The Lightless Sea 13

The powerful arms and legs of the parasitic polyp suddenly straightened, and then went limp. The huge translucent body covered Chai Jian’s body like a melting jellyfish.

It was literally melting, from a lump of octopus-jellyfish hybrids to a pool of viscous, colloidal liquid.

The parasitic Hydra can only survive for a short while without its host. It is powerful but fragile, and has low intelligence. Chai Jian is its next host. When it fails to parasitize Chai Jian, it also loses its life.

Jiang Ming spoke intermittently on the communication channel. He fell from the sky and survived, but was trapped in the police car.

From the scope, Kai Xin saw Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun running towards the place where the police car fell, trying to rescue Jiang Ming who was trapped in the car. The bulletproof glass of the police car was cracked, and the door was tilted. Shu Xuyao ​​kicked the door and Liu Kangyun worked together to drag Jiang Ming out.

Fortunately, there was rain, so the police car didn’t burn so badly.

“Great job, Kai Xin!” Lan Lan patted her on the shoulder and praised her loudly, “Let’s pack up our gear and go down to meet the captain. The police car is broken down, but the responders will be here soon. We…”

He suddenly became dumb.

Because he saw that Kai Xin’s hand holding the gun was trembling indistinctly, and she had maintained this posture stiffly since she fired the gun.

“Are you okay, Kai Xin?” Lan Lan cared and supported Kai Xin’s shoulders, making her stand up.

“I…I’m fine.” With difficulty, Kui Xin clenched the K80 and poked the muzzle of the gun on the ground as a crutch to support her body. She knelt for a long time to aim and shoot, her legs were numb.

The feeling of killing the two robbers this time is different from the last time.

She was unconscious last time. Before she could react, those two people died. She was shrouded in unreality from the beginning to the end. This time it was different, this time she took the initiative to shoot, she fired the fatal bullet and watched it hit Chai Jian’s head.

Lan Lan said clearly: “Don’t be burdened, Xiao Kai. Chai Jian brutally killed his wife and children before he was arrested. He deserves his life, but our law…” He patted Kai Xin on the shoulder, It seems that he wants to convey courage and strength to her through such actions, “He deserves to die, and you are killing harm for the people. What’s more, the parasitic hydra entangled him, and he couldn’t survive.”

This is the most important point, and Kai Xin couldn’t help but care about it.

This Chai Sword is not that “Chai Sword”.

The criminal Chai Jian was replaced by the player Chai Jian. The person living in the criminal’s body is an innocent soul. Chai Jian is not an NPC in the second world, he is the same kind of Kai Xin.

Lan Lan’s words did not bring Kai Xin any comfort.

She silently picked up the K80 and walked down the steps of the signal tower: “Meet the captain.”

The mission is over, Chai Jian is dead, and the unexpected crisis of the parasitic Hydra is resolved. They can go back to the investigation building when the security guards arrive.

Kai Xin took off her helmet, and the dense rain drenched her thoroughly. She looked at the cloudy sky and let out a dull breath.

She began to hate rainy days. This was the third day she came to Heihai City, and it rained for three consecutive days.

“What happened to that alien creature?” Kai Xin asked Lan Lan.

“Clearing them is the job of the emergency team. You are still a trainee security guard, so you shouldn’t know too much.” Lan Lan said, “When you become a regular employee, you will know more about alien creatures. This day is not far away, you This action has been successful, and the captain will help you apply for regularization. The main job of our investigation department is to maintain law and order in the city, and it is rare to eliminate alien species, after all, they are very rare.”

Kai Xin said: “You said they shouldn’t appear inside the city, but should be on the coast…”

“Well, the parasitic polyp cannot live without water. I guess it must be because of the increased rain and the influx of sea water, which gave the parasitic polyp a chance to go ashore.” Lan Lan frowned and thought.

Kai Xin decided to ask bluntly: “I’ve never heard of such a thing as a heterogeneous creature.West, how did they come about? ”

“I don’t know either.” Lan Lan shook her head, “It was an accident that you met the alien creature this time. You are a newcomer, so you shouldn’t face these things directly. The visual impact of that thing is too great… It’s really disgusting, right? ?”

“It’s quite disgusting.” After Kui Xin exited from the shooting state, recalling the previous scene of dancing tentacles felt a little nauseous.

“Generally speaking, Adam will track their traces in time. At this time, the emergency team will be on the scene, and they will clean it.” Lan Lan said, “Sometimes the emergency team does not dispatch once a month, sometimes a week Quite a few times…”

“Do members of the emergency team face such dangers every time they perform missions?” Kai Xin asked.

“Not every time.” Lan Lan explained, “The members of the emergency team are not fixed. If there is a situation, members are drawn from other teams to form a temporary team. For example, I…”

“Okay, Lan Lan.” Shu Xuyao ​​interrupted in the communication channel, “When Kai Xin becomes an official member, you can do your duty as a senior to explain to her, okay?”

“Okay! I’m sorry, I accidentally said too much, Xiao Kai, just pretend to forget it.” Lan Lan said with a smile, “Some things need to be kept secret.”

“I see.” Kai Xin said.

She has gained Lan Lan’s trust, right? Fighting side by side really makes friendship grow by leaps and bounds.

“Our people are here.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Let the police car fly towards us, Jiang Ming needs treatment.”

Adam said: “The order has been conveyed, Captain Shu.”

Jiang Ming was seriously injured. His right arm was broken and his thigh was burned. When he got into the car, he was sweating coldly from the pain: “I want to change myself to a mechanical arm, so that I don’t have to worry about fractures in the future.”

“I think it’s okay.” Lan Lan poked her head into the car, “I heard that Xiao Kai has changed to an iron head. I’m envious. Ordinary bullets can’t pierce it, right?”

“Then you want to change it too? Dr. Huang did a good job on the surgery, my skull is no different from the original one.” Kai Xin glanced at him.

Lan Lan: “When I’ve used up the original version, I’ll change to an alloy version.”

The police car took off, and Kai Xin was sitting in the last row of the car. The K80 was laid flat on her lap, and she could feel the cold temperature and heavy and hard touch of the gun body through the bulletproof combat uniform.

“How do you feel, Kui Xin?” The taciturn Liu Kangyun took the initiative to talk to Kui Xin.

“It’s not very good.” Kai Xin said truthfully.

“Normal.” Liu Kangyun said steadily, “It’s the same for me the first time.”

“More than that, you drew your gun and almost shot your teammate.” Jiang Ming hummed and said sarcastically, “Kai Xin is much better than you.”

Liu Kangyun blushed and fell silent.

“Hey, don’t hurt him too much, it’s not easy for Lao Liu to say a word.” Lan Lan said.

Everyone in the seventh team no longer performed the mission seriously, and the atmosphere became relaxed. Kai Xin occasionally chimed in when they were talking, but most of the time she was too far away to pay attention to what they were saying.

The police car fell from the sky, and her teammates got out of the car one after another. She also got off with the K80 on her shoulders.

Doctors and nurses stood guard on the tarmac with a stretcher. As soon as Jiang Ming was helped out, they carried him onto the stretcher.

“It’s time to heal the wounds, and change the rest of the equipment.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Go to the lounge and take a shower, don’t get caught in the rain and catch a cold.”

Kai Xin followed Lan Lan, who was nagging all the way, to the equipment room, took off his equipment and put on his normal clothes, and followed him to the lounge.

Lan Lan stopped before entering the lounge, and Kai Xin couldn’t dodge and almost bumped into his back.

Lan Lan smiled and pointed to the door plate: “This is the men’s lounge, and the women’s lounge is next door. What are you thinking, so distracted?”

“Oh, I didn’t pay attention.” Kai Xin turned his head and went into the next room.

There is a bathroom in the lounge, and all kinds of items are available. Kai Xin took a shower, dried his hair, and slumped on the sofa.

“Intern security officer Kui Xin, Captain Shu is waiting for you outside the door.” Adam said.

Kai Xin got up from the sofa like a wandering soul, and went to open the door of the lounge.

“Captain, what’s the matter?” Kai Xin said.

“Well, come with me.” Shu Xuyao ​​turned around and led the way.

They went all the way and came to a metal door marked “Psychotherapy Office”.

“It happens that Director Yang is on duty today, you can talk to him.” Shu Xuyao ​​said gently.

Kai Xin wanted to refuse: “I have no problem, captain, I’m just a little tired, just take a rest.”

“If you are physically tired, you can recover through proper rest. If you are mentally tired, you need to find a therapist.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “You have experienced too many things these days, and your mental state is not right, so you need to receive psychological counseling. Go in, Yang The director is an excellent therapist.”

Kai Xin hesitated for a moment, and came to the door.

The metal door opened, and she walked in.

“Welcome.” The man in the office said softly, “Kai Xin, right? Your captain and I are old friends.”

His voice is deep and sweet, reminiscent of a cello with a soothing tone.

Kai Xin saw the “Yang Xingyun” badge on his clothes.

“Hello, Director Yang.” Kai Xin said.

Yang Xingyun said: “Sit down, don’t be so rigid. The psychotherapy room is a place to relax.”

Kai Xin Yiyan sat on the swivel chair opposite him.

The psychotherapy room is indeed very relaxing. The decoration here is completely different from other rooms. The floor is actually made of wood, and the walls are covered with warm-colored wallpaper. Two walls are made into bookshelves, and various paper books are scattered , even the light tone is warm yellow and gentle, unlike the cold blue light in the corridor.

“Drink tea or drink carbonated beverages that young people like? My drinks hereThe variety is quite complete, if you don’t have any, ask someone to send it over. “Yang Xingyun laughed.

The open tea cabinet behind him contains more than a dozen different kinds of tea in glass containers, including colorful scented teas, green teas and black teas.

“Tea, any tea is fine.” Kai Xin said.

Yang Xingyun clicked the button to boil water, “Then make you a cup of wolfberry red date tea, I drink this every day.”

Kai Xin: “…?”

Has Director Yang started to keep in good health at a young age?

Yang Xingyun skillfully brewed a cup of wolfberry and red dates, and threw a piece of brown sugar into the ceramic cup. He pushed the cup over and said, “Do you like the decoration of my office?”

“I like it, it’s different from other places.” Kai Xin took a sip of tea.

“I hate the color of metal, it’s too cold, and it makes me feel depressed when I look at it for a long time.” Yang Xingyun said, “There are more and more people suffering from mental illness in this society, not only because of the pressure of survival, but also because of the pressure of life. Because of the living environment, metal and machinery remind people of high efficiency, rationality and rigor. People are always surrounded by metal and machinery and cannot relax, so I changed the style of the psychotherapy room to become warm and full of emotion ‘ some.”

“It’s very good here.” Kui Xin said, “Shouldn’t we start psychological counseling immediately?”

“This is psychological counseling. We are here to chat, to talk about daily life, and to relieve troubles.” Yang Xingyun said, “The work of the investigation department is very hard, right?”

“Fortunately, I’m a rookie, the captain and the others take good care of me.” Kai Xin said dryly.

“You can tell me your troubles.” Yang Xingyun said, “Kai Xin, those who can join the field team are not passive people. If you find a problem, you must take the initiative to solve it, and you can’t become passive.”

Kai Xin was taken aback.

“I do have a problem.” She drank tea with downcast eyes, and put down the cup. “I used to think that I was an active person. I studied hard, went to college, and made money…but recently I have become very passive.”

“Passiveness is mostly due to not having established a clear goal.” Yang Xingyun said, “What is your goal, have you thought it through?”

Kai Xin said uncertainly, “Be a rich man?”

Yang Xingyun smiled, “Look, you are not even sure about your goal. The goal should make you feel motivated whenever you mention it. Your tone of mentioning the goal should be affirmative and resolute, not hesitant.”

Kai Xin frowned.

“Setting goals is difficult, I know. I also went through a long period of confusion when I was in college, and I finally knew what I wanted.” Yang Xingyun said, “You can think about it slowly.”

“Okay.” Kai Xin nodded.

“Let’s focus on solving the immediate matter first.” Yang Xingyun said, “I heard from your captain that you are not used to killing people.”

Kai Xin let out a soft “hmm”.

“Can you tell me how you feel?” Yang Xingyun said.

“The feeling of hurting a different kind is different from hurting a similar kind. Do you know this feeling, Director Yang?” Kui Xin said.

“Alien creatures are different, so you can shoot without burden, but facing humans, it’s hard for you to shoot rationally, is it?” Yang Xingyun said.

Facing his question, Kai Xin didn’t nod or shake his head.

In Kai Xin’s view, she is of the same kind as Chai Jian and Xi Liang. In the second world, everyone except the players is different in her eyes.

Kai Xin said: “I killed my own kind. Even though I know that I did nothing wrong, it still makes me a little bit hard to let go.”

“Human empathy determines that you will have such emotions. As a security guard, you are destined to deal with such emotions and fight against them.” Yang Xingyun said, “Now let’s make a hypothesis, Kui Xin .”

“If there were no alien creatures and no threat of parasitic polyps during the mission, how would you treat Chai Jian?”

Without any thought, Kai Xin said, “If he picks up a weapon, I will smash his weapon-holding hand. If he wants to continue to resist, I will continue to aim at his other hand, which has no hands and legs until He has lost the ability to resist, and at this time the captain can arrest him.”

Yang Xingyun said: “From the beginning to the end, you never considered the option of directly killing him. You just want him to lose the ability to resist, right?”

Kai Xin nodded.

“You are a kind person, Kai Xin.” Yang Xingyun said.

If Chai Jian resists, Adam will judge that he is a threat, and Kai Xin’s teammates will directly shoot him to death. Only by making Chai Jian completely incapable of resisting can he save his life. He couldn’t resist, he couldn’t escape, and struggling was pointless.

With no limbs, you can press the mechanical ones, maybe the mechanical ones are better than the original ones.

When a life is gone, it is really gone.

“It’s meaningless to make this assumption now, he’s dead.” Kai Xin said.

“You will face many situations like this in the future, you…”

Before Yang Xingyun could finish speaking, Kai Xin said, “I’m trying my best to control my empathy. This kind of situation will indeed happen frequently in the future, and I’m already overcoming it.”

“You are also a strong person, Kai Xin.” Yang Xingyun said gently.

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