The old man was very happy.

【Wang Jingcheng: Excuse me, what is mussel? 】

Jiang Feng was confused. Mussels are mussels. How could she say what mussels are?

【Jiang Han: Mussels are mussels, and some places call them clams. Mussels are cooked and dried, and they become mussels. 】

Jiang Han also uploaded a picture of mussels found on the Internet.

Many people in the group are from inland areas, and some have never even eaten mussels, let alone know the relationship between mussels and mussels.

Everyone suddenly felt that they had learned something new.

Compared to other people, Wang Jingcheng's home is still closer to Jiang Han.

She has received the barnacles she bought last time.

And cooked and ate it.

It tasted really good, and the family members said it was delicious.

It was a pity that she only bought three catties.

Now there was no barnacle left at home.

Ma Xiaomei said that the dried seafood here at Jiang Han was delicious. Last time Jiang Han said that there was no stock, so this time she just asked with a try-and-see attitude.

Seeing Jiang Han answering in person, Jiang Han's sister was full of sincerity again.

She wanted to buy it.

[Wang Jingcheng: How much is this? ]

Jiang Feng looked at Jiang Han, and Jiang Han made a gesture.

[Jiang Feng: 50 yuan. ]

[Jiang Feng: The price of one catty. ]

Just now, Jiang Han checked it online.

The prices of large, medium and small mussels on the Internet are different according to the size of the mussels.

The mussels here at my sister's place are very large, and the price of 50 per catty is about the same as the price on the Internet, but they don't include shipping, so the overall price is still more expensive than on the Internet.

Jiang Han also explained this situation to everyone in the group.

But after Wang Jingcheng bought three pounds of Jiang Feng's mussels, the rest of the mussels were quickly snatched up.

Jiang Feng opened her mouth in surprise, "Is this... so easy?"

Looking at the transfers in the group one by one.

If she accepted all these transfers, she would have 1,500.

"Ahan, Ahan, am I seeing right? I actually made 1,500 yuan in one go."

"Sister, what are you thinking? Making money is not that easy."

Jiang Feng was stunned, "Are you saying they will take the money back?"

"How is that possible? I mean, you have to go to the beach to pick up these mussels, peel them, cook them, and take the trouble to dry them. It took you a lot of time to earn this 1,500."

Hearing Jiang Han say this, Jiang Feng's heart finally returned to its place.

She was so scared that her mood was up and down like a roller coaster in the past few minutes.

"Okay, okay. 1500." Jiang Feng hasn't been to work since she gave birth.

She actually wanted to go to work, but there were no elderly people at home to take care of the children. If she went to work, who would take care of the children?

It's been so many years! If she could make money this way, she suddenly found the feeling of going to work.

She thought of something else.

"There are many loofahs planted at home. In the past, loofahs gradually aged after the beginning of autumn. This year's loofahs aged very quickly. After the beginning of autumn, they almost turned into loofahs."

"Ahan, can I sell loofahs in the group?"

Jiang Han had a lot of question marks on his head, "What do you sell loofahs for?"

"Sell them as dishcloths. Don't we all use loofahs as dishcloths? Don't people in the city use dishcloths?"

Jiang Han sometimes admires his sister. This brain hole is really biased.

"People in the city have their own dishcloths. But you can also try. After all, this thing is rare."

People in the city use dishcloths to wash dishes with detergent. Loofah is pure natural and can remove oil.

You don't need detergent to wash dishes with loofah.

It doesn't use any chemical ingredients and is healthier.

"Sister, if you think this thing is good, try to sell it. Anyway, we ask, and we won't suffer any loss."

Jiang Feng also thinks this is the truth, so she started to promote loofah in the group.

Because there are many curious people.

Jiang Feng patiently explained how loofah came from and the benefits of using loofah to wash dishes.

Apart from the initial nervousness, Jiang Han found that his sister was still quite good.

Sincerity and enthusiasm are the ultimate skills for sales.

And his sister has both.

Not surprisingly, Jiang Feng sold several loofahs at once.

Some people buy two or three at a time.

Jiang Han took a look and found that most of the people who bought these loofahs had just placed orders for dried loofahs.

The person who bought the goods.

Jiang Han figured it out as soon as he thought about it.

These things of theirs are not free shipping.

Things like loofahs are definitely not expensive. Jiang Feng only sells them for two yuan each.

Even if you buy two or three at a time, it will be less than ten yuan.

If you buy loofahs alone, the postage will be more than this price.

When buying dry goods, if you buy loofahs at the same time, you don’t need to pay for postage separately.

"Sister, we can expand our pattern in the future. If someone places a large order, we can also give him a few loofahs."

Jiang Feng thought about it and it was right. Loofahs are not worth much. If the order is large, it is necessary to give them a few.

Then she thought it was wrong again, "I can't give them away."

"What's wrong?"

"I sold almost all of them just now, and the rest is only enough for me to use."

Jiang Han: "..."

Jiang Feng originally disliked that there were too many loofahs and she couldn't use them all.

Now she thinks that she planted too few at the beginning.

"Sister, if we don't have loofah, we can give other things. For example, some beautiful shells or something."

Jiang Feng was stunned, "How can it be like this? Aren't shells even less valuable?"

"Sister, from now on, you should change your mindset. The people in our group are generally young people who don't have much savings."

"But their spending power is not lower than that of elderly people with savings. They like new things, that is, fun things. Things that we think are ordinary may be very popular with them."

Jiang Feng carefully pondered Jiang Han's words and tried to digest the meaning of Jiang Han's words.

"I seem to understand a little. Those shells, there were so many of them before. I threw them all away. I will keep them in the future. Especially those with beautiful colors and strange looks. I will give them to people who place orders."

"You don't need to place a big order. Things like shells, I can give them as long as you place an order."

Jiang Han felt that her sister had come to her senses.

When Jiang Han left, Jiang Feng stuffed Jiang Han with another bag of salted bamboo shoots.

Last time, she picked a lot of summer bamboo shoots, and she made salted dried bamboo shoots for the ones she didn't finish.

Knowing that Jiang Han likes to eat this, she specially left a bag for him.

"Thanks, sister."

If he cooks porridge in the morning, he can drink two large bowls of porridge after soaking the salted bamboo shoots and pouring sesame oil and vinegar on them.

When he left his sister's house, Zhang Haidai called.

"Brother Han, I have asked clearly. There is also a division of labor in such teams on the island. The people who build houses are different from those who decorate them."

"The people who decorate the houses have all been busy recently, and they will be free in about a week. If you need it, I will help you book it."

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