The price of zebra mantis shrimps that weigh more than one pound is doubled.

If there is a shortcoming, it is that they do not have roe.

Even so, he has already harvested a lot.

He caught a few more ordinary large mantis shrimps.

For those that hid deep, he chose to let them go. Digging such a deep hole was also tiring for him.

When he saw the mud snails, he hesitated for a moment, and the next second he shoveled all the mud snails into his bucket.

Although the price of mud snails is not as high as mantis shrimps, he can't resist eating them.

The most important thing is that these mud snails are all gathered together, and they are lying on the surface. He picked them up without any effort.

He found that his system had another advantage, which was that even the things on the surface could be seen more clearly than others.

The mudflat was dark, and water floated in many places.

Many people could not see the mud snails on it unless they looked carefully.

And when he looked out ten meters, the mudflat was in a translucent state, which was easy to distinguish from the surrounding seafood.

When Jiang Han picked up the bucket, he found that the bucket was already very heavy.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and the tide was about to rise, Jiang Han carried the bucket to a place with more water and washed the mud on his feet with sea water, and then left the mudflat with his shoes.

It was already 2:30 in the afternoon when Jiang Han had lunch. In addition to his sister's visit, it was already past three o'clock when he finished eating.

The villagers had dinner early.

When Jiang Han was delayed at the beach, the aunts, grandmas and old men in the village had already started to walk around the village to digest their food.

Seeing Jiang Han coming barefoot from the beach, they all came over one by one.

Although they knew that Xiaochao didn't have any good stuff, they couldn't stand their idleness.

"Anything good?" Auntie Bucktooth looked at Jiang Han with a smile.

This college student looked energetic, but forget about things like catching fish at the beach. I heard that college students in the city can't even tell the difference between onions and leeks.

Auntie Bucktooth just asked this question, but Jiang Han nodded, "Yeah."

The people around were stunned. Is there really something?

Could it be a few mussels?

When they catch fish at the beach here, the most common thing they encounter is mussels. There are too many mussels to eat, so they will be dried by them.

The shelled and dried mussel meat is also called mussels. Many times they want to vomit when they hear the words mussels.

They are old and their eyesight is not very good.

When they get close to the bucket, they can only see a black mass.

When they see what it is, they all take a breath of cold air.



Perhaps because they were too surprised, Aunt Bucktooth and Aunt Kumquat bumped their heads together.

"It's a small tide today, are there any mantis shrimps?"

"It's actually a zebra mantis shrimp?"

"I'm going to get rich!"

"Oh, there's one with red roe in here!"


It's the sea closure period now, and wild seafood is in short supply.

Ordinary mantis shrimps can be sold for more than 100 yuan per catty, and they can't tell the price of zebra mantis shrimps because they are rarely seen.

It is estimated that there must be 200 yuan per catty, and if you are bold, 300 yuan or more is also possible.

Just the things in Jiang Han's bucket, there are about ten catties.

Although it is mixed with ordinary mantis shrimps and mud snails, they think this kind of thing must be more than 1,000 yuan.

"I think he has been out for less than two hours. This short time is equivalent to several days' wages."

"How can this be a few days' wages? You really think our small fishing village is a big city outside."

The people around him stopped talking immediately. Otherwise, they would say that there is no future in a fishing village!

Jiang Han smiled at them, "I just happened to be lucky today."

The villagers who were watching felt much more comfortable after hearing this. Jiang Han must have been lucky today.

Jiang Han searched his body and took out a pack of Liqun.

He rarely smoked, and this pack was bought on the day he broke up with Ye Tiantian.

But he smoked one and stopped.

Decadent for a woman like that? There is really no need.

He took out a cigarette and lit it for Old Man Zhang, "Uncle Zhang, is Uncle Ermao still collecting seafood?"

When Jiang Han was young, Jiang Ermao's family collected seafood.

When he was young, he went to the sea and sold snails twice at Jiang Ermao's house.

Old man Zhang straightened his back. Even Jiang Han, a college student, came to ask him questions, which showed how much he knew.

"I have been collecting all these things.

I can sell it to him."

Jiang Han nodded, "Thanks, Uncle Zhang."

A group of people followed Jiang Han again and followed him to Jiang Ermao's door.

They were all very curious about how much this half bucket of seafood could be sold for.

Jiang Ermao was shocked to see such a large group of people coming, and then he saw Jiang Han in the middle of the team.

Jiang Ermao and Jiang Han both have the surname Jiang, but they are not related.

"Didn't you go to college? Why are you back to catch seafood?"

If he remembered correctly, it was a low tide today.

There was no stock.

He lowered his head to look into Jiang Han's bucket, and this look scared him so much that he almost jumped up.

"Zebra mantis shrimp? !"

"Yeah! "Jiang Han nodded indifferently.

Jiang Ermao felt that people who had studied in college were different from these peasants. After finding such a big deal, he just responded indifferently.

He looked at the zebra mantis shrimps again. They were very fresh and alive. They were definitely wild.

Several of them were about 2 taels. The others were of different sizes.

He estimated that there were about five of them that were more than 5 taels. The smallest one still had roe.

He took out the largest zebra mantis shrimps one by one and weighed them.

"Five taels and nine."

"Six taels and three."

"Nine taels and two."

"Eight taels and seven."

The largest one was actually one jin and two taels.

Jiang Ermao took a breath of cold air. These five mantis shrimps were top-grade goods no matter where they were placed.

They could all be sold separately.

"We are all from the same village, so I will give you the actual price. How about this, I will charge you fifteen hundred for this bucket of stuff. ”

The villagers watching were all stunned. They thought it would be worth more than 1,000 yuan.

But they didn’t expect it could be sold for 1,500 yuan.

“Jiang Han, you are so lucky!”

“I can catch more than 1,000 yuan by fishing in the sea.”

“So college students are really different from us. They are even lucky.”

Jiang Han’s face was expressionless. The villagers knew the prices of regular seafood.

For rare things, they didn’t know what the price was.

Jiang Han was unsure, so he checked the price when he was on the beach.

For mantis shrimps over half a catty, the smallest one can be sold for 300 yuan because it has roe.

The 6-liang one can be sold for 200 yuan without any problem.

The 8-liang one is close to 9-liang, and it can also be sold for about 300 yuan.

The 9-liang one can be sold for more than 500 yuan, which is also acceptable.

This makes 1,300 yuan.

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