The Lightless Sea66

After arriving at the investigation department, Kai Xin glanced at the clock. It was still a while before eight o’clock. She planned to turn a corner to visit her teammate Jiang Ming.

She took the elevator to the floor where the medical center was located, and asked in the elevator room, “Adam, is Jiang Ming awake?”

“Security officer Jiang Ming is in good condition and has been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward,” Adam reported the room number of the ward. “The visiting hours are from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. You can visit him.”

The elevator stopped, and Adam intimately controlled the lights in the corridor to flash a few times to point out the direction for Kai Xin.

Walking to Jiang Ming’s ward, Kai Xin knocked on the door twice, then opened the door and entered.

Jiang Ming was eating breakfast. Apart from his pale face, he was in a good state of mind.

“Morning, Kui Xin.” Jiang Ming drank a cup of soy milk in one gulp.

“Morning, how is the wound?” Kai Xin looked at his leg covered by the quilt, “Does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore. The nurse gave me a painkiller injection. The wound has healed a lot, and the rest needs to be recovered slowly.” Jiang Ming frankly lifted the quilt and showed Kai Xin his broken leg. His left leg was amputated below the knee, and the trousers of his hospital gown were empty.

Kai Xin asked curiously: “Have you figured out what type of mechanical prosthesis to install?”

Jiang Ming smacked his lips, “The mechanical prosthetics for the legs are basically designed to be augmented, and there are very few offensive ones. The legs are designed to be offensive. Cheng Qiang, I have a mechanical leg, I can’t just lift my leg, and my leg turns into a knife and a gun, right? It’s like doing acrobatics.”

“Amplified type is more practical.” Kui Xin said, “What should you do before the mechanical prosthesis is designed?”

“Use an auxiliary device.” Jiang Ming patted the bedside, a mechanical hand automatically separated from the bed, then stretched out, and made a supporting movement, “It’s very inconvenient. It’s hard to wash your face in the bathroom. Dr. Huang suggested I will use a general-purpose mechanical leg to ensure my daily activities, and then I will change it when the custom-made mechanical prosthesis is ready.”

“It’s time to try the mechanical legs in advance. The feeling of using the mechanical legs and the original legs must be very different.” Kui Xin said.

“I heard that the latest mechanical nerve connection technology developed last year has been put into use. Compared with the old point-like nerve connection technology, it has many advantages. Dr. Huang said that the mechanical prosthetic limb with the new technology has similar control feeling to human limbs. “Jiang Ming said, “Technology is changing so fast, I even look forward to changing into a prosthetic.”

Kai Xin didn’t understand the “mechanical nerve connection technology” and “point-like nerve connection technology” mentioned by Jiang Ming at all. She only vaguely knew these terms.

The second world is oneThis world is dark and dangerous, but at the same time full of vitality. This world is constantly developing and has infinite possibilities, just like a big tree can continuously grow new branches, and each branch represents a possibility.

When Kai Xin Jiangming was speaking, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

Shu Xuyao ​​walked in and smiled, “Kai Xin is here too.”

“Well, come early and come to see Jiang Ming.” Kui Xin glanced at the time, and it was still eight minutes to eight o’clock.

“Are you okay, Jiang Ming?” Shu Xuyao ​​pulled up the chair and sat down beside the hospital bed.

“I’m fine. I slept almost all day yesterday, and I woke up at four o’clock in the morning today.” Jiang Ming said, “I was so hungry when I woke up. The restaurant is closed. I asked Adam to heat up the canned food and bring it over.”

“There’s nothing we can do about it.” Shu Xuyao ​​said helplessly.

Kui Xin looked at Shu Xuyao: “I don’t know what work I will have today? Has the harbor area been searched yet?”

“The key areas have been searched,” Shu Xuyao ​​said. “Unfortunately, the gang that installed the explosive device was not found, but a lot of drug dealers were found. Someone even built a small assembly line privately to sell homemade pistols.”

Jiang Ming: “Tsk, let me say that the main reason for the high crime rate in the federal government is that we don’t have the death penalty. If you catch one and shoot another, let’s see if they still dare to commit crimes?”

Shu Xuyao ​​said calmly: “Just changing the law doesn’t work. Doesn’t the problem only lie in the law, Lao Jiang?”

Jiang Ming was silent for a few seconds, then let out an irritable “tsk”.

This world is too deformed and distorted, ugly as a festering sore.

If you want to cure the sore, you have to cut off the rotten flesh and apply heavy medicine. But sores grow on the human body, and the root of the disease lies in the human body. If one rotten sore is cut off, when one looks up, there are more rotten and pus-filled sores growing, which cannot be removed at all.

When Kai Xin listened to the two of them talking, he yawned unconsciously.

Shu Xuyao ​​turned his head and said with concern: “Why are your dark circles getting heavy again?”

“I couldn’t relax my mind last night, so I only slept for three hours…” Kai Xin said in a low voice.

“Is it because the spirit was too tense during this time?” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “You were injured, and Lao Jiang was also injured. It is indeed a lot of trouble.”

“After the age of thirty-five, you can be transferred to the logistics post, and there are still others who are suffering, Kui Xin.” Jiang Ming said sympathetically, “Do you want to go to the psychotherapy room and talk to Director Yang?”

“Go when you have time.” Kai Xin sighed.

“We should be relatively free today. Jiang Ming is injured, and our team can’t go out to work. The big search in the harbor area is almost over, and we just need to conduct surprise inspections from time to time.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “We are not so busy every day, life and death line.”

“My ideal life is sitting in the office drinking tea.” Kui Xin said, “I’m so tired from running around, my bones are about to fall apart.”

“The ideal life of sitting in an office and drinking tea is impossible.” Jiang Ming said, “It can barely be realized after retirement. Let’s retire at the age of forty-five. Let’s get through it.”

“What if I die young before the age of forty-five?” Kui Xin complained, “Even if I die, the casualty pension allocated by the investigation department will not fall on my family.”

“Then enjoy now.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “At least today we are free at work, now you can go to the office to drink tea, or give you another option, go to the psychotherapy room to chat with Director Yang.”

It was two minutes before eight o’clock, and Kai Xin stood up from the chair and stretched his neck: “I choose to drink tea…it’s time for work, it’s time to go.”

“As long as you are fine, Kai Xin and I will leave first.” Shu Xuyao ​​nodded to Jiang Ming.

“Okay.” Jiang Ming waved his hand.

Kui Xin and Shu Xuyao ​​walked into the elevator room side by side, when Adam sent today’s work schedule.

“In the morning, the office is on duty. In the afternoon, training.” Kui Xin frowned when he saw the word “training”, “Oh, training is better than performing tasks, just a little tired.”

“Just get through the first three months of training.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

“Is there no need for training after three months?”

“It’s not… what I mean is that you will adapt to the intensity of the training, and the degree of pain will be reduced.”


“After one year, the frequency of training will decrease, from one training a day to three trainings a week.”

Kai Xin knocked on his head: “It’s going to die.”

The elevator stopped suddenly, and the doors slid open to both sides. Jiang Meimei walked into the elevator with her brows furrowed. Her expression was not as relaxed as usual, and her whole body seemed to be full of anger.

Seeing someone in the elevator, she nodded and smiled at Kai Xin as before, and then specially greeted Shu Xuyao: “Captain Shu.”

“Team Leader Jiang.” Shu Xuyao ​​responded politely.

Jiang Meimei didn’t seem to be thinking much about greetings. When the elevator reached the floor she wanted to go to, she left in a hurry, her leather shoes thumping on the floor.

“Did something happen? Team Leader Jiang looks very busy.” The floor where Kui Xin and Shu Xuyao ​​were located also arrived.

Shu Xuyao ​​said thoughtfully, “I haven’t received any urgent news.”

It shouldn’t be.

The Kraken sank last night, and the armed helicopter of the Investigation Department crashed into the sea. How could the leadership have no response? Unless they are pressing some news.

Kai Xin stepped out of the elevator and said, “Captain, are you about to get promoted?”

Shu Xuyao ​​paused unexpectedly, “Why do you ask such a question?”

“Team Leader Jiang greeted you specially.” Kui Xin said, “Maybe I was overthinking it. I think she treats you quite equally, not quite like the way superiors speak to subordinates.”

“Promotion must be subject to the arrangement of the superior.” Shu Xuyao ​​smiled, “It doesn’t matter what you feel.”

They walked through the long corridor.

“Aren’t the high-level executives of the Investigation Department all awakened?” Kai Xin said.

“Not all. Awakened people don’t necessarily have leadership skills.” Shu Xuyao ​​scanned his irises and opened the office door, then said, “Among the four team leaders, only team leaders Weizhi and Jiang Meimei are awakened.”

Kai Xin followed Shu Xuyao ​​into the office, jokingly said: “Then you still have a good chance, captain. Can’t you transfer me to a more relaxed position when you get promoted?”

Shu Xuyao ​​didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Don’t think about things like disappearing.”

“By the way, are the minister and the deputy minister superhuman?” Kai Xin pretended to be curious, “What are these two supernatural abilities?”

“They are. I don’t know the minister’s ability. The chief of the investigation department doesn’t need to go out to fight in person.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The deputy minister’s ability is actually an open secret, and the older security guards know it.”

Kai Xin asked: “What is it?”

“The Detective Eye.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “It’s an ability that can’t directly improve combat power. Its function is to see through the extraordinary abilities possessed by a specific person, which is equivalent to a walking detector for extraordinary abilities.”

After hearing these words, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Kai Xin’s back, and she felt that the blood all over her body was flowing backwards. Her heartbeat was out of balance and her pupils were dilated. Fortunately, she lowered her head, and Shu Xuyao ​​also sat down behind the desk without noticing She is different.

“See through the supernatural ability possessed by a certain person?” Kai Xin tried his best to maintain his composure and asked, “Can you also see through the supernatural ability’s weaknesses and use defects?”

“I don’t know about that.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Although this is an open secret, no one will spread it around. It’s enough for your own people to know in their hearts. You are also an awakened person. You will definitely understand this in the future. .”

An unprecedented sense of panic spread throughout his body. Even on the Kraken, Kai Xin had never been so panicked.

She was afraid, and the feeling of fear had never been so strong.

Vice Minister Lin Xinji has already returned to the Investigation Department on a business trip. If Kai Xin meets him while walking in the Investigation Building, he can instantly see that she possesses more than one extraordinary ability.

Her identity as an undercover agent, her identity as a player, and everything she has tried so hard to hide through time travel will be exposed to his eyes, and her efforts will be in vain. Waiting for her ending may be more terrifying than death.

She might be the next Rainier Brandenburg. Imprisoned, tortured, tortured, they will restrict her movement, she can’t even die.

No, it can’t be like this.

Kai Xin sat in his own office seat, staring at the dark desktop, and made up his mind in less than a second.

——She wanted to kill Vice Minister Lin Xinji.

Her feeling at this time is different from that of Sha Chai Jian, Sha Qiu Python, and Sha Fang Zhi. The reasons for her killing each time are different.

She killed Chai Jian because she had no choice but to kill Ball Python out of revenge, and killed Fang Zhi because his existence polluted her life.

At this moment, she decided to kill Lin Xinji because she wanted to strike first.

If Lin Xinji isn’t eliminated, he will become the sword of Damocles hanging over her head. When she works in the investigation department, she looks down and doesn’t look up. Maybe she just passes by in the elevator and she is exposed. Before the sword of Damocles fell, Kai Xin wanted to break it completely.

“Late! One day’s salary is gone.”

Lan Lan walked into the office sadly.

Liu Kangyun also came in after Lan Lan, and said dejectedly, “I will deduct wages with you.”

“What’s the matter with you two?” Shu Xuyao ​​raised his eyes and asked.

Liu Kangyun said: “I queued up to buy breakfast, and I waited for a long time… I had already paid for it, so I couldn’t get breakfast, and in the end… a small loss made a big difference.”

“I got on the wrong train.” Lan Lan covered her face, “Don’t mention it, it’s too embarrassing! I didn’t realize it, my body moved by itself, and I got on the tram to the harbor area.”

“…What bad luck.” Kai Xin said, “You didn’t take a nap while waiting for the bus, did you, Lan Lan?”

She joined the chat topic as usual, pretending to be gregarious. The rapid change of mood and the skillful change of expression even made her froze for a moment after she realized it.

Kai Xin is already a high-ranking 25-year-old like Dr. Huang.

If she continues to live like this, sooner or later she will suffer from schizophrenia.

The relatively free day passed quickly.

When getting off work, Kui Xin overheard colleagues talking at the training ground, saying that Vice Minister Lin Xinji was on a business trip again, this time to a neighboring city.

This made her temporarily relieved, at least when Lin Xinji was on a business trip, she was safe.

After the training was over, Kai Xin went to the lounge to change into regular clothes, took the elevator downstairs, and took the suspended tram back home.

In the car, Kai Xin checked the messages on the bracelet as usual.

Yechan: “Aren’t you a little interested in the ‘players’ detained at the headquarters? Would you like to come and see them tonight? You can interrogate them yourself.”

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