The Lightless Sea65

The retractable knife cut open from the monster’s abdomen to its neck, breaking through the gap between the two skulls.

Kai Xin followed the trend and turned the blade, cut to the left, and chopped off the monster’s head with one blow.

The head that looked like a deformed tumor rolled to the ground, and the eyes of the head that fell on the ground were still swishing. The vitality of this thing is really terrifying.

When Kaixin cut open the monster’s body, the blood flowing out of the wound was not blue but red, and the blood coming out of the monster’s neck was pure blue. Some strange force forcibly sewed the monster and human into one The creature, which is twisted and weird like a mammoth and Loch Ness monster when it was created by God.

The dancing tentacles slowed down for a moment, Yinmian seized the opportunity to break free, and a ball of water splashed around Tang Guan’s head. He made a fist-clenching movement, and Tang Guan’s head was suddenly twisted into a bloody mess. Meat puree.

The tentacles suddenly straightened, and then went limp.

The blood on Tang Guan’s neck port is not blue, but human crimson.

Kai Xin retched twice, not because she really felt sick, but because her throat was squeezed too much by the tentacles, and she felt a pain like suffocation. Her right arm, holding the knife, was shaking, with torn muscles and ligaments.

Fortunately, she has a strong recovery ability, and it only takes a moment to recover her combat power.

Hei Yao covered his neck and coughed violently, pushed aside a bunch of sticky tentacles and crawled out, and said in a hoarse voice, “It’s not dead yet!”

Without his reminding, Kai Xin and Yin Mian also sensed that something was wrong. Although the tentacles lost any signs of movement, the monster’s head fell to the ground, and its eyes slowly stopped moving, but the neck connecting the two heads quickly bulged up two lumps of sarcoma, which throbbed violently, and a blurry blur gradually appeared on it. The facial features and the contours of the brain…even the head can be regenerated!

Kui XinTaking a deep breath, he swung the knife again, and the two lumps of sarcoma were cut off, and two streams of blood, one blue and one red, spewed out.

This monster’s regenerative ability is almost as good as Kuixin’s flesh and blood regeneration. It doesn’t work if any weapon hits a vital point, and it has almost no weaknesses.

Next, whenever the two necks of the monster grow sarcoma and want to regenerate the head, Kui Xin raises the knife to cut off the two sarcoid tumors, and the blue and red springs of blood spurt out with a puff, then stop, and then puff out again .

After beheading five or six times in a row, Yinmian’s expression was numb, and the corners of Hei Yao’s mouth twitched. Even Kai Xin almost laughed angrily.

However, this approach is useful. Monster sarcoma grows from fast to slow. At the beginning, it only takes two or three seconds for a large lump to grow, and then it takes more than ten seconds for a lump to grow, and the blood is no longer there. So much gushing. Flesh regeneration requires energy, and if Kaixin’s own flesh regeneration is overused, it will intensify the desire to eat, and the division of cells requires energy support.

The same is true for the double-headed monster. The energy in the monster’s body is not enough to support it to regenerate its head so many times, and the head is its thinking organ. Without the head, it cannot control its own body to attack.

Hei Yao quickly saw the way: “Silver Face, cut off all the monster’s bodies with me.”

He took out a dagger, bent down and started to work, cutting off the monster’s limbs and arms.

What he has to do is to create more wounds on the monster so that it will continue to consume its own strength and slow down the healing speed.

Yin Mian cut the tentacles with a knife, and said in a broken voice, “Help, I don’t want to eat squid skewers and octopus skewers again in my life!”

His voice was also hoarse. This monster almost killed the three of them.

The scene of Kai Xin, Yin Mian, and Hei Yao bending over to work was like the scene of a murder case being dismembered.

After the monster’s arms, legs and limbs were disassembled, there was only a part of the torso that had not been disassembled. Human pigs were cruelly punished in the first world, and now Tang Guan became a human pig, a human pig who was alive but lost his limbs.

Kai Xin stared at the monster’s neck to prevent it from being revived, while Hei Yao began to seriously disassemble Tang Guan’s torso, trying to figure out where the monster’s core was.

The core is not the head, not the heart, so what could it be? Could it be the torso itself?

As soon as Hei Yao made a cut, he heard Kai Haidong’s voice: “Don’t waste time on the spot, take this monster’s torso, it’s a rare living sample, don’t touch it if it loses the ability to resist, take it Take it back to headquarters.”

Hei Yao paused: “Yes, leader.”

Yinmian couldn’t bear to look directly at the torso on the ground, lifted it up with the sound of water, looked at Kai Xin and said, “Hei Yao, rich…rich woman…” He twisted his lips several times before he managed to utter the awkwardness. The code name, “You have to pay attention, don’t let this thing regenerate.”

“I suspect it won’t have energy to regenerate.” Kai Xin said disgustedly, staring at the writhing little granulation on his torso.

The stumps that fell to the ground showed no sign of regeneration, and the head had lost its vitality, which showed that what they brought back was the core body of the monster.

“Red and the others removed the artificial intelligence mainboard, and we also captured a living body.” Hei Yao said, “The next thing we need to do is blow up the power pod.”

Kai Xin said, “Red, how is your side?”

Red replied: “An all-terrain exploration robot has been sent to the power cabin carrying the blasting device, and the blasting device is currently being installed.” After a few seconds, he said, “Okay, the installation has been completed.”

Yinmian said happily: “It’s going well! I’ll be back soon!”

They had already reached the deck entrance, and the cool sea breeze was blowing in.

Kai Xin’s tense shoulders relaxed a little.

This operation went much smoother than last time. The last time Kai Xin and his teammates from the Investigation Department boarded the ship and received a backstab from the crew of the Kraken, the Investigation Department never thought that their enemies did not come from the outside, but were hidden inside.

The more capable Awakened squads were all on the escort ships. They were isolated and helpless. They were caught off guard by the ambushing enemy, and they didn’t have the equipment to deal with the situation. All the heavy firepower weapons were loaded on the escort ships. Moreover, within half an hour of boarding the ship, the ship began to explode, so that it was difficult for them to even resist, and they lost their lives just like that.

The failure of the Investigation Department was accidental and inevitable. This is the inevitable result of the intelligence gap. The enemy has carefully prepared and laid out a network of heaven and earth, but they are unaware of it, and they have lost completely from the very beginning.

The teammates of Mechanical Dawn are reliable. All members are awakened, and everyone has a high combat effectiveness. They knew the inside story of the Kraken, knew the danger of the ship, and carried a lot of heavy weapons.

Before boarding the ship, they went to the small island to observe the Kraken. After seeing the fire on board, the members of Mechanical Dawn raised their vigilance to the extreme, and it was not so easy to get caught.

If the Yinmian and Hei Yao beside Kai Xin were replaced by Shu Xuyao, Liu Kangyun and others… then facing the monster Tang Guan turned into, it would be very difficult for Kai Xin to cooperate with his teammates to defeat it tacitly.

The strength of ordinary people and awakened people is not at the same level at all. No matter how rich the combat experience of Shu Xuyao ​​and the others is, they cannot compare with the well-trained and extraordinary abilities of Yin Mian.

The mechanical dawn boarded the ship with the intention of killing people, and the investigation department boarded the ship with the purpose of protection. There is a big difference in mentality between the two.

Kai Xin wanted to understand the key point, and noticed that the neck of the monster bound by the silver-faced water rope slowly grew two lumps of sarcoma.

Annoyed, she cut them off, and by the way the torsoThe granulation buds that were constantly wriggling at the fracture were also cut clean.

The three of them stepped onto the deck again, and Red and the others were also waiting on the deck.

No one in the task execution team committed suicide. Kai Haidong said that the contents in the cargo compartment should not be cared about, looked at, or explored, so no one went to check curiously.

Curiosity killed the cat. This sentence is not just a saying. Everyone present has experienced life and death, so they naturally understand how important it is to hold back curiosity.

Amber is carrying a huge backpack on her back, which contains the mainboard of artificial intelligence.

Red glanced at the time and said, “Let Ye Chan take us back to the island, and we will blast it remotely.”

“Oh.” The bartender suddenly pointed to the distance, “Look at the sky.”

“Gouri’s investigation department is here!” Thorn Qiangwei scolded, “Yechan! Hurry up and send it!”

In the pitch-black night sky, the lights of the armed helicopter gradually became more eye-catching from a small white spot from far to near. The lights illuminated the dark clouds.

The huge roar of the gunship’s rotor rotation also came from afar.

The blue vortex slowly expanded, and Ye Chan said, “It’s opening.”

At the same moment as the blue vortex expanded, the machine gun loaded by the gunship raised its black muzzle, and the scene of flames erupting was extremely dazzling in the dark night.

This machine gun is a well-deserved weapon on the battlefield. The diameter of the bullet is eight millimeters, six barrels, and the rate of fire can reach an astonishing six thousand rounds per minute. When the bullet hits the human body, it will explode a huge blood hole in the human body, which can hit people in the middle broken.

“Damn it!” Yin Mian, who had the most versatility, hurriedly opened the defensive water curtain.

The bullet hit the deck and set off a long series of sparks, and then hit the water curtain. With a bang, a hole exploded in the water curtain. The kinetic energy of the bullet was consumed a lot, and it failed to hit everyone’s exoskeleton armor. The defense was broken, but potholes were still left behind.

In just two or three seconds, the water curtain on the silver surface was about to fail, but he bought some time for the opening of the transmission channel.

The blue vortex expanded to a sufficient size, and Red took the lead in rushing in. They scrambled together. After the silver face was broken and the water curtain collapsed, he raised the monster’s torso as a shield to block the bullets.

Bang bang bang The blood exploded, and the torso of the monster he used as a shield was tattered, and the healing speed was visibly sluggish.

When Yinmian also rushed into the portal in a hurry, the blue vortex closed instantly.

As soon as Kai Xin came out of the vortex, he drew a knife and cut off the tumor on the monster’s neck again.

Yin Mian shook the “rotten meat” in his hand, and said innocently, “Is it going to be tortured to death by us?”

Yechan stood on the small island, folded her arms and said, “Red, detonate it quickly, hurry back.”

Red pressed the detonation button.


The flames soared into the sky, as if a submarine volcano had erupted, and the black sea reflected an orange-red light, like a sunrise.

Countless fragments of the hull were blown up and hit a helicopter.

The scene that Kai Xin had seen once again reappeared, the helicopter turned into a fireball and fell from the sky.

“BOOM!” Red whistled, “We can make a wish on a shooting star.”

“Okay, the task has been successfully completed, and we’re going home.” Yechan stretched her neck and snapped her fingers.

Another blue vortex unfolded, and everyone stepped more calmly, stepping into the transmission channel one by one.

Kui Xin and Ye Chan were the last to enter.

Before entering, Kai Xin glanced back at the sea, the escort ship was coming, but the speed of the ship was not as fast as the armed helicopter, the Kraken was burning, she died here last time, this time the mechanical dawn blew up here Destroyed, she was both a witness and a bystander—witnessing the sinking of the Kraken and watching the destruction of the Kraken.

“What’s the matter, Miss, you can’t be reluctant to part with that ghost ship, right?” Ye Chan said with a smile, “Don’t tell me you want to go to the cargo hold to see the ‘cargo’ in person?”

“Then there’s no need.” Kui Xin said, “It’s not a good thing.”

“That’s true.” Ye Chan said, “I don’t know if it’s good or bad to put that thing back into the sea… But we have no other choice, we can only do this to avoid a temporary disaster.”

After he finished speaking, Kai Xin seemed to hear the beating sound of a huge heart again.

Something gradually woke up from deep sleep, and turned its yellow eyes to look at the world.

Ye Chan patted Kai Xin on the shoulder, “Let’s go, go back.”

Kai Xin lowered his head and stepped into the deep blue vortex.

In the mechanical dawn headquarters, Kai Haidong twitched his fingers and shook his legs nervously.

Red reported: “The mission is complete, the Kraken has been blown up, the rich woman brought back the living samples, and Ye Chan directly imprisoned the living samples in the reinforced isolation room.”

“Okay, let’s disinfect and clean the whole body. The blood of those monsters has some side effects, so don’t keep it on your body.” Kui Haidong said in a steady voice, “Yinmian and the others got a lot of blood from fighting monsters, and…”

After explaining the precautions, Kai Haidong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He tugged at his collar, and contacted Kai Xin one-way.

“Hello? Xiao Xin.” Kui Haidong said kindly, “You did a good job tonight. Dad is proud of you.”

Kui Xin: “Are you finished, ‘Dad’? After I finished, I’m going to take a bath. The monster’s blood and mucus are all over my body, and now my body smells like rotten seafood. Tsk… I want to vomit.”

Kai Haidong’s well-prepared emotions and acting skills have no room for display, he said angrily: “…well, you go.”

“correct’Father’, that Tang Guan… If you can find anything, please let me know. “Kai Xin said in a casual tone, “I’m really curious about his identity, is it really a secret sect?” ”

“Okay.” Kui Haidong agreed without thinking too much.

Hanging up Kai Xin’s communication, Kai Haidong connected another communication, this time to the person in charge of the research institute: “The newly brought back living samples are very precious, try injecting nutrients into the body of the samples to see if it works Speed ​​up body repair, let the two heads of that thing grow back.”

For a living intelligent sample, half of the body is a monster and half is human, and the human part maintains a weak self-awareness. The mechanical dawn needs to obtain information from the mouth of the only living sample, and also needs to carry out a lot of research on the sample. experiment.

After all the matters were dealt with, Kai Haidong received an order from “that person”.

“Let her meet the imprisoned ‘player’.”

Kai Haidong cautiously asked: “Is this… also part of the test?”

“You can think so.”

Kui Haidong said, “Okay, I will make arrangements.”

Half an hour later, after disinfecting and cleaning his whole body, Kai Xin sat in a special lounge and rubbed his eyes wearily.

The present moment, 03:59.

It was another day of sleepless nights.

Kai Xin sent a text message: “Ye Chan, take me back to my home on Anning Street.”

“Can’t you just sleep here?” Ye Chan said, “Fierce battles tend to leave hidden wounds. Although you have the ability to recover, you still have to pay attention to this. I suggest you lie down in the medical cabin.”

“No, I have to take the suspended tram back to the investigation department near Anning Street.” Kui Xin said, “I don’t want someone with a heart to find out that there is something wrong with my itinerary. If you are willing to get up early at 7 o’clock tomorrow and take me to Anning Street by car, Then I’d be happy to stay here.”

Yechan: “Then I’ll take you back to Anning Street…”

The portal opened, and Kui Xin walked in and saw a familiar scene.

In a dim room with tattered furniture, she took off her shoes, put on slippers, went into the bedroom and fell on the bed. She was so exhausted that it only took a second for her to fall asleep.

A night without dreams.

Three and a half hours later, Kai Xin was woken up by the alarm with dark circles under his eyes. With willpower, he got out of bed abruptly, prepared to wash up and eat breakfast, and went to work. .

As a result, she stepped out of the bedroom door and saw Yin Nian who had bought breakfast.

He grabbed the window and jumped in, and said cheerfully, “I brought you a breakfast too.”

“The mission is over, why are you still living here?” Kai Xin raised his eyebrows.

“But the leader said, I’m not only your mission assistant, but also your bodyguard.” Yinmian scratched his head, “My other mission is to protect your safety.”

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