The Lightless Sea64

The severed tentacles were still alive and kicking on the ground, the gushing out of blue blood quickly stopped, a new tentacle grew out from the cut of the tentacles, elongated cunningly, and wrapped around Kai Xin’s body. on the legs.

The tentacles quickly tightened, and the barbs on the tentacles’ suction cups rubbed against the exoskeleton armor, making an unbearable piercing sound. The tentacles of the two-headed monster were stronger than those of any alien creature Kai Xin encountered Powerful, it squeezed the exoskeleton armor, and the exoskeleton armor was slightly deformed, and the metal parts were squeezing her legs.

Kai Xin was staggered by the tentacles, and she almost couldn’t stand upright. She pulled out the retractable knife and went to the floor to stabilize her body. Silver-faced eyes quickly grabbed Kai Xin’s waist to prevent her from being dragged away by the monster.

Hei Yao drew out the knife and cut off the tentacles wrapped around Kai Xin’s legs with a slash. Blue blood stained the armor, and he breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s non-corrosive blood.”

The two-headed monster that Tang Guan transformed into simply didn’t look like a creature that should exist in the world.

The head with the face of a monster has a distorted smile, and its eyes reveal human-like emotions—excitement and cruelty. It sticks out its dark purple-skinned, pockmarked tongue and licks its lips eagerly, like a gourmet who can’t wait to taste his food.

And its food is the three humans in front of it.

It’s a pity that human beings don’t intend to give up resistance and become food.

When the tentacles attacked again, the silver surface propped up the water curtain, and the tentacles slammed on the water curtain, causing violent ripples on the water curtain, blocking the attack of the two-headed monster, but covered by the water curtain, no matter whether it was a bullet Or the blade can’t exert its power.

In the next second, Yinmian withdrew the properties he gave to the water, and the water curtain collapsed. When the water splashes were suspended in mid-air and were about to disperse, Kai Xin swung his knife tacitly to make up for the attack.

With a swish sound, the finely forged and extremely sharp blade broke through the water curtain, and the blade just happened to smoothly split a splashed water drop into two halves, split the transparent water wall into two halves, and even cut the water into two halves. The tentacles that danced in front of them were also cut in half.

The monster’s blue blood merged with the splashing water, as freehand as a painter splashing ink, and as smooth as a tailor holding scissors to cut fine yarn.

Blood and water splashed onto Kai Xin’s helmet and body. Hei Yao took a step forward, holding an unlatched mighty weapon in his hand.Enhanced grenade.

With the dexterity of a bowler, he dropped the bomb on the monster’s head, and the bomb exploded the instant it touched the monster’s body, and the silver-faced timing was just right to unfurl the second curtain of water, while pulling them with the rope The two left the kitchen door and lay down on the ground, avoiding the violent shock wave.

The water curtain fluctuated violently, and flames and shock waves rushed out of the kitchen door, like an erupting volcano. The metal wall on the side of the kitchen even bulged slightly due to the shock wave, and the roar of the explosion repeated over and over in the long The corridor echoed, and the ears of the three of them were a little tinnitus.

Kai Xin shook his head and got up from the ground.

When they boarded the ship with the investigation department, the bombs they used were miniature bombs. The explosion range was only more than two meters, and the power of the bombs used by Obsidian was not of the same order of magnitude.

“Placing this bomb outside can blow up a crater several meters deep on the ground. Is it still alive?” Yin Mian also got up.

“Not dead, the monster’s thinking is still active, but a little weakened. It…or they…their thinking is very chaotic, and I can’t control them.” A blue light flashed in Obsidian’s eyes, and then his face was serious He quickly said, “That monster has two heads and two minds. It is useless to just knock out one head. If one head is gone, the other head will grow back quickly. We may need to knock out both heads at the same time.”

Kai Xin said, “I can’t even get close, let alone hit two heads at the same time.”

As a B-level awakened person, Obsidian can perform superficial reading of thoughts and read the emotions of a specific person, but he cannot detect the deepest thoughts of a person, and it is difficult to manipulate other people’s thinking as he likes. Manipulation of willpower is weak Ordinary people can barely do it, and it is basically impossible to manipulate awakened people. As the extraordinary ability level increases, these abilities will also improve, and he has a lot of room for improvement.

Psychiatric superpowers have different directions of focus. Some are good at reading minds, while others are good at controlling thinking. The abilities of Amber and Obsidian twins are exactly the same. They are not good at mind control and reading, and their extraordinary abilities are mainly reflected in the aspect of “consciousness implantation”.

That is, brainwashing.

This is different from mind control, which will turn the person being manipulated into a living puppet, a driven marionette, while consciousness implantation is more about implanting a special idea or keyword into the human brain After a long time, this seed of consciousness will take root and grow into a towering tree, and the implanted person will unknowingly change his mind and become a “free” puppet.

After repeated hypnosis and consciousness implantation, the seeds of consciousness will take root in the depths of other people’s minds, which are extremely hidden and difficult to remove.

The abilities of the Amber and Obsidian twins are relatively weak at present, but the future can be expected. At the same time, because of their abilities, they are in a relatively awkward position in the organization. Kai Haidong is a little bit afraid of them, but wants to train them well.

Yin-Mian looked back, and was shocked to find that the tentacles lying paralyzed by the kitchen door were slowly swimming on the ground, as if they wanted to grab the three of them.

Hei Yao gestured to Yin-Mian, and took out a grenade again. Yin-Mian took the bomb knowingly, unplugged it, and used water to control the bomb and threw it into the kitchen.

There was another loud bang, and the paralyzed tentacles at the door were blown off, flew to the wall, and stuck to it.

Yin Mian asked expectantly, “Are you still alive?”

“No…” Hei Yao walked slowly to the kitchen door, looking at the big hole in the kitchen floor with an ugly expression, “It ran away.”

The floor of the kitchen is also a steel plate, and now there is a big hole nearly two meters in diameter on the steel plate, and the monster jumped into it.

“Red, be careful, there is a very difficult monster on board.” Kai Xin said.

Red said: “Received. Eden informed me of the situation on your side. Our mission is not optimistic. Evacuate to the deck. We have removed the mainboard of the ship’s artificial intelligence. In addition, the fire started in the hangar , but the fire safety system here was artificially turned off and we just turned it back on and stopped the fire.”

Kai Xin said, “Understood.”

Before leaving, she looked at the hole in the kitchen floor: “Black Yao, scan that hole… just throw the scanner over there.”

The scanner can’t be suspended like a miniature drone, but in this dangerous situation, none of the three of them are willing to approach the entrance of the cave, so they can only abandon one scanner.

Obsidian threw out a ball-shaped scanner, and the scanner fell straight into the hollow below the kitchen. The scanned image was transmitted back in just two or three seconds, making them feel terrified.

Below the kitchen is a water reservoir.

Today, with advanced technology, ships sailing at sea can directly pump seawater for filtering and purification as drinking water, but this seawater treatment system requires a special water storage reservoir, and the water storage reservoir on the Kraken is just below the kitchen.

In addition to the water in the huge reservoir, there are also piles of eggs stuck to the walls of the reservoir.

The strings of eggs are like the pimples on a toad. They are ugly and sticky, and in a dark environment, they actually glow slightly fluorescent.

Kai Xin suddenly remembered the nightmare scene he saw on the deck of the Kraken during his last reincarnation. The searchlights of the helicopter swept across the sea, and the sea was densely packed with eyes of alien creatures. Will-o’-the-wisps burning in the cemetery.

There was also a hole in the steel plate of the reservoir. It is conceivable that the two-headed monster escaped from here. Now itMust be wandering somewhere inside the freighter.

Yinmian frowned: “How many alien creatures will be hidden here? The number of alien creatures is already greater than the number of living people.”

“We didn’t find many corpses. According to intelligence, there were at least forty crew members on board.” Hei Yao said.

Kai Xin pointed faintly at the door of the kitchen freezer, which was blown to the point of collapse: “Did you notice the floor, the bloodstains stretched there. I guess some of the corpses must have been frozen, just like humans would put leftovers Put the food in the freezer to keep it fresh.”

The Kraken gave Kai Xin the feeling that it was a ghost ship bound for hell. The ship was full of the souls of the dead. The demons coveted this ship, holding knives and forks and staring at it, wanting to feast on it.

“Red told us to retreat to the deck, let’s go.” Obsidian lowered his eyes.

“What’s the matter with that Tang crown?” After the silver mask was broken, he walked in the back and asked.

“He obviously still maintains a certain degree of self-awareness. I guess that kind of unknown monster will not absorb the life of the host like the parasitic polyp and the redthorn hunter, but will compete with humans for control of the body and devour their spirit…so When Tang Guan is awake, he is not sober, he is fighting against the monster, if he collapses, he will be swallowed.” Kai Xin made a reasonable guess, “Tang Guan and that monster seem to be in a symbiotic state.”

“I think so too.” Hei Yao said, “The accident on the ship is related to the secret sect. This speculation should be close to ten.”

They stopped talking after a brief exchange, but guarded their surroundings and retreated as quickly as possible.

Kai Xin took a few seconds to summon the system, and the light curtain flashed.

“[Task progress]: 99%.”

Only one percent is left.

If Tang Guan is not the man behind the scenes, if Tang Guan is also one of the people being manipulated, where is the real man behind the scene? Tang Guan’s pain does not seem to be fake, and the tragedy on the Kraken should not be his original intention.

Just as the three of them were keeping alert and retreating, Kai Xin’s mind suddenly froze.


The familiar heartbeat sounded.

At this moment, Kai Xin heard the rubbing sound of something sliding through the pipe, his temples throbbed, and the omen of danger emerged in his heart.

Suddenly there was a hissing and cracking sound from the exhaust duct above their heads, the circuit of the lamp tube in the corridor was torn off, and the lights flickered on and off. In just one breath, the two-headed monster twisted and squeezed out of the exhaust duct. .

After it escaped from under the kitchen, it somehow squeezed into the exhaust duct.

The two-headed monster slid through the ventilation duct with octopus-like arms and legs, looking for the location of the three of Kuixin, and then fell from the sky, grabbed the three of Kuixin, cunningly strangled the neck of Yinmian, who was the most powerful in combat, and then used his weight to The superiority pressed down the huge body heavily, and pressed Kai Xin and Hei Yao to the ground firmly, covering their mouths and noses layer by layer with tentacles, strangling their bodies.

However, Kai Xin held on tightly to her telescopic knife. The moment the monster’s body was pressed down, she straightened the knife, and the one-meter-long knife pierced its body fiercely from bottom to top.

Kai Xin’s neck bones and ribs made the sound of being overwhelmed, and her eyes turned red due to lack of oxygen and congestion. The exoskeleton armor lessens the strangulation a bit while providing a powerful buff to her frame.

The parts are running, and the mechanical parts are overloaded.

The blood vessels in Kai Xin’s hand were protruding, and under the action of the desire to survive, she exploded her potential and broke through the limit of this body. Her wrist and arm exerted force at the same time, and the muscles even tore like a fully stretched bowstring due to excessive force. open.

She broke free from the tentacles, and raised the knife to cut open the monster’s body!

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