After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 79: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (31)

In case he entered the city now and missed it again later, Professor Gu had no choice but to wait patiently in the village.

He thought he would live like a year, but he didn't expect that there were so many magical things in the village, and the sun went down before he could take a closer look.

When Song Dazhi arrived, Professor Gu was visiting the small house where Shen Minghuan used to live.

A simple wooden shelf was built in the corner, filled with neatly stacked books.

Next to the shelf is an unsteady desk. There are notebooks and scraps of paper scattered on the table. Most of the handwriting is very immature and looks like students' homework.

All the bedding has been removed from the bed, leaving only the empty bed board, which is filled with various parts. It is obvious that this is one of Shen Minghuan's research places.

Shen Minghuan took almost nothing with him when he moved to Yun's house. He used the small house as a warehouse, and there were still piles of semi-finished products made of wood by the villagers in the yard.

Shen Minghuan did not prohibit others from entering this room. Sometimes villagers passing by would check in and stand at the door, marveling at the book parts that were full of knowledge.

It’s just that everyone has a tacit agreement not to touch the furnishings in the room, so that when Professor Gu comes, he can clearly see the traces of Shen Minghuan’s actions.

For a scientific researcher, this place is too simple.

Professor Gu felt a little sad inside.

Shen Minghuan shouldn't be here, he shouldn't be in this dusty room, sitting cross-legged on the bare wooden board, playing with his ideals in the dim sunlight.

He deserves a better, bigger, brighter and more spectacular stage.

There will be many people taking care of the running of his laboratory, and he will not have to be limited to trivial matters, and he will not have to worry about the source of every part and every material.

There will be many people who will arrange his life to perfection, so that he does not have to worry about daily necessities when he is busy, and does not have to devote extra attention to solving life difficulties after the intense brain work.

Those who contribute to the country should be cherished by the country. Shen Minghuan deserves better treatment, and he should also have better treatment.

It is simply the cruelest thing to do to a scientist to allow a brilliant person to sit in a corner doing nothing, subject to poor conditions and unable to turn his ideas into reality, and to have no similar partners around him to communicate with.

- They banished him to endless loneliness.

Yes, loneliness, this was Gu Wenjing's only thought after seeing everything in front of him.

It was as if he was falling into the deep sea, and the boundless blackness was dragging him deeper. The dense sea water was undoubtedly squeezing out the oxygen around him, but he opened his eyes and was clearly aware of all this happening.

Ah, Gu Wenjing thought, so this is loneliness.

Professor Gu, who has a strong sense of empathy, was feeling sad. Song Dazhi's furious voice came from outside the door, "Comrade Gu, so you are here. Aren't you looking for Teacher Shen? He is back."

"You also like this place? By coincidence, everyone in our village likes Teacher Shen's house. It looks comfortable." Song Dazhi said with a simple smile, as if he was advertising the village.

Densely packed and neatly organized, it looks really healing.

Gu Wenjing smiled and said, "Yes, I like it very much, but sometimes I also hate it."

Scientific research is such a thing that people love and hate.

Song Dazhi didn't know why, but it was normal for scholars to speak strangely. His son had also been very strange recently, "Comrade Gu, Teacher Shen is at the entrance of the village. I'd better take you directly to Yun's house. Teacher Shen should go back now."

Gu Wenjing responded and followed him away.

On the way out, I saw many people coming in this direction. The large and small bags in the hands of the children were all taken by the adults, and the group chatted and laughed.

Before Gu Wenjing could ask, Song Dazhi explained naturally: "Teacher Shen should have bought it. He used to buy these things often. I heard from the village chief that these things are valuable."

He said distressedly: "Every time, half of it is destroyed by these bastards. We wanted to use wood to replace it, but Teacher Shen said that wood won't work."

He became excited again as he spoke, "Comrade Gu, the wood-making skills in the village are very good now, and they can make exactly the same wood. Look, that is my son, his name is Song Youcai."

Zhang Jingchang, who was following him, was also in disbelief, "Where did he get so much money?"

No one knows better than them how expensive it is to conduct experiments, and the growth of an excellent scientific researcher must be accumulated through countless experiments.

The reason why China has so few talents today is because it is too poor and cannot let them freely test their ideas.

Zhang Jingchang didn't know which one was more surprising: "Shen Minghuan can afford a lot of experimental equipment" or "Shen Minghuan is willing to provide students with experiments".

Gu Wenjing had already gone up to strike up a conversation out of curiosity, "What are these for?"

Even though he was well-informed, he didn't see the use of these strange materials.

The adults racked their brains: "It seems to be used for... what, to shine? Oh yes, Teacher Shen said that he thinks Mutian Village needs to have light."

The adults looked confident and even thought it was cool and wanted to say it again.

Yun Gouer calmly explained: "This is used to make solar power panels. The teacher said he wanted to do it before, but he didn't have enough money."

As a king, Shen Minghuan has always been exposed to rain and dew, and will not care about one thing or the other. If he does something, he will make the entire Mutian Village light up at the same time, not just the Yun family.

He knew that these naive villagers wouldn't care, but he did.

"Solar power generation?" Gu Wenjing and Zhang Jingchang exclaimed at the same time.

Zhang Jingchang felt a little magical: "Teacher, can the sun still generate electricity?"

The students were not happy, "Our teacher said yes, then yes!"

Song Dazhi patted Zhang Jingchang on the shoulder and said cheerfully: "Comrade, don't mind. These children don't let anyone speak ill of Teacher Shen. Even I can only praise Teacher Shen at home."

Gu Wenjing looked at the materials without blinking and replied softly: "I don't know."

He dryly said to Zhang Jingchang: "I heard that someone abroad had proposed this idea before, but it probably hasn't been successful yet."

China, on the other hand, does not even have complete wiring, and the most basic thermal power generation is barely adequate, and it is even less able to spend energy on researching solar energy.

Gu Wenjing leaned over and looked at Yun Gou'er, and asked kindly: "Can Mutian Village's forehead be illuminated with these?"

"...Grandpa Gu, these words should be used to comfort these adults. We are not so naive." What's more, they are mature children and they believe in science!

The children are very friendly to Gu Wenjing, who has taught them for a while. "These are not enough. The teacher said that he has to go again tomorrow, and then he can make the whole village have electricity."

The whole village.

If it can really succeed, even if the materials are doubled, the cost will be extremely low.

We must know that solar energy is inexhaustible. As long as the power generation panels can be produced, there will be almost no additional investment except maintenance.

As long as it can be done.

Zhang Jingchang was speechless: "Comrade Shen is very confident."

Otherwise, he would not have purchased the entire village's shares at once. It seemed that this matter was extremely simple for him, and he was completely sure of his success.

The adults didn't agree very much, "Are you going to the city tomorrow? I mean, dog, ask Mr. Shen to write a note for whatever he wants. We can buy it for him when we have time."

"That's right, a trip to the city is hard. Now it's getting colder again. Teacher Shen is not in good health. I just heard him coughing."

The village chief walked slowly by and said, "Dog, my son sent me some food. Come to my place later and take some back."

Yun Gouer's face was full of embarrassment, "Uncle, uncle, village chief, it's useless for you to tell me. The teacher will definitely disagree."

They walked away while talking, but Gu Wenjing and others didn't look very good.

They knew that this man was in poor health as early as in the library, and they didn't pay much attention at that time. There is too much suffering in the world, and there are many hungry people in this land. The word "health" is a luxury.

But for capable scientific researchers, the entire country will worry about their health. Every extra day they live may represent a hope.

Gu Wenjing was not familiar with Shen Minghuan before, but now he feels towards Shen Minghuan out of the care and love of the forerunners to the latecomers, the seniors to the juniors, and also has the emotion of comparing one's feelings to those of others in a small room.

If this feeling was so deep that he would be so sad when he heard that this person was sick, then it was indeed not true. Now he was more worried and frightened.

Gu Wenjing and others quickened their pace.

Yun Gou'er was still helping to organize things in the small house, and Grandma Yun had already asked Shen Minghuan to eat first.

Ever since Shen Minghuan came, Yun Gou'er's status in grandma's heart has dropped again and again.

"Comrade, have you eaten?" Grandma Yun poked her head out of the kitchen with Fang Peng's familiar posture: "You are here to see Ming Huan, right? Come on, come on, let's chat while we eat, you're welcome, I can do it That’s a lot.”

Fang Peng stepped forward to negotiate, "Auntie, we have agreed with the village chief that we will eat at his place later, so don't be busy."

They had lunch at the village chief's place.

After all, including the soldiers protecting Gu Wenjing, they had a total of fourteen people, and the village chief even hired two people to cook.

"Looking for me?" Shen Minghuan heard the voice and came out of the room. He smiled: "Looking for the dog, right? Well, he will be back soon."

Grandma Yun originally planned to persuade Fang Peng, but after seeing Shen Minghuan, she stopped caring about them. She smiled brightly, like coaxing a child: "Minghuan, your Aunt Yang just gave you a bowl of chicken soup. I'll heat it up for you." , How about I make you a bowl of steamed eggs and some soy sauce after you drink them? There’s still some meat left over, what do you want to do?”

Shen Minghuan said helplessly: "Aunt, just a bowl of porridge is enough."

Although the porridge has no taste, at least it is not unpleasant to eat. In this era, few people pay attention to the heat when cooking, there are very few condiments, and the meat is fishy and woody.

If given a choice, Shen Minghuan really doesn't want to eat it.

"How can you keep up with the nutrition by just drinking porridge?" Grandma Yun advised distressedly: "How about eating a little more?"

Shen Minghuan listened with a faint smile, obviously not planning to change.

"Why don't you want to eat it?" Gu Wenjing couldn't help but ask.

Shen Minghuan said frankly: "It doesn't taste good, I can't eat it."

There’s nothing to hide, he admits, he’s just picky.

Sometimes watching Grandma Yun trying different ways to persuade him to eat, Shen Minghuan would also think that maybe his personality in the past was really bad, so his people couldn't stand it and betrayed him.

If it's bad, then it's bad. He is a very annoying person and cannot be changed.

What Shen Minghuan said was very strange, at least not everyone present could understand it.

Some people have never tasted meat in their lives. If a person is extremely hungry, he will find nothing to taste unpalatable. Even soil can satisfy hunger, not to mention meat, which is delicious when boiled in water.

If it's not the problem with the food itself, it's that Shen Minghuan "finds" it unpalatable.

Gu Wenjing knew that people would lose their appetite when they were sick, and there was also a word for not wanting to eat or swallow after eating, but Shen Minghuan's body didn't look that bad, so it was... a psychological illness?

Grandma Yun sighed and muttered in a low voice: "The young master's illness will not kill him."

Although there seems to be some yin and yang, Grandma Yun is not being sarcastic, she feels sorry for Shen Minghuan from the bottom of her heart.

If a naughty child in the village is picky about food and refuses to eat, she will just think that he is used to it and just give him a beating. But Shen Minghuan never made trouble, he just drank the porridge quietly, and when he couldn't refuse, he just frowned and swallowed it with difficulty.

Seeing the dullness and embarrassment between his brows, Grandma Yun couldn't bear to force it.

"Comrade Gu, Comrade Fang, do you want some chicken soup? I'll bring it to you." Grandma Yun felt uncomfortable, but she was more or less used to it, and she quickly regained her composure.

The chicken soup was given to Ming Huan by another family. If Ming Huan doesn't drink it, it can be used to entertain guests. As she gets older, she won't waste such good things.

The chicken soup was not enough for the dozen or so people present. Comrade Gu heard that he was also a teacher and had taught children in the village. Comrade Fang had suffered a lot last time, so he had to make up for it.

Grandma Yun smiled brightly and gave special treatment to the two of them openly. She whispered to Gu Wenjing, "Don't try to persuade Ming Huan. He, he really can't eat it."

He wasn't trying to put on airs, nor was he trying to get angry. The man wasn't that childish, he just... couldn't eat.

Grandma Yun went into the kitchen to work.

Gu Wenjing felt that this matter was very serious. He calmed down and said seriously: "Comrade Shen, will you go back to Kyoto with me?"

This man needs a detailed physical examination.

"Me?" Shen Minghuan didn't expect that he was involved. He shook his head: "I can't go back now."

His money bag is here, the semi-finished protective shield is on the way, and the semi-finished missile is still stored in country M.

What reply? He wants to exchange feelings with his dear friends!

Gu Wenjing said earnestly: "You can only do scientific research after you return to Kyoto. The conditions here are not sufficient."

Shen Minghuan said plausibly: “I can do scientific research better here.”

There is an entire M country scientific research team here to help him. They have no other shortcomings except being a little stupid. Oh, and the money they gave him can even make him forgive their stupidity.

Huaguo was too poor, and Shen Minghuan felt that he would feel guilty if he asked Huaguo for money.

"It's time to eat, please give way. Be careful of the heat." Grandma Yun held a plate in one hand, as if she couldn't feel the temperature. She said enthusiastically: "Comrade, please sit down and eat something together?"

"No need, we..."

"Nai, I'm back." Yun Gou'er ran all the way back, "Grandpa Gu, the village chief has called you to eat."

It was not good to disturb others while dinner was being served, and Professor Gu's desire for survival told him that it was best not to poach in front of the villagers, so he had to suppress the matter for the time being.

"Thanks for the message, dog. We'll go right away."

Professor Gu has always been gentle and approachable towards these children.

Before leaving, he suddenly turned around and asked, "Comrade Shen, have you really been caught by spies?"

It's not really suspicion...well, a little bit, more curiosity. After all, escaping from spies is not easy.

Shen Minghuan didn't expect that they would also know what he had made up to the village chief. He nodded solemnly: "Yes!"

Not only was he caught, but he even had a cordial and friendly exchange with the general of country M. He felt that if he lurked for a while longer, he would be "caught" chatting with the president.


Before the sun completely set, Professor Gu and others were ready to leave and asked Shen Minghuan's opinion again before leaving.

Shen Minghuan did not want to go to the military base with them, so he had to do the next best thing and leave Fang Peng behind.

Enthusiastic Grandma Yun is happy to have another mouth to eat in the family, and Yun Gouer is eager to learn from Fang Peng.

Shen Minghuan's face was expressionless, "Do you have to follow me like this?"

"Of course." Fang Peng said firmly: "Only in this way can we better protect you."

"But I'm going to bed now!" Shen Minghuan couldn't bear it anymore, "Get out and go back to your own room."

Fang Peng was still trying hard to lay the floor in Shen Minghuan's room, and Gu Wenjing on the other side scolded Jiang Li again.

"Asshole Old Man Jiang, Shen Yan entrusted the child to you, is this how you act as an elder?"

Gu Wenjing recalled Shen Minghuan's "tragic situation", and his scolding became more and more sincere.

Jiang Li was confused: "What happened to me?"

"Um, Professor Gu, please calm down and tell me what you saw today?"

The person next to him had never expected that the two professors would get along like this in private. He smiled awkwardly and gently interrupted the scolding.

Gu Wenjing, whose personality has collapsed: "...Ji Wangchen, I recognize your voice. You can laugh if you want."

The elegant old man known as "Ji Wangchen" stopped talking, but Jiang Li laughed rudely: "You can't blame me, Old Man Gu, I want to remind you."

Ji Wangchen is a diplomat from China and is also responsible for intelligence.

There are few talents in China, so one person can only be broken into two pieces and used. This is also impossible.

"You are actually directly responsible for Ming Huan?" Gu Wenjing was surprised.

Ji Wangchen smiled slightly: "If you can draw the design drawing of the Kunpeng fighter, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious."

Kunpeng, the name they gave Shen Minghuan to Jiang Li as a birthday gift.

Originally it was supposed to be named by the designer himself, but Shen Minghuan was not here and the fighter plane needed a convenient code name, so the gift owner simply chose it first. If Shen Minghuan doesn't want to, just wait until he comes back and change it.

From here we can see the difference in naming ability. If it were handed over to Shen Minghuan, he would probably name it with a number.

Time was tight and the task was heavy, so they could only modify the abandoned fighter planes on the original basis. Although they had only made a rough prototype so far, the success of the detection system alone was enough to make them happy.

You must know that what made them most helpless was not that they did not have enough firepower to intercept enemy fighters, but that they could not even discover the opponent's position.

The enemy crosses the border at will, coming and leaving as they please, as leisurely as if they were strolling through their own back garden. Sometimes the intruder can be seen with the naked eye, but the detection system has not yet responded.

Their soldiers are willing to sacrifice their lives to defend the dignity of the country, but sadly they are often not even given the opportunity to sacrifice.

But this will eventually become a thing of the past.

According to the information they have, the detection system installed on Kunpeng is a level higher than the current state-of-the-art shielding technology.

Jiang Li tried to name this technology "A World Without Thieves", which means that all traces of thieves in the world are transparent to their eyes, and they can beat whoever they want.

However, he was rejected because he was not low-key enough and did not conform to the Chinese principle of "making a fortune in silence".

"Shen Minghuan's past resume is nothing surprising." Ji Wangchen frowned slightly, "Wen Jing, according to your opinion, what kind of person is Shen Minghuan?"

Jiang Li was dissatisfied, "You should ask me this question. What does he do?"

Gu Wenjing ignored him. The miraculous scenes in Mutian Village flashed in his mind very clearly. He took a deep breath and answered extremely seriously: "A well-deserved and unparalleled genius."

"I don't know how such a person could be unknown before, but I think, Ji Wangchen, we need to pay more attention to him."

He told them about integrated planting machines, paper machines, growing liquids, solar power panels...

"He has only been to Mutian Village for three months." Gu Wenjing said.

In three months, I have achieved results that others may not be able to achieve in three lifetimes.

Both sides fell into a long silence at the same time, and they could only hear each other's heavy breathing.

After a long time, Ji Wangchen murmured: "He is only twenty-four years old this year."

Twenty-four-year-old Shen Minghuan is so young, so... limitless.

If young people are strong, the country will be strong.

Jiang Li leaned back on the chair, and the bamboo chair creaked under the weight.

Ji Wangchen was amused by his dull eyes and joked: "Now do you know why I didn't ask you?"

If they didn't all know Jiang Li and knew that Jiang Li's patriotism was unquestionable, they would have suspected that this person was deliberately suppressing students and ruining the future of the motherland.

Jiang Li felt aggrieved. He even asked Gu Wenjing: "Why don't I know what you said?"

Gu Wenjing snorted, "What do you know? Do you know that Ming Huan can't eat?"


"People in the village told me personally that Minghuan can't eat anything except porridge, and eating meat makes her feel uncomfortable."

Jiang Li was anxious: "How can your body bear this? When Ming Huan was at home, she only ate a little less, but she wouldn't be like this!"

Ms. Feng would ask Shen Minghuan to have dinner at home from time to time. At that time, he was still very normal.

"Either you are holding back, or the illness was not serious at that time, or...your food is better?" Gu Wenjing made a joke, but fell silent after finishing.

He didn't realize how difficult life was in Mutian Village. He had experienced even more difficult times in his early years.

But Shen Minghuan was born in Kyoto and has never suffered from hunger since he was a child. For him, suddenly arriving in a backward and barren place like Mutian Village, the gap must be huge, right?

He thought of Grandma Yun sighing and saying, "The young master's disease is not the life of the young master." If Shen Minghuan really had "the young master's disease," it was caused by their connivance.

But they were the ones who took back his young master's treatment.

Shen Minghuan obviously did not need to sharpen his character as Jiang Li said, so this was just pure torture.

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