The Lightless Sea 17

When Kui Xin stood in front of the investigation building, he had the feeling that he had just stepped out of the tiger’s den and into the wolf’s den.

In the morning, she entered the city sewer through the secret passage under the closet in the safe house, lifted the manhole cover in a small alley one block away, and climbed up, then took the suspended tram.

Heihai City is a coastal city with a well-developed drainage system. The sewers are wide enough for two sports cars to run side by side. There were frequent heavy rains in the past few days, and the water level in the sewers rose, but today the rain stopped and the water level gradually dropped.

In order to avoid the smell of the sewer on her body, Kai Xin specially called Yinmian and asked him to make a water curtain to block the smell and drain the sewage to send her to her destination.

“I always feel that following you and I have developed a lot of new uses for extraordinary abilities…” Yin Mian said quietly.

Washing dishes, washing vegetables, watering flowers and mopping the floor, and using water as a protective layer to block out odors, this supernatural ability was really understood by her.

After Kai Xin got on the tram, Yin Mian left.

At five o’clock in the morning, when she fell asleep, Red sent a message to let Kai Xin go to work normally, so he didn’t have to worry about the traitor reporting, he had already found out the clues.

The reason why Kai Xin came to work was not because of Red’s words, but because she had to make this choice.

If she evades work and disappears, the Investigation Department will become suspicious of her. If the person behind the scene last night was an undercover agent from the Investigation Department, they would be able to deduce her true identity from Kuixin’s disappearance. At that time, suspicion would become certainty, and she could only take the risk.

Kai Xin is a key member in Dawn of the Machine, but she doesn’t know how much weight and value she has in Dawn of the Machine. Is her life safety more important, or the identity and information of an undercover agent? Would Dawn Machine give up her life for the latter?

If all of Kai Xin’s value lies in her undercover identity, then losing this identity means she has lost her value. Those who are worthless will not be valued, and she will be abandoned by the Mechanical Dawn organization.

Kai Xin already knew a thing or two about the blood and cruelty of Mechanical Dawn, and she couldn’t let herself lose value.

As for the option of escaping, Kui Xin had thought about it, but she couldn’t implement it.

Her biological information, her account, everything about her is controlled by Mechanical Dawn. Chai Jian escaped from the psychiatric hospital, but he couldn’t move a single step in this technologically advanced society. Surveillance eyes watched the city, high-tech equipment searched for him, and his account in the cashless society was frozen so he couldn’t even buy food.

Through Chai Jian, Kai Xin could predict what would happen to her if she escaped.

In addition to these, Kai Xin will also face hunting. Silver Face is a stupid person, but he is also a qualified killer. His obedience is due to the fact that Kai Xin is his boss and a core member of Mechanical Dawn. If Kai Xin escapes, Yinmian will never let her go, he will change from a useful tool man to a knife that stabs her.

Trainee security guards and Mechanical Dawn members—These two identities are Kai Xin’s umbrella in the second world.

Before she has enough ability to protect herself, she needs to maintain her identity and play the role she should play.

“Welcome back, intern security officer Kai Xin.” Adam greeted Kai Xin as usual when he entered the door.

“Good morning, Xiao Kai.” Lan Lan said behind her.

“Morning, Lan Lan.” Kui Xin glanced back.

Lan Lan said with concern: “Why are your dark circles so heavy? Did you not sleep well last night?”

“Yeah, I almost didn’t sleep all night.” Kai Xin yawned and walked into the elevator.

“I have coffee there. I’ll make you some to refresh yourself?” Lan Lan said.

“No need, it’s too bitter.” Kui Xin pressed the elevator button, “There are tea bags in the lounge, I’ll just make some tea.”

Lan Lan smiled and said, “Is it because you are so nervous about the interview that you can’t sleep well?”

“There are factors in this aspect.” Kai Xin sighed.

There is an electronic screen in the elevator, which shows the time at 07:58. The working hours of the Investigation Department are eight o’clock, and she will go to the interview in about an hour.

When Kai Xin walked out of the elevator, the communicator in his pocket beeped.

Lan Lan’s communicator also rang, and he took it out to check: “Adam sent today’s work schedule, let me have a look… Great, no tasks, no need to go out to work.”

Generally speaking, when the team needs to perform urgent tasks, Adam will notify the team members through the broadcast inside the investigation building as soon as possible. If there is no task to be performed, today’s work schedule and training plan will be sent to the members in the form of emails. in the personal communicator for viewing.

Kai Xin clicked on his email, and then saw today’s arrangement in the email-interview without any surprise.

No training, no field work, only one interview.

If he fails the interview, Kai Xin will lose his job, so there is no need to post the next assignment.

“I’m going to work in the technical room. Come on for the interview.” Lan Lan raised her hand.

Kai Xin reacted for a while and realized that Lan Lan was going to give her a high five, so she also raised her hand.

“Crack!” The two palms clapped together.

Lan Lan turned and left. Kai Xin was thinking about whether to go to Area A to practice guns or go to the rest room to catch up on sleep in this hour of spare time.

Before she could think about it, Adam said, “Intern security officer Kui Xin, your interview time has changed. Please report to room 5313 on the fifth floor immediately. Your interviewer is waiting for you.”

Kai Xin asked in surprise, “Why did you change it?”

“There is a temporary job transfer, please forgive me for not being able to explain the specific situation to you. Please go to room 5313 on the fifth floor for an interview immediately.” Adam said.

“Okay.” Kui Xin turned around and pressed the elevator button.

Temporary tasks and emergencies are very common in the investigation department. It may be that Kai Xin’s interview time conflicted with the arrangement of an interviewer, resulting in a change in the interview time.

As the elevator went up, Kai Xin adjusted her breathing gently. After the elevator door opened, she stepped out of the elevator steadily and came to the corridor.

“Please follow the green light.” Adam marked the direction and route to 5313 for Kai Xin.

Through the long corridor, Kai Xin stopped in front of Room 5313, the metal door opened silently, and she walked in.

What came into view was a long black table. There were four people sitting behind the long table, two men and two women.

A man with half-gray hair and calm eyes, a young man in a suit with neatly combed hair and gold-rimmed glasses, a capable and serious middle-aged woman who looks like a head teacher, and an elegant and intellectual woman with big waves dyed red.

Kai Xin instantly compared the information in his mind. The gray-haired man was Chen Dongchang, the leader of the logistics support team, and the young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was Gong Zian, the leader of the information technology team. The young woman is Wei Zhi, the leader of the field team, and Wei Zhi is the direct supervisor of Kai Xin and Shu Xuyao.

And the last red-haired woman is Jiang Meimei, the well-known head of the criminal investigation team.

“Is that Kai Xin?” Wei Zhi said, “Sit down.”

“Yes, hello, team leaders.” Kai Xin sat down on a chair and faced the four interviewers.

Wei Zhi nodded, and said in a business-like manner: “Shu Xuyao ​​submitted your application for becoming a full-time official to me. I have seen your internship results and field work records. You are an excellent person, but whether you can stay in the investigation department depends on the situation.” See your next interview.”

“I understand, I’m ready.” Kai Xin was ready.

Not only does Wei Zhi have the same temperament as Kai Xin’s homeroom teacher, but also the tone of her speech. She had adjusted her mentality and stabilized her mood, but Wei Zhi made Kai Xin unconsciously tense up. In the shadow, the fear of falling asleep in class and finding the head teacher right in front of you when you look up is really deep in your bones.

At this time Jiang Meimei smiled and said: “Don’t be so nervous, relax, we will ask you to answer the questions, just treat it as usual.”

Jiang Meimei’s way of speaking reminded Kai Xin of Yang Xingyun from the psychotherapy office. Looking carefully, Jiang Meimei and Yang Xingyun also looked a bit alike… Could they be related by blood?

Chen Dongchang, head of the logistics support team, said: “Are you used to working in the Investigation Department, Kai Xin?”

When he doesn’t speak, he looks like a high-ranking person, but when he speaks, he seems to be an elder like an uncle.

The taut strings in Kai Xin’s heart relaxed.

It’s good for her to tell the truth, just tell the truth.

“I think I’m adapting well. I can do most of the work. Only a small part is not perfect because of the first contact, and my mentality has also adjusted.Not good enough. “Kai Xin said, “I will work hard to overcome this aspect. ”

“Do you want to stay and work in the Investigation Department?” Chen Dongchang asked.

“I think.” Kai Xin chose his words carefully, “But this job sometimes requires facing great dangers. Sometimes I am more worried about being injured or dying…”

Jiang Meimei asked: “Worrying about dying, do you want to stay and work here?”

“If you don’t consider the risk factors, I think security guard is a very good job, with high salary and benefits, a lot of room for promotion, and the colleagues around you are very loving.” Kai Xin said truthfully.

If in the first world he could be admitted to the civil service and get a solid job, then Kai Xin would almost wake up from his dream. The Department of Investigation is affiliated to the Federation and is a serious official department. Compared with other places, the salary is much better. If Kai Xin is an aborigine of the Second World, then this job in the Investigation Department is really her best choice.

“We have reviewed your family background information.” Gong Zian, the leader of the information technology group, said, “You owe a lot of loans to go to college, don’t you?”

“My family’s conditions are not very good…” Kai Xin seemed to be answering, but actually the answer was irrelevant.

She didn’t answer yes or no clearly.

Gong Zian pointed out rigorously: “The motivation for you to stay in the investigation department is money, right?”

Kai Xin thought for a while, “As a person from a poor family, I clearly know how important it is to have a stable job with high salaries… But salary is not the main reason why I want to stay.”

“Let’s talk about it carefully.” Gong Zian said.

“I want to stay because this is the best choice for me. In the investigation department, I can learn knowledge and improve myself. Someone pays me wages. Colleagues take care of each other. The working environment is good. Apart from work Except for the high risk and psychological pressure, I am quite satisfied with everything else… I can hardly find a better way out, this is the reason why I stayed.” Kai Xin smiled a little shyly, “Sorry, to be a bit blunt, I’m a pragmatist.”

“Most people in the Investigation Department are pragmatists, and so am I.” Gong Zian adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, “The brilliance of idealism is indeed dazzling, but only by being down-to-earth can we go further.”

The expressions of the four interviewers showed nothing unusual, and Kai Xin’s mind was stable. She thought that she had answered well so far, and she did not show any suspicious points.

Kai Xin is a time traveler, she can tell a part of the truth. With the original body, the few questions just now cannot be told the truth.

Gong Zian asked why she wanted to stay in the investigation department, but she probably had to answer: “The organization sent me as an undercover agent, so I want to stay.”

It’s absolutely impossible to answer like this, but if you can’t tell the truth, then you have to lie. But lying cannot escape the extraordinary ability of “lie recognition”. Maybe even a high-tech lie detector can detect a person is lying. It is very difficult for a liar to pass the interview.

Chen Dongchang said: “We have a set of evaluation criteria for whether intern employees are eligible to become regular employees, and psychological evaluation is the most important part of the evaluation.”

“Do you mean the ability to resist stress and mental health?” Kai Xin asked.

“Yes.” Chen Dongchang said in a thick voice, “You should know how dangerous our work is. I heard that you were injured and replaced with an alloy skull.”

“The alloy skull is very useful and can protect my head very well.” Kai Xin said.

“The federal government allocates funds to the Department of Investigation every year, and a large part of this fund is used for casualty compensation. This is a job that is accompanied by death. What you face is not only the death of the enemy, but also the death of your teammates ” Chen Dongchang said, “We want to confirm whether you have the ability to bear this kind of psychological pressure.”

“I think I have the ability to bear it.” Kai Xin said, “I have not experienced the death of my teammates, only the death of my enemies. Looking back on that scene now, I am much calmer.”

Wei Zhi looked directly into Kai Xin’s eyes: “Shu Xuyao ​​submitted your record. The first time you killed someone was not long ago. The targets you killed were two robbers on Anning Street.”

“Yes.” Kai Xin answered in the affirmative this time. This is what she has experienced. It was indeed her first time to kill someone. She doesn’t need to answer ambiguously.

She said: “I overreacted on Anning Street. The best way to deal with it is not to kill people. I know this.”

“You killed the mentally ill fugitive Chai Jian for the second time?” Wei Zhi said.

“Yes.” Kai Xin said.

“How does it feel to kill someone for the first time?” Wei Zhi asked.

Before Kaixin opened her mouth to answer, Jiang Meimei beside Weizhi said, “If you don’t want to recall, you can refuse to answer. I know that recalling such things is not a pleasant process.”

Kai Xin paused, and chose to answer: “Panic, confused, fearful, unreal…and disgusting.”

“What is the difference between the feeling of killing the second time and the first time?” Wei Zhi continued to ask.

“The second time I was more hesitant than the first time.” Kai Xin murmured, “But I was more proactive. I took the initiative to shoot, consciously thinking and judging, and after careful consideration, I decided to deprive Chai Jian of his life… I Don’t regret doing it.”

Weizhi’s tone softened slightly: “It’s good that you know how to be in awe of life. Excessive rationality becomes cruelty, and excessive sensibility is weakness. Hold a clear boundary between reason and emotion, which is what you need to do .”

“I understand. Thank you for your reminder.” Kai Xin said in a low voice.

“Have you been to the psychological treatment room?” Jiang Meimei said, “How does it feel to receive psychological counseling?”

“I’ve been there. Director Yang is very nice. It’s very relaxing to chat with him. I like psychotherapy.Office decor. “Kai Xin said as a joke, “Well… If I have an office in the future, I will consider Director Yang’s decoration style. ”

Jiang Meimei laughed lightly, and she said, “You are an interesting person, Kai Xin.”

“I would like to take the liberty to ask, are you related to Director Yang?” Kui Xin asked suspiciously, “You and Director Yang look alike, and they speak the same way.”

“I’m his cousin.” Jiang Meimei said, “His university major is psychology, and I major in criminal investigation psychology. He became a therapist and I became a security guard.”

Kai Xin said, “So that’s how it is.”

“Some people are very resistant to psychological counseling and psychotherapy. People with strong personalities and achievements in some fields are especially stubborn in this regard. They insist that mental illness is nothing. But psychotherapy is necessary. They may have strong People always refuse to expose their vulnerable side to others.” Jiang Meimei said, “There are many such stubborn people in our investigation department. Don’t learn from them. There is a problem. Just go to the psychiatry office right away.”

“I will remember your suggestion.” Kai Xin said.

Gong Zian looked at Kai Xin and said, “Do you have any goals you want to achieve?”

Kai Xin said: “There is no long-term goal for the time being. The short-term goal is to do a good job and study hard.”

“To be pragmatic, you can’t just look at the immediate future, you have to take a long-term view.” Gong Zian said.

Jiang Meimei laughed: “I like you very much, Kai Xin. Do you want to be transferred to our criminal investigation team after you become a regular? Your major is criminal investigation technology. I think your grades are pretty good, and your theory is solid.”

Wei Zhi raised her eyebrows: “Are you trying to poach someone?”

Don’t transfer it. Kai Xin thought vigilantly.

It is rumored that Jiang Meimei’s supernatural ability is “lie recognition”. The number of times Kai Xindiao had dealings with Jiang Meimei in the past would have skyrocketed. It is impossible for her to lie every time and every time she meets Jiang Meimei. What’s more, Kai Xin didn’t have any theoretical knowledge of criminal investigation techniques at all. She was still struggling to read the book, and it was over when she went.

Kai Xin thought of an excuse: “I told Captain Shu that if the captains of other teams didn’t have his compassion for their subordinates, I wouldn’t apply for transfer…”

A smile appeared on Wei Zhi’s serious face.

Jiang Meimei pretended to be sorry and said: “Well, it’s a pity, Kai Xin.”

The communicator on Chen Dongchang’s body vibrated. He glanced down, and immediately stood up: “I have a mission, I have to go first, everyone.”

He simply nodded his head to his colleagues in the meeting room as farewell, and walked out of the room without stopping.

The remaining three interviewers asked Kai Xin some questions, and she answered them all in a safe manner. The entire interview process lasted about fifteen minutes.

“The interview can be over.” Jiang Meimei said, “This time the interview started earlier because of time issues. Most of us have tasks to perform, and time is tight, so it is difficult to get together.” She glanced at the time, “I have something to do first. busy.”

Kai Xin couldn’t help but ask, “Then did I pass the interview?”

“Of course.” Jiang Meimei smiled, “Congratulations on officially joining the Investigation Department, Kai Xin.”

Wei Zhi also smiled, “You are very good, Kai Xin.”

“Your information in the Investigation Department will be updated later, and your citizenship level will be raised from level 4 to level 3.” Gong Zian said, “You are welcome to join.”

Citizenship rank is a very important thing.

According to the level of citizenship, people enjoy different benefits in society. For example, if a person goes to the bank to borrow a loan, people with a high level of citizenship tend to obtain loans with low interest rates more easily, and the monthly pension payment and insurance business also have different degrees of preferential treatment.

Most of the law-abiding people are Level 4 citizens, those with minor criminal records are Level 5 citizens, and those with major criminal records are Level 6 citizens. Level 6 citizens will be deprived of political rights. Kai Xin was promoted to a third-level citizen because she is already a member of the federal government, and her identity is different from ordinary people.

This is a world with distinct classes.

Kai Xin vaguely guessed that this interview test was not about her personal ability, but about her heart.

The interviewers are confirming whether she is lying, whether her identity is true, and whether she has ulterior motives in joining the investigation department… As long as her identity and purpose are correct, it is a sure thing to become a regular.

Wei Zhi walked over to Kai Xin and said, “Go to your captain, he will train you as an official member.”

“Training?” Kui Xin was taken aback.

“Yes, training.” Wei Zhi said meaningfully, “I will show you the other side of the world… In fact, you have almost seen it, but you don’t have a systematic understanding of those things.”

Kai Xin thought of it: “You are talking about…”

“Alien creatures. The parasitic hydra you saw in the previous mission is just one of them, and there are more kinds of alien creatures. They are more dangerous and have more terrifying abilities.” Weizhi said, “Go and see , Kai Xin. There are many more secrets in this world than you can imagine.”

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