After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 71: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (23)

In the original plot, Yun Gou'er was far from that outstanding. He just accidentally revealed his learning ability to Gu Wenjing, which was enough to make Gu Wenjing ecstatic.

But now Yun Gou'er has a good foundation of knowledge, like a gem that has been washed away from the mud, allowing him to shine brightly earlier.

In the original plot, Professor Gu didn't even have a role in Song Youcai when he accepted his apprentice. This was the glory that belonged to the protagonist alone. It was not until Yun Gouer agreed to come to Beijing that he begged Professor Gu to take Song Youcai away with him.

Yun Gou'er's talent was so shocking that the professors in Kyoto had to focus more on him for a long time. Yun Gou'er had a rich study plan every day and was led to see too many things. landscape.

Song Youcai, who also left his parents and went to Beijing at a young age, was unintentionally thrown into a situation of being left alone. Fortunately, he was smart enough and strong enough, and he slowly cheered up.

Slowly, the light belonging to Song Youcai was emitted.

Nowadays, the eleven children in Mutian Village are all shining gems. They don’t have to be so strong, and they don’t have to grit their teeth and endure the suffering and burn themselves.

Because someone had already picked the stars and made them into crowns, and placed them gently on their heads.

- So they are already glowing.

Professor Gu felt as if he had been hit by a pie falling from the sky. This made him unable to think about many things. He just wanted to pack up these children and take them away on the spot.

He didn't think children would disagree. Children of this age would always have endless yearning for the big world.

At most, I can't bear to leave my family.

It doesn't matter. At worst, he will take their family to Kyoto. The children are still so young, so someone should take care of them.

Such young geniuses with unlimited potential should be well protected by adults like them when they grow up.

But Gu Wenjing didn't expect that these children uniformly showed disgust and vigilance. Not only did they not have any expectations for his words, but their eyes were full of wariness of human traffickers. Even the "squad leader" who seemed to him to be very calm did not look forward to it. His expression collapsed.

Yun Gou'er's conditioned reflex stretched out his hand, like an eagle catching a hen among its chicks, and took a step back to protect the chicks behind him.

He pursed his lips and said as politely and calmly as possible: "Thank you, but we don't want to go."

Even grandpa stopped calling.

Zhang Jingchang said anxiously: "Why? Only Kyoto can provide you with better conditions. You can't learn much here."

How can children allow outsiders to scold their village and question their teachers? Zhao Jun waved his fists: "Did I say you can't understand people? Don't think that I don't dare to hit you because you are so big."

"Zhao Jun." The two brothers Zhou Dazhuang and Zhou Xiaoya pulled him back with all their hands, and whispered: "Idiot, they have three adults. We can't beat them. The teacher said that we must outsmart them at this time."

But the sound wasn't that quiet, at least the three people standing in front of them, Gu Wenjing, heard it.

Gu Wenjing finally regained some sense amidst their strong resistance. He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have heard of the location "Mutian Village".

"Little comrade, would you mind introducing your teacher to me?" Gu Wenjing still looked pleasant.

This was a humble question. A normal person would say "I don't mind". Even if it was inconvenient to reveal too much, he would at least introduce his name.

However, the children of Mutian Village cannot think of themselves as ordinary people.

Yun Gouer's face darkened: "Who are you? Why do you want to inquire about our teacher?"

The students were already on guard, but as soon as Gu Wenjing's question came out, they looked at the three of them with a bit more disgust.

The commotion here was so loud that even if the people around were absorbed in it, they would have noticed it long ago. They all secretly paid attention to these children. They told Shen Minghuan that they would help watch over his students. This was not a polite statement.

Besides, who wouldn’t like a group of smart, well-behaved, diligent, and studious children who respect their teachers? Even if they are strangers, as adults who can be relied on, they have to take care of the children when they encounter problems.

"This old gentleman." The young man cupped his hands and said, "Don't be surprised. We have experienced it just now. These students pay special attention to their teacher's affairs."

The words were neutral and playful, but the protection of these children was unquestionable.

Zhang Jingchang hated the irony: "Silly boy, do you know who this old gentleman is? If I were you, I would quickly ask him to accept me as his student. I believe brother, you will have a different future."

The students glared at him, but the calm Yun Gou'er was the first to explode. He said loudly and sharply: "No, you bad guys, stay away from us, we have a teacher!"

“Just because you have a teacher doesn’t mean you can’t have other teachers.”

Why are these three people so annoying!

Yun Gou'er was about to scold back when he suddenly realized that the voice just now was gentle and calm, unhurried, with a slight smile, and the timbre and intonation were very familiar to them.

The students turned their heads.

Others also turned to look at the sound.

Shen Minghuan crossed the threshold, raised his eyes to meet the eyes of everyone in the library, and smiled softly.


The children shouted in unison and ran towards Shen Minghuan. The quick ones spread their arms and hugged Shen Minghuan's legs, while the slow ones stretched out their hands to grab the corner of his clothes through the gap between people.

"Teacher, teacher..."

The children shouted one after another, and they didn't know what they were talking about. They just felt an unspeakable grievance in their hearts, and as soon as this person came, this grievance became difficult to suppress.

They like Shen Minghuan and they only want Shen Minghuan to be their teacher.

Not only because this person treats them well, but also because they can actually feel their progress.

They can clearly feel that they are getting better bit by bit, and they can clearly realize that their lives are changing slowly but surely.

No one can resist this temptation.

It's just that the students haven't realized it before, but once someone tries to take them away from the teacher, the fear in their hearts suddenly bursts out.

They held Shen Minghuan tightly, as if they were holding a rare treasure that could not be lost. Their eyelashes were filled with tears and they were so pitiful that those who didn't know thought they had just escaped from the mouth of an evil dragon.

Shen Minghuan ruthlessly opened their fingers: "I warn you, don't rub your tears and snot on my clothes, otherwise I will let you copy "The Road to Shu is Difficult" fifty times!"

The students persevered, and when they were pulled apart, they were caught again, and they said the most cowardly words in the most ferocious tone: "Copy as long as you want!"

Shen Minghuan almost jumped in anger.

Everyone present except them was confused.

The young people looked at each other, still remembering that the children said that the teacher was in poor health and couldn't stand it. They were touched by the friendship between teachers and students before, but why did the good children suddenly become rebellious? Aren't they worried about the teacher's weak body now?

Zhang Jingchang was thinking, he didn't seem to do anything to these children, right? Why do they look like they've been bullied? These children behaved so exaggeratedly, some even secretly wiped away tears. How could he prove to the other teacher that they had actually done nothing?

Gu Wenjing was hesitant. He wasn't sure if the other person was Shen Minghuan, a student of his good friend, but regardless of whether he was, it seemed a little bad to try to abduct the other's extremely smart student in front of this person?

Xu Yi involuntarily straightened his back and ran his fingers across the gun worn on his waist. This time he accompanied Gu Wenjing out in disguise, just like an ordinary junior in an ordinary family.

But the look Shen Minghuan gave when he walked in made him feel that the other party could sense that he had a different identity. Even the colleagues disguised as passers-by at the door and lurking in the corners, this person knew them all.

But how is it possible? The other party is just a teacher from a small mountain village. No matter how knowledgeable he is, he should not have the opportunity to meet people like them.

Xu Yi even suspected that he had guessed wrong. After all, he didn't have any evidence, just an intuition honed on a battlefield full of dangers.

This intuition had saved his life countless times. Xu Yi glanced at Shen Minghuan calmly.

Shen Minghuan pushed the tearful Yun Gou'er away in disgust, but with children hanging on his legs, it was inconvenient for him to move around, so he had no choice but to greet Gu Wenjing and others on the spot: "Hello, sir, I am their teacher. Shen Minghuan.”

Gu Wenjing responded calmly, as if he didn't recognize the other person just now: "I know you, Ming Huan, I am Gu Wenjing."

Shen Minghuan had long recognized the old man's identity.

The original owner's parents were soldiers and were often away from home for ten days and a half. The original owner basically lived in the Jiang family when he was very young and often had the opportunity to meet professors who came to visit.

Later, when the original owner grew up and became able to take care of himself, he chose to live on campus and rarely went back.

Later, after his parents passed away, he was accepted as a student by Jiang Li. By then, Gu Wenjing had already gone to Ping County, so naturally he had no chance to meet.

The changes in children when they grow up are not small. Gu Wenjing is not close to the Shen family, and "Shen Minghuan" is unremarkable. Of course, Gu Wenjing will not pay special attention to it.

Therefore, although he knew that such a person existed, he could not match his name with his face, otherwise he would find that in the few classes he went to teach college students, there would be a person in the corridor outside the window. A boy standing on tiptoes.

Not only Professor Gu, but also Shen Minghuan would attend all the national treasure-level scientists’ lectures at universities, even though his age and knowledge at that time could not support his understanding.

Thanks to the fact that university classes are always open to everyone, even students who are not from this school are welcome to study.

There are many people like the original owner. There is no room in the classroom, so they stand at the door. "Shen Minghuan" is inconspicuous among them. At most, some people will sigh a few times because of his young age.

Even after being admitted to university, the original owner never missed any class from a famous professor until he came to Mutian Village.

The original owner worked really hard and had a firm enough goal, but it was just a pity. Compared with the geniuses around him who work equally hard, he always lacks a bit of talent.

Shen Minghuan sighed. He was more willing to believe that compared to the so-called talent, the original owner might just use the wrong method.

Ah, if nothing else, just take the classes taught by the science and engineering professors and forget about it, but it would be too much to not miss the classes given by the design professors, right? The original owner never even studied painting.

Shen Minghuan sighed again as he thought about it, and silently apologized to "Shen Minghuan" in his heart.

As the beneficiary of his talent, he may not be qualified to judge other people's efforts. That would be too arrogant.

The arrogant Shen Minghuan reflected on his past actions for the first time.

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