The seeds were sold in the market.

Unlike last time when he needed to choose a specific pair of pliers, there are many online seed stores.

He placed an order with stores that can deliver to the island.

He looked at the goods he bought last time.

He didn't expect to be able to get to the district tomorrow. If the rain stops tomorrow, he will go to the district and get the goods.

He will also go to the district to check the situation of the boat.

If there is no ideal boat in the district, he can only go to the city.

Jiang Han's phone suddenly vibrated.

It turned out to be a message from Ye Tiantian:

[Jiang Han, I will be back next week. ]

Jiang Han felt puzzled. Why did she come back to tell him?

Jiang Han did not reply.

Thinking that it had been raining for two days, he didn't know whether Ma Xiaomei and the others had successfully left the island.

Yesterday, he was confused by the rain and forgot to ask.

Jiang Han sent a message to Ma Xiaomei: [Did you reach the coast smoothly? ]

Ma Xiaomei immediately replied: [I had already boarded the ship when I sent you the form. I was lucky to get on the last ship. I heard that the navigation was closed later. Otherwise, we couldn't leave today. ]

Ma Xiaomei sent another naughty expression.

[Thanks to you, our sisters' luck has also improved. ]

Jiang Han knew that the two girls had landed safely, so he was relieved.

The next day, the rain really stopped.

Jiang Han informed Zhang Haidai that he would not go to the sea.

He drove a three-wheeled motorcycle to the port. Because of the heavy rain in the past two days, the first ship was originally at 5:30 in the morning, but now it was changed to 8:30.

Jiang Han didn't care, he was not in a hurry.

But he saw an anxious figure in the crowd.


The tall and thin man turned his head and saw Jiang Han.

"Jiang Han..."

Jiang Han walked to the side of Jiang Wenshan, "Are you going to work?"

Jiang Han heard from his sister that Jiang Wenshan worked in a factory in the district and would only come back on weekends.

"Yeah." Jiang Wenshan replied lightly, "I heard from Ah Feng that you are back. What are you doing this time?"

Jiang Han did not hide it, "My express is at the port in the district, I went to pick it up."

Jiang Wenshan smiled and stopped talking.

He is a man of few words, but it does not mean that he has no opinions.

Although Jiaowa Island is a little backward, it has everything it should have. Even if there is no branded goods you want, you can always find something cheap.

No matter how expensive the things on Jiaowa Island are, it is more cost-effective than taking a boat to the district to pick up the express.

Jiang Wenshan subconsciously looked at the time again, and he would definitely be late today.

The weather at sea is changeable, so he dared not come back from Monday to Friday.

Even if he came back on the weekend, he would leave on Sunday evening.

This time he came back after get off work on Friday, but he did not expect to encounter two days of heavy rain, so he had to catch the ship back early on Monday morning.

But he was still late.

Forget about the full attendance award this month.

Jiang Han guessed most of it from Jiang Wenshan's expression. "Brother-in-law, you are late for special reasons. Tell your leader, and the leader should be able to understand."

Jiang Wenshan said "um" softly, and no more extra words.

In his opinion, even if Jiang Han was admitted to a good university.

His temperament is not reliable.

Even if he told him, he would not understand his difficulties.

Jiang Han suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and didn't know what topic to talk to Jiang Wenshan for a while.

Coincidentally, there was an old lady holding a duck sitting on the other side of him.

The duck stretched its neck and quacked, and the duck's mouth almost kissed his face.

Jiang Han's head was about to explode.

At this time, the phone vibrated.

[Ye Tiantian: Did you receive my message? ]

Jiang Han thought Ye Tiantian wanted to confirm whether his phone was broken.

[Jiang Han: Received. ]

[Ye Tiantian: Why didn't you reply to me if you received it? ]

Jiang Han was really speechless. There was nothing important in his message, so why would he reply?

They used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and he was willing to spoil her in everything. But now they have no relationship.

And now, he didn't think there was anything to reply to this one.

After a while.

Ye Tiantian sent another message: [Jiang Han, you have changed! ]

Jiang Han felt that Ye Tiantian's words were simply inexplicable.

Out of sight, out of mind, Jiang Han directly blocked Ye Tiantian.

Ye Tiantian just made a wronged expression, and saw the red exclamation mark next to the expression.


Han actually dared to block her.

Ye Tiantian was so angry that she wanted to smash the phone again, but she held back when she thought about how expensive the phone was.

When getting off the boat, Jiang Han was followed by an old lady carrying a shoulder pole.

Seeing that the shoulder pole was about to hit Jiang Han, Jiang Wenshan stood by at some point and stretched out his hand to hold the shoulder pole away.

"Grandma, be careful."

The old lady carrying the shoulder pole apologized repeatedly, "I'm sorry, young man."

Jiang Han looked at Jiang Wenshan, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

Jiang Wenshan nodded gently, then ran with his bag, he still had to catch the car.

Jiang Han sighed, forget it, brother-in-law is not just like this to him.

He is like this to everyone.

In any case, brother-in-law is a reliable man.

He works hard to make money and support his wife and children.

And he is emotionally stable. I heard from my sister that brother-in-law has never had a quarrel with her over the years.

My brother-in-law could have gone to work in a bigger city farther away. But considering the two children, my brother-in-law asked my sister to take care of the two children at home.

He gave up his future and chose to work in a small factory in the district.

This arrangement prevented the two children from becoming left-behind children like other children in the village.

After all, there is a big difference between elderly people raising children and parents raising children themselves.

Forget it, for the sake of his sister and two nieces, he tolerated his bad temper.

When he went to school, the ship sometimes docked at the port of the district, but he hadn't set foot on this island for several years.

Compared with the simple and primitive fishing village life on Jiaowa Island.

The industrialization and commercialization in the district are quite developed. There are not only many factories on the island, but also a very prosperous commercial center.

In addition, Pushan is a famous tourist destination. There are many tourists walking around the district.

There is a travel agency at the port, with a sign to attract tourists. The ticket price is 120 yuan per person.

Jiang Han took a look and walked away.

It's boring to play alone, so next time my sister and her family come, we can go together.

He didn't go to get the package directly, but stopped a taxi.

"Young man, where are you going?"

Jiang Han wanted to take this opportunity to see the ship.

He had looked up the address online, but the things on the Internet are not as reliable as the local live map.

Jiang Han took out the Hetianxia that he had bought a long time ago and gave one to the driver.

"Master, let me ask, how many shipyards are there in this area?"

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