The driver looked at the cigarette and then at Jiang Han, a little surprised.

Jiang Han looked like a young man in his early twenties.

"Young man, you are not very old, but you smoke well."

Out of professional ethics, the driver did not smoke, but clamped it on his ear.

"Tell me, how big a boat do you want to buy? What is it for?"

Jiang Han thought for a while, "About 15 meters, for fishing."

The driver was shocked again. Can he buy a boat of more than ten meters at such a young age?

"Young man, you are quite capable. That's right, otherwise how could you smoke such good cigarettes."

Jiang Han smiled, "I just want to take a look, I don't necessarily buy it, Master, do you have any recommendations?"

"There are only two shipyards in Pu District now. I heard that these two shipyards are now mainly producing fishing boats. As for fishing boats, they may be more customized."

"Which of these two factories is more cost-effective?"

The driver laughed, "I can't say that."

Jiang Han handed the master another cigarette, "I'm just asking casually, just talk casually."

The driver put the cigarette on his other ear again, thought for a while and said, "One factory is older. It was there when I was young, and I must have enough experience, but because of various problems such as management, the situation is not very good now. The other one has only started in the past two years, and the boats are newer. As for the price, it seems that the new factory is cheaper."

Jiang Han felt that he still needed to see the specific situation himself to know, so he said, "Then go to the closer one first."

The closer one is the new shipyard.

In the shipyard, he saw several newly made fishing boats. They looked really good.

When Jiang Han heard that he wanted to buy a boat, the people in the shipyard received him warmly.

"I don't want this kind of fishing boat, I want a professional fishing boat."

When the salesperson in the shipyard heard that he wanted a fishing boat, he became even more enthusiastic. He took a brochure and introduced them to Jiang Han one by one.

Jiang Han thought these boats were all good. He pointed to a model of a boat and asked, "How much is this twelve-meter fishing boat?"

Originally he wanted to buy a fifteen-meter one, but after listening to the salesperson's introduction, he felt that these boats were much more expensive than he imagined.

"This one is fully installed, with all the supporting facilities ready, and only two million is enough."

Only two million?

No wonder the driver's eyes were wrong when he heard that he wanted to buy a fifteen-meter offshore fishing boat.

Twelve meters are already this price, fifteen meters will not be able to come down to three million.

Jiang Han took a breath and pointed to a seven or eight meter long fishing boat next to him.

"How much is this one?"

"This kind is basically used to take tourists out to play on the sea. It's very cheap. It will cost about 400,000 yuan."

Jiang Han took another breath. This thing doesn't even have a shed. The whole style is too simple.

For this kind, 400,000 yuan is cheap?

But he was not wrong. Boats are for rich people.

Most of the students in their class are second-generation rich.

When they have nothing to do, they don't compare cars.

Instead, they compare who has more yachts.

After all, those who can afford to buy and maintain yachts are really rich.

This salesman must not have thought that he, a poor guy with 50,000 yuan in his pocket, dared to come to the shipyard to look at boats.

Jiang Han flipped through the entire atlas and didn't see the old wooden boat with an engine.

I guess this factory doesn't make this kind of boat.

The driver said that this factory was cheap, and the money in his pocket could not even buy a fraction of the fishing boat.

When he was young, his father took him to drive a boat, and he knew the basic operations, but he did not have a driver's license. The license cost tens of thousands of yuan, and the ship driver's license was much more expensive than the car driver's license.

His current money was just enough to get a license.

After leaving the new shipyard, he took a taxi and went to the old shipyard.

When he went there, the workers in the old shipyard were building a tin fishing boat.

The boat was almost built, and he went to the cabin to take a look. There were all kinds of equipment inside. There was also a simple bathroom.

He looked at the workmanship, and it was really good.

When he asked the price, it was more than 6 million.

Jiang Han's heart died.

The 15-meter fishing boat he had been thinking about would cost more than 6 million if he bought it in this shipyard.

"Don't you have any wooden boats now?"

"That kind of thing is outdated. Who would still make that kind of boat? And even if it is a wooden boat, it will be useless after all kinds of equipment are installed.

It is not cheap. The wood and carpentry skills alone may be more expensive than the iron boat. "

Jiang Han's heart was completely dead. It seemed that he was still far away from buying a boat.

After he went back, he still had to go to the sea to make money.

Knowing that the seafood market was just next to it, he went to the seafood market again.

There were all kinds of shellfish, fish, and snails in the seafood market, and some of them were even unnamed by Jiang Han.

He roughly asked about the price.

It turned out that the price given to her by Haolaiwang Restaurant was close to the retail price in the seafood market.

It deserved that Meng Fei had a good business.

She was really honest in doing business.

At this time, he saw the earthworm.

It looked like it was farmed.

He asked about the price, and the farmed one actually cost two hundred.

Jiang Han was about to leave after asking the price, but he heard the boss shouting:

"Although it is farmed earthworm, it is also very nutritious. Girls eat it to beautify their skin, and children eat it to improve their immunity. ”

Thinking of his sister who often said that her two daughters were in poor health and caught colds and fell ill all the time.

He asked the boss to weigh two kilograms.

Because of his concerns, he did not leave some wild earthworms for his sister last time. Now he will bring some farmed ones.

When he took out his mobile phone, he found that Meng Guo had sent him a message, asking him where he was.

[Jiang Han: I'm in Pu District.]

[Meng Guo: Then help me go to the commercial street and buy an eyebrow razor. The one I bought in town is not easy to use. It's better to buy it in Pu District.]

Jiang Han thought it was a bit strange for a grown man like him to buy an eyebrow razor.

[Jiang Han: No.]

Meng Guo sent several cute emoticons in a row.

Finally, he sent another voice message.

Meng Guo: "Brother Jiang Han, you are the best. Just help me buy it. Next time you come to the store for dinner, I will give you a fruit platter. "

The voice was softer than what he usually heard.

Jiang Han thought about it and decided to go to the commercial street.

He had been home for so long and had never been to his sister's house.

In addition to these earthworms, he also wanted to buy something else for his two nieces.

He bought a lot of school supplies and went to the children's clothing store. He told the salesperson that he was buying clothes for girls in the third and first grades.

The salesperson helped him choose the right style.

Because he was not sure about the exact size, Jiang Han always bought a larger size.

Even if it is not suitable for wearing now, it can be worn next year.

The jewelry store is opposite the children's clothing store.

He also bought some hair bands and hairpins for girls. He also bought Meng Guo's eyebrow trimmer.

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