After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 72: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (24)

Realizing that the two of them seemed to know each other, Yun Gouer's face turned red with embarrassment from tears.

Embarrassed, he let go of the hand that was still holding Shen Minghuan's clothes and hesitated: "Teacher, you are back."

Shen Minghuan rolled his eyes: "I'm not back. Is the person you were holding and crying about just now a ghost?"

The other students also let go in embarrassment, feeling ashamed of their previous performance. They tried to change the topic to erase the memories of everyone present.

"Teacher, we are reading the book carefully. I have read all the content you assigned!" Zhao Jun patted his chest.

Zhou Xiaoya raised her head and blinked: "I've finished reading it too. Teacher, you can test me. If, if I get all the answers correct, teacher, can you agree to my small request?"

As she spoke, she gestured with her finger to indicate that the request was really very small.

Zhou Xiaoya pinched the corner of her clothes shyly. The already sensible child felt that her behavior was a bit embarrassing.

This was her own homework, so she didn't ask the teacher for help. Instead, she asked the teacher for payment. It was really a bit too much.

"What's the matter?" Shen Minghuan looked at the restrained little girl and asked nonchalantly.

Zhou Xiaoya struggled for a moment and mustered up her courage: "Teacher, don't blame brother..."

"Sister!" Zhou Dazhuang had already guessed that Zhou Xiaoya made this request for him, but he was the elder brother, how could he let his sister stand up for him?

Zhou Dazhuang squeezed up from the back of the crowd, walked up to Zhou Xiaoya, and said in a sonorous voice: "Everyone is responsible for the work. Teacher, I did something wrong, please punish me."

Shen Minghuan: "???"

"What did you do?" Shen Minghuan was curious.

Although the village chief always said that these children were naughty, they were all very well-behaved in front of Shen Minghuan. After being in this world for so long, Shen Minghuan had never experienced the feeling of cleaning up the mess for students, and it was a bit novel for a while.

The other students all looked guilty, obviously they were also insiders.

As the squad leader, Yun Gou'er did his part and occupied the position closest to Shen Minghuan's right hand, and explained to him in a low voice.

Shen Minghuan: "..."

"Teacher, are you angry?" Yun Gou'er asked anxiously.

Shen Minghuan nodded solemnly, took a deep breath, and said loudly and fiercely: "Zhou Dazhuang! Who allowed you to spread rumors about me!"

Zhou Dazhuang looked downcast, "I'm sorry, teacher... ah?"

He explained seriously, "Teacher, you are mistaken. I did not spread any rumors."

He is not a bad boy who loves to lie.

"You still say no? Your teacher is in very good health. He just got sick a few times! Haven't you ever been sick?" Shen Minghuan said forcefully.

Zhou Dazhuang really wanted to say that he had rarely gotten sick since he was a child, let alone frequently in a short period of time. But when he saw Shen Minghuan's dangerous eyes, his desire to survive prompted him to realize the high emotional intelligence communication method.

Zhou Dazhuang retracted his argument and simply said: "Teacher, I was wrong."

Shen Minghuan touched his head with satisfaction: "If you know you made a mistake, correct it and the teacher will forgive you."

He thought for a while and emphasized: "Be careful what you say in the future. I am strong and good at martial arts. It is impossible for me to be in poor health."


The students protracted their tones, and out of politeness and respect for the teacher, they did not refute, but their expressions were full of "I don't believe it", "You are so stubborn", "Okay, I will listen to you", "Just take it as it is" It's to protect the teacher's self-esteem." Shen Minghuan gritted his teeth.

Although the people around him had long been attracted by the excitement and were no longer reading, their noise was still considered a disturbance.

Shen Minghuan once again bowed his hands to the people around him: "I'm sorry everyone, I hope I will forgive you for offending me."

"It's not my fault. I asked this young comrade. He must have been worried for a long time." One of the young people said jokingly.

The conscience of heaven and earth made him break out in a cold sweat when he saw Zhou Dazhuang admitting his mistake to Shen Minghuan. He was very worried that his curiosity would harm this child.

Fortunately, Shen Minghuan didn't care at all.

Also, he didn't want to use the other person's birthday and horoscope to stab the villain. He didn't even know the name, so what should he care about?

I'm afraid these children misunderstood their parents' instructions and made too much of a fuss.

Yun Gouer frowned: "Teacher, is it really okay?"

Even though Shen Minghuan was laughing and joking with them like he was insignificant, the students who already understood a lot of things still regarded this as reporting good news rather than bad news.

They thought that the teacher must be pretending to be relaxed and relaxed on purpose, just to prevent them from worrying about guilt.

Wow, Teacher Shen is really the best teacher in the world!

Shen Minghuan gave Yun Gou'er a blow, "Children should behave like children. If the sky falls, it's something adults will consider."

He glanced at the other students who were also worried: "You only have to do one thing - trust me."

The purpose of hiding their information was to create suspicion among the spies of Country M, but not to mention that Zhou Dazhuang only mentioned an insignificant sentence, even if they really went to Han Aimin and introduced Shen Minghuan to the whole story.

As long as the betrayal was not intentional, Shen Minghuan felt that there was nothing unforgivable, and he could solve it anyway.

Shen Minghuan raised his eyes and looked at the sky.

They went out early in the morning, and now the sun has risen to the sky, making its presence known brightly.

"Are you hungry? I'll take you to dinner first." Shen Minghuan said casually, then looked at Gu Wenjing and the other three who were still hesitant to speak, and politely invited: "Sir, do you want to go together?"

Gu Wenjing pondered for a moment, and he felt that it was okay to agree, so that he could find an opportunity for Shen Minghuan to persuade these children. They seemed to listen to Shen Minghuan's words. If this person spoke, the children would be willing to follow him to Kyoto.

They are a group of geniuses with unlimited potential, and staying in this small border town is really too much of a delay.

"Okay..." However, as soon as Gu Wenjing opened his mouth, he saw the children looking at him warily, obviously worried that this strange old man had no good intentions and would try to deceive their teacher after deceiving them.

Gu Wenjing had no choice but to change his tone and said, "I finally came to Tong County. I want to visit more, so you can go."

Anyway, we already know that they are in Mutian Village. If they can escape, the monk cannot escape from the temple. The future is long, so we need to think about it in the long term.

He and his colleagues are already old, but China is full of vigor and vitality. Such a young country needs stronger arms and new strength. Only the flowers of brilliant youth can embellish her glory, and these dry old trees are bound to let every flower do its best without any scruples. can bloom.

This is his commitment to his motherland, and perhaps... it is also the last thing he can do for his beloved motherland.

The international blockade on their technology is very strict. He does not have the ability or time to accompany his motherland out of the predicament. He only hopes that those who come after him can carry on the past and open up the future.

China will not remain weak forever.

No matter the blockade, they will open up a new path among the thorns.

Shen Minghuan did not force it. After all, important talents should have the consciousness of being a national treasure. It was normal not to agree.

Although he didn't know that Gu Wenjing had just suffered an assassination before coming here, he could guess that there was some trouble around this man, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people outside.

Shen Minghuan thought for a while, then turned his head and said, "Dog, bring your pen and paper."

The demand for paper and pens in Mutian Village skyrocketed. In order to save money, Shen Minghuan had to build a paper machine. The output was not large, barely enough for his own use.

The ingenious old lady in the village bound them into a book. Everyone in Mutian Village, adults and children, has a copy. After using it, they can go to the village chief to get it.

Yun Gou'er responded, walked to the table, brought his notebook and pen and handed them to Shen Minghuan.

The first few pages are full of neat formulas and calculations. Although the handwriting is not very good because of the short study time, it can be seen that the other party has tried his best to write fairly.

Yun Gou'er opened his eyes wide and looked at Shen Minghuan expectantly.

Shen Minghuan flipped through two pages and gave him a funny look: "This theory is good. You can do the experiment you wanted to try last time."

"Okay!" Yun Gou'er jumped up happily.

Song Youcai raised his hand high: "Teacher, I want it too."

"You are allowed to watch, but you are not allowed to do anything. The materials are very expensive." Shen Minghuan said seriously.

Shen Minghuan paid for all the experimental equipment "from his own pocket", but he didn't think it was anything. The money was just for spending, and he would get it back after all the money was spent.

On the other hand, every time the village chief saw the students doing experiments, he clutched his chest with heartache and almost fainted. Shen Minghuan had no choice but to take care of the fragile hearts of the adults in the village.

The students cheered and celebrated by themselves. Shen Minghuan took the notebook and opened it to a blank page. He glanced at the gun on Xu Yi's waist, and then started writing quickly.

Although there are only outlines, the weapons are always the same. He had dismantled all their firearms at Han Aimin's place, and he could probably know which kind Xu Yi used.

Shen Minghuan put down the last stroke, and then tore off the page in a smart way, "Sir, this is an apology. Have they caused trouble to you?"

Perhaps what he had seen and heard recently was deeply rooted in people's hearts, and Shen Minghuan was convinced of China's poverty. Therefore, his design was only a slight improvement on the original gun, and the additional expenditure was negligible.

It's hard for a good woman to make a meal without rice, and with limited funds, the effect that can be improved is naturally limited. Shen Minghuan glanced at it with disgust, not satisfied.

He actually wanted to give Gu Wenjing the design of the protective shield, so that the other party's safety would be more guaranteed. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was foolproof.

However, the materials for making protective shields are very expensive and take a long time. Gifts are valuable, but their uses may not be as good as what they are now.

Let M Country do the work and just come over when the time comes. Shen Minghuan nodded secretly.

I have to say that country M is really rich, so it has to find a way to deceive more.

"No trouble, they are all obedient, you taught them well." Seeing that it was not a valuable item, Gu Wenjing smiled and took the thin paper.


After leaving, Yun Gou'er told Shen Minghuan about what happened in the library, and the students also added various things.

In the chaotic scene, Shen Minghuan heard the key points he wanted to hear.

"That old gentleman still wants to take us to Kyoto. Humph, who wants to go to such a far place? I will never leave our village for the rest of my life."

"Not only that, teacher, do you know? He also wants us to recognize him as our teacher. I think he just thinks we are young and wants to deceive children!"

The students don't think it's because they are too outstanding. They have no contact with outside students. The only yardstick to measure their level is the classmates around them who are almost the same. They naturally feel that this is the progress of normal students.

Moreover, they have a very smart monitor and an all-powerful teacher who loves to dislike them. It is remarkable enough that they do not feel inferior. How dare they have the idea of ​​being complacent.

Shen Minghuan thought thoughtfully: "He said he would take all of you to Kyoto?"

So in the plot, Gu Wenjing only accepted Yun Gou'er as a student. Is it because he didn't meet anyone else?

Ah, it doesn't matter. Although there is a slight mistake in the plot now, it is obviously developing in a good direction. Professor Gu can accept one student or a bunch of students, as long as there is Yun Gou'er among them.

"You don't want to? Why?" Shen Minghuan asked.

He didn't want to go back to Beijing because he had already seen the scenery there, it was nothing special, and his treasury was still here.

But these children should be looking forward to traveling far away. They are so excited to even enter the county town, let alone the more prosperous Kyoto?

Song Youcai pursed his lips: "I just don't want to go. My parents, the village chief's grandfather, and my uncles are all here, so we don't want to leave."

"It's not like you will never come back. You miss your relatives and you can come back. When you grow up, you can take your parents to Kyoto." Shen Ming said with a smile: "I can have that old gentleman as my teacher, but What so many people wish for, you still don’t appreciate it.”

In this world, Shen Minghuan is obsessed with science and has no intention of doing tasks, but he still likes the country of China. If he doesn't want this world to disappear, he must complete the task.

He originally wanted to wait until the matter at hand came to an end, then he would take Yun Gou'er and Song Youcai to Kyoto and drop them at the door of Gu Wenjing's house. Now that Gu Wenjing himself is here, Shen Minghuan must seize the opportunity.

Why not do something that can reduce your workload?

And if Gu Wenjing wants to take away all the students this time, wouldn't he have more time to do his own things? Although it is a pity to lose a lot of labor force, there are better quality ones at Han Aimin.

Shen Minghuan thought happily.

The students never expected that their teacher would be so ruthless. Zhao Jun hugged Shen Minghuan's arm and said coquettishly: "But we have a teacher. Teacher Shen, in my heart you are the best teacher in the world!"

Shen Minghuan acknowledged this sentence and then pushed him away expressionlessly.

Yun Gou'er never lags behind others in this kind of flattery work, but he is very sincere: "Teacher, no matter who the old gentleman is, I just want to be your student, and I will serve you well when I grow up." your."

Students in Mutian Village use the "Three Character Classic", "Disciples' Regulations", "The Analects of Confucius", Poems and Books, Li Yi, Spring and Autumn...

As the old saying goes: The king of heaven and earth is the master.

The ancients attached great importance to "teacher", which is more or less reflected in their writings. So what the students learned was "Serving a teacher is like serving a father", "When a teacher has something to do, the disciple will obey it", and "Learning well depends on respecting the teacher". No wonder Yun Gou'er would say the word "serve".

Shen Minghuan also learned this knowledge. Although he had no need for it, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Yun Gouer's words.

But if an outsider like Professor Gu hears it, he will definitely think that Shen Minghuan has ulterior motives.

They would probably suspect that Shen Minghuan deliberately taught the children to be like this in order to deceive the young geniuses into benefiting him. After all, the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Permanent Rules have long been abandoned.

It's hard to say which one is better. In Shen Minghuan's opinion, both are fair. Nowadays, the requirements for disciples have been lowered, but correspondingly, the responsibilities that teachers need to bear are also no different than in ancient times.

No matter how much you do, you will bear the same honor. Even today, if there is a teacher who treats students as if they are parents and children, students will definitely treat them like father and mother.

"No one stipulates that there can only be one teacher. It is normal to change teachers after learning to a certain stage." Shen Minghuan glanced at them and said against his will: "I have nothing to teach you anymore."

Shen Minghuan didn't take Yun Gou'er's words to heart. It wasn't that he didn't believe in the character of these children, but he had seen good teachers who truly deserved to be remembered and respected, so he didn't feel that he was qualified to enjoy the same treatment as them.

Although he was arrogant, he also admired the nobility of those people from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Gouer's eyes turned red quickly, and the other students looked at Shen Minghuan as if they were a scumbag, "Teacher, don't you want us anymore?"

Shen Minghuan was shocked: "Don't talk nonsense, don't slander me... wait! Don't cry yet."

"Then why did the teacher lie to us? You obviously haven't taught us how to build airplanes and cannons."

"Last time you said you would bring us to electrify the village, but now you just want to be naked and don't want us anymore, right?"

"I saw you chatting with my dad yesterday, and he asked you questions. Teacher Shen, do you want those adults to be your students?"

When Song Youcai said these words, the students were stunned for three seconds today, adding a bit of anger to their grievances: "Okay, it turns out that Teacher Shen wants to drive us to Kyoto because there are other students."

Zhou Xiaoya struggled to speak for Shen Minghuan: "Teacher Shen is not this kind of person. Teacher Shen is so kind to us. My parents must have instigated this."

"That makes sense. My parents are really bad, but Teacher Shen actually..."


Shen Minghuan took a deep breath and said sadly: "Go back to the village."

Shen Minghuan couldn't understand why these students weren't afraid of him without saying anything like "Kyoto" or "changing teachers".

The students burst into laughter instantly, but they did not quiet down. "Teacher, are you familiar with that old gentleman?"

"He is my teacher's friend." Shen Minghuan answered all questions.

"Teacher's teacher? Wow——"

I don’t know what they are talking about.

Gu Wenjing was also escorted back to the military base.

He put down the gun he had modified according to Shen Minghuan's design and said with admiration: "Old Jiang is still humble to me. How can Shen Minghuan be as mediocre as he said? In my opinion, he is very smart."

Zhang Jingchang took it before Xu Yi. He looked at it carefully and echoed: "Obviously, only such a small change can reduce the recoil of the gun. Teacher, this Junior Brother Shen knows a lot about firearms."

Indeed, if you are not familiar with every part inside, you cannot just draw the design, let alone improve it.

They did not think that this was something Shen Minghuan came up with in a short time. He must have been studying it for a long time and just took the opportunity to draw it.

Xu Yi originally thought so, but he recalled Shen Minghuan's glance at his waist, and he felt a little doubtful about it.

He also felt that this guess was too outrageous. How could anyone guess the type of firearm based on just an outline and improve it in a short period of time?

He shook his head, trying to get rid of this ridiculous thought.

"Xu Yi, what's wrong? Do you have a headache?" Gu Wenjing saw his actions and asked with concern.

Xu Yi waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, I'm fine... I just feel like that Teacher Shen knows my identity."

"What's so strange about this?" Zhang Jingchang said amusingly: "He knows the teacher and knows that it is normal for the teacher to have security guards around him."

"And it is said that Shen Minghuan and Yiwen have a good relationship. I think this should be the reason why he knows about firearms." Gu Wenjing also added with a smile.

Xu Yi nodded hesitantly. Jiang Yiwen knew that he was a legend in the army. So it shouldn't be surprising that Shen Minghuan could detect where his colleagues were hiding...right?

Xu Yi still had doubts about this.

Zhang Jingchang was very interested: "Teacher, the wheat harvester comes from Mutian Village. Do you think it is also the work of Junior Brother Shen?"

"It's possible." Gu Wenjing thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Let's go and call Old Man Jiang. This old guy even hid it from me."

Although they were a little surprised by what Shen Minghuan made, they were not too shocked. Whether it's a design drawing or a wheat-cutting machine, it's more novel than sophisticated. It's at a level that everyone present can do it if they want to.

After all, Shen Minghuan is different from those children who are less than ten years old. He has already graduated from college and studied under Jiang Li. If he has no results, he is unqualified.

Jiang Li is at the Kyoto Research Institute.

Although the older generation of scientists in China are forced to be more versatile, they still have their own areas of expertise. Jiang Li focuses on military weapons.

Some time ago, Country M flew fighter planes to invade China's airspace. Although he didn't know why he quickly retreated, the new fighter plane he had never seen before still became a thorn in his heart.

Du Xingwei thoughtfully handed him a glass of water, "Teacher, Professor Gu has called you, would you like to take a rest?"

If one determines seniority based on the time of entry, Du Xingwei is undoubtedly Jiang Li's eldest disciple. He is diligent, studious and kind-hearted. He is Jiang Li's favorite student besides Shen Minghuan.

Three years ago, Du Xingwei and Pei Shu went to study in country M. A year later, Du Xingwei returned to China after completing his studies, but Pei Shu never came back.

Although they would not be angry with Du Xingwei because of this, they would inevitably feel sad sometimes.

Du Xingwei was not as good as Pei Shu. Not only him, but no one among the younger generation in China could compare with Pei Shu.

Jiang Li sighed quietly, rubbed his brows tiredly, and said with a smile: "It's strange that Old Man Gu would take the initiative to look for me. Go and see if it's raining red in the sky."

The water was warm. Jiang Li nodded to the students to thank him, then temporarily put down his clueless work, and slowly walked towards the telephone with the enamel jar in his hands.

Old Man Gu was so slow to answer his call every time. He finally took the initiative and asked Gu Wenjing to wait a little longer!

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