Artificial Soul 07

August 9th.

Kui Xin went to buy vegetables as usual after finishing his morning exercise in the morning. When he entered the vegetable market, he could see that there were still traces of the fire. The shops that were burned by the fire had already begun to be repaired.

But the noodle shop still looked dilapidated. The nearby residents knew that the fire had killed people, so they spontaneously placed a few bouquets of flowers in front of the burnt shop. Kai Xin noticed that a transfer notice had been posted outside the noodle shop, and the contact information was written on the notice.

The owner of the shop next door and the family of the noodle shop owner were old acquaintances. When Kai Xin asked him about it, he said: “There is only one girl left in that family. The girl’s aunt and uncle came here last night. , entrusted the transfer of the store to an intermediary, saying that she was going to sell the store and take her to the provincial capital for medical treatment. The little girl stayed in the ICU for several days and spent tens of thousands. Her aunt and uncle were also worried. Must not.”

“Has she already gone to the provincial capital?” Kai Xin asked, “Is the contact information on the transfer notice her aunt’s?”

The boss replied: “When I was talking to them yesterday, I said that I would be leaving today. I hired a car to transfer to the hospital. I couldn’t bear the delay. The contact information seems to be her uncle’s.”

Kai Xin thanked the boss, wrote down the contact information on the transfer notice, and then went home.

Peaceful days are always short, and time flies by.

Kai Xin sat at Su Rong’s house and stared at her making papers.

Last week, Kui Xin was busy killing Fang Zhi and asked for leave on Friday. SuRong interrupted the class on August 2nd because she returned to the second world and was in a state of insanity, so she missed two days of class. Kui Xin made up these two classes for her on the weekend. Su Rong also knows how to work hard. Although she hates mathematics very much, she still tries her best to study hard.

When writing the math paper, Su Rong was sweating profusely, and the tip of her nose was covered with beads of sweat. After fifty minutes, she finished writing all the questions she knew how to write, and she really didn’t know what to do with the rest, so she sat on the chair and couldn’t help twisting and turning impatiently, her face flushed red.

“If you can’t write, don’t write.” Kai Xin said helplessly.

Su Rong put down her pen sadly, “Help, 120 minutes is not enough for others to do the problem, I finished it in 50 minutes…”

She can write only a few questions, and of course she writes quickly, but she can’t guarantee the accuracy of the questions she only knows.

Kai Xin lowered her head to correct the paper, and after a while she said happily, “Yes, you got 40 points right this time… Last time you got 25 points right, you have made progress.”

“But I think the 40 points is also due to luck. This paper happened to be a question I know. I think my real level is 25 points, no more!” Su Rong was even more desperate.

“I’m not hurting you. My plan is to let you get about 75 points in mathematics in the college entrance examination.” Kai Xin said, “After all, you have zero foundation, so don’t expect a higher score. Your Chinese and English The grades are very good, and other subjects are not bad. Calculate your college entrance examination score. If you perform well, you can get about 490 in the exam. At least you can get an undergraduate degree. If you work harder, you can get a better undergraduate degree if you improve your score. ”

Su Rong covered her face and said, “I…I know. At the very least, I can go to a bachelor’s degree. I’m content. It’s better than going to an art school.”

Today’s lesson was overtime. After Kui Xin finished explaining the wrong questions to Su Rong, it was already past five o’clock.

During dinner time, Su Rong ordered a bunch of takeaways, but Kai Xin didn’t stop her, and she didn’t plan to cook by herself.

She knows her cooking skills in her heart.

Going to school is too busy, and Kai Xin doesn’t have time to think about cooking. The food he makes can only be said to be edible, but what’s the point of not being delicious. Anyway, as long as the nutrition of rice is reasonable, the taste is not in her consideration.

If Kai Xin cooks, Su Rong will definitely not be used to it.

In the evening, it was the first time for Kai Xin to sleep on the same bed with someone else.

Su Rongduo moved a quilt for Kai Xingai, and she said happily, “With Sister Xin Xin here, I feel very safe! Fortunately, I have someone to accompany me, otherwise I would go to my aunt’s house to live.”

Su Rong is the kind of girl who was spoiled by the whole family. She hasn’t experienced any setbacks. She can show her self-willed side in front of close people at will, and can grow up under the protection of her parents.

When Kai Xin was young, she was afraid of being alone and also afraid of the dark, but her father was busy spending time and drinking, and her mother treated her like a hot potato, so why would she spend time with her?

“I have earplugs and an eye mask, do you wear them?” Su Rong said, “What if I snore while sleeping? But I usually don’t snore.”

“No, I’m not used to wearing it.” Kai Xin said.

“Then go to sleep, it’s past ten o’clock.” Su Rong covered the quilt, “Go to bed early and get up early, and get up early to study tomorrow.”

Kai Xin: “Okay.”

Su Rong was afraid that she would suffer from insomnia, so she took some sleep aid medicine before going to bed, and soon fell asleep.

Dozens of minutes later, Kai Xin heard Su Rong grinding her teeth and talking in her sleep while she was half asleep and half awake.

“Stupid manager… I’m not going to accompany you, get out! I’ll knock your head off!” She kicked the quilt away, hummed twice angrily, rolled over and fell asleep.

“…Rich woman…Rich woman?”

Kai Xin suddenly heard someone calling her.

She opened her eyes and saw a white mass dangling in front of her in a daze.

Kai Xin subconsciously reached out and punched the white thing, and then she heard a scream.

“Why did you hit me again!” Yin Mian said loudly, covering his nose, “My nose was almost broken by you!”

“Silver noodles?” Kui Xin was taken aback and got up from the bed.

Familiar bedroom, familiar furniture.

She returned to the second world, back to Heihai City.

Kai Xin looked down at the bracelet. The time is now 07:15, which is actually morning. She completed the time travel in her sleep, and she was not awakened in the middle, because she was also in a sleep state in the second world, and the states of the two bodies overlapped. together.

“You entered my room.” Kai Xin said, “Stress response.”

Kai Xin also woke up in the morning after experiencing death on the Kraken. It happened that that morning, Silver Face knocked on the door and called her to get up, so she punched him reflexively, causing his nose to bleed… I didn’t expect today History repeats itself.

“I knocked on the door, but you didn’t answer me, so I came in.” Yin Mian wiped his nosebleeds with a piece of toilet paper, “What I want to say is that your alarm clock has rung twice, if you don’t get up, you will be late. ”

“I see, you go out, I want to change.” Kai Xin rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Although many unknown changes took place during the seven days in the first world, it was generally peaceful. Kai Xin did not experience any battles, and his body and mind were relaxed. When she woke up at this moment, she felt that her muscles and bones were stretched, and her mental state was unprecedentedly good.

After Kai Xin changed his clothes and washed, he casually took out a bag of bread and a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, changed his shoes, and went to catch the morning tram.

Before leaving, she told Yin Mian: “It’s time to mop the floor, remember to mop the floor, scrub the kitchen well, and don’t leave your genetic information in the house.”

“Okay…” Yin Mian did notReluctantly said, “I’ve always picked up and destroyed my lost hair one by one.”

Today’s weather is not very good. Heihai City is shrouded in gray mist.

Kai Xin sat in the suspended tram and looked in the direction of the city center, but he couldn’t see the skyscrapers in the distance.

She checked the communicator and found that Adam sent a reminder message at six o’clock in the morning: “It’s foggy today, with moderate pollution and low visibility. Security guards, remember to wear masks when going out.”

Kai Xin: Ah, I didn’t wear a mask.

Most of the people on the tram didn’t wear masks either. Everyone seemed to be accustomed to such foggy weather.

When Kai Xin got out of the car, he clearly smelled something different in the air—the smell of industrial compounds.

Occasionally, the first world has such polluted weather, and Kai Xin has adapted well.

She came to the glass door of the hall on the first floor of the inspection building, and the glass door opened automatically.

“Good morning, security guard Kuixin. Welcome back, I hope you have a good day.” Adam’s voice appeared in real time.

“Morning, Adam.” Kui Xin responded casually.

Lan Lan happened to be waiting for the elevator on the first floor. He saw Kai Xin and said, “Good morning, don’t you usually come early?”

“I overslept, what a normal thing.” Kai Xin waited for the elevator with him.

In the elevator, Adam sent today’s work schedule.

The work schedule in the morning and afternoon is the same as in the past, but an additional item is added in the last line: “Monthly Summary Meeting of the Investigation Department, 18:30 to 19:30.”

“Monthly summary meeting?” Kai Xin read a sentence.

“Well, it’s usually for employees to commend and reflect on their work. If someone dies during the mission, we will mourn for them.” Lan Lan frowned, “The atmosphere of the investigation department is not right in recent days.”

“The incident of the blasting at the port was too much trouble. After searching for so long, nothing was found. The leaders must be under a lot of pressure. I don’t know if the headquarters will hold them accountable?” Kai Xin said curiously. .

With a ding dong, their floor arrived.

The two walked out of the elevator side by side.

Lan Lan lowered her voice and said: “That’s for sure. Maybe some leaders will be demoted or punished in other ways. This is a major mistake. But I always feel that the strange atmosphere in the department is not only related to the blasting incident at the port of call, but also Something big happened that we don’t know about.”

Team Seven did not board the ship this time, so they don’t know the inside story of the Kraken.

The matter of the sinking of the Kraken was pressed down. A few days passed without notice, announcement, speech from the leader, or even a small meeting. This matter was strictly covered.

There are many dark and unfair things in this deformed society. Those in power trample on people’s lives and treat them as pawns at the mercy of others—these are the consensus of all.

Even if these dark existences are already a consensus, and unfair things have long been acquiesced, those in power will still find ways to cover up their dirty things.

Ugly things are unsightly when they are exposed to the bright side, and of course dishonorable things must be buried deep in the soil. Faced with a rotten status quo, the best solution is to turn a blind eye.

From this point of view, the second world is really rotten from beginning to end, poisonous to the bone marrow, and hopeless.

“Who will host the monthly meeting?” Kai Xin asked.

“Deputy Minister.” Lan Lan said, “If he is not on a business trip, he will be the host. But he is too busy during this period, so the minister may be the host.”

Fortunately, Lin Xinji went on a business trip.

Kai Xin hoped that he would go on a business trip forever and never come back.

In the office, Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun also arrived. They greeted each other and sat behind their desks to prepare for work.

As soon as Kai Xin turned on his office system, he saw a message from Adam.

“How are you thinking, Kai Xin?”

It actually sent a message at this time.

Kai Xin raised his brows in surprise.

She is in the office, surrounded by her teammates, she can reveal her words to Shu Xuyao ​​and others at any time.

It knew the risks, and still sent a message… Is this a temptation? She and it didn’t trust each other that much yet.

Kai Xin glanced at his teammates in the office from the corner of his eye.

She pondered for a moment, then replied: “I’ve thought about it. We can cooperate.”

“You seem to have left something to say.” Adam said, “Do you want to add a twist at the end of your words—’but’.”

“However, I need your help.” Kai Xin said, “You can’t just ask me to do things. Our relationship should be mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial.”

Adam said without any pause: “Of course, everything is negotiable. You can raise conditions. Similarly, I will also raise conditions for you.”

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