The host sold seafood for 21,700 yuan and got 21,700 system points. 】

[Accumulated last points, total system points: 23,707 points]

[You can now consume 22,500 system points to exchange for a 45-meter scanning range. Do you want to exchange? 】

[Exchange successful, the host has a 565-meter scanning range. 】

[Exchange successful, remaining system points 1,207 points. 】

[Please keep working hard, host. 】

Another 45 meters have been added, and he is closer to his small goal of 1,000 meters.

Today's island, if he remembers correctly, seems to be called Bailong Island.

There should be other things on that island, and he just took a rough look today.

Anyway, now that we have a boat, we can go there again anytime.

Jiang Han summarized today's situation.

Although the Buddha's hand snail grows on the rocks, it won't run away or hide.

But it takes a lot of effort to pull out this kind of thing, and it is easy to break it if you are not careful.

Zhang Haidai was able to pull so many in such a short time, which was already amazing.

And he wasted a lot of time on catching octopuses.

The unit price of octopuses is actually not low, but catching this kind of thing is too laborious.

Remember the most difficult octopus to catch, he wasted more than 20 minutes.

Next time he will see the situation, if the octopus hides in a more complicated place, he is better to give up.

Jiang Han transferred 2,400 yuan to Zhang Haidai.

After the two of them had enough food and drink, they went to the back hall of the restaurant.

There were the big blue crabs they caught today.

The two sisters Meng Guo and Meng Fei helped them a lot.

The price they gave for seafood was always the best price. When they settle the bill, they always give more.

Seeing them so busy, Jiang Han thought of the crabs that had not been tied yet.

He and Zhang Haidai sat down to tie the crabs together.

Whether steaming or boiling, it would be much more convenient to tie them like this.

And it is not easy to be pinched.

The most important thing is that the legs of the crabs processed in this way are not easy to break.

Once the legs of the crabs are broken, they are worthless.

Meng Guo saw the two of them helping in the restaurant, so he poured them each a glass of watermelon juice.

I don’t know since when, the two of them have become acquaintances in the restaurant.

The two of them didn’t say hello to anyone and got busy. The other staff walking around didn’t think it was strange.

After Jiang Han drove the boat back, he slept until dawn.

When he woke up the next day, he found that his sister had transferred 500 yuan to him.

[Jiang Han:? ]

[Jiang Feng: Yesterday your boat took our family to play for a day. We should pay for the fuel. ]

Jiang Han did not refuse and took the 500 yuan without hesitation.

He was very willing to help his sister, but any help should be done in moderation. If it exceeds the other party's tolerance, it will be bad.

If he could make his sister feel comfortable by paying for the gas, he would pay for it.

When he opened the shopping software, he found that Mingyue Design Company had given him the design drawings.

He took a look and thought the design was okay.

If he changed to another design company, it might be the same.

He called Zhang Haidai and asked him to contact those who built the house.

Although Zhang Haidai had no way, he would definitely get it done if Brother Han asked him to.

At this time, Ma Xiaomei sent a message:

[Ma Xiaomei: Jiang Han, have you been at home these days? ]

[Jiang Han: Yes, what's wrong? ]

[Ma Xiaomei: There is a girl named Nan Nan who said she wants to come to your island to play. According to the rules of this circle, if you are at home, you have to provide your sofa to Nan Nan. ]

【Jiang Han: Sure, no problem. 】

At first, all he knew about this circle was told by the twins.

Since joining their group, he began to know what kind of circle this is.

Most of the people in this circle are young people who love to travel, but their living conditions are average.

The cost of accommodation and meals accounts for a large part of the travel.

Especially the accommodation fee.

Now it costs hundreds of yuan a day to find a hotel to stay in, and the conditions are very bad.

During holidays, even the hotels with poor conditions are ridiculously expensive.

Living in someone else's home can save this part of the cost.

If the host family is willing, you can also cook at the host family's home, or eat with the host family


In this way, the cost of meals is also saved.

Ma Xiaomei said that there are ten such groups, and these people are distributed all over the country.

You can find local couch surfers almost anywhere you travel and save the cost of accommodation.

It can be said that this is a group of mutual help.

You help others, and when you start traveling, others also help you.

This circle provides opportunities for young people who want to travel but don’t have much money.

Soon, the girl named Nan Nan added Jiang Han’s WeChat through the business card sent to her by Ma Xiaomei.

[Nan Nan: Hello, I’m Nan Nan. I’m on the way. If nothing goes wrong, I will arrive in the afternoon. ]

[Jiang Han: OK, just contact me when you arrive. ]

At this time, someone in Jiang Han’s shopping group asked about dry goods again.

Thinking that his brother-in-law should have gone to work, Jiang Han personally went to his sister’s house.

The two little girls were doing the test papers with a sad face again.

Jiang Han didn’t want to disturb the two children, so he called Jiang Feng to the side hall.

"Sister, did you see the message that someone in the group wants dry goods?"

Jiang Feng was washing things just now. She wiped her hands on her apron, "I saw it. Don't you have any dry goods to sell to her?"

"Sister, you know me. I'm not interested in doing this."

There are only two ways to do dry goods business. One is to get a lot of fresh goods, dry them and sell them yourself.

The other is to collect fresh goods from other people's houses and sell them.

The first one obviously makes more money, but it will be very tiring. When drying, you need to turn it over from time to time, and if it rains or something, you have to collect the goods in time.

Jiang Han feels that he doesn't have the patience to do this.

The second one requires going door to door in the village to build relationships. Jiang Han feels annoyed when he thinks about it.

The dry goods he sent to Ma Xiaomei and her sister last time were from Aunt Guihua's house.

He can also let Aunt Guihua get this thing.

But Aunt Guihua is an outsider no matter what.

Instead of this, it is better to let my sister do this.

As for Aunt Guihua, he usually buys some vegetables and eggs from her, and he has already bought quite a few.

Jiang Feng was a little nervous. She usually sells seafood at the purchasing station, but she has never done such business.

"I dried some mussels last time. There are about 30 kilograms of mussels at home."

"Then you can ask in the group." Jiang Han gave Jiang Feng an encouraging look.

Jiang Feng sent a message to the group.

[Jiang Feng: @Wang Jingcheng, hello, I am Jiang Han's sister. I have some mussels at home, do you need them? ]

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