Chapter 334 What's the matter

In this military area, such a betrothal gift is already considered very good, but after seeing the wealthy Yun Yi, I always feel that it is still a little less, so I whispered a few words to Jing Rui.

Jing Rui nodded, turned and walked out of the courtyard.

It didn't take long to bring people back, and brought back two jars of good liquor, plus the two big fish that Yun Yi brought before, this is enough for six gifts.

It's not that she doesn't want to prepare more, she really doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Wei Shi was very grateful: "It really cost you money."

Yun Yi smiled and said, "Don't say that, I'm here for my cousin, for our Xiao family."

The old lady didn't expect Yun Yi to do this. While she was relieved, she felt that the child was kind-hearted, sensible, and affectionate.


The Sun family didn't go out today, and waited for the Xiao family to come and hire.

With the support of Patriarch Xiao, the two families soon exchanged marriage certificates.

After Yun Yi arrived at Sun's house, she was dragged into her own house by Sun Zhenyu.

Yun Yi smiled and joked: "I'll have to call you sister-in-law in the future. I really didn't expect that we would have such a fate. Tell me, when did you fall in love with my cousin?"

Sun Zhenyu said a little shyly: "Don't make fun of me, or I'll get on with you."

Seeing her blushing, Yun Yi laughed loudly.

Outside, Mrs. Sun said to the Xiao family: "Zhenyu is seventeen this year. We are thinking of keeping her for another year and getting married in February next year. Will my in-laws be considerate?"

Patriarch Xiao turned his head to look at Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Wei. He couldn't control this matter, after all, it wasn't his own business.

Mrs. Wei looked at Mrs. Xiao, and made it clear that everything was dominated by the old lady. The old lady smiled and said, "Old sister said so, how can we not understand."

The two families rejoiced, exchanged cups and ate a meal, Xiao Chenming and Sun Zhenyu's marriage can be considered to be completely settled, and only wait for the next February to choose a date to get married.


As the days passed, Yunyi was helping people to prescribe medicines when she heard someone in the hospital rush in crying: "Hurry up, save my son."

Yun Yi has the best memory. As soon as she heard this voice, she knew that it was Mrs. Bai.

After writing it and blowing it dry, I handed it to the person who came: "Take it and grab the medicine. After drinking these decoctions, the symptoms will be relieved a little bit, but I'm afraid it will take some time to get rid of the root. Give you some ointment."

After the man thanked him, he took the recipe and left.

At this time, the crying in the courtyard grew louder, and only Doctor Xing roared: "If you want your son to live, just shut up, it's annoying."

When Mrs. Bai, who was still crying before, heard this, she suddenly muted, covering her mouth and daring not to make any more sound.

Yun Yi didn't follow the past to join in the fun, she was going to go to Gu's house in a while, and today it's time to acupuncture Mrs. Gu, she heard a medical assistant who came in to get something said: "It's too bad, I'm afraid it's that leg. It's a waste."

Someone asked gossip: "What's going on?"

While looking for something, the medical assistant said, "I hurt myself because of my hand. I heard that the son is the second son of Lord Bai who has been in the wrong. Doctor Xing said that the bones are broken and there is no way to fix it."

The medical assistant took what he needed and ran out.

At this time, the cook came to deliver water, and Yun Yi only knew from her that the second son of the Bai family had nothing to do. He was wandering in the market and saw a carriage parked on the side of the road, and the horse in that carriage was a horse. good horse.

On a whim, I gathered around to watch it. Originally, I wanted to let people resell him at a low price in the name of Lord Bai, but how could the driver of the carriage listen to him, and there was a dispute.

The second son of the Bai family got angry when the passers-by pointed at him, so he took off the special needle for self-defense from his body and stabbed the horse's butt.

Under normal circumstances, if the horse hurts, it will definitely rush out, but when the horse hurts, its front hooves rise into the air, which startled the second son of the Bai family, and he turned around and wanted to run.

It's just bad luck, or maybe it's too nervous, he fell without running two steps, and the horse's hoof deviates from the direction when it hits the ground, stepping directly on his leg. "

(End of this chapter)

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