After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 56: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (8)

Yun Gou'er and Song Youcai finished the part of the drawings they were responsible for, and also went to help the groups with poor progress. Before school, all the groups were finally completed.

Shen Minghuan walked around the classroom. The students were very serious. Shen Minghuan checked and found no calculation errors.

Shen Minghuan nodded with satisfaction, "There is no need to come to the classroom in the afternoon. After dinner, we will go directly to the village chief's house to gather."

He solemnly said: "Remember, you are the chief designer of this invention. Every detail is related to the final success or failure. You must take a serious and serious attitude. You cannot bend the law for personal gain just because the other party is your elder. Do you understand? ?”

"Yes, teacher!" The children answered sonorously and forcefully with serious expressions.

They didn't quite understand what some of the words meant, but they felt their blood boiling inexplicably, and they were highly anticipated for the great cause they were about to create in the afternoon.

Shen Minghuan put down the pointer and announced loudly: "get out of class is over."

"Thank you, teacher." After saying these four words in a long tone, the students rushed out of the classroom and ran home.

Stupid adults, accept the instruction and command from the chief designer!

Yun Gou'er almost rushed out with the current, but suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and took back the step he had just taken.

Yun Gou'er coughed lightly, put back his excited expression, and packed up the stationery on the table slowly, looking calm and reliable.

Song Youcai: "Boss, you are too slow, let me help you!"

Yun Gou'er: "..."

Yun Gou'er picked up the pen that someone had dropped on the ground, secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Shen Minghuan, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw that the other party didn't pay attention to him.

He rolled his eyes, pretending not to hold it steady, and dropped the pen in his hand to the ground again. Yun Gou'er bent down with an "ouch" and secretly glanced at Shen Minghuan again.

Now Shen Minghuan finally looked at him, and Yun Gouer quickly looked away, as if he was concentrating on packing his things.

Yun Gou'er thought to himself, the others ran away in a hurry, they were not reliable at all, they didn't miss him, they always did things from beginning to end, and they were always calm and rational, the teacher would definitely like him more.

Shen Minghuan thought to himself, is this protagonist okay? How can a good pen fall off when you hold it in your hand? Didn't the plot say that the protagonist had a disease?

Song Youcai slapped his head violently, as if he suddenly remembered something, and ran to Shen Minghuan: "Teacher, my parents asked you to come to my house for dinner."

Yun Gou'er paused, pursed his lips, and continued to pack his things, but his mood suddenly became a little low.

Shen Minghuan blinked. He didn't want to eat. He just wanted to sleep. "Next time, definitely next time."

"No, no, if you don't go back with me, my father will definitely beat me." Song Youcai hugged Shen Minghuan's hand tightly, "Grandma Yun also wants to treat you to dinner. You can go to my house next time."

Shen Minghuan pulled his hand out in disgust: "Let go, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, tug, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, what is the manner."

Song Youcai scratched his head: "Teacher, why are your hands so hot?"

He suddenly screamed strangely: "Teacher Shen, do you have a fever?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, it's impossible for me to be sick!" Shen Minghuan made excuses.

Yun Gou'er couldn't sit still anymore. He trotted over quickly, boldly touched Shen Minghuan's hand, and said firmly: "Teacher, you definitely have a fever."

"What should I do?" Song Youcai was anxious.

In his mind, getting sick is an uncomfortable and dangerous thing, and it needs to be taken care of carefully and fed well. If someone in the family is sick, that person will be the center of the family for a long time. But Shen Minghuan came here alone, with no one to take care of him.

Yun Gou'er frowned. He thought for a while and said cautiously: "Teacher, do you want to stay at my house? I still have room."

Yun Gou'er only had him and his grandmother at home. After his parents left, the room became empty.

Shen Minghuan now lives in an empty house in the village, which has been unoccupied for many years. Before he came, the village chief made a special trip to repair it with the strong laborers in the village.

To put it bluntly, the house he lives in now is better than most other houses in the village, including the Yun family.

Yun Gou'er was a little worried that Shen Minghuan would dislike it.

"I don't..." Shen Minghuan did not object to this matter, he was just being stubborn.

The system realized that it had been deceived, and when it saw that he was still trying to be brave, it immediately shouted angrily: [Host! ]

Shen Minghuan felt guilty: "...objection."

"Huh? No objection?" Yun Gou'er said with joy, "I'll go back right now and let my mother prepare it."

He glanced at Shen Minghuan worriedly and said, "Youcai, please help me bring Teacher Shen to my house."

Shen Minghuan protested: "I just have a fever, not a broken leg."

Song Youcai pretended not to hear, quickly held his arm, turned to Yun Gou'er and said, "Boss, don't worry, Teacher Shen will be fine as long as I'm here. Go back and tell Grandma Yun."

Yun Gou'er nodded solemnly, took a deep breath, turned around and rushed out of the classroom.

Song Youcai stared at his back for a long time, tears of trust shining in his eyes.

The air was suddenly filled with an aura of determination.

After a while, Song Youcai wiped his tears and said, "Teacher, let's go too, don't waste the time that the boss bought for us."

Shen Minghuan: "..."

Under the leadership of the village chief, the villagers went up the mountain to cut the wood, brought it back and did some simple processing, waiting for further guidance from Shen Minghuan in the afternoon.

Just as the village chief believed in Shen Minghuan without hesitation, the villagers were also very cooperative. No one questioned this, and they were all looking forward to the final product.

It was now dinner time. Students were out of school and adults were returning home in twos and threes. They saw Song Youcai crying on the road.

Song Youcai supported Shen Minghuan with a sad face and walked heavily. When he saw a relatively large stone on the road, he would kick it away as if he were facing a formidable enemy. From time to time, he would look up at Shen Minghuan worriedly.

It's as if the people around you are fragile pieces of porcelain that are almost falling apart, unable to withstand even the slightest bump.

Shen Minghuan, who was supported by him, felt helpless.

The adults who saw this scene felt a thump in their hearts and asked eagerly: "What's wrong?"

"I..." Shen Minghuan was about to explain Song Youcai's fuss.

When Song Youcai saw the adults, he cried loudly as if he had someone to rely on: "Shen, Teacher Shen is sick."

Shen Minghuan struggled to speak: "I..."

"What?" The adults widened their eyes and were at a loss: "How could such a good person like Teacher Shen encounter such a thing?"

"You are talented, you are rough, get out of the way, I will carry Teacher Shen on your back."

"Teacher Shen, don't worry, it will get better."

"I'm fine!" Shen Minghuan couldn't bear it anymore and gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a fever, that's all!"

The adults paused and looked at each other awkwardly.

Fever is not considered a serious illness in their eyes. Just boil a pot of ginger soup, drink it, sleep, cover yourself with a quilt to sweat, and you will be fine when you wake up.

It's all because of Song Youcai's expression, which caused them to misunderstand.

The adults all stared at Song Youcai.

Song Dazhi said with a smile: "Fever... You should also pay attention to fever, in case it burns out your brain..."

Damn it, that makes sense!

The adults began to worry again. Good college students, talents trained by the country, should not burn their brains to death.

The adults all followed Song Youcai and Shen Minghuan, and sent them to the Yun family in a grand manner.

It didn't take long for the news that Teacher Shen Minghuan was ill to spread throughout the village.


Jiang Li's son Jiang Yiwen is seven years older than Shen Minghuan. The two families have a close relationship and frequent contacts. It can be said that Jiang Yiwen has watched Shen Minghuan grow up and he regards Shen Minghuan as his biological brother.

Everyone in the Jiang family treated Shen Minghuan very well. After Jiang Li persuaded Shen Minghuan to drop out of school and become a teacher in a mountain village, his always gentle wife even scolded him.

Ms. Feng Dinglan blocked Shen Minghuan behind her like a hen guarding her young, pointed at Jiang Li and cursed, then took Shen Minghuan's hand and said bitterly: "Ignore your teacher, he is old and confused."

Shen Minghuan listened to the teacher's words very much. He thanked his teacher's wife for her kindness and insisted on going.

Although Jiang Yiwen had no objection, he used his privileges for the first time and placed Shen Minghuan in the Mutian Village that he had chosen over thousands of times.

Just by looking at Jiang Yiwen's name, you can tell that his father Jiang Li has high hopes for him, but perhaps it is the special fate of the two families. Shen Minghuan became a disciple of Jiang Li, and Jiang Yiwen followed in the footsteps of Shen's father and Shen's mother early on and became A soldier who protects his home and country.

There is a hidden military base near Mutian Village. Jiang Yiwen's comrade Fang Peng is here now. Jiang Yiwen asked him to take care of Shen Minghuan.

Shen Minghuan didn't know about this, so he didn't know that the news of his illness had reached the ears of the Jiang family in Kyoto so quickly.

If he knew, he would definitely feel embarrassed and beat up Song Youcai.

It was a coincidence that Fang Peng had a day off today, and he planned to go to Mutian Village to inquire about the current situation of his comrade-in-arms, his younger brother.

Due to the need to keep his identity confidential, Fang Peng had no plans to meet with Shen Minghuan. Anyway, according to his comrades, his younger brother was the only teacher in the village. It sounded very simple.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the entrance of the village, before he started asking, he heard the villagers say that Teacher Shen was sick.

Everyone was worried and walking in a hurry.

Fang Peng: The villagers are so excited. Could it be that Shen Minghuan is seriously ill?

There are telephones in China now, but they are not yet widespread. Except for government agencies, only a very small number of people have telephones in their homes. Mutian Village doesn’t even have electricity, let alone a telephone.

You can make phone calls to the post office in the city, but it is expensive and you are not sure whether the other party can receive the call. Therefore, the common method of communication nowadays is to write letters.

However, there are still telephones in the military base where Fang Peng and Jiang Yiwen are located, otherwise Jiang Yiwen may not be able to trust Shen Minghuan to go to such a far place.

Jiang Yiwen told the story when he got home.

Ms. Feng Dinglan scolded Jiang Li again, "Ming Huan has been weak since she was a child. If An He knew that her son had suffered such a serious crime, I don't know how sad it would be."

Jiang Li raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "It's just a fever. He is a grown man, how can he be so fragile?"

Jiang Yiwen has had heavy training tasks every day since he joined the army. He doesn't feel it is hard and he often gives himself extra training.

Even if he is sick or injured, as long as he is unable to move, he will not stop training.

Protecting the family and the country is what a man should do.

Jiang Yiwen has high standards and requirements for himself, but thinking about Shen Minghuan's thin figure, he can't bear to do it. "Dad, having a fever is not a trivial matter. Minghuan has been sick only a month ago. It seems that he is really not used to it." environment.”

Jiang Li actually regretted it a little, and pretended to be reluctant, "Okay, okay, I'll write a letter to Ming Huan right now."

Feng Dinglan finally smiled and thoughtfully went to get the letter paper for Jiang Li, "I want to write too, Yiwen, will you also write a letter to your brother?"

Jiang Yiwen nodded reservedly.

Jiang Li muttered as he wrote: "A loving mother often loses her son. Let's talk about it first. If he doesn't want to come back, I can't help it."

Feng Dinglan glanced at him angrily: "Ming Huan listens to you the most. If you ask him to come back, he will definitely come back."

Jiang Li just pretended to complain casually, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be a prophecy. Shen Minghuan really didn't want to come back.

What's more, he didn't expect that in the end, he would be the one urging her, trying her best to get Shen Minghuan back.

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