The package was packed, but it was not ready.

It was getting late.

He returned to the port and went to the express delivery point over there to pick up the package.

He was afraid that the package was bad and he would have to go to the port to return it.

He simply unpacked the package at the port and checked it. He found that they were all good, so he collected the things together and took the boat back to Jiaowa Island.

From the prosperity of Pu District to the simplicity of Jiaowa Island, Jiang Han was actually in a trance for a moment.

Jiaowa Island also belongs to the jurisdiction of Pu District, but the difference between the two is really huge.

But the economy of Pu District is good, which is also a lot of help to the villagers of Jiaowa Island.

Even if the elderly in the village have never paid social security, they can still receive a security fund of 500 yuan every month.

For the elderly in rural areas, there is almost no consumption, and this little money can sometimes be saved to buy some candy for the younger generations.

If you see a doctor or buy medicine, a large part of it can be reimbursed with the agricultural insurance card.

The welfare of Top District is good. The people of Jiaowa Island, apart from being steadily poor, have never had to go without food.

Jiang Han gave Meng Guo a newly bought box of eyebrow razors.

Meng Guo was really happy to see the eyebrow razors, and immediately prepared a fruit platter for him.

"Do you want to have dinner here? The seafood you brought last time was not finished, and I saved it for you. Do you want to eat it for you?"

"Okay, thank you."

Meng Guo said "No trouble" and went to work.

Jiang Han called Zhang Haidai and asked him to come and eat together.

After the two had dinner, Zhang Haidai took Jiang Han to see the house he rented.

Jiang Han didn't expect Zhang Haidai to really rent a house. He just said it casually last time.

Fortunately, the house Zhang Haidai rented was good, a house in town, with two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen, and only 450 yuan a month.

And this place is very close to the Internet cafe and the Haolaiwang Hotel.

"Brother Han, I have reserved a room for you. If you come to town in the future and are too lazy to go back, just stay here."

Four hundred and fifty yuan was a huge sum of money for Zhang Haidai in the past.

But now, four hundred and fifty yuan is just a drizzle in Zhang Haidai's eyes.

"Brother Han, there is only one shabby old guesthouse in this town. I heard from people who have stayed there that flies, rats and other things can run out at night. If we rent this whole house and turn it into a hotel, will those people come to live here?"

Jiang Han glanced at Zhang Haidai, and didn't expect that he would also consider such a problem.

"If you want to make money from the hotel, you have to have tourists. We don't have many tourists a year, so how can we make money."

When I took a taxi today, I passed Pushan.

It was not a holiday, but there were so many people in Pushan that the cars were stuck there for a long time.

Zhang Haidai sighed, it turned out that it was not possible.

Brother Han was really good, he could tell whether it was reliable or not just by listening to it.

Jiang Han left Zhang Haidai's rental house and rode his electric tricycle back home.

He put the things that needed to be put away at home, and took the crab cages bought online to the seawall.

Through the rolling sea water, he could see clearly under the sea water.

Until he walked to a place where crabs could be seen, he put the crab cage down.

Before putting it down, he also put a lot of attractants in the crab cage.

Some of these attractants were bought from the owner of the fishing tackle shop last time, and some were bought online this time.

He put these attractants in different cages to see which one worked better.

Old man Zhang was walking around and chatting with a teacup, and he watched Jiang Han put the crab cages one by one.

Old man Zhang came over, "How many crab cages did you bring?"

"Six." Jiang Han answered.

Old man Zhang couldn't help laughing, "What's the use of only six? I put sixteen that day. In the end, there was nothing except two small poor sardines."

There are many types of sardines, many of which are used to make canned food.

If sold here, it is about ten yuan per pound.

I don't know if the two small fish weigh one pound.

"It's okay, I'll put it there for fun." Jiang Han put the last crab cage and went back with the bucket.

Whether there is any harvest, we will know at this time tomorrow.

Jiang Han sorted out his things at home and put all the things he brought from Pu District on the electric three-wheeled motorcycle.

He rode the three-wheeled motorcycle and arrived at his sister's door in a few minutes.

Before entering the door, he heard Jiang Feng's roar.

"I said it all

How many times have I told you to count the numbers in brackets first? Why can't you listen?"

"And you, 28 points in English, how did you get that?"


Jiang Feng got angrier and angrier, and she started banging the table.

She started crying as she banged the table, "Who do your dad and I work so hard for every day? Why can't you do better?"

Hearing that Jiang Feng's voice was almost hoarse from crying, Jiang Han pushed the door open and went in.

"Sister, didn't you say the hair dryer at home was broken? I bought you a new one."

Jiang Han took out a new hair dryer as he spoke.

Jiang Feng was stunned, and immediately turned from crying to laughing, "You came at the right time, I really can't teach these two children. You have good grades, you can teach them. "

Jiang Han did not refuse and went to look at Lingling and Wanwan's test papers.

He frowned, and they were indeed wrong enough.

But he still patiently explained them one by one.

Fortunately, the two girls were not stupid. Jiang Han explained the questions that Jiang Feng could not understand in a few words.

Jiang Feng was still complaining, "Really, their heads are on their necks, and I don't know if they are just for show. I think they are deliberately trying to make me angry."

Lingling stuck out her tongue and retorted, "Mom, is it possible that your ability to express is not as good as your uncle's? Why do I understand as soon as my uncle says it?"

Jiang Feng was furious, "You girl, I can't express it clearly, and your teacher can't express it clearly? You don't know how to learn well every day. "

If it were normal, she would have beaten them with a feather duster if they dared to say that.

Fortunately, she would not really beat them, she would just pretend to scare the children.

But this time, she did not even beat them with a feather duster.

While she was saying the words of admonition, she was really proud in her heart.

Her brother was naturally the best, and it was normal that the teacher's explanation was not as clear as her brother's.

She saw what Jiang Han brought, there were many beautiful clothes.

He compared them on the two children and they were just right.

"Oh, you are quite accurate in the size of clothes you buy. "

Jiang Han hadn't seen Lingling and Wanwan for a long time. Kids nowadays grow so fast. They've grown so much after not seeing them for a while.

Luckily he bought a bigger size, otherwise he would have bought a smaller size.

Jiang Feng put the clothes away and didn't bother to be polite with Jiang Han.

She was very pleased. Her brother was really getting more and more sensible.

But she still complained: "Next time, even if you have to spend money, don't buy things like this. Just buy more exercise papers."

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