Artificial Soul 06

“How can you ensure confidentiality?” Kai Xin frowned, “With the current trend, I’m sure no one is willing to reveal their true identities. If players communicate with each other, they must use the Internet and modern communication tools , any powerful hacker can find out the player’s information.”

“We’ve thought about this too.” Yuan Lu said seriously, “Have you read any related science popularization on the forum about the encrypted networking technology of the second world?”

Kai Xin replied, “I have seen it.”

“Yu Qiwen wants to develop a similar program. We can imitate the game internal test forum to build an encrypted website that is not open to the public. Only those who have verified correctly can enter it. Just like the encrypted network, our communication will not be on the Internet.Instead of leaving traces on the Internet, they are automatically deleted. “Yuan Lu said, “The specific technical principle seems to involve the application of advanced technology in the second world, I don’t understand, but Yu Qiwen is very confident. ”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t join.” Kai Xin said bluntly, “Because I can’t trust a website with unknown origin, maybe you want to use the website to collect my information. In other words, if you didn’t take the initiative to find me , I will continue to live my stable and peaceful life and will not mess with the players.”

Yuan Lu said with a headache: “We really have no better way. We can’t make everyone believe in us, but we can’t stand still in the face of the status quo, give up food because of fear, and when can we form a real alliance I am afraid of this and that, I am afraid of being exposed when I take this step, and I am afraid of being exposed when I take that step, and I dare not take the last step. Fear is the biggest obstacle for players to unite.”

“Most people in the world dare not put their lives on the moral sense of others.” Kai Xin said, “It’s just human instinct.”

“I simply doubt that the game official is targeting us… Think about it, every new rule it issued is targeting players, causing us internal divisions. This game seems to give us a choice, let us consider accepting or I don’t accept it, but in fact we have very little choice… The game official seems to be deliberately showing benevolence, which is extremely hypocritical.” Yuan Lu said anxiously, “I also know that such a move is difficult to gain the trust of others, but, Do we really have any other options?”

Kai Xin thought for a while, “Indeed, this is another serious multiple-choice question. Choose to form an alliance, or retreat. To form an alliance, you need to take risks, and if you retreat, there will be no change.”

“Do you want to join, Kai Xin?” Yuan Lu said.

“Well… I want to wait and see.” Kai Xin played the role of a small citizen reasonably, neither taking the initiative to charge forward as a pioneer, nor as the last one.

She said: “I want to be an ordinary person and stay away from those things. I live a fairly stable life in the second world, and I will soon enter a wonderful university life in the first world. I am very safe.”

Yuan Lu sighed, “Okay, I know. If there is any trouble, just contact us in time.”

After hanging up the phone, Kai Xin meditated alone.

The alliance of players involves too many details. Yuan Lu, Yu Qiwen and Xie Ganqing must have discussed it. For these details, Kai Xin did not ask in detail, after all, her external image is just a prospective college student who is a bit smart and wants to stay out of trouble.

What kind of rules will the players formulate after forming an alliance, how to determine each other’s identities, how to determine whether the other party is a trustworthy person, how to ensure information security… All these issues need to be considered.

What Yuan Lu said inside and outside the words is that they want to establish an equal and cooperative relationship with other players…

But starting from the alliance, their relationship with other players is destined to be unequal.

They know the identities of other players, but other players don’t know their identities. This is very unfair in itself. If it is unfair, it will easily breed suspicion and conflicts. If the conflicts become large, the alliance will easily disintegrate from within.

Kai Xin thought for a long time, thinking about what she should do next, thinking about how she should deal with such a situation of internal and external troubles.

She is a person who is good at analyzing her own heart, and she is very able to understand what she needs. At this moment, she was thinking – it would be great if she could know the identities of all the players.

If she could know the identities of all the people, she would be able to determine who is the insider bought by the second world, who wants to sneak into the player group to fish in troubled waters, and who is a threat to her.

What a pity, what a pity. Kaixin has intelligence and strength, but no technology, and lacks the means to connect players together.

If she had hacking skills like Yu Qiwen’s, she would definitely be able to take the initiative, screen out suspicious people, and kill all dangers in the bud.

Kai Xin had this idea, but she couldn’t move.

At least I can’t move now.

She hasn’t got enough information yet, the messy situation hasn’t settled yet, and many things are still unclear. The most important thing is her identity as a depriver, which is the biggest obstacle to her actions, but this identity is the most difficult to hide.

When the situation becomes clear, the turbid water settles a little, and there are not so many variables, Kai Xin can make a plan for the next step.

Before she decides to act, she has to become an observer, calmly observe the changes and analyze the situation.

Next time you return to the Second World, will there be more turning points?

For the next few days, around 18:01 in the evening, phantoms of cities in the second world will appear in the sky.

The phantom appeared for a short period of fifteen to twenty seconds at the beginning, gradually extended to thirty seconds, and finally became forty-five seconds.

Another evening, Kai Xin appeared by the window ten minutes earlier. She bought a new smartphone two days ago. The new phone has a relatively high memory capacity and high resolution. Kai Xin will use it to take pictures of the phantoms in the sky.

She used the old mobile phone to set the alarm clock, and at the same time raised the new mobile phone, turned on the recording function and pointed it at the sky.

Kai Xin stared at the clouds that were dyed red, and counted the seconds silently in his heart. Finally, the alarm clock at six o’clock rang on time. She always likes to set the alarm clock earlier, so that she can reserve some time for herself to react.

When the alarm clock rang at six o’clock, Kai Xin turned on the video recording switch in advance.

At 6:01, the city phantom appeared on time, and the scene in the sky was completely recorded by the mobile phoneCome. After a while, the phantom disappeared.

Kai Xin stopped recording, sat down at the table and lowered his head to check the recorded video.

Phantoms appear regularly. During the six days that Kuixin observed, mirages in the sky appeared every time at 18:01, without exception. And every time the phantom appears, the time it stays in the sky will be extended by a few seconds, from fifteen seconds to forty-five seconds, which is a big leap.

After checking his own video, Kai Xin recorded the number of seconds when the phantom appeared and the number of seconds when the phantom disappeared. He solemnly found that the phantom lasted for fifty-five seconds today, which is nearly a minute.

As the number of days increases, will the phantom of the city stay permanently in the sky of the first world? In the end, will the cities of the second world change from virtual reality to real cities, merging with the first world?

The appearance of City Phantom caused quite a stir around the world. Some people say that the end of the world is coming, and they call on people to store food and guns in the basement to build shelters to resist the coming of the end. At first, some people thought that the city phantom in the sky was a natural phenomenon caused by optical refraction, but they had no way to connect the city phantom with any metropolis on this planet. A few days later, a group of people were already guessing A mirage is actually a vision of another world or parallel time and space.

The changes that City Phantom brought to the First World are more than that.

In a very short period of time, food prices rose, oil prices rose, stocks went up and down, gun robberies happened frequently, and the sales of civilian weapons even increased by leaps and bounds. Meteorological experts and related scholars from various countries had to stand up and issue unconscionable statements, telling the public that these phantoms are all fake, and the end of the world is impossible.

They must lie to the public, appease the public, stabilize the situation and ensure social stability. However, these statements are of no great effect. The areas that should be in chaos continue to be in chaos. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the abnormality of this series of events.

Kui Xin saw foreign netizens posting on the forum, saying that his family lives by the sea, and in the past two days, he can often see the military exercises at sea and military planes flying over the city.

This morning, Kai Xin went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and also experienced the impact of the Mirage incident on his daily life—the prices of vegetables, fruits and meat have all risen somewhat.

But fortunately, the price of food has been regulated, and the increase has not been obvious, and the supply of food is also very sufficient, and there has been no situation where food cannot be bought.

It is also worth mentioning that after the Mirage incident, several grandstanding clowns spread panic on the Internet, and were immediately approached by the relevant departments along the network cable. They should have already eaten their meals in the detention center.

Today is the sixth day, and tomorrow is the seventh day, August 9th.

Kai Xin will return to the first world on time at zero tomorrow.

After dinner at night, Kai Xin received a call from Su Rong.

“Hello? Miss Xin Xin…” Su Rong said hesitantly, “Isn’t my dad working out of town? My mom has an urgent job and needs to go on a business trip these two days. Mom is worried about me living alone. In this case, I want to live at my aunt’s house, but my aunt recently gave birth to a baby, and the baby is too noisy. I don’t want to live there, but, but…”

“What’s the matter, are you afraid of living at home?” Kai Xin said.

“Hey, I just want to ask Sister Xin Xin if you can stay with me for one night tomorrow? My bed is huge! You don’t have to leave after you finish my tutoring tomorrow, just stay with me!” Su Rong said, “OK it is good?”

But tomorrow happens to be the day to return to the Second World. Was it because Su Rong was afraid that she would be alone, that’s why she invited her?

Kai Xin was silent for a moment, and agreed: “Yes, good.”

She agreed because this time, unlike the last time, she would not face the attack of the scythe demon as soon as she crossed over. This time she was sleeping at home on Anning Street, lying on the bed peacefully, and was safe.

Su Rong’s mother took good care of Kai Xin, Su Rong herself was a player, and Kui Xin did have the idea of ​​getting in touch with her further.

“Okay!” Su Rong said happily, “When you come to my house tomorrow to teach me, remember to bring a pajamas by the way!”

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