The Lightless Sea 14

Kai Xin stayed in the psychotherapy room for two hours, drank three cups of wolfberry and red date tea, and went to the staff cafeteria for lunch at his kind invitation.

When she left, Yang Xingyun thoughtfully sent her a whole can of wolfberry and red dates, and said, “Drink more, replenish your energy and blood. I see that your face is always pale, and you seem to lack energy and blood.”

Kai Xin reluctantly accepted Yang Xingyun’s kindness, and returned to the lounge with a can of wolfberry and red dates.

It’s afternoon now, lunch break timeIt has passed.

Kai Xin put down the wolfberry and red dates, and reported to the training ground of the seventh team. Whether it is a regular member or an intern like her, when not performing tasks, the time is basically spent on training, and actual combat training such as shooting and fighting is the top priority.

She took the elevator to the basement floor, where the entire floor is the training ground.

She scanned her irises at the entrance of the training room, and Adam reminded: “Intern security officer Kui Xin, you can use the training equipment for basic exercises in Areas A and B, and the access to other areas is temporarily unavailable to you.”

There is a difference in the treatment between intern employees and regular employees. Kai Xin doesn’t care much, anyway, she doesn’t know how to use more advanced equipment. She came to the training room this time to confirm her control over firearms.

Area A includes the shooting training room. Kai Xin entered the training room and took a look, and found that there was no one there, so he found an empty seat and stood there.

“Please choose a training weapon.” Adam said.

“Standard pistol.” Kui Xin said.

The metal tabletop in front of him silently opened to both sides, and a pitch-black gun lay quietly on the table.

Kai Xin picked up the gun, thought for a few seconds and disassembled it, remembering its parts and assembling them one by one.

Holding the gun flat, she pointed forward in the most comfortable position and said, “Three-meter target.”

“Yes, a three-meter target has been set.” Adam responded.

Kai Xin didn’t aim much. She fired with the feel of her hand. Amid the continuous sound of gunshots, all the bullets she fired hit the target, and none of them missed the target, and every bullet was within the eighth circle.

The recoil of this type of gun was a bit stronger than she expected, and her jaw felt a little numb.

Kai Xin had no idea about her own results. She changed the magazine and planned to continue to try: “Ten-meter target.”

“A ten-meter target has been set,” Adam said.

This time the target is farther away, and it is almost difficult for people with normal eyesight to see the circle on the target clearly.

Kai Xin held her breath and raised her gun horizontally. This time she aimed consciously.

She pulled the trigger, and only one bullet was fired.


The bullet hit the tenth ring! The center of the target!

Kai Xin stretched his eyebrows and said, “Adam, a fifteen-meter target.”

She made many attempts, gradually increasing the target distance from 15 meters to 25 meters. Every time she shoots, her lowest score has never fallen below the seventh ring.

Kai Xin’s fingertips were numb, but her body and mind were at ease, as if all her troubles and stress had been shot out by her.

This kind of achievement is inseparable from the blessing of “combat instinct”, but she is still very talented in shooting. She has improved her knowledge and understanding of guns through shooting again and again. Training is the way she is familiar with these metal weapons.

Able to use a gun proficiently, physical fitness and fighting skills are not weak, Kai Xin is no longer the five scum of the past, and in the team of security guards, she also belongs to the relatively outstanding group.

Besides, she is already considered a person with extraordinary ability.

During the mission this morning, she killed Chai Jian and deprived him of his extraordinary ability “Shadow Shuttle”.

Her panel at this moment has changed significantly.

【Basic attributes】

Name: Kui Xin

Occupation: Depriver

Extraordinary ability: [Shadow Shuttle E-Class] You can use shadows to travel through space in a small area.

Inherent talent: [Acting personality] You have superb acting skills and can fool most people.

[Strong Life] You are as tenacious as Xiaoqiang.

[Danger Avoidance] You can keenly perceive the danger around you and avoid it.

[Quick learning] You will get twice the result with half the effort when you learn any skill.

[Battle Instinct] Your fighting ability and fighting skills have been engraved in your body.

Chai Jian used the shadow shuttle to escape from the psychiatric hospital. His extraordinary ability level is relatively low, and he doesn’t seem to be able to activate it every time. This is the reason why he can’t escape from the parasitic polyp.

What Kai Xin cares about is, what is the awakening method of extraordinary ability? Is it luck or other factors?

Her teammates were very surprised that Chai Jian became an awakened person. It can be seen that the awakened person is not a bad street existence, but a very rare one.

When she first traveled here, Dr. Huang, who was also an undercover agent for Mechanical Dawn, mentioned that there were people in the investigation department who were awakened. He especially named the leader of the criminal investigation team to make Kaixin be extra careful.

Because the extraordinary ability of the leader of the criminal investigation team is very likely to be “lie identification”.

It can be seen that within the Investigation Department, the extraordinary ability and the identity of the awakened person are very likely to be kept secret. Even the colleagues do not know the ability and identity of the other party. Vague guesses, not definitive answers.

What makes Kai Xin regret is that she couldn’t find a safe and hidden place to experiment with her newly acquired shadow shuttle in the investigation department. She has a silver face at home, and she has no chance to try new abilities.

Shadow shuttle is a very good ability. If she is caught in prison in the future, she can use it if she wants to escape from prison. Chai Jian used it to escape from the heavily guarded mental hospital.

Sent in prison is a better ending. The Federation does not have the death penalty. Thinking optimistically, you might find a chance to get out of prison by squatting. As for the worse ending, it is that the identity is exposed and “cleared” by the former teammates.

Kai Xin put down his gun and went to Area B.

Area B is a fighting training area, and several security guards are practicing sparring in training uniforms and gloves. Kai Xin didn’t come to find someone to practice against, she wanted to confirm her strength with the help of training equipment.

There is a boxing dynamometer in the corner of the training area.

Kui Xin read from a magazine in the first world that boxing champion Tyson’s right fist was 800 strong.Pounds, Kung Fu superstar Bruce Lee’s boxing strength is about 350 pounds, this data is closely related to weight, Tyson’s weight is almost twice that of Bruce Lee.

A simple boxing test cannot reflect a person’s combat power data, because there is never only one factor that affects combat power, but a boxing test can reflect a person’s strength level.

“What was my test data last time?” Kai Xin asked.

Adam replied: “Your last punching test result was 215 pounds.”

This is the data of “Security Officer Kui Xin”, not the data of the original body. Kui Xin thinks that she should play the first punch conservatively so as not to exceed the original result too much.

She adjusted her breathing, clenched her fists, and hit the test pile with her fists.

With a bang, the data on the display of the dynamometer climbed rapidly, skipped 200 in an instant, and stopped at 233 pounds.

“Your performance has improved compared to last time, specifically 18 pounds.” Adam reported.

Kui Xin: Alas, I still didn’t play conservatively enough.

The original body must at least be a super soldier comparable to Bruce Lee, right? She not only has strength, but also skill, has received rigorous training, and is a real humanoid weapon.

“Kai Xin!” Lan Lan walked into Area B and waved to Kai Xin, “Are you training here?”

“Yeah, I feel a little unfamiliar, so I feel for the gun and punch two or something.” Kai Xin moved his shoulders.

“I don’t feel right when I don’t hold a gun all day. This thing needs to be practiced frequently. Do you want to practice sparring? Don’t look at me as a technician, but my ranking in the field team is in the top ten.” Lan Lan invited.

“No, I’m a little tired after working outside today, and I’m not in a good state.” Kai Xin smiled and refused, “How is Jiang Ming?”

“After the operation, Lao Liu is accompanying him.” Lan Lan said, “Have you been to the psychotherapy room?”

Kui Xin: “I’ve been there. Director Yang is a nice person. He gave me a can of wolfberry and red date tea…”

“His hobby is delivering tea. When I went, he gave me a can of coffee beans, saying that technicians need to use their brains a lot, and coffee can help refresh their minds…” Lan Lan spread her hands.

“Are there many people with psychological problems in the Investigation Department?” Kai Xin asked.

“When the work pressure is high, there will always be problems of one kind or another. We are accompanied by danger. A colleague of mine performed the task of eliminating alien species for the first time. He went home and had a nightmare for a week. It was Director Yang who helped him. Psychological counseling was carried out. It is necessary for the Anti-Investigation Department to set up a psychological treatment room.” Lan Lan said, “If psychological problems are not resolved in time, there will be serious consequences. There is such an example around me. The civilian developed serious psychological problems, but the others didn’t notice … and he committed suicide.”

Lan Lan sighed: “Sometimes people can show amazing resilience in the face of pressure, but sometimes their spirit is so fragile that they cannot stand a single blow.”

Kai Xin thought for a while: “I will avoid making such a mistake… Actually, I want to ask you about becoming a full-time employee. Is it convenient for you to tell me?”

“It’s nothing inconvenient. This is an open secret. The interviewer is fixed every time the interns who apply for regularization are interviewed.” Lan Lan said, “The interviewer is usually the team leader of each team. You answer the interview truthfully. Just ask the official, be honest.”

Must be honest? Kai Xin immediately thought of Dr. Huang’s warning and the rumored extraordinary ability of the head of the criminal investigation team.

“I see. Thank you for reminding me.” Her mood sank slightly.

“Intern security officer Kui Xin, please report to the Seventh Squad office.” Adam suddenly conveyed to her.

Kai Xin was slightly surprised, but Lan Lan smiled and said, “Could it be that the captain wants to discuss with you about becoming a full-time employee?”

“Then I’ll go first.” Kai Xin said goodbye to him and left the training room.

When taking the elevator, Kai Xin’s thoughts were very calm. After only a few days in the second world, her xinxing underwent a radical transformation.

From a student who just graduated from high school and was busy looking for a part-time job, she became a qualified sophomore. Even her thinking has been assimilated by her status as a sophomore. All aspects must be considered, and no flaws should be exposed in every aspect. You need to pay a lot of attention to how you deal with people, and you have to think over and over again when you say something, which is tiring.

Kai Xin came to Shu Xuyao’s office, and the metal door opened.

“You’re here, Kuixin.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Fill out the application form.”

He handed over a paper form with the title “Application for Regularization”.

“Can I become a regular?” Kai Xin said.

“It’s fine if you pass the final interview. It’s not difficult. You can pass.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The interview is scheduled for tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning. Is it okay?”

Kai Xin only agreed, “I’m fine, Captain.”

“Okay, after you become a full-time employee, you can move to the staff dormitory, which is safer than Anning Street near your home.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

After filling out the form, it’s almost time to get off work.

Kui Xin bid farewell to Shu Xuyao, went back to the lounge to get the wolfberry and red date tea sent by Yang Xingyun, and took the elevator downstairs to go home.

As soon as she got on the suspended tram, Kai Xin opened her bracelet, and Yinmian sent her several messages.

“I’m going to the port again.”

“I didn’t find anything else. I met a few gang members who didn’t deal with it. They were too in the way. Can I kill them?”

“If you don’t reply, I can act freely. You said that I can make my own decisions, right?”

“The man has already been killed.”

“I met a smuggler at the port…”

“They didn’t kill this time. What they smuggled was wine, a gadget that doesn’t deserve attention.”

“Why didn’t you reply to me? Are you so busy?””When do you leave work?”

Kui Xin was speechless, and cut his news page away.

The following message was sent by someone else, and Kai Xin perked up when he saw the content.

“At midnight, at the Ruby Bar in the harbor area, the task execution team has a collective meeting to discuss the specific task assignment of the blasting port. All members must be present.”

Sender – Red.

A completely unfamiliar code name.

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