After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 55: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (7)

The students gathered together in pairs, frowning and looking at the drawings seriously, with solemn expressions. From time to time they crossed the drawings with their fingers, as if they were thinking.

There was silence in the classroom, even the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was very rare.

Song Youcai calmly tugged at his team member Yun Gouer, "Boss." He lowered his voice, "Do you understand?"

Yun Gou'er looked at it carefully for a while and shook his head.

He raised his hand: "Teacher Shen, I can't understand."

Shen Minghuan smiled half-heartedly: "Can everyone else understand?"

Zhao Jun sneered, took a step forward proudly, and said confidently: "No!"

To be precise, you can understand it by looking at it. Shen Minghuan drew very clearly, even taking into account their literacy level. He did not use too many words and only used numbers to mark the length, width and width of each piece of wood.

But this does not mean that they will do it, just like it is one thing to know that Leonardo da Vinci can draw well, but it is another thing to be able to draw. People who don't have enough knowledge can't reproduce the results even though Einstein wrote down the drawings and principles clearly.

Students are like this and have no idea where to start.

"If you don't understand, just ask. There is no room for sloppiness in science. I am your teacher, and it is my duty to answer your questions." Shen Minghuan stood with his hands clasped, "You have to learn this from the dog."

After learning that they were not the only ones who were stupid, the students who pretended to be serious lay down on the table and wailed, and even said arrogantly: "I just wanted to ask, but I wasn't as quick as Yun Gou'er."

Shen Minghuan stepped down from the podium, "Then I will give you a chance to be faster than him. Why don't you understand?"

Can't understand anywhere.

Zhou Dazhuang hesitated.

Shen Minghuan snorted and asked, "Dog, why don't you understand?"

"Teacher, here." Yun Gou'er, who was protected, forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart and soon immersed himself in learning: "How should these two pieces of wood be fixed together? I thought about using nails, but I think this should be Only the ones that can move are the ones that can’t be moved with nails.”

Shen Minghuan glanced at him appreciatively and nodded: "Before asking questions, you must first have your own thinking. Don't rely on me whenever you encounter a problem. The teacher will leave one day."

Seven-year-old Zhou Xiaoya suddenly burst into tears: "I don't want Teacher Shen to leave, wuwuwu, Teacher Shen, please don't leave, okay?"

Zhao Jun sniffed: "Xiaoya, you're a big idiot, Teacher Shen is just saying this metaphorically, you're not really leaving."

There was a cry in his voice, and he looked at Shen Minghuan inquiringly: "Teacher Shen, you will always be our teacher, right?"

As soon as they cried, the others couldn't help but cry with their mouths wide open, crying heartbreakingly, as if Shen Minghuan had disappeared in the next second.

Shen Minghuan was helpless: "Yes, yes, I won't leave. Stop crying and come and have a look." He pointed to the pile of scattered wood from the desks on the ground, "Tell me, what did you find?"

Yun Gou'er took the lead and walked over while wiping his tears, while the others followed behind with sobs. Eleven little carrot heads squatted or stood, surrounding the "pile of wood", and even Shen Minghuan was squeezed away.

Yun Gou'er couldn't stop crying, so he picked up a piece of wood and said, "Teacher, these are all complete... burp."

He blushed a little, covered his mouth in embarrassment, and refused to speak any more.

Shen Minghuan laughed so loudly "Hahaha".

The system was still feeling sorry for its cub at first, but it couldn't help but laugh [hahaha] when being led by Shen Minghuan.

"This structure is called mortise and tenon. It does not require nails and is fixed by concave and convex bite." Shen Minghuan discovered when he walked in that the desks and chairs in the classroom seemed to be made by the same person. Maybe it was to save time, or maybe it was because of insufficient workmanship. The mortise and tenon structure is not very delicate and can be easily taken apart.

This is the secret why he, a weak scholar with poor health, was able to "break" his desk.

Shen Minghuan explained this structure to his students and then asked: "What did you learn through this?"

The students looked at each other and asked tentatively:

“Want to believe in science?”

"Want to observe carefully?"

"It's all wrong!" Shen Minghuan said calmly: "This incident tells us that when we encounter something we don't know, we can understand it by taking it apart."

The students suddenly understood and looked at their desks and chairs eagerly.

Shen Minghuan continued: "The design method of the mortise and tenon structure has been drawn on the drawing. Your task is to find a way to reproduce it on real wood and mark every data clearly."

"Teacher, teacher." Song Youcai jumped up and raised his hands, "We have only learned addition and subtraction within ten."

Most of the lengths of wood on the drawings are in double digits.

Shen Minghuan said confidently: "Isn't it enough to have learned within ten? No matter how many numbers there are, the operation logic is the same, but if you really don't know how..."

Shen Minghuan pointed out the window and smiled slightly: "There are leaves on the trees and stones on the ground, which are enough for you to get the answer in the stupidest way."

"If there's no problem, we can start now. I hope you won't be the last group to finish." Shen Minghuan looked at them encouragingly, "Your parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts are all waiting for your guidance. Oh, by the way, You have to follow the squad leader’s instructions this afternoon.”

The students immediately jumped away from the ruins of the desk and gathered around the drawings. Some took out pens and paper to calculate, and some had already begun to climb trees.

Children have never had much say at home, and adults always ignore their opinions as a matter of course. But now, they actually have the opportunity to be adults for once!

Thinking about it carefully, they were thinking inscrutably with pens and papers, and the adults who had once dismissed them nodded and followed behind them: "Smart and witty Mr. xx, are you tired or thirsty?"

"Hey, ok, ok, I will definitely listen to you, Mr. xx, do you think the force of this fan is okay?"

In particular, the person with the best performance can become the monitor of the class and give orders to the whole class.

If you think about it further, they were walking in front with their heads held high, and everyone in the village was standing on both sides, looking at them with admiration. Then they stopped and waved slightly, and Yun Gou'er trotted over and said respectfully: "Sir, squad leader, what orders do you have for the little ones?" Then the whole village, old women and children, applauded and shouted, " Meet Mr. xx squad leader."

Wow, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click.

The students each had their own imaginary pictures, and they were all excited and excited, as if their dreams would come true in the next second and they would become the focus of the world.

Shen Minghuan slowly put the desk together, took out a piece of white paper, and began to write and draw.

Children are so good, full of energy, unstoppable, and most importantly, simple and easy to cheat.

There was still chatter below, and Yun Gouer and Song Youcai gradually revealed their talents that were different from others.

Song Youcai: "Boss, why don't we start?"

Yun Gou'er shook his head: "Find the calculation skills first. Counting like 17 24 63 is too slow, and it is easy to make mistakes."

Zhou Xiaoya from the other group whispered softly: "Brother, this place should use 7 4."

"7 4, 7 4..." Zhou Dazhuang was so dizzy from counting that he shook his head: "Sister, did we just count 7 4? How much did we say before?"

Zhou Xiaoya thought for a while and said awkwardly: "I forgot."

Zhao Jun took out his homework book and said to his team members: "Let's write down everything we have calculated, so that if there are duplicates, we don't have to calculate them again."

"Okay, my side is 3 6, which is 9."

"What I have here is 2 7, huh? Why is it also 9? Did you count wrong just now?"

"That's right, it's 9. Look, Zhao Jun, it's 4 and 5 too."

"Wow, it's really amazing."

"7 4..." Zhou Dazhuang closed his eyes and shouted: "How much is 7 4!"

Song Youcai was disturbed and rubbed his ears in disgust, "It's 11, Zhou Dazhuang, you idiot, 7 3 is 10, 4 is 1 more than 3, 10 plus 1 is 11."

Zhou Dazhuang's eyes were already spinning, "Song Youcai, what are you talking about?"

Yun Gou'er suddenly jumped up, hugged Song Youcai vigorously, and danced excitedly: "Youcai, you are a genius, I know what to do with it!"

The noisy ducks immediately shut up and stared at the drawings, as if they were concentrating on thinking. In fact, their ears were secretly perked up.

Yun Gou'er also noticed the strange atmosphere around him. He curled his lips and was about to lower his voice and tell Song Youcai only.

Don't think he doesn't know that these people are so evil that they are still trying to steal his position as squad leader! He didn't want to tell them the method he finally came up with.

But when Yun Gou'er raised his eyes and met Shen Minghuan's gentle and smiling eyes, he suddenly hesitated.

Even if Yun Gouer wanted to be willful and not teach them out of anger, he also knew that a good child should know how to be selfless and share.

And even if he had not attended a few classes, he had heard Teacher Shen say more than once that he hoped they could help each other, make progress together, become talented, and then serve the country.

Yun Gou'er sighed like a little adult, turned up the volume, and told the pattern he discovered without reservation. After he finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Shen Minghuan's expression.

Shen Ming smiled happily, with unabashed admiration in his eyes. He clapped gently and praised, "Very good."

I didn't expect the protagonist to have such a talent. It's great. I can let Yun Gou'er teach other students in the future, which will save him some trouble!

Yun Gou'er blushed in embarrassment and said shyly: "Mr. Shen taught me well. You are right. As long as you can add and subtract within 10, you can do the rest."

Shen Minghuan said solemnly: "The teacher praises you not only for this, but more importantly - Dog, you understand the responsibility of the monitor!"

"As a class leader, you must take the lead and lead the whole class to learn together. Stand up when they encounter difficulties and answer their questions when they are confused. You must not hide your secrets or deliberately tell them wrong answers. ”

"The monitor is the teacher's most proud student and best helper, and also the hero in the eyes of the students. Dog, do you have confidence!" Shen Minghuan asked him loudly.

Yun Gou'er blushed and said in a louder voice, "Yes!"

Shen Minghuan nodded with satisfaction and asked other students: "The monitor has told you his findings, what should you say?"

The children were very enthusiastic after hearing this, but they realized that their own level came first and Yun Gouer helped him second. Even if they were still a little competitive and unconvinced, they still politely said in unison: "Thank you - thank you - —Class Leader—"

Yun Gou'er quickly waved his hand to express his gratitude. He secretly glanced at Shen Minghuan from the corner of his eye, only to find that Shen Minghuan was also looking at him with a smile, with encouragement, approval, and relief.

Later, Yunfan was recognized as knowledgeable and enthusiastic in the scientific research community. Whenever anyone came to him with questions, he would answer them carefully and patiently.

Everyone praised his selflessness and said that he was indeed Shen Minghuan's most outstanding student, and even his ability to teach without distinction was very much like his teacher.

But no one knew that at first, he just wanted to be that person's pride and listen to that person say to him with a smile: "Not bad."

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