After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 62: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (14)

Behind the library in Tong County, there is a huge sycamore tree.

Because the place is remote, few people come here. Occasionally, some elderly people will enjoy the shade under the trees, swinging cattail fans and enjoying a moment of tranquility.

Or a pair of young men and women, shyly interlocking their fingers under the trees with golden light and shadow.

Shen Minghuan walked slowly.

The original owner was raised carefully since he was a child, and he was born with a body that does not tan. He has a fair complexion that is rare nowadays. He is delicate and frail, and looks full of bookishness, which makes everyone around him secretly look at him.

Shen Minghuan's temperament is more outstanding than his appearance. In this era where knowledge is generally respected, he can be seen almost at a glance as a scholar, well-dressed and elegant.

A small stall was set up next to the tree trunk today, selling sugar water to relieve summer heat and quench thirst. However, the business was a little slow. Except for the two big men selling sugar water, there was not a single customer.

Shen Minghuan, who didn't have a penny, walked over generously and said, "Bring me a bowl."

One of the big men stood up cheerfully and handed over the poured sugar water with an honest look.

Shen Minghuan didn't answer. He smiled slightly at the big man and mouthed silently: "——Floss."

The big man's expression suddenly changed. He couldn't hold the bowl firmly in his hand and fell to the ground with a clang.

Another big man who was sitting aside but always paying attention also came over quickly. He glared at the excited subordinate, bent down to pick up the bowl, and explained to the people around him with a smile: "Sorry, I'm My brother is rough and he messes up every time I ask him to do something. I will go back and tell him."

People around him smiled in a friendly manner and didn't pay attention.

"Brother" poured another bowl, lowered his voice with the gesture of delivering sugar water, and said in M ​​Mandarin in Shen Minghuan's ear: "Sir, could you please lend me a step to speak?"

Although the words were polite, the ferocity and threat in the tone obviously did not allow Shen Minghuan to refuse.

Of course Shen Minghuan had no objection. He calmly replied in M ​​Mandarin: "Of course, please lead the way."

The two big men are not brothers, this is just their disguised identity.

There are still differences in appearance between people in China and Country M. Cross-border travel is not popular in this era. At least the poor and poor China is not a good choice for people from other countries to increase their knowledge.

In order not to attract attention, these two big men actually look the same as Chinese and can speak fluent Chinese.

"Brother" is a complete M country person with the nationality of M country. He grew up in country M. Because he looks similar to Chinese people, he was sent to China to perform tasks after being trained.

After all, such people are hard to find and cannot satisfy Country M's ambition to plant nails all over the world. Therefore, more spies are actually native-born of the country.

For example, "younger brother" Han Aiguo.

Han Ai's country has been Chinese for generations, and now it is even more affected by national policies. Looking at his resume alone, his family traces back to the first page of the genealogy and has nothing to do with Country M. However, he himself was quickly bribed with money.

Even out of yearning for that so-called beautiful country, he is more dedicated to serving Country M than his "brother".

The two of them stood next to Shen Minghuan, one on the left and the other on the right. They seemed to have said something, and an exaggerated smile of joy suddenly appeared on their faces, as if they were friends they had not seen for many years.

The two big men stopped doing business when they got excited. They hurriedly packed up the stall and couldn't wait to drag Shen Minghuan back.

The people around looked at the intimate figures of the three people and couldn't help but sigh that the relationship between them was so good. After just drinking a bowl of sugar water, they were already hooking up and their relationship was good enough to take them home.

Feeling like old friends at first sight, nothing else.

Shen Minghuan did not expect that the spy actually had a serious business.

He was led half-guided and half-supervised by two people to a noodle shop, passed through the dim front hall with only two tables, bypassed the messy kitchen, and finally arrived at a room that was even more spacious than the front hall.

On the surface, this noodle shop is run by two brothers named Han Aimin and Han Aiguo, but it is unknown how many people are hidden secretly.

But just looking at the size of the room used for discussions, you can tell that the number of people will definitely not be small.

Han Aimin calmly put his hand on his waist and felt the outline of the gun under his palm, and then felt a little relieved.

As their most hidden stronghold, this place cannot be leaked easily. Even Han Aiguo went through a long period of examination before he could enter with this honor. But the instructions given to them were of the highest level, which meant that this matter was no small matter. They did not dare to neglect it. After much consideration, they decided to bring Shen Minghuan here.

Anyone who can get out from here is either their gang or a dead person.

Han Aimin thought, this pretty boy had better say something useful, otherwise...

Han Aiguo stood outside the door to ensure that no one would eavesdrop. He nodded to Han Aimin, indicating that everything was normal.

When Han Aiguo closed the door from the outside, only Han Aimin and Shen Minghuan were left in the space. He immediately regained his honest demeanor and said in a solemn tone: "This is Mr."

The doors and windows were all closed, and the lights were not turned on, making the house look a bit gloomy. Han Aimin deliberately created a terrifying atmosphere to break Shen Minghuan's psychological defenses.

As expected of an experienced spy, the effect of this operation was very good. Shen Minghuan's fingers were trembling and his eyes were filled with tears. He was probably too scared to understand.

Han Aimin did not expect that this man was so timid. He even began to worry that he had done too much and scared this fragile Chinese scholar to death on the spot.

He was silent, and was wondering whether the tone of his next lines should be gentler, when he saw Shen Minghuan striding closer, holding his wrist excitedly with both hands, and shaking it up and down.

Then Shen Minghuan said loudly: "Oh, my dear friends, I finally see you. God, you can't imagine how happy I am."

He wiped the tears from his eyes, indicating that he had cried with joy.

Han Aimin:......

Han Aimin began to think, is his name really Han Aimin, and the person in front of him is Han Aiguo. Although they have never met, they are actually brothers with the same blood?

Fortunately, he was not confused for too long. This overly emotional Chinese had already begun to explain: "I think you must have received a message from Professor Floss? Oh my god, you don't know, Professor Floss He was imprisoned by the Chinese State for five years, five whole years!”

"For more than 1,800 days and nights, Professor Flowers missed Country M every day. The evil Chinese tortured him and tried to force him to do things for China, but Professor Flowers never gave in."

Shen Minghuan took two steps forward excitedly and "accidentally" stepped on Han Aimin's foot. He was so excited that he not only didn't notice it, but also stomped it twice: "Sir, you know, Professor Floss is our The hero of country M, he worked so hard to get the news out this time. God proves that you will definitely save him, right?"

Han Aimin's face was slightly deformed due to the pain, and it was hard to blame this patriotic young man. He grinned and took two steps back, and then said, "Yes, of course, we will definitely do it, but... …”

He felt a little guilty: "Perhaps you can tell me about Professor Floss?"

Under Shen Minghuan's disbelieving gaze, Han Aimin felt even more guilty.

It sounds like this is a very great national hero. Not only was he so good that he was forcibly imprisoned by the Chinese government, but he was also brave enough to be tortured for five years without compromising.

However, they were not aware of the fact that a scientific genius who was so patriotic and powerful that even Mr. Errol was ashamed of himself was trapped in prison in another country.

It seems a little too much.

"Okay, okay." Shen Minghuan said wiltedly: "I didn't expect that no one in the outside world knows Professor Floss now. Back then, he solved Herchler's conjecture in one hour and could draw a T shape with his bare hands. What a genius in designing battleships.”

Han Aimin: "!!!"

Even if he has no education and has never heard of Herzil's conjecture, as a specially trained spy, he still knows about all major weapons.

It is said that only country S has one T-type combat ship in the world, and even country M can only drool at the other party's reports.

"It turned out to be Professor Floss, I remembered."

Han Aimin laughed twice, swallowed his saliva, and said cautiously: "Sir, do you have any proof? You know, Professor Floss is the pride of our country M. After his disappearance, many people His banner comes to deceive people.”

Shen Minghuan finally regained his energy and smiled happily: "Understood, no matter how cautious it is when it comes to Professor Flos."

He looked around carefully like a thief, then gently took out a piece of paper from his pocket and secretly stuffed it into Han Aimin's hand.

Although Han Aimin knew that this place was safe and that there were people guarding it outside, he was affected by his actions and couldn't help but be cautious.

Han Aimin also looked around carefully before reaching out and taking the paper.

Shen Minghuan waved and motioned for the other party to come over. He said in a weak voice: "This is Mr. Flowers' latest research. It is of great importance. I was afraid of being discovered by China, so I only brought a small part of it. If you see If you don’t understand, take it back and show it to someone who can understand.”

He sat up straight and said with some pride: "Others can imitate Professor Floss's name, but no one can imitate his wisdom."

Han Aimin carefully folded the paper and nodded solemnly: "Promise to complete the task."

He suddenly froze, looking a little confused, "But, sir, who are you?"

"Me?" Shen Minghuan didn't blink: "My name is Shen Minghuan, and I am Professor Flos's assistant. Sir, you should have heard of me. My teacher is Jiang Li, a famous scientist in China."

"Five years ago, the evil Chinese imprisoned Professor Floss and sent me to supervise his research for China. You know, I am also a scientific researcher. If Professor Floss is deliberately lazy or wants to do anything, I will stop him. You can see it.”

Han Aimin nodded, and it was understandable that they would also place an ordinary scientific researcher from the country next to the under house arrest talent, who could not only monitor him, but also help him if he "figured it out".

"But you are from China, right?" Han Aimin's eyes were confused. He shouldn't have a fake identity like him. Why did he keep saying "evil China" and "our country M"?

"What happened to the Chinese people?" Shen Minghuan expressed his position sonorously and forcefully: "Although I am from the Chinese country, my heart is engraved with the M country!"

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