After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 63: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (15)

Han Aimin was stunned for a moment. Listening to Shen Minghuan's unwavering and heartfelt voice, he began to suspect that they were not actually brothers. Shen Minghuan was from M country, and he was from China.

Fortunately, Shen Minghuan didn't confuse him for too long, "I heard that in country M, everyone can live in big houses, drive cars, and eat meat every meal. Most importantly, I heard that country M even has a bigger moon than China. round."

Shen Minghuan laughed "hehe" twice, with longing in his eyes: "Professor Floss said that if he can return to China, he will take me back with him and give me the nationality of Country M."

Han Aimin understood, so he just said that all emotions in this world are weak, especially the so-called patriotic enthusiasm, which is as pale as a joke. Only interests are indestructible.

Han Aimin patted his chest in front of Shen Minghuan's expectant eyes: "Don't worry, Country M welcomes all free souls!"

Of course he can't make the final decision in this kind of thing, but painting, talking nonsense, demagogueing people, and turning against others are simply the basic qualities of their spies.

Han Aimin is full of confidence. This stupid and greedy Chinese will definitely become more devoted to them when he hears these words.

Shen Yang Huan was really moved, but within three seconds, he looked suspicious again: "What if you lied to me? Oh, of course, I'm not questioning your character, but you guys seem to be very unreliable in doing things."

He complained aggrievedly: "It's okay if you knew nothing about Professor Floss in the past. That's because you were too useless to be criticized harshly. But this time, the professor sent you the news three days ago, and you just came now. This is terrible." It’s just dereliction of duty.”

Han Aimin:......

If what Shen Minghuan said is true, there seems to be no room for argument on the point of being a waste, but he will never admit that he has neglected his duty!

"Oh Shen, in fact, we took action immediately after receiving the news. We stayed under the plane tree for three days." Han Anmin wiped away his sad tears.

The message they received only mentioned the location but not the time. They didn't dare to delay. They could only stay there 24 hours a day, be vigilant at all times, and never dare to relax. It was okay during the day, but at night in order not to attract attention, I could only squat in a hidden place.

Three days! They fed the mosquitoes for three days!

The noodle shop hasn’t opened for three days!

Even if their boss suspects them of being lazy, they still have to prove every day that it's not our lack of hard work.

How can the word "miserable" be so important?

Shen Minghuan glanced at him sympathetically: "Sir, I understand you. We are all the same. You squat under the tree while I wait at home. It is not easy for us."

"Yes, yes." Han Aimin didn't realize anything was wrong and nodded excitedly.

Finally someone understood him. The evil bosses only wanted results and didn't care how difficult their process was.


Spies fight information wars. As the saying goes, soldiers need speed, and messages must be conveyed accurately and quickly. Outdated information is not only useless, but can even be misleading.

Therefore, Country M has put a lot of effort into communicating with spies to ensure that they can immediately pass on new information to the headquarters as soon as they get it.

Recently, due to "Floss", Country M has paid the highest attention to spies in Tongxian County, assigned special personnel to guard them 24 hours a day, and directly contacted the top person in charge, General Rice.

Once there is important news, the general can directly contact the top leader, His Excellency President Stormi, regardless of time.

Country M doesn't think this is making a fuss at all. You must know that the existence of high-tech weapons today is enough to change a country's international status. The technological revolution has just begun, and no one wants to fall behind at the beginning.

When the X-735 was developed, all the industries in the country made concessions for it. As a result, such a fighter aircraft with such high hopes had problems on its first mission, and the president had to intervene regardless of circumstances.

At present, country M is at the forefront of the world in terms of various weapons, equipment and technological levels. If they want to be the hegemon, they will naturally not allow small countries that are lagging behind the opportunity to get up again.

——That "Floss" had better be really from their M country, otherwise they wouldn't mind another dead genius in the world.

Because he knew the importance of this matter, Han Aimin contacted the M country headquarters immediately.

There is no point in talking to Shen Minghuan until it is confirmed that "Floss" really exists.

Han Aimin brought a bowl of noodles to Shen Minghuan and asked him to take a break on the pretext that it was lunch time.

Although he himself believed what Shen Minghuan said, as an excellent spy, it was his professional requirement not to jump to conclusions easily. So they couldn't let Shen Minghuan leave the room before getting confirmation.

At this time, Errol and several important scientific researchers were also present in the headquarters of country M.

They have been here frequently for the past three days, just to be the first to know the news about "Floss".

Although this matter is confidential and cannot be heard by ordinary people, these people were all present when X-735 broke down, so naturally there is no way to hide it from them.

In addition, considering that they would need to verify the level of "Floss" in the future, they would have to know sooner or later, so Country M did not stop them from inquiring into this matter.

Errol said dissatisfied: "Admiral, I think even the spies sent to China should have been examined, right? No news has been received for three days. I have reason to doubt their loyalty."

This is also what Admiral Rice thinks.

Since those people arrived in China, they have never stopped applying for funds, but there are not many useful messages. They still don't know the specific location of the mysterious military base in Tong County.

"Adjutant, are you sure there is no scientific researcher named Flos in our Country M?" Admiral Rice looked worried and felt that everything was not going well recently.

The adjutant said: "Yes, sir, if Flos has registered his identity information. In addition, among all the people named Flos in country M, no one is missing."

"Is this a fake name?" Admiral Rice did not doubt that Floss was a gangster. After all, he could not go to school without registering his identity. It is rare in the world for this person to be able to crack the X-735 system on his own. It would be magical if he had to teach himself.

Admiral Rice talks about "God", but he is a staunch materialist atheist.

Errol was also very surprised: "Logically speaking, with such ability, I shouldn't have never heard of his name."

"Report!" The soldier knocked on the door: "Sir, Han requests to speak with you."

Admiral Rice stood up neatly and said, "Let's go."

Dare to directly propose a dialogue with the top person in charge, presumably what he wants to say this time should be business. God! If Han continues to quibble about his hard work this time, he must give them some color.

"Wait, Admiral Rice, take us with you." Errol and others also trotted to follow.

As a spy, Han Aimin has a very good memory. He repeated what Shen Minghuan said word for word, and even remembered the tone clearly.

After he finished speaking, he took out the paper Shen Minghuan gave him. This paper would be sent back later, but it did not prevent him from reading it again now.

"Combining the third theory with Blondou's theorem, assuming that % # is ^qUxJ, and then using @%*fb # d8c to calculate, we can get %~@#..." Han Aimin's voice became increasingly louder. The younger he was, he shook his head and tried to wake himself up.

He is now convinced that what is written on it must be a rare technological achievement in the world, otherwise he cannot be trapped to this extent.

Han Aimin finally finished reading. He covered his mouth and yawned as he couldn't see the other side.

Admiral Rice also wanted to yawn, but there were too many people around, so he could only hold back: "I understand, Han, you need to stabilize this Chinese man first, and we will give you further instructions later."

"Yes, sir." Han Aimin waited until the other party hung up the communication, then hid the tools together with the paper Shen Minghuan gave him, adjusted his expression, and prepared to continue chatting with Shen Minghuan.

He became more and more fond of this half-brother from a foreign country, he was so innocent and easy to deceive.

After the communication was hung up, the command headquarters fell into silence for a long time.

Admiral Rice suppressed his drowsiness and suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him was a little strange, "Errol? Gentlemen?"

Errol came to his senses in a trance, and suddenly shouted in shock: "Has the Herkel conjecture been solved?"

"Sir." Admiral Rice was a little amused: "Yes, yes, my gentlemen, Han just said that Professor Froese solved the Herchler conjecture in one hour, and he did it with his bare hands..."

Wait, what are you drawing with your freehand?

Admiral Rice immediately shouted in shock: "T-type combat ship design drawing?"

The two sides had different concerns, but they were no less shocked than the other party.

Colonel Rice took a deep breath and asked the adjutant to bring the compiled records: "Gentlemen, take a look at this. Mr. Flowers's research results. In your opinion, what level do they have?"

He actually wanted to ask whether the person who could write this study could do what Han Aimin said above, especially the ship design drawings.

Errol and others were also listening just now, and they already knew the contents above. They took the book extremely cautiously and impatiently, and gathered around to read it.

A minute later, they all looked up and asked the adjutant for paper and pen.

Three minutes later, they frowned and thought hard.

Five minutes later, they tore off the paper on hand, crumpled it into a ball, and got a new piece of white paper.

Half an hour later, when General Rice was gradually losing his patience, several important scientific researchers from Country M, including Errol, went crazy.

"Incredible, incredible!"

"Oh my God, this is God's work."

"Let me take another look, oh no, if I don't see this study completed in my lifetime, I will die with regrets!"

Although he hasn't asked yet, Admiral Rice feels that he already knows the answer.

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