The Lightless Sea 16

The silver face entered the fighting state, his temperament condensed, like a sharp knife drawn out of its sheath, the pale pink eyes under the mask cautiously scanned the darkness. The silver-faced mask is actually a piece of equipment, with its own night vision function. He turned on the night vision mode and kept looking for suspicious figures.

“In the direction of three o’clock, in an abandoned residential building 60 meters away.” Yin Mian calculated the sniper’s position based on the ballistic trajectory.

He didn’t go after her, because Kai Xin was not an awakened person, one bullet could kill her, and no one knew if there were other killers nearby, so he had to protect her.

Kai Xin has an alloy skull, and the rest of the skull is made of flesh and blood, and will bleed when injured.

“Use your extraordinary ability, don’t let my blood flow to the ground.” Kai Xin had no choice but to give Yin Mian this order.

Kai Xin’s biological information matches the biological information left by the Department of Investigation, and her identity can be matched with things that contain her biological information.

Silver Face opened his five fingers, and the mask fragments on the ground and the blood stained on the mask disintegrated under his control and melted into the water. KuixinThe blood between the fingers and the chin was also suspended under his control, and none of it fell to the ground.

“With me here, they won’t get your blood.” Silver Face whispered.

“Go and chase.” Kai Xin regained his strength, and the scene in front of him no longer doubled, “Let’s go together, you pay attention to defense.”

The buildings in the abandoned residential buildings don’t even have glass, and the bullets were fired from that building. Many street lights in the poor and chaotic harbor area are broken. In the absence of light, no one can see things in the dark except for the use of technological equipment.

Yinmian’s body turned into transparent flowing water, and Kai Xin began to run.

The sprint champions of the first world can complete the 100-meter sprint in less than ten seconds, with an average speed of ten meters per second, and Kui Xin’s speed is much lower than that of the sprint champions.

She has never run so fast before! The wind was left behind by her.

Kai Xin stepped on the ground with her feet, jumped up and stepped on the window sill of the first floor of the abandoned residential building to borrow strength, and hung her arms on the second floor. She climbed up smoothly with one hand like a gymnast turning a horizontal bar.

Kai Xin heard footsteps, and someone ran downstairs in a panic.

The sound of footsteps echoed over and over again on the empty floor.

That person was very close to Kai Xin, and she saw a figure flashing around the corner of the stairs in the residential building.

Kai Xin quickly jumped down from the window sill, broke off a rusty steel pipe from the rotten anti-theft window, took two steps to run up, and threw it out as if throwing a javelin.

Clang—the steel pipe hit!

“Ahhh…” Heiying fell to the ground and screamed. His shoulder was pierced, and a rifle fell from his arms.

The water vortex appeared out of thin air, engulfing the enemy whose shoulder was pierced by the steel pipe.

The silver face landed beside Kai Xin, and a water rope pulled the enemy’s body, dragging him in front of Kai Xin.

This man with a beard, he was lying on the ground, the penetrating wound on his shoulder was bleeding, and the blood melted into the water vortex controlled by the silver face.

The man was scruffy, his beard was tangled together, he was curled up in pain, his half-length hair covered his face.

It’s someone I don’t know. Kai Xin confirmed.

She turned on the bracelet to call out the camera function, and the silver surface brushed away the man’s hair with water, allowing Kai Xin to take a photo.

The man used a rifle with a limited range, so he didn’t snipe hundreds of meters away, but at close range. The harbor area is poor, the buildings are mostly low and there are many obstacles, it is difficult to find a suitable sniper point, his sniper point is not on the second floor, it should be at least above the fourth floor. After he fired the shot, he found that he had missed and ran downstairs, but he was not as fast as Kai Xin, and was caught right away.

“Have you ever studied torture?” Kai Xin asked Yinmian.

Yin Nian took a step forward and said darkly, “Leave it to me.”

He pulled out the steel pipe on the man’s shoulder. Under his control, the blood didn’t gushe out, causing the man to bleed to death.

“Who are you? Who ordered you?” Silver Face said.

The man panted with a distorted face, but did not answer. Yinmian opened his five fingers, a ball of water wrapped around the man’s head, a string of air bubbles came out of the man’s mouth, his lungs convulsed violently from the choking water, he kicked his limbs and struggled.

A minute later, the man’s struggle weakened, and the cloud of water dispersed on his silver face and asked again, “Who ordered you?”

The man coughed up the water in his lungs and said in fear, “I don’t know, please, I don’t know!”

Silver Face kicked the man’s jaw mercilessly, and two teeth flew out of his mouth.

Yinmian asked again: “Who instructed you?”

“I really don’t know!” the man said in a panic.

As soon as he finished saying “I don’t know”, his head was wrapped in a ball of water. This time Yinmian saw that he had been struggling for a longer time, and he was about to move before Yinmian let the water ball out for him to breathe.

“Are you still answering that you don’t know?” Yin Mian stepped on the wound on the man’s shoulder and crushed it hard, keeping him sane in the pain.

“I’m a low-level killer. I was drinking in a bar just now. I wanted to buy some medicine and went to the bathroom with a trader. I don’t remember what happened next, please! I didn’t lie!” The man’s face was pale, “I……”

The man suddenly became dumb.

His eyeballs popped, and then popped, two small dark red tentacles protruded from his eye sockets, and a creature that looked like a spider but had slender mouthparts and a pair of arms and legs pierced his skull. Drilled out and stretched out its tentacles contentedly.

Half of his brain under the protection of his skull was eaten by this unknown creature! But he was still alive, his hands and feet were shaking like crazy, and black blood was slowly flowing from his nose, mouth, and ears.

Even Yin-Mian took a step back in shock from this weird and disgusting scene.

Kai Xin picked up the bracelet and snapped a photo of the unknown creature. Facts proved that her response was quick and timely, because in the next second, the twitching man on the ground and the disgusting-looking unknown creature melted into a pool of blood.

The man’s skin oozes blood at first, then shriveled, and the skin was tightly attached to the bones, like a mummy. Finally, the bones and human skin also melted, leaving only his clothes soaked in blood.

This process is fast and silent.

“An alien creature that has never been seen before.” Silver Face said solemnly.

There are many types of heterogeneous creatures. The parasitic polyp is one type, and the blood-red spider monster seen in front of me is another type.

Yin Mian has seen a lot, but this is the first time he has seen the alien creature.

Kai Xin smelled the disgusting smell of blood in her nose. She suppressed the discomfort, held the steel pipe and picked up the clothes soaked in blood, and finally found a flashing communicator in the clothes. This communicator actually Still in communication state.

Kai Xin and Yin looked at each other and thought of the same question at the same time——

Who is the person on the other end of the communicator?

Kai Xin knelt down and facedThe communicator said, “Your man is dead.”

The next second, the light on the communicator went out, and the person on the other end hung up the communication.

From the time when Kai Xin caught the killer to the silver-faced interrogation of the killer, the communicator was always on during the process.

In other words, the conversation between Kai Xin and Yinmian, as well as Yinmian’s interrogation of the killer, were all heard on the other side.

Kai Xin shuddered. If she and Yinmian let down their vigilance after catching the killer and talked about something that shouldn’t be said, revealing identity information that shouldn’t be revealed in their words, the other side will know through the communicator, and her identity will be exposed.

It was the first time that Kai Xin experienced the feeling of being calculated.

The other party planned carefully, controlled the killer to shoot at her, and did not show up from the beginning to the end. This unexpected communicator made Kai Xin even more frightened.

Fortunately, after finding the murderer, she and Yinmian directly interrogated without talking nonsense, without revealing any information, and Kai Xin’s voice changer was firmly attached to her throat, and her real voice was never heard on the other side. .

Silver Face raised his hand and tapped on his mask, and the invisible light beam scanned the space. After reading the environmental data fed back by the mask, he said, “There are no additional monitoring devices.”

Kai Xin said: “Yinmian, wash the communicator and put it away. This is physical evidence. The killer didn’t say which bar he met the trader. I want to find out his details and the bars he frequents… the trader It might be the key.”

“What’s going on, how could someone attack us?” Yinmian was puzzled, “We obviously changed the route and chose the safest route.”

“No.” Kai Xin bit his lip, “It’s not attacking ‘us’, it’s attacking ‘me’.”

Silver Face looked at her in horror.

“This killer has a clear goal. He is aiming at me. The first shot was aimed at my head, not at you.” Kai Xin said, “I am the prey he aimed at, but you are not.”

Silver-faced said: “Maybe it’s a coincidence…”

“There is no coincidence in this kind of thing. Even if it is a coincidence, it can’t be regarded as a coincidence.” Kai Xin raised her wristband and took a few photos of the pool of blood on the ground. She clicked to enlarge the photo and adjusted the light of the photo. Dark contrast, looking for details that cannot be observed in the dark.

“And didn’t you notice? The killer found out that the first shot failed to kill me and immediately made up a few more shots, which were blocked by you.” She turned her brain and analyzed a little bit, “Thinking differently, if I have multiple targets that need to Killing, I will not observe the result after firing the first shot, but will aim the gun at the next prey as soon as possible. Because when shooting the first prey, other prey will be alarmed, in order to ensure the overall It is better not to look back at the first shot, and it is wise to seize the time to shoot other targets. The first one escapes, and the second one is also profitable.”

“But he didn’t aim at me the second time. Every time he aimed at you, only you.” The silver mask was wrong, “You are the one who is being taken care of!”

Kai Xin quickly wrote a short report with dozens of words and attached pictures and sent it to Mechanical Dawn headquarters.

After hesitating for a moment, she dialed Red’s communication.

“Hello?” The background sound was loud music.

“I was attacked, and a new form of alien creature appeared. I sent the news back to the headquarters.” Kai Xin said, “Come over here and bring me a healing potion. I was injured a little.”

“Fuck!” Red said, “You wait, I’ll go right away, send me the location.”

Kai Xin sent the location, and then dialed the communication number of Thorn Rose.

“Is there something wrong, Deputy Commander?” Thorn Rose was very quiet.

“Where are you?” Kai Xin asked.

“At the beauty salon at No. 56 Linzhong Road.” Thorn Rose said, “What happened?”

Kai Xin: “Where’s the ball python?”

Thorn Qiangwei said cooperatively: “I’m eating supper next door to the Ruby Bar, I don’t know if I’ve finished.”

Without a word of nonsense, Kai Xin said directly, “Send me your current location.”

Thorn Qiangwei hung up the communication, and sent the location in the next second. It showed that she was indeed at No. 56, Linzhong Road.

Kai Xin immediately called the ball python again: “Send your location.”

“Oh, good deputy commander.” The naughty voice from the ball python stopped, and after a while, it also sent a positioning.

The location shows that he is near the Ruby Bar, which matches what Rose Briar said.

In the next minute, Kai Xin called all the members of the task execution team one by one, asking them to send location information.

She browsed through all the locations and found that no one was near her. She cut open the map and searched for bars, and all the nearby bars were marked with red dots.

Kui Xin compared the positioning sent by his teammates with the position of the bar.

“Why did you ask everyone to post the location?” Yin Mian asked in confusion.

“Use your brain a little bit, Yinmian.” Kui Xin temporarily put away his bracelet, picked up the rifle that the killer dropped on the ground, and walked up the stairs on the second floor.

Yin Mian thought hard, and suddenly realized: “Do you think there is a ghost among us?”

“Yeah.” Kai Xin touched the half-broken spider mask on his face, “We just came back from the meeting, and someone wanted to kill me on the way. How can there be such a coincidence in the world.”

“It’s impossible for our companion to betray!” Silver Face said in shock.

“Then why do you think someone wants to kill me? Just kill me?” Kai Xin asked back.

The silver face is stuck.

He thought for a long time: “Because, you are an undercover agent?”

This is Kai Xin’s most special identity. She is the deputy commander of the port blasting mission, but other people also played an important role in this mission.Listed as the primary target of killing. She is an undercover agent of the Investigation Department, only this identity is the most unusual and the most eye-catching.

“I speculate that one of the people attending the meeting tonight is an inner ghost, and this inner ghost has something to do with the investigation department. The inner ghost heard from the meeting that my identity is unusual, so he decided to kill me.” Kui Xin Said, “But this is contradictory again.”

“What contradiction?” Yin Mian couldn’t keep up with Kai Xin’s train of thought.

Kui Xin said: “One of the responsibilities of the Investigation Department is to eliminate alien species. How could they drive alien species to parasitize killers?”

That disgusting spider-shaped xenogeneic creature parasitized in the killer’s head. After the killer failed to complete the killing task, the xenogeneic creature immediately killed him and ate his brain, melting his body, leaving no trace Left behind, the xenogeneic creatures also melted away along with the killer’s death.

She had seen the parasitic polyp, and the human body was deformed by the parasitic polyp, but tonight’s killer was able to speak normally after being parasitic, and finally the alien species came out, and he died.

Kai Xin has reason to believe that the killer is a puppet, a puppet parasitized and controlled by heterogeneous organisms. Someone put the Xenomorph inside the Killer’s body, and the Killer did it involuntarily while parasitized by the Xenomorph.

Silver Face said that he had never seen this kind of spider-shaped alien creature before.

Who is manipulating this alien creature? Who put the xenomorph into the killer’s body?

In deep thought, Kai Xin walked up to the third floor, and checked from the window sill without glass. The view from the third floor is not wide, and the killer did not shoot here. Kai Xin went to the fourth floor to check again, and when she reached the fifth floor, her instinct to avoid danger prompted her to stop.

Kai Xin thought for a while and said to Yinmian, “I’m going to go over there. The window sill on the fifth floor is too open and there is no cover. You can cover me with a water curtain.”

“Okay.” Silver Face said.

She went up the steps to the window and looked down, and saw a bullet casing.

The killer shot at the second windowsill from the right on the west side of the fifth floor. Kai Xin approached and searched, and found more shell casings under the window.

Fortunately, the killer used a rifle. If he used a K80 long sniper with excellent performance, a single bullet could pierce through her alloy skull.

Kai Xin stood in front of the wide-open window, without any shelter.

Suddenly, “Danger Avoidance” was triggered again! The laser red dot that aided in aiming the gun appeared on Kai Xin.

It is still a silencer, and the bullets are fired silently. This time, Yinmian was prepared under Kai Xin’s reminder. The water curtain stretched instantly, and the bullet hit the water curtain, spinning and stopping to lose its kinetic energy.

The silver-faced water curtain enveloped Kai Xin at 360 degrees without any dead ends, for fear that she would be shot.

“Serial Bureau!” Yin Mian was taken aback, “There are still people ambushing you!”

He shuddered.

Kai Xin was shot by a bullet on the road, but he didn’t die. He went to the abandoned residential building to chase the killer. The killer died, so Kai Xin checked the scene of the crime in the abandoned residential building. At this time, another bullet shot out from the oblique stab.

If Kaixin felt a little bit slack because of the killer’s death and thought she was out of danger, then she would still die now!

“Let’s go after it!” Silver Face said.

“Did you see the red spots on my body? This time it’s not a rifle, it’s a sniper rifle. It’s too far away to catch up.” Kai Xin calmly chose to give up, “The mastermind behind the scenes is very, very cautious.”

She and Yinmian left the window, withdrew from the abandoned residential building, and found a safer corner to wait for Red’s arrival.

“I asked you to choose the person you trust the most among all the people at the meeting tonight. Who would you choose?” Kai Xin looked at Yinmian.

“Red.” Silver-face said, “He is the oldest member of the group.”

“Ask you to choose the person you least trust?”

Yinmian said: “I don’t know some people well, so I can’t make a judgment.”

Kai Xin said: “They may not have betrayed, but have been manipulated by parasitism. If the alien species has the ability to parasitize the awakened…”

Silver-faced eyes were heavy: “The headquarters will figure out what that alien creature is.”

Kai Xin pulled up his hood to completely cover his face. The mask is broken, but only a small part of the forehead is exposed, and the hood of the sweater can cover the face.

In the dark night, the shooter is far away, and the night vision device can see the figure clearly, but not the face. Kai Xin didn’t know if her metal skull was exposed when the first shot hit. Was the mastermind secretly observing nearby, or manipulating it from a distance? Had he guessed the way she parried the bullet?

She understands that asking all team members to send real-time positioning is not an absolutely rigorous approach, and positioning can also be manipulated. A qualified behind-the-scenes mastermind will not expose himself in details. She communicated to confirm the status of everyone, and to deceive the other party. In case the other party had a flaw, she could lock the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

It’s a pity that the person behind the scenes this time is a “high-end player” who hid himself well and even made a series of rounds.

Five minutes later, Red arrived. He was speeding down the street on a motorcycle with a bartender sitting in the back seat, both of them wearing camouflage masks.

The bartender got out of the car first, the pupils of his eyes under the mask turned red, and he looked around: “There are no monitoring equipment, no suspicious persons with weapons, and it is safe now.”

Red flicked the hair dyed and highlighted by the wind, looked Kai Xin up and down, and threw her a medicine: “Here, apply it externally. It turned out that the injury was on the head, and it was really conspicuous. This new medicine was applied for three hours. It will heal, don’t worry.”

Kai Xin unwrapped the medicine package and reached into his hat to apply the medicine on his forehead, “I’ve sent the report to the headquarters.”

“Did anyone catch it?” Red said.”Dead. I was investigating the scene while I was waiting for you, and then I was attacked for the second time. I didn’t go after the second attack. The shooter was too far away.” Kui Xin pulled out the bracelet and sent the photo to Red, ” The photos are all here, the physical evidence is a communicator and a gun, and the communicator is kept in silver.”

“An alien creature that I’ve never seen before.” Red frowned in disgust. “It’s you who can take such a disgusting photo.”

The bartender took a closer look and frowned.

Kui Xin said: “The killer’s body is on the second floor…Of course it’s bloody now, so I can only take a sample. The second attack took the abandoned residential building as the observation point, and the shooter’s position should be between four o’clock and five o’clock.” Between directions…you should be able to pick up bullet casings if you go to investigate now.”

“There are traitors among us.” Red made the same judgment as Kai Xin without going into details, “It’s too coincidental, there can’t be such a coincidence…”

Although this Red is dressed in a weird way, his mind is still good.

Kai Xin said, “Yinmian and I deliberately changed routes to go home, but the enemy tracked me down.”

“What method did the enemy use to track us? Human tracking? Micromachines?” Yin Mian said heavily, “Our situation is too dangerous.”

The bartender said: “I didn’t perceive the tracking device. The other party didn’t use technological equipment to track it. As for human tracking, this primitive method of silver-faced and rich women will not fail to detect it. It is not ruled out that the other party has extraordinary abilities of tracking and monitoring. ”

Kai Xin looked sideways. The bartender’s extraordinary ability seems to be related to perception and detection, and can he perceive high-tech equipment?

“Don’t go home, it’s too dangerous. It’s easy to expose your address if you go back before you understand the enemy’s tracking methods. Rich woman, you and Yinmian go back to the safe house to rest.” Red said, “I’ll contact the headquarters later and ask them to take a few The non-staff team was called in to investigate the scene.”

The members of the non-staff team are generally ordinary people without extraordinary abilities. They are often engaged in logistics and other tasks, such as cleaning the battlefield, assembling munitions, technical analysis, and so on. Not possessing extraordinary abilities does not mean that they are miscellaneous soldiers. Every team member has received absolutely rigorous training and is proficient in professional knowledge.

Compared to the awakened ones, ordinary people are the majority of the Mechanical Dawn organization.

“I’ll leave the rest to you. I have to go to work, unlike you who can arrange my time flexibly.” Kui Xin said.

“Okay.” Red said, “You concentrate on dealing with the investigation department, the traitors in the rear, I will handle it for you.”

His whole body was filled with a chilling aura.

“If you can catch someone alive, bring him to me.” Kai Xin said, “I want to know who he is.”

The hand of the ball python holding the cigarette trembled slightly. He took a deep breath on the cigar and whispered into the communicator, “I’m quitting.”

“The ‘rich woman’ is too sharp, the killer shot for half a minute… maybe not even half a minute, the rich woman caught him. The ‘silver face’ next to the rich woman has an awakening level of at least B, maybe close to A. ’ he repeated, ‘I quit! I don’t want to die!’

“I overestimated you, I thought you would be more courageous.” A hoarse voice came from the communicator, which was a voice disguised by a voice changer, “I promised you that I will arrange a new one for you when things are done. Identity, let you leave Heihai City to live elsewhere.”

“Before embracing a new life, I will die first.” Ball Python said, “It’s too dangerous, damn it, damn it! I shouldn’t be obsessed with agreeing to kill the rich woman! Red’s methods are more terrifying than you imagine, and the rich woman is not a bad woman.” It’s so annoying, they will suspect me…they are already suspicious of me! After the rich woman was shot, she called me and asked where I was, this guy must be testing me!”

The ball python was terrified, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He said, “The risk I take is much greater than what you described. I can’t take any more risks.”

“Don’t shirk responsibility. You failed to attach enough scent marks to your teammates. This is the main reason for the current passive situation. If the scent marks are successful, everyone attending the meeting tonight can be tracked smoothly , we will immediately start the decapitation operation to destroy them one by one, and you don’t have to worry about it.” The man said coldly, “But your scent mark only marked a few people, and the amount of attachment is too small, it only lasted for two hours before dissipating. It’s hard to track them down.”

“If it weren’t for the tight schedule, the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the ‘important’ identity of the rich woman and her role in the meeting, I wouldn’t let you do it tonight. You know that a well-trained undercover agent can do something to a How much corruption is caused by the strict organization, the rich woman must die, and the scent mark is gone if you miss tonight, we can’t track her down! We don’t even know who the rich woman is! You failed to kill the rich woman as I asked, even her No tissue samples were taken, and that was your fault.”

“Red didn’t explicitly admit that the rich woman was an undercover agent. If she didn’t admit it, it would be suspected. Further investigation is needed. What’s the use of you affirming that the rich woman is an undercover agent? I have to bear the consequences for you if you make a hasty decision.” Ball Python argued, “And The smell mark… I just took out the cigarette and took a puff, the boy with the silver face poured out my cigarette, what can I do? I just have that special cigarette, it was wet with water, lit it Can’t get up.”

Mentioning this ball python makes my heart tired.

He entered the meeting room and smoked a cigar. The cigar was a special mission prop. The scent factor emitted by the cigar can stick to the human body for a long time, forming a scent mark that humans can’t see or smell. There is only one kind at night. Active bugs will follow the scent mark in flight.The ball python pinpointed the time and lit a cigar before the meeting started. When the smoke filled the meeting room, all the people who entered the meeting room would be marked. At the end of the meeting, let the bugs fly, and you can roughly lock the position of the marked person by looking at the direction in which the bugs fly. The bugs are also specially treated, and you can see that they emit conspicuous fluorescence when you wear luminous glasses.

The ball python has considered it very well. He knows the extraordinary ability of the bartender, even a little high-tech tracking equipment is useless.

It’s a pity that people are not as good as heaven.

As soon as the cigarette was lit, Yin Nian threw a ball of water in a snap, extinguishing the cigar, extinguishing hope, and extinguishing the plan of the ball python.

It turned out that the rich woman and Yin Mian had a scent mark attached to their bodies. After Ball Python reported the content of the meeting to the informant, the informant offered a high price and asked him to shoot the rich woman.

The ball python operated after a while, released the worms, estimated the route, went to the bar to find a few parasitic aliens for the dead ghosts to control them, thinking that it would be safe.

But the kill mission failed, a complete failure.

“I don’t want to take any more risks.” The ball python said.

“I don’t want to take any risks, so what do you want to do? You’re stuck, do you want to stay in the mechanical dawn and be controlled by them, and be brainwashed by them?” The person in the communicator said, “Listen to me, lurking, wait When the right time comes, I can let you be yourself again, your name is not ‘Ball Python’, you haven’t used your real name for too long, you won’t forget what your name is?”

The ball python fell silent.

“If you think it’s dangerous, you don’t have to take any action in the near future, just concentrate on delivering the information.” The person in the communicator softened his attitude, “The existence of the rich woman is a threat to our side, so I was in a hurry to deal with it, and I didn’t make a good estimate of the rich woman and the silver face.” The strength caused the mission to fail, and I am also responsible, this is my mistake.”

The ball python was still hesitating, “But I…”

“Another five million.” The voice in the communicator was very calm, “When you retire, you can go wherever you want with this money.”

“What I lack is not money, you don’t understand.” Ball python said.

The person on the other side of the communicator thought for a moment: “Add a bottle of divine blood.”

The ball python was stunned.

“Your talent has come to an end, and the path of the awakened person stops here. You can only be a C-level for the rest of your life, and you can’t touch higher levels.” When hope falls short, you can choose another path and start over…you know what that path is.”

“Orange blood!” The ball python stared straight.

“Yes. You can become stronger by taking divine blood and becoming a person with different blood.” The man said, “If you are strong enough, Mechanical Dawn can’t do anything to you.”

“I heard that the body of a person with different blood has a chance to mutate into a monster…”

“After being diluted and filtered, the safety of divine blood has been greatly increased, and the chance of alienation has been greatly reduced. You can’t take no risks at all.”

The ball python was silent for a long time, “Okay, I can continue to be an undercover agent. According to what you said, I’m only responsible for delivering information, and I don’t care about anything else. Don’t ask me to kill people for you.”

“No problem.” The man said tolerantly, “You have to tell me more information about the rich woman, height, body shape, voice, the more detailed the better.”

The ball python thought for a while: “The rich woman has a voice changer, her real voice is unknown, her height is about 1.75 meters by visual inspection, and her gender is also unknown…”

“Gender unknown?” The man was taken aback.

“The code name of the rich woman is too obvious about her gender. It may be a smoke bomb. The real identity of the rich woman may not be a man. You look at the height of 1.75 meters. You can call it a man or a woman. In case A rich woman wearing fake breasts to disguise herself? There are many lunatics in Dawn of Machinery, and most lunatics have eccentricities, such as Red, whose hobbies are quite strange.” Ball Python is extremely cautious, “From my experience, the code name rich woman is even It sounds like a woman, but you can’t really treat this person as a woman! You can pretend to be tall and wear insoles or hollow out the soles of your shoes. What if the extraordinary ability of a rich woman is related to disguise?”

“…The information you provided is equivalent to not providing it. I can’t lock the target.” The person said.

“When you’re an undercover agent, you have to think too much.” The ball python was nervous.

“You used to think a lot, but you didn’t think so much. Did the rich woman frighten you tonight and let you think wildly?” The man sneered.

The ball python was about to refute, when he suddenly saw his bracelet flickering, and Rose Rose sent a communication.

“I’m going to hang up. My teammates are looking for me.” The ball python turned off the communicator, turned on the wristband and said with a loud voice as always, “Hey, big sister!”

“Have you finished your supper? Get over here and get to work quickly.” Thorn Qiangwei said coldly.

“Yes yes yes, I’ll be there right away! I’ll be there in five minutes, big sister, please rest first!” the ball python flattered.

After hanging up the communication, the ball python patted his fleshy face, straightened his back, and returned to his energetic state like a crowing rooster.

He left the spot and got on the locomotive, and drove all the way to look for Briar Rose.

“This room is not bad.” Yin looked around.

Kai Xin opened the cabinet and found that it was filled with all kinds of clothes, ranging from hip-hop clothes to suits. The small compartment next to it contained a full range of cosmetics, probably for the convenience of members of the organization for camouflage.

She took out her clothes and knocked on the bottom of the closet. The wooden boards made a hollow thumping sound. When she opened it, she saw that there was a secret passage underneath. Red said that this secret passage leads directly to the intricate city sewers and is an escape route.

They went back to the Ruby Bar, this time on the third floor, where members of the organization can rest and recuperate.the whole house.

Yin Mian tore open a can of fruit and sat cross-legged to eat.

The emergency food in the safe room is all in cans, medicines and weapon supplies are also stored in separate boxes, and there is a safe behind the wall hangings, which contains gold bars. The second world is a cashless society, but gold is still in circulation as a precious metal, and it is a hard currency for black market transactions.

“How do you go to work tomorrow morning?” Silver Face asked.

“Take the secret path.” Kui Xin sat on the bed, opened the map and studied the sewer line.

She glanced at the time, it was three o’clock in the morning.

If she keeps turning around day and night like this, she will die suddenly sooner or later.

“Where do I sleep?” Silver Face said.

Kai Xin said, “Making the floor?”

Yin Mian had no intention of objecting. He slept on the sofa when resting at Kai Xin’s house, and never expected to sleep on the bed.

After eating the canned food, Yin Mian hugged the quilt and spread it on the ground. He lay down and rolled up the quilt, ready to sleep.

Kai Xin turned off the light and lay down on the bed.

Counting all the people she knows so far, Yinmian is actually the most reliable.

Ask Kai Xin to choose the one who is least likely to kill her from all the people attending the meeting, and that is Yin Mian. His extraordinary ability is so strong that it doesn’t take much effort to kill Kai Xin, and she will die with just one move of a finger. Yinmian is actually a pure person, he doesn’t think too much, this is the main reason why Kai Xin is at ease with Yinmian.

The second one is Red. Red knew Kai Xin’s identity and her mission, the location of her home, and her position in the investigation department, so it would be very easy for him to kill Kai Xin.

If Kai Xin were to choose someone she finds most suspicious…she would choose the ball python.

Because he danced too much and behaved too stupidly.

The ball python didn’t feel like he was trying to be stupid, all his behaviors were very natural, and there was no trace of acting. But Kai Xin just thinks he is suspicious, unreasonably thinks he is suspicious.

Kai Xin thought about it, analyzed himself, and analyzed when he began to have a bad feeling for the ball python.

She recalled it and found that she disliked the smoking behavior of the ball python the most.

Kai Xin hated the smell of that cigar.

She was lying on the bed and couldn’t fall asleep. Yin Mian asked in a low voice, “Why haven’t you slept yet?”

“Your breathing is too loud.” Kai Xin said.

Silver-faced: “…I try to breathe as quietly as possible.”

Kai Xin thought for a while calmly, then touched the bracelet and sent a message to Red: “Red, focus on checking the ball python, I think there is something wrong with him.”

Soon, Red replied: “Received.”

It’s almost four o’clock in the morning, so I have to sleep.

Kai Xin will face a new challenge tomorrow – she needs to conduct an interview for regularization under the observation and questions of the team leaders of the Investigation Department.

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