After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 57: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (9)

As soon as Shen Minghuan arrived at Yun's house, he was pushed into bed by Grandma Yun, and Yun Gou'er brought him a bowl of porridge.

Yun Gou'er doesn't often have the opportunity to eat rice, and this is the first time he has seen white porridge with more rice than water.

Yun Gou'er swallowed, but without hesitation, he tiptoed and handed it to Shen Minghuan, who was half leaning on the bed.

Water and rice blend together, the porridge is cooked by Grandma Yun until it becomes mushy, and the fragrance of the rice is light and diffuse. It is not exaggerated, but it is also impossible to ignore.

Steaming, this heat forcefully removed Shen Minghuan's hard support. He touched his hot forehead and finally realized that his condition did not seem to be very good.

In Yun Gouer's memory, Shen Minghuan always looked busy.

Either he was walking around several houses in the village with children who were in school, speaking earnestly with a bunch of words that sounded professional; or he was standing on the podium holding a book, sadly repeating words that had been repeated countless times.

However, now this man's eyes were slightly closed, his brows were furrowed, and the corners of his eyes were stained with a sickly flush, making him look extremely fragile.

Yun Gou'er felt a little guilty inexplicably. He felt that these children seemed to have caused too much trouble to this person. Shen Minghuan gave up the excellent living conditions to come here, but now it seems that it is not worth it.

Shen Minghuan handed the empty bowl to Yun Gou'er, "You should know my house, right? There is a bag of rice in the kitchen. Please run over and get it."

Unlike when he was holding the stick in the morning, he was full of energy. His voice was low and hoarse, and he seemed a bit gentle for no reason.

Grandma Yun came in with the medicine, and happened to hear these words. The capable old lady flatly refused: "This is not possible, how can I ask for your things, teacher?"

Shen Minghuan smelled the pungent smell of medicine, his eyelids twitched, and he covered the quilt tighter, "Aunt Yun, it's useless for me to keep it, I can't cook."

"Ah?" Yun Gou'er looked at him strangely, as if it was difficult to understand how someone could not even cook. Isn't it just a matter of adding rice and water and lighting a fire?

If he remembered correctly, it had been a month since Teacher Shen came to their village, right? If you can’t cook, how did you survive this month? No wonder he is so sick.

Shen Minghuan was very calm. He closed his eyes and said sleepily, "I seem a little sleepy."

Grandma Yun hurried forward and pulled him out of the bed, "Teacher Shen, take the medicine before going to bed."

Shen Minghuan: ...Thank you, I just said that because I didn’t want to take medicine.

Grandma Yun was illiterate and had learned several herbal medicines from her father.

There is an old man and a young man in the family, something might happen to them suddenly. These kinds of herbs are always kept at home, including those that can reduce fever.

The system is fierce: [Take medicine! ]

Shen Minghuan looked at the dark liquid and his fingers trembled.

Yun Gou'er felt blessed and said, "Teacher Shen, this medicine is not bitter."

"Do I seem like someone who is afraid of hardship?" Shen Minghuan said harshly. He took a deep breath, took the medicine bowl tragically, drank it all in one gulp, and almost vomited.

The system felt extremely distressed: "It's all my fault for giving the host a body that is so prone to illness. Host, you are wronged." ]

He seemed to have forgotten that Shen Minghuan's illness was entirely caused by him not eating, sleeping, taking cold showers, and not paying attention to keeping warm.

Shen Minghuan lay on the bed with a dull gaze.

Grandma Yun stuffed Shen Minghuan with a candied fruit, and she was both amused and distressed to see him like this. Yun Gou'er has been strong and sensible since she was a child, so she doesn't have to worry about anything. In comparison, Shen Minghuan is more like a child.

Grandma Yun unknowingly used a coaxing tone: "Let's let the dog bring the rice, and you will eat it at home from now on, okay?"

Shen Minghuan chewed the candied fruit, feeling the lingering medicinal smell still remaining in his throat, and nodded with lingering fear.


Shen Minghuan's fever subsided after he woke up. Regardless of Grandma Yun's objections, he insisted on going to the village chief's house to check on the current progress.

"Aunt, the final assembly is very important. The dogs can't do it, so I have to do it myself." Shen Minghuan explained.

Grandma Yun struggled for a moment, but she couldn't resist him after all. "Wear more clothes so you don't catch a cold again. Don't do it yourself. Let those big men do it if you have something to do."

Shen Minghuan nodded obediently, but in his heart he wanted to say that he was not much younger than the elders you call him.

When Shen Minghuan came to the village chief's house yesterday, the yard was well taken care of, neat and clean.

As soon as I walked to the door today, I saw sawdust flying inside, the air was filled with small dark yellow wood chips, and the sound of sawing wood was noisy and harsh.

Shen Minghuan secretly apologized to the village chief.

"Dad, I told you not to saw like this. Look, your saw is crooked. How can I fix it like this?"

"Hey you bastard, your painting is originally crooked. If you don't saw it off first, you can't do it at all."

"Uncle, you dug too deep. There are only two centimeters here, but you have three centimeters. Oh, it's so annoying. We have to do it all over again."

"Start over again? We've done everything before, baby, can't you change it? Change it to three centimeters?"

"How do I change this? If I change another piece of wood here, I have to change it. All the data have to be recalculated. Wow, uncle, I hate it!"

"Dog, dog, monitor, come here and take a look at this. Did I measure it wrong? Why don't I keep getting it right?"

"Boss, this piece of wood is broken, what should I do?"

"Squad leader, Zhou Dazhuang stole parts from our group."


a mess.

Yun Gou'er ran around in the field helplessly, his clothes were soaked with sweat. He wiped his eyes and felt like crying.

Many people were calling his name, and even the adults would ask for his help. The dog was very excited at first, but soon felt that he was unable to do what he wanted.

But the voices calling for him did not stop.

In the original plot, Yunfan was in this powerless and painful state for a long time after entering Kyoto, even though the country did not require him to produce results in a short period of time.

However, the expectations placed on him and the different treatments given to him were also mixed with a gravity that could not be ignored for him.

The Chinese country is impoverished and declining, with people who don't have enough to eat inside and surrounded by wolves outside. Their future is hanging on a thin steel wire.

Even if the country tries its best to block attacks and malice from the outside world, and struggles to open a path for young people in the darkness full of thorns, how can those who can glimpse the abyss under their feet through a weak light live easily?

Yunfan, who is extremely talented, will only suffer more than others.

No matter how kind the older generation of scientific researchers are to him, or how considerate the country is to him, they cannot change this.

——He has always been a child who has grown up with a heavy burden.

Shen Minghuan stood at the door and coughed heavily.

Everyone who was immersed in the academic exchange turned their heads at the sound, breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

Yun Gou'er ran to Shen Minghuan, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and said aggrievedly: "Teacher Shen, you are finally here."

Shen Minghuan rubbed his head and said, "You're doing well, you look like a squad leader."

Yun Gou'er completely forgot about the discomfort just now and smiled with his face raised.

Now Yunfan is still a child to rely on. Even if the sky falls, there will be others to support him. He can continue to be his carefree Yungou'er, and there is no need to force himself to grow up quickly.

The other students also put down what they were doing and gathered around Shen Minghuan. Without saying anything, they just called one after another: "Teacher, teacher."

Like a group of ducks that can repeat themselves.

The adults had just had a headache due to the noise from the children, and they had a backbone when they saw him arrive, as if all the chaos at the scene was not a problem in their calm eyes.

"Teacher Shen, are you still feeling uncomfortable? You should take good care of yourself when you are sick. I will ask my brat to give you an egg later."

"I caught two fish today. Teacher Shen will take one back later. The fish soup will make up for it."

Shen Minghuan smiled and nodded, chatting about home affairs and pointing out problems.

"It's not uncomfortable anymore. Is it short here? It's okay. Just make a mark where I pointed and start sawing from here."

"Let me see, it's not a big problem. Just continue according to the mark given to you by Da Zhuang and Xiao Ya. Oh, yes, I live at Gou'er's house now."

"No, no, no, okay, I'll take it, thank you, uncle. It's okay if you make a mistake. You're talented. Bring me a pen and paper. I'll tell you to take notes and mark them again according to the new data."

His tone was gentle and slow, like a breeze, blowing away the anxiety and annoyance in everyone's minds.

Shen Minghuan didn't do anything himself. He just walked around and looked around, giving advice from time to time. No one thought he was lazy, and even asked him to go farther away to avoid the flying sawdust.

Although they were not aware of what they were really doing and had not yet seen the final product, listening to the man speaking calmly one number after another, everyone was sure that the final result would be as they wished.

Shen Minghuan seemed to be shining. No matter where he went, he was the focus of everyone's attention.

This was the first time that the villagers of Mutian Village faced the charm of knowledge. Until many years later, Mutian Village was the holy land of knowledge with the strongest academic atmosphere. Countless talents came out from here, and it was known as the "cradle of science."

Finally, under Shen Minghuan's guidance, the boxy car-like machine was assembled.

Although dusk had fallen, the villagers still excitedly pushed it around the field. Even those who were not involved in the production gathered around the field to watch the excitement.

"It's moving. Look, the wheat is really cut."

"Song Dazhi and Wang Laosan didn't even bend at the waist. They just turned in circles and the wheat was cut? This is amazing."

"Oh, did you see? You can also thresh grains. We used to work so hard for a whole day. How long has it been now?"

"My dear mother, am I dreaming?"

The machine only needs two people to drive it, so they are clearly the only two people allowed to work. However, the villagers were very excited and set the rule that each person could only experience it once and then have to change people.

Someone put his hand in the shape of a trumpet to his mouth and shouted: "Da Zhi, are you tired?"

In fact, in Shen Minghuan's opinion, it is still a bit laborious. After all, there is no other energy source and it can only be driven entirely by human power.

Song Dazhi calmly wiped the sweat on his forehead and shouted softly: "What? Tired? Even if I harvest all the wheat in this field, I won't be tired."

The people on the edge of the field laughed and scolded: "What a beautiful idea, come back quickly, it's my turn to play."

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