After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 69: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (21)

Although he received the news that Shen Minghuan was coming, Han Aimin just pretended not to know.

He sent away the last table of customers with an honest smile, took a rag and wiped the table carefully. Finally, he seemed to turn his head inadvertently and saw Shen Minghuan walking to the door.

"Oh, my friend, Shen, you don't know how much I miss you during this time." He dropped the rag in an exaggerated manner and was about to give Shen Minghuan a warm hug.

Shen Minghuan's eyelids twitched and he put a finger on his forehead to prevent him from getting closer.

Shen Minghuan's face was full of resistance: "Sir, I'm sorry, I don't want to be so rude, but you are too dirty and I can't stand it."

Han Aimin's face froze. Shen Minghuan didn't use much force on his hands, but Han Aimin still stopped obediently. He didn't even dare to show his dissatisfaction!

Han Aimin smiled and said: "I'm really sorry, Shen, I was cleaning just now, but you know, I miss you so much."

"Oh, sir, I miss you too, but..." Shen Minghuan seemed to hesitate for a while, and then said honestly: "There seems to be no relationship between you being dirty and cleaning."

Han Aimin's face stiffened again, and he couldn't put on his honest smile for three seconds. He had to adjust by turning around and closing the door.

God! I have long heard that the Chinese people are united. This person can grow up so smoothly despite speaking so harshly. It seems that they are not generally tolerant of their compatriots.

What a terrible country China is, and how tolerant the Chinese people are.

"Shen, do you have mysophobia? Oh, I understand. Many scholars are like this. I will pay attention to it next time." Han Aimin struggled to regain his respect. He was afraid that Shen Minghuan would retort and say something that would cause myocardial infarction, so he quickly changed the topic: " By the way, Shen, haven't I prepared the money, car, and road for you? Why did you come here? "

Han Aimin said as he led Shen Minghuan inside, as if he mentioned it casually, he certainly didn't think that Shen Minghuan was restricted from coming. He just wanted to arouse this man's guilt.

Unexpectedly, Shen Minghuan actually exploded: "You still have the nerve to say that? Sir, I trust you, but how can you send someone to follow me?"

He covered his heart, as if he was extremely fragile, and his voice was trembling: "I regard you as my family, how could you do such a thing?"

Han Aimin was extremely frightened when he saw Shen Minghuan struggling to breathe. He hurriedly defended: "No, we didn't do such a thing!"

Han Aiming was also worried that someone was watching around Shen Minghuan. He was very cautious even in his investigation. How could he dare to be followed? However, Shen Minghuan's traces are not difficult to trace, and it is easy to find out that he comes from Mutian Village.

Shen Minghuan was lying. Of course he knew that he was not being followed. But the facts are not important. If he has the ability to prove it to Country M, he will do it.

He did it on purpose, he was making trouble unreasonably: "Sir, do you know how much trouble you have caused me? Mr. Flowers is nearby, and the Chinese government has guarded the village so that not even a foreign mosquito can fly in. You guys The strange person was discovered before he even got close!"

Han Aimin felt a little guilty. Although he didn't send anyone to follow him, he did send someone to Mutian Village.

However, he had clearly warned in advance that concealment should be the priority, and his subordinates also promised that they would never be discovered. Could it be that they were so cautious, but all their actions were still under the other's sight?

Unexpectedly, Muta Village's military strength was so strong, which shows that Professor Floss must be very important to China.

Han Aimin looked solemn.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Shen. This was indeed my mistake, but God proves that I had no ill intentions, I was just worried about your safety."

Han Aimin probed: "Isn't it hurting you?"

It seems that Shen Minghuan can't really blame him for letting the pigeon fly. He probably wants to come as promised, but Hua Guo won't let him.

Shen Minghuan pushed the table down angrily, and he couldn't understand his hatred. He smashed a bunch of things in the room: "How can this not be implicated? Do you know that China has begun to doubt me? They even want to replace Professor Floss with another one." assistant!"

Han Aimin did not dare to stop Shen Minghuan's violent behavior, and he closed his eyes in pain.

Who can tell him that this Chinese man is so skinny, why is he so energetic when he is tormenting others?

Oh no, God forbid, he could calm down and think about his job.

Han Aimin was consoling himself in his heart when he heard Shen Minghuan throwing the cup and scolding: "Do you know what this means? I almost didn't have the chance to meet Professor Floss, so how can I get information for you? How can I keep everything together? Professor Floss, get out!"

Han Aimin: "???"

This man is so loyal!

Han Aimin did not expect that the reason why Shen Minghuan was angry was not because his own interests were harmed, but because he was worried that he would not be able to help Country M. What kind of noble and selfless mind was this!

"Shen, you are such a good person." Han Aimin held his hand movedly, and for a moment even the mess on the ground looked cute.

Now Han Aimin was truly worried: "Dear Shen, China is not making things difficult for you, is it?"

Shen Minghuan felt a chill in his heart. He took two steps back as if he was sad, and broke away from Han Aimin's hand, with a frustrated look on his face. "There is an old saying in China that money can make people go around. I spent a lot of money on it, and they finally believed in me again and agreed to let me continue to follow Professor Floss."

"Isn't this great?" Han Aimin breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The ancient Chinese saying is always very reasonable. It seems that everything has been solved."

Han Aimin felt bad as soon as he finished saying this, and the fragile and thin Chinese scholar covered his heart again as if he was ill.

Shen Minghuan's eyes widened, and there seemed to be tears of pain in his eyes. He looked up at the sky, with a frustrated voice: "But that's all my money! Sir, do you know how difficult it is for me to save a little money? Now it's all gone. , all gone!”

Han Aimin silently withdrew his hand that he intended to help.

It might be difficult for other people to save money, but if he remembered correctly, Shen Minghuan took a large amount of money from him last time.

"I really feel sorry for you, Shen." Han Aimin struggled to put on a comforting smile, "Since it is our fault, of course we have to pay for the money."

God, he felt so sorry for himself.

Shen Minghuan looked at Ai Ai and said, "This is not good."

Han Aimin blinked and shed tears of emotion. He smiled and said, "Please accept our compensation. If you refuse, I will be very sad."

"Then...okay." The kind-hearted Chinese scholar had to hesitantly agree under constant persuasion.

Han Aimin "cryed with joy".


Professor Gu Wenjing was getting older and had experienced assassinations and escapes. After settling down, he rested for two days.

He is in no hurry to go back. The traitor who revealed the information about him has not yet been found, and Kyoto may not be safer than Tong County. This is also the intention of his leaders and colleagues, asking him to put his own safety first.

It just so happened that he had just completed a research project and could take this opportunity to take a vacation.

Gu Wenjing temporarily lived in a military base. He was a worried person who couldn't take any time off. After lying down for two days, he felt that his energy was almost restored, and then his hands started to itch again.

It's just that the base is not as good as the research institute, and there is no specialized laboratory, which makes him quite uncomfortable.

The separated guards and assistants around him also contacted Kyoto, and were later picked up by the soldiers at the base. Whether it was luck or misfortune, only Gu Wenjing and Xu Yi were separated, while the others stayed together.

The assistants were protected by several security guards, and Professor Gu attracted most of the firepower. Therefore, the group of people met Professor Gu safely at the base, and the most serious ones among them only suffered minor injuries.

Professor Gu sat by the window and soaked in the sun.

The morning sun, with just the right amount of warmth, penetrated through the thin clouds and fell softly and lazily.

Professor Gu once felt that it was very comfortable and pleasant to be able to squeeze out a moment in a busy day and lie in the sun doing nothing.

Now when he finally had such an opportunity, he suddenly realized that this was still a very extravagant and wasteful thing, and with the few years he was already old, he obviously could not afford this high price.

Professor Gu spent half a month basking in the sun and sighed for half a month.

"Teacher." His student and assistant Zhang Jingchang came over with a cardboard box and persuaded him with a smile: "Don't be so worried all the time. Look what I brought you."

Gu Wenjing didn't take it seriously: "What is it? The news that Kyoto allows me to go back?"

"Then there is no need for such a big box." Zhang Jingchang couldn't laugh or cry: "And teacher, you should take a break and stop going to the laboratory all the time. There are still Professor Jiang and others in Kyoto, and they won't be able to live without you for a while. fine."

"Are you still teasing the teacher?" Gu Wenjing scolded with a smile, but his mood felt much better.

When Zhang Jingchang put the carton on the table, he stood up and leaned over to take a look. Professor Gu had some expectations. Zhang Jingchang had always been calm and serious, so he would ask him to bring it over specially. It should not be an ordinary thing.

Professor Gu Wenjing guessed it might be a box of books.

His important manuscripts and materials had been brought back in advance, and the only luggage around him was a change of clothes and a few books to pass the time on the road.

A person is lucky enough to have nothing to do, but luggage cannot be forced.

Professor Gu's book is gone, so he is really bored recently.

He didn't like to cause trouble to others, so he never mentioned it, but his students obviously knew him well enough.

Professor Gu felt his heart melt as he watched Zhang Jingchang open the box, revealing a toy-like thing made of wood.

Professor Gu: "...What is this?"

It turns out that I need to use toys to convey the image of loneliness in my students’ minds?

Zhang Jingchang carefully took the toy out of the box and put it on the ground. Just looking at his cautious attitude, you knew that if it was a toy, it should be a very expensive toy.

"Teacher, before we were separated from you, we happened to pass by a village." Zhang Jingchang took out another drawing, which he restored by himself: "The villagers said this is called the 'wheat-threshing and seeding machine', which they introduced to another village. Purchased by a village called Mutian."

Yes, the current wheat harvester has been upgraded, and the sowing function has been added to the original one.

So Shen Minghuan also added two characters to the original name, which was both vivid and trouble-free.

Every afternoon is free experiment time for the students of Mutian Village. Although Shen Minghuan was hiding in the mountains and not watching them, the students were not lazy either. Under the leadership of Yun Gouer, they studied the improvement of the wheat harvester.

Shen Minghuan left room for adding functions when designing. In order to save time at the beginning, he only led his students to make the most basic version.

Now that the wheat harvest has been completed, the rainy season has passed, and the busy farm work has come to an end, Shen Minghuan and his students slowly perfected it.

They were children who grew up on the farm, so they knew the process of growing and harvesting food very well, not to mention that among them there was Yun Gou'er, a genius certified by Heavenly Dao.

Students may not understand the principles such as mechanics, but it is not difficult to imitate a cat and imitate a tiger.

Just like they may not know why river water can lift ships, but they can observe that ships of different shapes have different advantages and disadvantages.

Curiosity and desire for experimentation will be their eternal motivation in learning.

Shen Minghuan could not be a teacher, so he chose to force open the door to the palace of knowledge for his students and asked them to trace the pattern of the key against the keyhole.

Shen Minghuan didn't know at this time how lawless demon kings his teaching methods had cultivated, which would be loved and hated by Gu Wenjing and other professors in the future.

The professors always said angrily that they didn't care, but every time, for the sake of their teachers, they couldn't help but compromise again and again, and couldn't help but treat them better.

Zhang Jingchang demonstrated to Gu Wenjing, "The villagers said that this wheat harvester only appeared some time ago. It seems to have been invented by people from Mutian Village. They don't know who it was. The surrounding villages can rent it from Mutian Village, but their village is relatively I’m rich and it’s far away from Mutian Village, so I just bought one.”

"Teacher, what you see is after I scaled it down. I tried to draw the design, but I still don't understand some parts." Zhang Jingchang smiled shyly, "I came here to ask the teacher for advice."

"Is this what you have been doing all this time? You have to thank the comrades who are working for you." These carpenters are not Zhang Jingchang's handiwork. He does not have such ability.

Gu Wenjing laughed and knelt down to take a closer look.

"Eh?" He stretched out his hand to fiddle with it for a moment, then praised: "What a delicate idea."

This wheat harvesting machine can be understood and perfected by students, and they also know that the knowledge involved is not advanced, so Zhang Jingchang can restore the design drawing after a moment of observation.

And an outstanding person like Gu Wenjing can easily see its principle.

It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to be able to use it.

Many times the real difficulty is not the answer, but the idea of ​​solving the problem.

Gu Wenjing rolled his eyes, with a bit of joy and excitement, "The masters are among the people. Our country is indeed full of talents."

It didn't take much time to explain to Zhang Jingchang. Gu Wenjing held it in for so long that he was really reluctant to let go.

He glanced at the small wheat harvester figure and said with emotion: "Not only us, there are many people who are also working hard for the development of China."

Professor Gu hesitated for a moment and then made a very willful request, "Jingchang, come with me to Tong County to visit."

"Teacher?" Zhang Jingchang disagreed: "It's very dangerous."

"Country M doesn't know I'm here. The people who assassinated me last time have been arrested. They shouldn't be able to get another batch in a short time."

Professor Gu also knew that his request would embarrass those who were worried about him. If Zhang Jingchang had tried to persuade him a few more times, he would probably have given up.

Unable to find Zhang Jingchang, he hesitated for a moment and then simply agreed and went to find the person in charge of the base. The other party did not stop him and only selected a few people to secretly protect Gu Wenjing.

Gu Wenjing also has Xu Yi by his side, so if anything happens, they will receive the news immediately.

Since they can take precautions, it is not worth letting their national treasure stay in the base like a prison for this small probability of danger.

Although this saves their workload, it would also be too unfair to Gu Wenjing.


Shen Minghuan handed Han Aimin a tissue: "Sir, don't cry. If you are really sorry, just double the money and give it to me. Will it make you feel better?"

Han Aimin: "...Shen, you are such a good person."

He often couldn't tell whether the person was acting or if he really had no wink. While he felt that the other person could not have such good acting skills, he also questioned whether a person's emotional intelligence could really be so bad that people and gods would be outraged.

"Dear Shen, did Professor Floss ask you to give us a message?" Han Aimin stopped his tears and changed the topic in a good-natured manner, intending to talk about business.

Han Aimin felt that his question was very appropriate, but he didn't expect that the Chinese scholar in front of him, who had just been a little good-tempered because of a large sum of wealth, would become furious again.

Shen Minghuan didn't smash anything this time. He didn't know whether it was because he was tired or because he didn't think it was necessary to smash the rest. He retreated to the door in frustration and complained aggrievedly: "Sir, I didn't expect that you only thought about Professor Floss. Doesn't care about me at all."

Shen Minghuan's tea was full of tea: "Well, after all, you are one family. I am just a foreigner from China. How can I compare with your deep love and righteousness?"

Shen Minghuan looked up to the sky and said sadly: "Maybe I was wrong. Although the conditions of Hua are a little worse now, the world is so big that maybe only the land of Hua can accommodate me."

"Goodbye, sir." He gestured to open the door, and Han Aimin quickly rushed forward.

Han Aimin pressed his back against the door, sweating heavily: "Shen, my friend, you misunderstood me. Of course you are very important. In fact, you are more important in our hearts than Professor Floss, but..."

Han Aimin racked his brains, damn, how can this be done? Doesn’t this hypocritical Chinese scholar have any idea?

To put it bluntly, with Professor Flos' ability, even if he and the President were in danger at the same time, they would have to consider who to save first.

Where does this person get the confidence to compete with Professor Floss? Oh my God, someone with such an IQ can actually get into college and become Jiang Li's student? China is finished.

Han Aimin's poor explanation seemed to be successful, because Shen Minghuan believed it, but after he believed it, he became even more angry.

"Sir, I really can't believe you can say such a thing. Professor Floss is undoubtedly the greatest genius! He also suffered five years of imprisonment and torture for Country M! How can you think that I am more important than him?"

"Sir, you disappoint me so much. I'm beginning to wonder if country M is really as good as everyone says." Shen Minghuan's face was full of gloom and disappointment.

Han Aimin: "..."

There seemed to be a screaming chicken in his heart, roaring at the top of his voice. Han Aimin clenched his fists and wanted to punch this man regardless, but after thinking about Admiral Rice's friendly voice, he could only endure it. Come down.

"Sir, do you still want to hit me?" Shen Minghuan saw his expression and took two steps back with "fear", "You make me a little scared. Oh my god, are all the people in country M violent? Oh no. , I’m not in good health and can’t stand this kind of shock.”

"Shen, I'm just too excited. Please forgive a person who hasn't seen his friends for a long time." Han Aimin said with difficulty: "Believe me, you are equally important as Professor Floss."

Han Aimin wanted to take out his gun and point it at Shen Minghuan's head to make him calm down, but he didn't dare. This timid Chinese seemed to have an IQ problem and his brain circuits were always weird.

Moreover, Shen Minghuan didn't know where Professor Floss was. They still needed this person to find out, and they really didn't dare to betray him.

It could be seen that he was already on the verge of collapse. Shen Minghuan let out a "tsk" in his heart. His mental endurance was so fragile.

He mercifully brushed the matter aside: "Well sir, I believe you."

Han Aimin saw his hesitant look and knew that the other party did not completely believe him, but he didn't care so much anymore: "Shen, are you willing to testify for us? We will negotiate with China and let them release Professor Floss."

"Oh, sir, you can't do this." Shen Minghuan's face was solemn: "China is not as friendly as you think. If they knew that Professor Floss's existence was exposed, I bet they would kill him."

Although the young Chinese scholar was pretentious and pretentious, he was still very loyal to Country M in the general direction. He put aside all worries and planned for them seriously.

Han Aimin felt a little relieved.

Shen Minghuan said seriously: "Sir, you don't know how cunning the Chinese people are."

Such as him.

"Professor Floss is always unwilling to give in. China has almost lost patience with him. It just feels that he can't escape, so it is willing to wear it out slowly. There was also... well, what's his name, and Fu Professor Ross was imprisoned together and was almost discovered by your country M. "

Shen Minghuan sighed: "Hua Guo is so cruel, he hacked people to death on the spot."

"What?" Han Aimin exclaimed: "China dares to kill our M people?"

"Sir, you are too noisy." Shen Minghuan rubbed his ears dissatisfied: "Why are you so excited? He is just an ordinary scholar, and he cannot compare to Professor Floss."

Han Aimin showed an expression of indescribable confusion.

Well, you Chinese country, on the surface, you look like a person of justice who values ​​human life above all else, but in private, you are even worse than him.

Tsk, killing people casually, and then saying "the trash is dead, it's dead" after killing them. When they do such crazy things, they in M ​​country will still cover it up a little.

Shen Minghuan held his head up proudly, as if he was praising himself: "Professor Floss's safety is the most important thing. I can tell you, sir, the more critical the moment, the more cautious we must be. We cannot alert the enemy."

"So, after we find out the place, we can't force our way in?" Han Aimin frowned, extremely distressed.

After all, Flos was in a den of thieves. No matter how fast they rescued people, they might not be able to keep up with the speed of killing people.

"It's okay sir, I have a solution." Shen Minghuan smiled slightly.

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