After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 70 The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (22)

"Shen, are you sure it's really possible?" Han Aimin held a blueprint, worried.

Shen Minghuan was displeased: "You can doubt me, but you can't doubt Professor Floss. This is a design that Floss completed one stroke at a time."

How fresh, whose design is not one stroke at a time?

"Shen, of course I believe Professor Froth... and you!" Han Aimin breathed a sigh of relief, almost letting Shen Minghuan find a reason to make trouble again: "You mean, when Professor Froth completes this protective shield, Can you just stay inside the protective shield and wait for us to come to rescue you with the weapons designed by Professor Flos?"

"Uh-huh." Shen Minghuan raised his chin: "Small firearms can't save the professor, and you can't bring in large weapons. Can we only assemble them on-site on China's territory?"

"That makes sense, but..."

Han Aimin pointed to the drawing: "Are you sure we can do it?"

Shen Minghuan had a mocking look on his face: "You are so confident": "What are you thinking? Of course I don't expect you. Sir, didn't you realize that this drawing is not complete? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you might not be able to understand it."

Shen Minghuan glanced at him with pity and explained kindly: "These are just the manufacturing methods of each part. I don't think all people in M ​​country are stupid like you. You can show it to people who can understand and let them make it. I Then find a way to sneak it in and give it to the professor to assemble."

"Ah, sir, I definitely don't dislike you, I'm just more outspoken. You don't mind, right?" Shen Minghuan said pitifully over tea.

Han Aimin chuckled twice, smiling softly: "How could that be? Shen, I like your sincerity."

"Then sir, I'll leave these two drawings to you. I'll come and take a look at them after a while and give you some guidance." Shen Minghuan was not polite, with a arrogant look like "You still haven't thanked me yet", It seemed like a great honor to have his guidance.

Han Aimin nodded and bowed before sending Shen Minghuan away. He rubbed his forehead and felt even more exhausted than after fighting a battle.

He dragged his weak body into the secret small room and took out the communication tool: "Sir, I will report the mission to you."

Admiral Rice couldn't bear hearing the weak tone: "Have you not eaten?"

Han Aimin paused, a hundred kinds of sadness welling up in his heart.

Without eating, we have suffered a lot.

The drawings this time had many dense patterns. Han Aimin couldn't describe them, so he had to ask someone to take them back on the nearest flight.

But just a few words about the concept explanation at the beginning were enough to trigger a tsunami in the hearts of Errol and others, making them fascinated and unable to extricate themselves.

While listening to Han Aimin's retelling, sociologists and psychologists wrote as if they were inspired: "Oh, there are actually people with this kind of personality in the world. God, this is such a miraculous thing!"

On the left side of Admiral Rice is a group of scientists who are lying on the ground calculating regardless of their image, and frantically scratching their hair from time to time. On the right side is another group of scientists who gather together to talk and occasionally yell, and seem to be mentally disturbed. Another group of scientists.

He stood in the middle, with the adjutant looking shocked and bewildered behind him. In his ears, he could hear the intermittently lackluster speeches of his useless subordinates. He felt that he had never felt so desperate about the future of Country M.

Fortunately, Professor Froese is there.


The magistrate of Tongxian County is one of the rare second-generation rich people in China. He comes from a good family. Not only does he donate all his salary, but he also almost always works at a discount.

Therefore, although the library in Tong County looks messy and the pages of the books look worn and yellowed, looking at the surrounding towns, Tong County Library is one of the best.

Professor Gu is from Kyoto and has also been to the school library of the highest university, but when he came here he was still surprised and mixed with joy.

What makes him happiest is that the establishment of this library was not in vain.

——There are people reading here, many of them, men, women, young people, teenagers...

It is these faces that are so young that they are almost immature, and they shape the future of China.

Gu Wenjing was only accompanied by Zhang Jingchang and Xu Yi, while the others were secretly guarding outside the museum.

Someone noticed their arrival, looked up and greeted them with a kind smile.

They were used to coming in and out of the library, but it was rare to see someone as old as Gu Wenjing come in, so they were a little surprised for a moment.

The children in Mutian Village took one look and became disinterested and continued to immerse themselves in writing. It is difficult for them to relax before they have completed the homework assigned by Shen Minghuan.

But Gu Wenjing was quite interested in this group of children. He lowered his voice and said to the student: "Jingchang, look, that child is reading "Basic Mathematics". Hey, there are also people who are reading "Physics Enlightenment" and they don't know. Can you understand it?"

Gu Wenjing smiled broadly. No matter whether such a young child could understand it or not, he was happy enough that they had such a desire to learn and make progress.

Zhang Jingchang also laughed and followed the old man's words: "Teacher, don't underestimate these children. Look at their expressions, I think they can understand."

As soon as I finished speaking, I was slapped in the face.

A child who looked to be eight or nine years old scratched his head at the book for a while, and finally decided to ask for help. He whispered: "Squad leader, come and help me, I can't understand this."

Yun Gou'er sighed like a little adult, closed the book he was reading, and trotted over.

Song Youcai, who was sitting next to Yun Gou'er, didn't even raise his head. He stretched out his hand and waved: "Come back early, I also have questions to ask you."

Gu Wenjing only saw the child called the monitor glance at the book for a few moments, and then he explained in a low voice to the child who called him.

A few minutes later, the child showed an expression of enlightenment, thanked him happily, and then couldn't wait to turn the next page.

The "squad leader" slowly returned to his seat, opened the half-read book unhurriedly, then took out a pen and paper, frowned and thought while lowering his head to calculate.

Gu Wenjing: "..."

Zhang Jingchang: "..."

How come you are still happy despite being slapped in the face?

Xu Yi said happily: "These children are so smart."

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the two people around him were strangely sluggish. Xu Yi was startled: "Two gentlemen, what's going on?"

Zhang Jingchang shook his head numbly, and unconsciously tugged on Gu Wenjing's sleeve: "Teacher, do you think they are acting for fun?"

Gu Wenjing came to his senses and slapped his hand away angrily: "Nonsense, the new generation of children in our country are just so outstanding!"

Gu Wenjing walked up behind Yun Gou'er without warning and craned his neck to see what he was writing.

Yun Gou'er and Song Youcai were immersed in their own thoughts and didn't pay attention for a moment.

"Little comrade, you have neglected to consider one condition." Gu Wenjing saw that Yun Gou'er's calculations had reached an impasse and gently gave him some advice, "If object B is placed here, there will still be frictional forces interacting with it."

"Ah, I understand." Yun Gou'er was already smart. Although Gu Wenjing only said this sentence, it was enough for him.

Yun Gou'er stood up shyly: "Thank you, grandpa, please sit down."

Song Youcai was startled by the sound and stood up embarrassedly to give up his seat to Zhang Jingchang and Xu Yi.

The library has six tables, with matching benches that can seat two people. It has always been more than enough in the past, but today it is full because of the twelve Muta Elementary School students.

Some children didn't have a seat, so they casually found a corner to sit on the floor. They were quite happy and felt more comfortable than sitting on a high chair.

But obviously he couldn't let his elderly grandfather sit on the floor. Yun Gou'er felt that if he dared not to give up his seat, not to mention Teacher Shen, not even Grandma Yun would be able to let him go.

Although Zhang Jingchang and Xu Yi both looked strong, Song Youcai felt that he was a good brother who shared blessings and hardships and was polite and loyal, so he obediently stood up with Yun Gouer.

"Thank you, good boy." Gu Wenjing did not refuse them. He sat down and pointed to the homework book on the table: "Can I take a look?"

"Yes, yes." Yun Gou'er agreed softly.

Zhang Jingchang didn't sit down. He stood behind his teacher and had an unobstructed view with his height advantage.

Gu Wenjing was calm from beginning to end, and would smile and chat with Yun Gouer from time to time. However, Zhang Jingchang started to tremble all over as he looked at it, making people wonder whether the two of them had mistaken appearance and were actually very old. Zhang Jingchang is the right one.

Song Youcai reached out and grabbed Yun Gou'er. He was a little scared and whispered in Yun Gou'er's ear: "Boss, is he sick?"

Yun Gou'er struggled for a moment, and then whispered back: "You have talent, you can't discriminate against patients."

Other children also paid attention to the situation here. They jumped off their chairs or stood up from the ground. They ran to Yun Gou'er vigilantly and asked inquiringly: "Monitor?"

Xu Yi was also frightened that Zhang Jingchang had some unknown disease. He quickly supported him and asked inquiringly: "Professor?"

Gu Wenjing stood up unhurriedly, patted Zhang Jingchang's shoulder, and said with feigned disdain: "You are a grown-up, why are you so unstable when things happen? You scare the children."

Hearing this might frighten these darlings, Zhang Jingchang finally managed to return to normal. He managed a smile and said awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm a little surprised."

His cheeks became stiff due to excessive shock, and the arc of his smile hung abruptly at the corners of his mouth, giving him a sinister look.

The students collectively took a step back, and Song Youcai didn't forget to pull Yun Gouer back as well.

"Don't be afraid, he just looks fierce and has no malicious intent." Gu Wenjing did not hesitate to throw dirty water on his fair-skinned and upright students. He looked kindly at this group of children whose average age was less than ten years old: " Are you all classmates?"

Although he thought these three people were strange, Yun Gou'er hesitated for a while and replied politely: "Well, we are all from Mutian Village, and we are students in the same class."

He very defensively reported his home address first, not only to warn the other party that they were not homeless and could be bullied as wild children without adult support, but also to prevent any mishaps, maybe among the people sitting around in the library. Someone is willing to go to the village to report the news for them.

Gu Wenjing naturally understood the meaning. He didn't feel offended, but felt even happier.

He looked at these children and asked them: "Do you want to go to Kyoto? Can I take you to Kyoto to go to school?"

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