The price of the shrimps is much higher than that of the prawns.

It is no problem to sell the six-liang one for two hundred yuan.

The eight-liang one is close to nine-liang, and it can also be sold for about three hundred yuan.

The nine-liang and two-liang one can be sold for more than five hundred yuan.

That makes it one thousand and thirteen.

And the one that weighs more than one catty, the weight is there, the unit price is also doubled, and it can be sold for more than one thousand yuan.

In addition, those small mantis shrimps can also be sold for about three or four hundred yuan.

In addition, the ordinary mantis shrimps he caught are all very large.

Added together, it can also be worth three hundred yuan.

According to Jiang Han's calculation, this kind of thing adds up to almost three thousand yuan.

However, the retail prices he found online are definitely not calculated in this way.

No matter how you calculate, these things of his are worth two thousand two or three hundred.

Just now, Jiang Ermao weighed all the zebra mantis shrimps weighing more than half a pound separately.

It can be seen that he knows very well that the price of these shrimps is different from those small ones.

"Uncle Ermao, how about you raise the price a little bit?"

Jiang Ermao is one generation older than him anyway, and Jiang Han would not say some things too bluntly in front of the villagers.

Aunt Li's face turned pale first, "Jiang Han, I said, are you college students so carefree? This is already fifteen hundred, isn't it enough?"

Jinju Shen also said, "Yes, Jiang Han. This fifteen hundred is enough for my man to work hard for half a month. It's really a lot."

Jiang Han knows these people in his village too well. If you say they are simple, they are really simple. If someone's family has something, the whole village will lend a hand to help.

But when everyone is poor, if someone's family suddenly gets better, the villagers are prone to red eyes.

It was as if Jiang Han could take more and cut their meat.

Jiang Ermao hesitated for a moment, "How about this, Ah Han, you are the junior, I will add another fifty."

Jiang Han's mouth twitched. If it was just for this fifty yuan, he really didn't bother to bargain with him.

"Uncle Ermao, I think I can be admitted to a key university, I should be lucky. Isn't it just luck to catch the sea? Give me a reasonable price, and I will come to you next time when there is good stuff."

"One thousand six hundred, no more."

Jiang Ermao's face was already a little impatient. He was the only one in Xiajiang Village who collected seafood. If Jiang Han didn't sell it to him, would he wait for all his seafood to die?

The price of live seafood is completely different from that of dead seafood.

The villagers have bad luck in the past few months of closing the sea.

He hasn't collected any good stuff for several days in a row.

He thought Jiang Han would stay in the village for two or three days and then leave. He didn't believe that he would come to him next time if he had good stuff.

Now that he met him, he would take advantage of him.

Jiang Han smiled at Jiang Ermao, "Uncle Ermao, I remember that Lao Wang from my sister's village also received goods. I think I can ask my sister to help me sell these things."

"When Lao Wang's family built a house, my brother-in-law and my sister went to help. Lao Wang should give my sister a suitable price."

Jiang Han naturally couldn't ask his sister for help. If Lao Wang gave him a good price for his sister's sake, wouldn't that ask his sister to sell favors?

He couldn't bother his sister for such a thing.

As for whether his sister and brother-in-law had helped Lao Wang's family build a house, he didn't know.

He just said it casually.

Anyway, Jiang Ermao didn't know what he didn't know.

Jiang Ermao's face really turned pale. Jiaowa Island was not big, but there were 18 big villages.

Almost every village has a person who receives goods.

They have their own rules for doing business.

For example, they receive goods from the sea, and generally they will not receive goods from people in other villages.

If they are not handled properly, they will fight.

But if Jiang Han gives the goods in his hand to his sister, and his sister helps him to sell the goods, then it is not considered as receiving goods from other villages.

He also knows that Lao Wang is a person, and the price he receives the goods is indeed much higher than his.

In addition, Jiang Han's sister and brother-in-law have helped him, so the price must be higher.

Seeing that Jiang Han was about to leave with the bucket, Jiang Ermao was really anxious.

He glanced at the villagers who were watching, and pulled Jiang Han into the house and closed the door.

Jiang Ermao's house has been renovated, and the conditions at home are much better than Jiang Han's old house.

"Uncle Ermao, what are you doing?"

Jiang Ermao made a gesture to silence, "What kind of people are these people in the village, you

It's not like I don't know. I'll give you two thousand now, but you can't tell anyone else!"

Otherwise, the villagers will say that he charged too low a price.

Seeing Jiang Han smiling at him again, Jiang Ermao was very nervous, "Two thousand three will be fine."

Jiang Han still didn't say anything, just smiled.

Jiang Ermao gritted his teeth again, "Two thousand five can't be more."

"Okay." Jiang Han immediately agreed readily, this price was already higher than he expected.

Jiang Ermao was about to regret it to death, two thousand five, how could he say it out loud.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality, although he made a little less money, at least he wouldn't lose money. No matter what, he couldn't let Lao Wang from the next village get a bargain.

Jiang Han happily put down the bucket.

When he went out, all the villagers gathered around him, "Jiang Han, how much did you sell it for?"

Jiang Han smiled brightly, "You can ask Uncle Ermao and you'll know. "

Jiang Han said and left.

Jiang Ermao felt bitter. People on the Internet said that college students who just entered the society are flowers in a greenhouse and don't know anything. But Jiang Han is smart.

Jiang Han didn't sell the mud snails. Even if he sold them, they were only worth a dozen or twenty yuan.

He might as well keep them for himself.

He didn't like fried mud snails, so he pickled them with salt.

[Ding, zebra mantis shrimp has been sold, and 2,500 system points were obtained. 2,500 system points can be exchanged for a five-meter scanning range. Do you want to exchange?]

Jiang Han didn't expect that the scanning range could be increased.

2,500, isn't it the money he made from selling the mantis shrimp just now?

If he chooses to exchange, will the money he made just now be gone?

"I won't exchange. ”

[Invalid selection, I will help you redeem the scanning space now.]

[Redemption successful, now the system points are zero.]

[Redemption successful, now you can scan the area within 15 meters.]


Jiang Han wanted to curse.

He originally thought that his system was quite polite and would ask for his opinion before doing anything.

But it turned out to be a lonely question.

He quickly opened his phone and checked the balance of his phone. Fortunately, the 2,500 yuan was still there.

In other words, the amount of money he sold in reality would correspond to the same amount of system points.

Deducting system points would not affect his actual amount.

"How much will it cost me to increase the range next time?"

The system did not respond.

Jiang Han asked again, "How many points will I need to increase the scanning range next time?"

[I still need 2,500 points to increase the next 5-meter range.]

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