After Breaking Up, Get The Inheritance Of The God Emperor

Chapter 35 Finding The Dragon And Locating

Song Anran nodded in agreement, and after a while, she came back with the soup.

Pete frowned as he looked at the bowl of black things.

"You guys, do you want to use this kind of thing to treat patients?"

Dean Hao glanced at Pete, twitched his mouth, and didn't bother to pay attention.

He asked Song Anran to help the patient up, and poured the medicine into the patient's mouth himself.

Chen Xiao, who had the lowest position, stood by with his hands tied.

Dean Hao now regards him as a master of traditional Chinese medicine, how dare he ask him to do things?

Lin Zhiyin quickly discovered the clue, and said coldly:

"Dean Hao, what kind of messy medicinal soup are you giving the patient? You won't be deceived, will you?"

Dean Hao poured down all the soup and medicine, and then snorted coldly.

"Lin Zhiyin, this old man will tell you that this medicine is called 'Guilaixi', and it was recorded by Master Bian Que in the 'Baicao Jinfang'. It is not some random medicine soup!"

Lin Zhiyin's yin and yang strange air said:

"Come back? Isn't that the legendary summoning soup?"

"Dean Hao, at least you are a person who has received modern medical education, so you don't think that there is such a thing as 'calling back souls' in the world, do you?"

Dean Hao frowned coldly:

"You know what a fart!"

"Guilaixi, although it's called Summoning Soul Soup, but this summoning soul is not that summoning soul."

"In ancient my country, neurological diseases were collectively referred to as soul-loss disease. The so-called soul-calling is just a treatment for neurological diseases!"

"You think that only foreigners are good at neurology, but let me tell you, it's all left over from our ancestors!"

Lin Zhiyin smiled awkwardly:

"Hehe, Dean Hao, I'm not arguing with you, let's speak with facts."

"You said you could wake the patient up. If he can't wake up, I want to see what you can do!"

Dean Hao said proudly with his hands behind his back: "Two hours, if the patient hasn't woken up, I will be the dean for you!"

The smile on Lin Zhiyin's face grew stronger: "Dean Hao, you'd better do what you say!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Doctor Pete congratulated him with winks:

"Congratulations, Lin, it seems that you are about to become the dean!"

Lin Zhiyin was overjoyed as if he had the winning ticket in his hands.

Song Anran looked worried, and asked in a low voice, "Dean Hao, can you do it?"

Dean Hao's face sank like water: "I'm 50% sure."

Song Anran's small face was full of surprise, and there was some complaint in his eyes.

"Fifty percent? Dean Hao, your decision is too reckless!"

Dean Hao said solemnly: "Although the matter is small, but it is related to the national system, even if there is only a 10% chance of winning, I will go."

Chen Xiao was in awe.

However, in his mind, Dean Hao's chances of winning may not even be ten percent.

It seems that you still have to help yourself.

Half an hour passed, and the patient was asleep like a stone.

An hour passed, and the patient still showed no signs of waking up.

An hour and a half passed...

One hour and forty-five minutes passed...

Dean Hao's face was full of despair. It seemed that the patient would not be able to wake up.

Pete shrugged with an expression of knowing this.

"I have said long ago that your medicine is still in its infancy, you need to learn more advanced knowledge from us."

Dean Hao's old face turned red.

But, say he can, say Chinese medicine can't!

"I admit that my medical skills are not good, but Huaxia Chinese medicine is wonderful in ancient and modern times, and it is not for you and other barbarians to judge!"

Lin Zhiyin was proud: "Dean Hao, I won't stop you if you like to talk nonsense, but don't forget your promise just now!"

Dean Hao snorted angrily: "What are you in a hurry for? When the time comes, I will naturally fulfill my promise!"

Lin Zhiyin was aggressive: "The result is already obvious, your method is wrong, so what if I give you another day?"

Dean Hao blushed, but the facts were so, and he couldn't refute it.

I could only secretly worry in my heart: It shouldn't be. According to the records in ancient books, the patient only needs half an hour to wake up. What went wrong?

At this moment, Chen Xiao suddenly said indifferently: "Dean Hao's treatment method is not wrong."

For a moment, everyone looked at Chen Xiao.

Lin Zhiyin looked at Chen Xiao, furious.

"Boy, open your eyes and talk nonsense, right? You don't even know what the occasion is, what right do you have to speak like a bum?"

"After I take office, the first thing I do is to fire you!"

Even Dean Hao himself had a dejected look on his face, and he said in despair:

"Master Chen, you don't need to say much. If you are wrong, you are wrong. What I regret most is that I don't know where I am wrong."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "You are right. The patient has been in a coma for too long, and a serious illness needs strong medicine. The idea of ​​using Huilaixi to treat the disease is right, but the medicine is not effective enough."

Dean Hao had a flash of inspiration, as if he had thought of something, but he didn't remember it completely.

"Master Chen, please advise!"

Chen Xiao said lightly: "Among Suwen Acupuncture, there is an acupuncture method that can stimulate acupuncture points and thus enhance the efficacy of the medicine. Dean Hao, do you still remember?"

Dean Hao slapped his forehead and suddenly realized.

"Looking for the Dragon Needle!"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

"Yes, yes! Master Chen, thank you for your guidance!"

Dean Hao thanked him, and then took out the silver needle.

I saw that he was suddenly refreshed, and the needles were flowing like clouds and flowing water. He seemed to be ten years younger in an instant.

Song Anran knew little about Chinese medicine, and asked in confusion:

"Chen Xiao, Dean Hao is this?"

Chen Xiao said slowly:

"Xunlong Needle, from the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine, is a type of acupuncture in Suwen Needle."

"The needle itself can't cure the disease, but it can locate the dragon, stimulate the acupoints, and enhance the body's absorption of the medicine, so as to achieve the purpose of enhancing the efficacy of the medicine."

Song Anran was dumbfounded: "There is such a magical and mysterious acupuncture method?"

At this time, Lin Zhiyin was stern, and he counted the time and said loudly:

"Dean Hao, two hours is up soon, even if it's a second overtime, you have to keep your promise!"

Dean Hao gathered his spirit, as if entering the land of no one.

Seeing that Dean Hao was not affected, Lin Zhiyin simply started the countdown:

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

... "Three, two, one!"

"Hahahahahaha, Hao, you lose!"

Dean Hao smiled coldly, and squinted at Lin Zhiyin:

"Who said, I lost!"

Dean Hao flicked his sleeves, and saw that the patient on the hospital bed had already opened his eyes wide and looked around blankly.

"Who are you? What is this place?"

Dean Hao asked him, "Do you remember who you are?"

"Nonsense, I'm not a fool, of course I remember who I am, my name is Li Erniu, I work in the aquatic product market..."

The man was talking, as if he remembered something,

"Huh? I remembered, I seemed to pass out just now, because I was accidentally locked in the freezer, it was so cold inside, I almost froze to death..."

Dean Hao nodded lightly:

"Yes, you did pass out, but not just now, you have been in a coma for more than three years."

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