Artificial Soul 10

When Kai Xin returned home, he found that the floor of the house was spotless and so bright that it could reflect light.

Yin Mian slumped on the sofa with a face full of exhaustion, his spirit visibly listless.

Kai Xin poured himself a glass of water, held the teacup and said casually, “Cleaning a room won’t make you so tired.”

“You definitely didn’t read the message I sent you.” Yin Mian complained.

“No time to look.” Kui Xin put down the cup, then opened the silver bracelet to check briefly.

Well, it turns out that Yinmian sent her a message at three o’clock in the afternoon to help Red move…

She also received a message from Red, who said that the original safe house and meeting place were all abandoned, and the organization arranged for a new batch. meeting point.

“Moving?” Kai Xin closed the bracelet, “Did Red treat you as a coolie?”

“He always likes to order people around.” Yin Mian muttered, “Before, he deliberately arranged work for me, which was very bad. I am not his direct subordinate now, and he still orders me, but I can’t refuse, he is more senior than me. high.”

Mechanical Dawn also has many non-staff members. In theory, non-staff members can also be responsible for these things, but their rank is too low, and the safe house and meeting place are classified. Basically, only the core members can know the specific location.

Machine Dawn usually uses various equipment to renovate and decorate houses, but the construction will be affected by various conditions. Some work machines cannot be completed and have to be replaced by labor. Yin Mian moved a bunch of miscellaneous things this afternoon, and he was exhausted.

Kai Xin glanced at him, “If you don’t want to do it, you can refuse. You are on my side, and it is enough to obey my orders.”

“Really!” Hearing this, Yin Mian became energetic, and his white hair stood on edge.

“Really. At worst, let Red move by himself.” Kai Xin said slowly, “You are mine, you just need to follow my orders, and you don’t have to pay attention to other people’s orders, unless it is an emergency or an order for you There are people who are at a higher level than me.”

“The rank is higher than yours, so there is only the leader, um, okayLike Yechan, but Yechan generally doesn’t care about the people below, he is only responsible to the leader. “Silver-face said, “Is there no problem doing this? ”

“If there is any objection, let them go to the leader. The leader agrees that you listen to them, and you listen again.” Kai Xin said.

Yinmian: “Yes!”

Kai Xin’s mentality had to change.

In the face of Mechanical Dawn’s temptations and doubts, she seemed a little too passive.

Her actual identity is the daughter of the leader of Mechanical Dawn. Kui Haidong once said that she was his successor and wanted her to inherit his career.

No matter how sincere Kai Haidong was when he said these words, Kai Xin planned to take them as truth. After Kai Haidong’s death, Kai Xin should inherit the Rick Technology Company as an inheritance, and she should also take over the business of Mechanical Dawn. Since she is a “Miss”, she must act like a Miss.

It doesn’t matter if you are more aggressive, so what if you are a little more assertive in Dawn of Machinery? Red and Ye Chan also mentioned that the original body is a person with a bit of a violent personality and a vicious tongue, which fits her identity very well, and she should have been like this in the first place.

Kai Xin noticed very early on that “Kai Xin” of Mechanical Dawn is very similar to her own personality. The two of them are true homotopes of different planes, have the same father, and similar personalities.

Kai Haidong couldn’t tell that his daughter’s shell had changed into a soul. One was because he didn’t know her well, and the other was because they were so similar.

This similarity is the key to her successful disguise.

After eating dinner, Kai Xin calmly called Kai Haidong.

“Xiao Xin?” Kui Haidong’s voice came from the communicator.

“Well, it’s me.” Kai Xin collapsed on the sofa, with Yinmian sitting beside him, Yinmian was watching TV with his voice turned up a bit loudly.

Kai Haidong frowned, “What’s the sound over there? It’s a mess.”

“Yinmian is watching cartoons.” Kai Xin stretched out his foot and kicked Yinmian’s leg, “Hey, turn down the volume, so I can’t make a phone call.”

“Oh oh.” Yin Mian quickly turned down the volume.

“What’s the matter, Xiao Xin?” Kai Haidong said.

“I received a message from Red, who said that the meeting place has been moved.” Kuixin said, “In the past two days, I have obviously felt that the department’s atmosphere has become strange in the investigation department. There is a feeling of tension and dullness. The matter of the number is not announced, and ordinary security personnel do not know about it. We made too much noise at the port, and I am worried that the Investigation Department will take action against Mechanical Dawn.”

“This is for sure. They will definitely attack us.” Kui Haidong said, “This is not a small crisis for us… But this is not something you should worry about. Just take care of yourself in the investigation department.”

“Okay, I will pass on the news in time.” Kai Xin said.

This is a play that must be done. As an undercover agent, Kai Xin is obliged to tell what she saw and heard in the investigation department. She needs to observe those abnormalities, investigate the movement of personnel, and summarize these and submit them to the headquarters of Mechanical Dawn.

If she didn’t do this, then her undercover status would be meaningless. If she didn’t deliver the information, the Dawn Machine would become suspicious of her.

She needs to properly share some useful information, some information that is in line with her position, and she needs to make guesses based on her identity and what she has personally seen and heard, so as to remind the Mechanical Dawn.

Kai Xin has to do what he should do, and more importantly, what he can do.

“Also, I’m very concerned. What happened to Rainier and Tang Guan after they returned to their world?” Kai Xin looked up at the ceiling, “How much of the information we obtained through torture was true or false?”

Kui Haidong said: “They are all still alive, and the situation is temporarily under our control. This matter involves two worlds, and the involvement is too great. Now is not a good time to talk about these things.”

When Kai Xin heard this, he unconsciously bit his back molars. She would rather Tang Guan and Rainier were dead. It’s better to die than to suffer in the hands of Mechanical Dawn. It’s too humiliating to lose oneself and be controlled by the mind.

Kai Haidong pondered for a while, “When you are free, come to the headquarters. Let me explain in detail… There may be no chance in the near future. Many things are pressing on us, and we need to solve the trouble as soon as possible. The so-called first world is temporarily It won’t bring us such a huge threat, but the threat from the Investigation Department is just around the corner.”

“You just have to know it in your heart, ‘Dad’.” Kui Xin said, “By the way, I found out what the extraordinary ability of the deputy director of the investigation department is. I remember that the information chip that was handed over to me did not mention this aspect. things.”

“Our infiltration into the Investigation Department is at a superficial level, and the information of every awakened person in the Investigation Department is very important to us.” Kui Haidong said, “Lin Xinji, is he the deputy director? His extraordinary ability is… ”

“The probing eye can see through other people’s extraordinary abilities. If they don’t have fighting ability, there is nothing to be afraid of.” Kai Xin said calmly, “I am still trying to find out the extraordinary abilities of other people. This time I know what Lin Xinji’s extraordinary abilities are. There’s an element of chance involved.”

For the awakened persons of the Investigation Department, the information is stored in Adam’s core database.

Eve’s hand can’t reach into the Investigation Department, this is Adam’s domain, which leads to Mechanical Dawn’s lack of understanding of the Investigation Department’s situation, and the inability to obtain key information.

“Exploring Eye? Very practical ability.” Kui Haidong was silent for a few seconds, “Yes, keep going, Xiao Xin. You are still a newcomer, and if you continue to lurk there, you will definitely gain more.”

Kai Xin decided to reveal Lin Xinji’s information after careful consideration.

Mechanical Dawn… No, it is hidden in the mechanicalEve behind the dawn——Eve suspects that Kai Xin is a player.

It is precisely because it has doubts that it makes various temptations to Kai Xin.

Thinking carefully about her behavior after entering the second world, there were indeed quite a few loopholes, because at that time she didn’t know much about the second world, and she didn’t have an accurate understanding of the surrounding situation. Kai Xin once used the encrypted network to find some information.

These are huge doubts.

The silver bracelet was provided to Kai Xin by the Dawn of the Machine, and they also added the encrypted network function to the bracelet. Kai Xin didn’t know how meticulous the Dawn of the Machine was monitoring her, and when it started.

But Kai Xin believes that Dawn of the Machine is only suspicious of her, and has not yet confirmed her identity. The basis is that she is sitting at home in a decent manner, Kai Haidong is still playing house-playing games with her, Yin Mian and Red still regard her as a companion, and she has not been locked up in the isolation prison for interrogation.

Kai Xin is safe for the time being, as long as she doesn’t reveal more things, deepen their suspicion, and let them find a handle, she will be safe.

“There’s nothing else to say. I’ll hang up the communication first.” Kai Xin said.

“Pay attention to rest.” Kui Haidong hypocritically asked.

However, he was too late. As soon as he said the third word, Kai Xin hung up the communication with a snap.

Kai Haidong, who had a bad nose again, put down the communicator angrily, “She is here to beat me!”

The next day, Kai Xin came to work at the Investigation Department as usual, and moved his working time half an hour earlier.

She did a long time of mental construction on the suspended tram.

Although she remained calm, her mind was still thinking about what she would do if she happened to meet Lin Xinji at work.

It’s impossible for Lin Xinji to travel forever, and it’s impossible for her not to see him face to face forever.

Kai Xin intentionally staggered the rush hour and came to work a little earlier in order to avoid him. As long as Lin Xinji was not a workaholic, he probably wouldn’t come to work so early.

But there is a saying in the world, it is what you are afraid of.

When Kai Xin arrived at the Yicha Building, even the lady receptionist at the lobby on the first floor hadn’t arrived yet.

As soon as she entered the hall, she heard Adam’s mechanical voice: “Good morning, security guard Kai Xin.”

Adam did not wish Kai Xin a good day like he did a few days ago.

After it said good morning, the communicator in Kai Xin’s pocket vibrated continuously. She had a premonition that something was going to happen, so she took out the communicator to check.

It was written on the screen of the communicator: “Lin Xinji is taking the elevator downstairs.”

Kai Xin’s pupils shrank and her heart beat faster. She put away the communicator, glanced up, and determined the direction of hiding – there was a bathroom in the corridor on the right side of the hall on the first floor.

At the same time, she caught a glimpse of the number of floors in the elevator constantly dropping.

4th floor, 3rd floor…

When Kai Xin saw the number of floors, she turned around and left. She had a calm expression and kept her steps steady without panicking.

The 2nd floor, the 1st floor… The metal doors slid to the two sides, and the elevator opened!

The moment the elevator opened, Kai Xin happened to turn into the women’s washroom.

Lin Xinji, who was dressed in black formal attire, walked out of the elevator with the secretary, without shifting his gaze, and walked straight out of the lobby on the first floor.

They successfully missed it.

Kai Xin hid in the bathroom cubicle, holding the communicator in his hand, with a thin layer of cold sweat on his back.

At this time, the communicator vibrated again.

Adam: “He’s gone.”

The next second it said: “I don’t ask, you don’t have to tell.”

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