Artificial Soul 11

Kai Xin stood up from the toilet seat and held onto the door panel of the cubicle.

The sense of tension and panic was long overdue, making her brain a little dizzy.

Almost, almost, she was about to be seen by Lin Xinji.

She typed a few words on the communicator: “Thank you for your kindness, Adam.”

You have to save face. Regardless of Adam’s reason for notifying her, it really did her a favor. A thank you won’t lose a piece of meat. It’s much better to maintain a friendly appearance than to tear your face.

It was because of this that Adam didn’t ask her why she wanted to kill Lin Xinji.

The episode that happened just now gave Kai Xin a deeper understanding of Adam.

It is indeed a mechanical life with a human-like thinking. Kai Xin found that Adam was very good at understanding human emotions. It had both mechanical rationality and human sensibility, and it learned human tricks very well.

Adam said that Eve likes to use tricks of humans. Eve will threaten humans, lure humans, and use greed and fear to make humans submit to it. But Kai Xin believes that Adam is the artificial intelligence that has learned the tricks of humans most thoroughly.

It has a high emotional intelligence, and knows when to stop when enough is enough.

It is well versed in the art of language, it never utters threatening words, and deliberately minimizes its own threat.

But this doesn’t mean it has no threat. On the contrary, it is very aware of how much threat it poses to Kai Xin. Because Adam understands his own threat, it knows that it doesn’t need to say the threat.

It’s meaningless to say it out loud. Some things should be done in a muddle-headed way. You can’t tear your face when you shouldn’t. If the skin is not torn, it means that there is still room for both parties, and things cannot be done absolutely. Stabbing a knife in the back with a smiling face is not uncommon in human groups, and this is the rule that Adam abides by.

It’s friendly, but that’s only on the surface. The essence beneath the surface is what Kai Xin must see.

Adam is the smartestThis is also the case. It uses language to modify its own behavior, making its motives extremely reasonable and acceptable, and it has not lied or hypocrisy. intelligent.

Adam is a real mechanical life.

It has learned the ways of human beings very well, and is an excellent human creation. It is complex and multifaceted, like a real human being, with good and bad sides at the same time.

Kai Xin felt its sincerity, its hypocrisy, its friendliness, and its threat—the invisible threat that seemed to exist but was everywhere.

Kai Xin came out of the toilet cubicle to wash her hands and face. The cold water touched her skin, cooling her brain slightly.

She walked out of the bathroom and pressed the elevator button.

The seventh team has been idle for several days. Teammate Jiang Ming is injured. They can not perform field missions for the time being.

Kai Xin hesitated in the elevator room, and pressed the floor button for the medical center.

“If you want to visit the security guard Jiang Ming, please go to the rehabilitation training center on the ninth floor.” Adam’s voice came from the elevator, “He has installed a mechanical prosthesis and is undergoing adaptive training.”

Kai Xin was taken aback, canceled the original floor button and pressed the ninth floor according to Adam’s reminder.

As soon as he reached the ninth floor, Kai Xin came to the door of the rehabilitation training center according to Adam’s indicator light.

The area of ​​the rehabilitation training center is very large. The room is filled with all kinds of training equipment, and there is a whole row of automatic wheelchairs in the corner. There was more than one person in the rehabilitation training center, and several security guards with missing arms and legs were undergoing the mechanical prosthesis adaptability test, and Jiang Ming was among them.

Jiang Ming is practicing walking. He is like a toddler, taking every step carefully.

“Hi.” Kai Xin walked in to greet him, “It was installed so quickly, I thought it would take a few days.”

“It’s Kai Xin, why did you come so early?” Jiang Ming asked in surprise.

“I got up early today, so I came to the investigation department to see you.” Kai Xin said, “Thanks to you, our team has rested for several days. I have had enough sleep these days.”

“Haha, then the good days of our team are coming to an end, and I will return to the team soon.” Jiang Ming pulled up his trouser legs and showed his mechanical legs to Kai Xin, “Three days ago, the manufacturer of mechanical prosthetic limbs came to me to test I got the limb data, and quickly made a set for me. Today is the first day of adaptability testing. If it is not suitable, I will return to the factory for fine-tuning.”

The silver mechanical legs have been treated with anti-reflective treatment. The appearance is low-key and restrained. The smooth shell lines are very similar to the human body. It is perfectly integrated with the skin and flesh.

When Jiang Ming stepped on the ground, the mechanical legs made a dull sound.

“How much does it weigh?” Kai Xin asked.

The weight of metal is different from the weight of human tissue. If one leg is heavy and the other is light on a mechanical prosthesis, the movement will definitely be affected. Most civilian-use mechanical prosthetics on the market have similar problems. The originally symmetrical limbs become uneven in weight, which can easily cause limbs to be uncoordinated.

“Light alloy, which greatly reduces the weight, and adopts the latest neural balance system, and there is almost no difference when using it.” Jiang Ming grinned, “It’s just that the connection is a bit worn out, and the wound I just healed must have been worn out. The skin is broken, let them adjust it.”

“I just saw that your walking posture is quite awkward. How long will it take to return to the previous state?” Kai Xin looked at him curiously.

“Three days, it’s pretty fast. If I installed the old version of the mechanical prosthesis, it would take at least seven days to get used to it, but now I’m installing the new version.” Jiang Ming pointed to his head, “The mechanical nerve connection Technology, I have a tiny neural signal receptor implanted in my head.”

Kai Xin’s eyebrows twitched, “Is there no problem with the stability?”

“The new technology has already been put into use, and sooner or later it will replace the old technology. I’m one of the people who installed it earlier.” Jiang Ming didn’t care much. “Stability and security can be guaranteed, so don’t worry.”

Kai Xin nodded slowly, and didn’t say anything more, “You can use this thing as long as you feel comfortable.”

“Okay, go get busy, I’ll practice for a while.” Jiang Ming said.

“Okay, goodbye.” Kai Xin said goodbye to him.

When Kai Xin returned to the office, Liu Kangyun was already there, but Shu Xuyao ​​and Lan Lan hadn’t arrived yet.

“Kai Xin, I came early today.” Liu Kangyun said.

“I went to see Jiang Ming just now. He is recovering well, and the mechanical prosthesis has been installed.” Kai Xin sat on the chair and stretched.

“Yeah, I also went to see him after get off work last night.” Liu Kangyun scratched his forehead conflictingly, “This kid recovers really fast, and our leisure days may be gone forever. Well, I hope he Recover quickly, and I hope he doesn’t recover so quickly, and lie down for another two days.”

“Jiang Ming wants to fight with you when he hears this.” Kai Xin joked, “But I don’t think he wants to perform so many tasks.”

Serious people who like to go to work, fishing is human nature.

While they were talking, Lan Lan arrived.

He walked into the office briskly, and said happily, “Phew, I’m not late today. Why did you two come so early? I thought I was the first one today.”

“Think too much, look at what time it is, you will never be the first.” Kai Xin pointed to the clock on the office display screen.

The current moment, 07:56.

“I didn’t pay attention to the time…” Lan Lan sighed, “What is the captain doing today?”So uncharacteristically the last one to arrive? ”

As soon as this sentence was finished, the door of the office opened again.

Shu Xuyao ​​came in, “Morning, everyone.”

“Lan Lan was talking about you just now, Captain.” Kui Xin said, “You were the last one to arrive today, and Lan Lan was at the bottom a few days ago.”

“I came here fifteen minutes ago. I had something to do and was called to the office by team leader Wei Zhi.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked at Kai Xin, “It’s mainly to talk about your business.”

“Did Team Leader Wei not leave the Investigation Department on duty last night?” Lan Lan said.

“Hmm… It seems that Team Leader Wei’s shift is indeed on the duty list.” Liu Kangyun said, “It should be talking about Kuixin’s extraordinary ability, right? I remember that Kuixin still has a lot of training that he hasn’t done. Manpower, the training of newcomers is a little negligent… This is something that can’t be helped.”

“It’s indeed about this.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Kai Xin, we will start further training for you from today. It has been basic physical training before, and what you will be exposed to next will be completely different.”

Kui Xin: “I’m a little nervous as you said… What kind of training will it be?”

“Emergency training.” Shu Xuyao ​​explained, “I told you before that there is an emergency team in the Investigation Department. This team has no fixed members. Only when certain special events occur will members be drawn from other teams to form a temporary team to perform tasks. .”

Liu Kangyun followed up and said: “I, Lan Lan, and the captain were all transferred to the emergency team to perform tasks. Because the team members are not fixed, the personnel will be scattered, and people will be arranged according to the actual situation. Kuixin, you are an awakened person. The probability of being transferred to the emergency team will probably be higher, and the number of tasks performed will be more frequent than ours.”

“After all, the main function of the emergency response team is to hunt and exterminate alien creatures and people with different blood. These tasks cannot be handled by ordinary security guards. They are usually done by awakened people.” Lan Lan looked at Kai Xin with some concern, “But what about Kai Xin? The effect of extraordinary ability is to speed up healing, as long as you don’t die on the spot, you’ll be fine, right?”

“Don’t set a flag for me.” Kai Xin rolled his eyes, “If something really happens to me, I’ll settle the score with you.”

“How come? I wish you well more than anyone else.” Lan Lan said with a smile.

Kai Xin’s communicator vibrated, and it was Adam who sent today’s work schedule.

“Sure enough, it’s training…” Kai Xin stared at the words on the screen of the communicator, “Today’s work arrangement is only training, and I need to report to the emergency team at nine o’clock.” She looked up and asked, “What is the training content? ”

“Actual combat.” Shu Xuyao ​​said succinctly, “Only by learning in actual combat can we cultivate excellent fighters.”

“It seems that the days of free time are gone forever.” Kui Xin knocked on his forehead, “I thought I could drink tea in the office with pay during Jiang Ming’s absence.”

“As a newcomer, you may have to work extra hard.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “I’m not in charge of emergency training. I can’t help you too much. I can only say good luck to you.”

“Don’t worry, captain.” Kai Xin said calmly, “It’s just training, I can handle it.”

Fifteen minutes before nine o’clock, Kai Xin left the office and went to the elevator to the floor where the emergency team was located.

The emergency team is on the sixty-fifth floor, which is the highest floor Kui Xin has ever reached except the rooftop apron.

When Kai Xin was taking the elevator, Adam suddenly said, “Kai Xin, you have already attracted some people’s attention.”

Kai Xin raised his eyelids, but didn’t make a sound, but waited for Adam to continue.

“Your external identity is flawless. You are a college student from a poor family with excellent grades, a clean background, outstanding abilities, and an awakened person. You do not come from a chaebol background, and you are not from a big family. Up to this point.” Adam said, “Do you know how rare it is for people of this background in today’s class-solidified society? You will become a target for those in power, a pawn that is easy to control… If you are really ‘Kai Xin’ from a poor family, if you find the right backer, what awaits you is a smooth journey to the sky, but if you find the wrong backer, there will be an eternal hell ahead.”

“This emergency training is a screening and test?” Kai Xin said softly, “Someone selected me and wants me to be a pawn? Is that person going to take this opportunity to observe?”

“Yes.” Adam said.

“Who is it, Lin Xinji?” Kai Xin asked, “I am Shu Xuyao’s subordinate, and I have such a slight connection with his family.”

“You are really smart.” Adam said, “Lin Xinji won’t contact you for the time being. He has been in a high position for too long, and he doesn’t have the habit of wooing people in person. What you need to pay attention to are his cronies.”

The sixty-fifth floor is here.

Kai Xin stepped out of the elevator and followed the guidance to the emergency team office.

As soon as the door of the emergency team’s office was opened, she heard a rough voice saying, “Oh, a newcomer is here. There hasn’t been a new awakened person in the Investigation Department for almost a year, welcome!”

The dark-skinned man looked at Kai Xin and said, “I am your trainer, Yu Liang.”

“Hello, I’m Kai…” In the middle of Kai Xin’s speech, Yu Liang patted Kai Xin’s shoulder with a big hand like a cattail fan, interrupting her.

“Stop talking nonsense, it’s not that I don’t know who you are, Kai Xin, right?” Yu Liang slapped Kai Xin staggeringly, “Let’s go, change your equipment, and take you out to work. Destroy. Take the most powerful hand cannon and we’ll blast that thing to pieces!”

Kai Xin: “…?”

This guy is Lin Xinji’s confidant? appearanceNot very smart looking.

“Don’t we have any other teammates?” Kai Xin interjected.

“Yeah, our teammate is already at the mission site. He’s on the spot. To perform a mission, the more people the better, the staffing is very important.” Yu Liang said, “We’re going to the slums in the Eastern District… By the way, take action Remember a principle when you are in the middle of the war, your life is the most important, the value you can create is beyond the reach of ordinary people, if necessary, don’t worry about civilians. In addition to destroying the enemy, your first task is to save your life, understand No?”

His words were barely concealed, and his words were full of disregard for life.

Kai Xin said without any objection: “Obey.”

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