Chapter 335 Why did you fight?

Yun Yi packed her things, wrote her whereabouts on the outgoing registration book, and left the hospital with the small handbag she made.

It took a quarter of an hour to walk to the Gu Mansion. She thought about her thoughts as she walked, but she did not expect to encounter someone fighting in front of her.

Before Yun Yi approached, Xiao Zhuzi from a distance ran over: "Doctor Xiao, your cousin and Shang Yufei are fighting in front."

Yun Yi glanced forward: "Why did you fight?"

Xiao Zhuzi said with a smile: "I heard that it is because of the spring sowing of the military fields. So far, the two houses of the Qiu family have not finished planting."

Yun Yi asked curiously, "The people in the two houses are not separated, and there are various military fields, how come this is still fighting?"

"After your cousin got married to the Qiu family, her own ten acres of military fields were transferred to the Qiu family along with her household registration, but the Qiu family's own military fields have not been planted yet, so how can you take care of those two daughters-in-law? , along with the household registration to draw over the military fields.

Your cousin's mother-in-law has spoken, and her own military field will find a way. If there is no harvest in autumn, she will starve herself.

Your cousin may also be afraid that the solar term will be delayed, and the late spring sowing will affect the harvest. I don't know what method to use, and persuaded Qiu Wenqing, the uncle of the second room, to help her.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the Qiu family, who also said that it was your cousin's eldest sister-in-law, found out about this, and felt a little unhappy in her heart. She told Shang Yufei about it, but Shang Yufei was also fierce.

Stop your cousin and say she's shameless, and the result is a fight. "

Yun Yi looked at the cheerful two who were fighting in front: "How do you know so clearly?"

Xiao Zhuzi was a little arrogant: "I don't know which one is in this military household."

Yun Yi thinks that Xiao Zhuzi has changed a lot, and it seems that he has lived a good life after the separation: "You are really amazing, then I will ask you to ask Bao."

Xiao Zhuzi was a little embarrassed: "Doctor Xiao, where are you going?"

Yun Yi smiled and said, "Go to Gu's house and give the old lady of the Gu family acupuncture."

Xiao Zhuzi glanced at the two people who were still fighting each other in front of him, and carried Shangchai behind him: "Let's go, get out of this place quickly, and you won't be implicated for a while."

Yun Yi thought so too, but she was not interested in meddling: "Are you going to the market to sell firewood?"

Xiao Zhuzi gave a light "um": "My mother said that by the end of the year, she will almost be able to collect enough money for the medicine that I owe you."

Yun Yi really wanted to, so she didn't have to pay it back, but she couldn't. Some things must have principles. This is to save herself from making trouble for herself. It's okay to be sympathetic and kind, but she can't be a Virgin.

The two walked around the crowd, and Yun Yi asked, "After the separation, how is your father treating you now?"

Xiao Zhuzi nodded: "Since the division of the family, my father has changed a lot, and he no longer obeys my milk like before, and he knows that taking care of our brothers and sisters, our family's fifty acres of military fields can be planted immediately. Done.

This time, no matter what my grandmother said, my father didn't give up his own life to help. My mother is in a good mood now, no longer sighing, and her work is more energetic than before.

They also said that if the harvest is good at the end of this fall, they will sell some grain for each of our brothers and sisters to make a new set of clothes.

Dr. Xiao, thank you for all this. If it wasn't for what you said that day and woke up my father, I am afraid that even if we split up, nothing would change, but since you said that, my father has changed a lot. , Now all I think about is our little family. "

(End of this chapter)

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