the two of you to know each other, she is also a very good designer, and your common language is even more. ."

  Si Fuqing: "..."


   Like her sixth senior brother, she has a powerful evasion function.

   "Teacher Si, can you still find your draft?" The assistant director was indignant, "We have to expose the real plagiarism!"

  Si Fuqing was silent for a moment: "Well, it will take a while, I need your help."

   She once went to Gu Wenzhu with her drafts, picked out a few designs that she was satisfied with, and kept the rest, and she took the rest back to Liberty Island.

   Fortunately, these drafts were placed by her at the T18 headquarters, and they did not disappear with the explosion.

   "No problem." Qu Lingyun responded without hesitation, "I will support you, I'll post on Weibo to clarify for you."

  Si Fu raised his eyebrows: "It's so refreshing, I'm not afraid that you won't be safe in the evening? Look at what I've been scolded for."

   Qu Lingyun shrugged: "You are my heroine, of course I believe in you, not to mention that Ladson will never design summer style clothes."

  Si Fuqing's expression was complicated. After a few seconds, she said, "Director Qu, although your IQ is not good, it is quite touching."

   Qu Lingyun: "???"


   The Internet has indeed been noisy.

   In particular, Ladson personally issued an announcement strongly condemning Xi Jiangyue's plagiarism, which made many people feel shameless.

   These people have no ability to win glory for the country, they can only grab the keyboard and attack the biggest target.

   [Si Fuqing as a spokesperson, it is impossible not to know about plagiarism, why, are you floating when you become a song girl? You haven't won the Grameen Award yet! 】

   [Hey, what a disciplinary committee member, I guess he has done a lot of things that can't be seen on the stage. 】

   But there are also different sounds.

  【I am a student of the Academy of Fine Arts. To be honest, this design image of Ledson is a semi-finished product, but Xi Jiangyue’s is a finished product. 】

   [Laughing, plagiarism is plagiarism, don’t you dare to plagiarize so openly and honestly just because you saw that the original didn’t even come out with ready-to-wear? 】

  【Boycott Xijiangyue, start with me. 】

  Xijiangyue was only listed at the beginning of this year, and the stock began to plummet.

  The most taboo thing in the design world is plagiarism. The first time I encountered such a thing, the executives were also a little flustered.

   The general manager is holding a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

  Si Fuqing's phone called at this moment.

"Miss Si?" After hearing her request, the general manager was stunned for a moment, and then became anxious, "Miss Si, this is absolutely impossible! You are already in the whirlpool of public opinion. If it is announced to the public that you are a designer, you will be caught The whole network is attacked!"

  Si Fuqing got the heroine of Qu Lingyun's new film, which has already made many people in the world jealous.

  Especially a few of Glenn's best actors and actresses.

   In their eyes, even if Si Fuqing won the Jiutian Award for Best Actress, he could not be compared with them. Everyone knew that movies and TV dramas could not be equated at all.

   Ke Qu Lingyun has always been stubborn and has enough funds and connections, no one can change his mind.

  The Countess of the Principality of Muston threatened Qu Lingyun with a nuclear submarine to choose her as the heroine, but in the end she was silent.

   These movie kings and queens are eager for Si Fuqing to have an accident, and the protagonist of Qu Lingyun's movie can fall on them.

  The international entertainment industry is far more chaotic than domestic entertainment.

   It will be a tough road.

   "It's okay, you just announce it like this, issue a lawyer's letter saying there is no plagiarism, send an announcement to the whole network, and we will show evidence." Si Fuqing wrote lightly, "Leave the rest to me."

   The general manager opened his mouth and finally responded: "Okay, Miss Si."

   After the call ended, Si Fuqing took over the temporary correspondence certificate of Liberty Island from Yue Jian.

   Yue saw a solemn expression, and she whispered: "Be careful, there must be someone maliciously targeting you in that explosion. Although you have changed your body and lived again, it does not mean that no one will recognize you."

  Freedom Continent is a place where evolutionaries and onmyoji go everywhere. It can be said that no one is an ordinary person.

   There are few spiritual evolutionists, but they are not absent.

  If Si Fuqing was discovered before he regained his strength, the consequences would be disastrous.

  Si Fu tilted his eyelashes and lowered his eyelashes, and a sullen look appeared in the bottom of his pupils: "Well, I know."

   "I have left my strength in you." Tsukimami said again, "As long as you don't meet the old perverts in the Eternal Academy, there will be no major problems."

  Si Fuqing nodded and said: "The T18 headquarters is quite far from the Eternal Academy, but when Ian goes to the assessment, I really have to be more careful."

"I'm relieved to have Huo Yanxing to **** you this time." Yue Jian raised his eyebrows, "Little Junior Sister, hurry up and bring your big benefactor to our T18. , so that he won't be able to cry when the time comes."

  Freedom has too many eyeliners, even the disciples of the top of the cloud will be invited to drink tea by Holy Light Judgment from time to time.

The higher the    strength, the more people staring at, so you must be careful and careful.

   With a good excuse this time, Huo Yanxing went to T18 to go through the membership procedures.

  Si Fuqing accompanied him as an assistant.

   Even the Holy Light Judgment couldn't pick anything wrong.

   Si Fuqing said quietly: "Second Senior Brother will never imagine that one day in the future, T18 will use the beauty plan in the thirty-six tricks to make up for zero."

  Tan Jingmo wanted to include Zero for a long time.

  Nai He Ling, the ruthless and unpredictable chief, is extremely capable, and he will lose both if he fights.

   This plan can only be sadly shelved.

   "Beauty's plan is also a plan." Yuemi hooked her lips, and patted the girl's shoulder, "Let's go, don't stay too long, be sure to come back before noon tomorrow."

   "Don't meet the second child. There are too many surveillances around him. Let him worry about it alone. If you enter the small dark room of the Holy Light Judgment, you will also let him bear it."

   Si Fuqing nodded in agreement.

   Now is really not a good opportunity to meet the second senior brother.

   She picked up her bag and went out.

   Huo Yanxing was already waiting outside.

   Seeing her coming out, he extinguished the cigarette, glanced at Yuejian one more time, and then nodded: "Miss Si, please."

Before    came, he had been warned repeatedly by Yu Xiheng.

   He naturally had to be very careful to send Si Fuqing to Liberty Island.

  Huo Yanxing was silent for a while, but finally he couldn't hold back and asked, "What does your sister like?"

  Si Fuqing thought for a while, and said politely, "A little bartender with eight pack abs?"

  Huo Yanxing: "..."



   Here, the general manager, according to Si Fuqing's instructions, prepared a public relations word and a lawyer's letter, and released it simultaneously on the entire network.

[@西江月V: In response to the remarks about "plagiarism" on the Internet, the company issued a solemn statement that this series of design products were all independently completed by Miss @sifuqing, there is absolutely no plagiarism, our company will collect evidence, strongly Condemn this malicious act of spreading rumors! 】

   As soon as this Weibo came out, it didn't meet the general manager's expectations, and sure enough, it caused a bigger sensation.

  【? ? ? What, designed by Si Fuqing? 】

  【Fuck, my wife can actually design clothes? 】

  【Are Si Fuqing's fans happy? Your sister has plagiarized Mr. Ledson's work, and you are too embarrassed to brag about it? 】

  【I have never seen such a shameless person. 】

  Feng Zhaoyi was lying on the bed because of her injuries and it was difficult to get off the ground, but she was also following the news on the Internet, she was almost ecstatic.

   She thought it was just a plagiarism from Xi Jiangyue's designer, but the designer is often hidden behind the scenes, and the target of public opinion attack is often the spokesperson Si Fuqing.

   Feng Zhaoyi was a little anxious when he saw that the Mu Sis with outstanding combat power wanted to help Si Fuqing get rid of the whirlpool of public opinion.

   Before Feng Zhaoyi could think about a better way, he didn't expect Si Fuqing to hang the southeast branch by himself, admitting that she designed the design.

   is still making announcements on the entire network, which is undoubtedly provoking the entire fashion design industry.

  Si Fuqing is finished!

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