After Breaking Up, Get The Inheritance Of The God Emperor

Chapter 34 Are You Going To Stand With Your Compatriots?

Ward five.

Dean Hao hurriedly opened the door, feeling extremely excited.

However, the scene that caught his eyes surprised him a little.

The patient in Ward No. 5 is still lying on the hospital bed, but his body is covered with tubes and conductive patches of various instruments.

And beside the hospital bed, there is a group of doctors around.

Many of them are foreigners.

Director Hao was very puzzled, when did so many foreign doctors come to the hospital?

No, if there are so many foreigners in the hospital, how could he, the dean, not know about it?

Dean Hao suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

One of the doctors raised his head to explain, and it was Lin Zhiyin.

Lin Zhiyin smiled and said:

"Dean Hao, the patient in Ward No. 5 has been saved. I wanted to give you a surprise after being cured, but I didn't expect to surprise you!"

Dean Hao looked suspicious: "I don't know which hospital these doctors are colleagues, why have I never seen them before?"

Lin Zhiyin introduced it proudly.

"Dean Hao, this is the well-known Dr. Peter, the winner of the Smith Medical Award, and also my mentor at the Maple Leaf Royal College of Medicine!"

"The others are all core members of my mentor team. They came all the way from Maple Leaf Country, and they also want to contribute to the medical cause of our country."

Dean Hao's face was very ugly. Although Lin Zhiyin spoke nicely, he always felt that something was not right.

And at this moment, Pete said in broken Mandarin:

"I heard that this patient is in a special condition, and none of you can cure him. Lin asked me for help, so we came to help."

This foreigner's Mandarin skills are not very good, but his tone is very arrogant.

"Your Chinese medicine is still in its infancy. Only by asking us for help can you make progress!"

Hearing these words, Dean Hao flew into a rage.

He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Lin Zhiyin, is this the famous doctor you invited?"

Lin Zhiyin didn't take it seriously, but nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Dean Hao, why are you so excited?"

"My teacher is right. The level of medical skills in our country is not good, backward and ignorant, we have to admit it!"

At this moment, Chen Xiao smiled disdainfully.

"Backward and ignorant? Lin Zhiyin, I don't care how much you pretend in front of others, but you speak nonsense in front of me, are you qualified?"

After seeing Chen Xiao, Lin Zhiyin blushed instantly.

Mainly being slapped in the face by Chen Xiao twice in succession, no matter how confident he is, he will feel guilty when facing Chen Xiao.

Just thinking that the teacher is by his side, Lin Zhiyin regained confidence in an instant.

"Don't you just know some tricks? What's so crazy about it? Today I will open your eyes and let you know what modern medicine is!"

"Teacher, let's start. This group of people are as ignorant as primitive people, and their brains are not enlightened at all. But as long as we cure the patients, they will know how powerful we are!"

Dr. Pete nodded frequently: "Lin, you still know your compatriots."

There was a hint of disgust in Lin Zhiyin's eyes, as if the word "citizen" hurt him.

Pete chattered and said, arranging various matters for the team members.

However, just as he was about to start operating on the patient, Song Anran suddenly yelled.

"You guys stop!"

Pete looked up at Song Anran.

Song Anran said angrily: "You actually want to cut off the patient's brain nerves, don't you know what the consequences will be?"

Pete shrugged in a funny way: "Of course I know, the consequence is that the patient will wake up."

Song Anran said angrily: "The patient will indeed wake up, but he will also become a fool who can't take care of himself!"

Pete shrugged: "I'm only responsible for waking him up."

Dean Hao was furious!

"Stop it! I am the director of this hospital, and I order you to stop the operation now!"

Dean Hao was very angry.

What did Pete say just now? A doctor can say that?

This group of barbarians only do things for the effect, but don't care about the consequences, it's simply ridiculous and cruel!

If Director Song hadn't reminded him, he would still be kept in the dark!

Pete looked at Song Anran puzzled: "Song, why are you against me?"

Chen Xiao was taken aback for a moment, this old bastard, did he know Song Anran?

At this time, Lin Zhiyin also had a look of indignation.

"Senior Sister Song, don't forget that Mr. Pete is also your mentor. You question the teacher so much now. Are you going to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestor?"

Only then did Chen Xiao understand.

It turns out that Song Anran and Lin Zhiyin still have this relationship, and she even graduated from the Maple Leaf Royal Medical College.

No wonder she was able to be a director at such a young age.

Pete asked Song Anran with a gloomy face: "Song, you have to choose to stand with your compatriots, don't you?"

Song Anran proudly said: "I only stand with those who do the right thing. If they are the ones who do the wrong thing, I will be the first to stand up and oppose it!"

Pete looked weird, and muttered: "Do you think I'm doing something wrong? I don't think so. Although it may be crazy, I can at least wake him up, and you can't even do that!"

Dean Hao snorted angrily.

"Who said we can't wake him up? I'll use the skills passed down from my ancestors to wake him up today!

"I not only want to wake him up, but also let him live like a normal person after waking up!"

Pete shook his head, looking contemptuously.

"I don't believe that things that I can't even do are impossible to do with your Hua Kingdom's medical skills."

"Otherwise, it won't be me, but you who will win the award!"

Lin Zhiyin was even more contemptuous, with a subterranean smile and said:

"Dean Hao, I can understand your desire to win glory for the country, but why do you have to swell your face to pretend to be fat? If you could cure it, wouldn't you have cured it sooner?"

"I advise you to take this sentence back, otherwise it will not be cured if you stay there. Where can you put your old face?"

Song Anran glared at Lin Zhiyin:

"My surname is Lin, it doesn't matter what other people say, but you want to say that too? Do you think that after drinking foreign ink for two years, a white skin will grow on your body?!"

"Besides, Dean Hao is so old, not only your boss but also your elders, don't you even know how to respect teachers?"

Lin Zhiyin said coldly:

"I respect real teachers and scientific medical skills, but you are right, Dean Hao is indeed old."

"When you get older, you will inevitably become old and confused. I think some people should also step down from the position of dean and give way to young people!"

Song Anran's chest heaved with anger, and he pointed out:


Dean Hao himself was very indifferent.

"Director Song, there is no need to talk to this ignorant and fearless white-eyed wolf."

"Go and see, is my decoction ready?"

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