After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 80 The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (32)

Worry flashed in Ji Wangchen's eyes. He had heard of a mental illness called anorexia, and just by hearing the name, he could imagine its suffering.

Even if Shen Minghuan is not a peerless genius, just his identity as a young Chinese man is enough to make Ji Wangchen anxious about him.

"Did you ask him to return to Kyoto?" Ji Wangchen said, "Kyoto has the best hospitals and doctors."

Gu Wenjing's tone was dull: "I told you, he doesn't want to. He said he can't come back yet."

Ji Wangchen frowned. He suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and his tone suddenly became solemn: "Wen Jing, are you sure Ming Huan meant that you can't come back, not that you don't want to come back?"

Gu Wenjing was startled by the unfinished meaning in his words, "No, no, it can't be? Is Kyoto more dangerous than Tong County? Wait!"

He suddenly jumped up and paced anxiously, "Ming Huan did say that he can only do scientific research here."

The conditions in Tong County are definitely not comparable to those in Kyoto, and the small, dark room is not suitable for experiments.

But Shen Minghuan would rather endure all these shortcomings and stay here. In his eyes, how dangerous is Kyoto?

Xu Yi, who had always been silent and pretending to be a backdrop, suddenly raised his head and looked at Gu Wenjing hesitantly.

"Xu Yi, have you discovered anything?" Gu Wenjing couldn't help but urge: "It's already here, so don't hide it."

Xu Yi said hesitantly: "I'm not sure, I'm just a little doubtful... Professor Gu, do you still remember the first time we met Mr. Shen?"

This sentence pattern sounds very secretive upon hearing it.

Ji Wangchen couldn't help but move his chair closer to the phone. Jiang Li also sat up straight and said urgently: "Xu Yi, please speak louder."

Gu Wenjing thought for a while: "You said that time in the library? Was there anything special about that time?"

"I'm not sure." Xu Yi repeated it again, and then said hesitantly: "On the surface there were only three of us, but in fact there were several soldiers with you, and you know this."

"They all put on disguises. After you entered the library, they all hid around, but..." Xu Yi's tone became more entangled: "I feel that Mr. Shen discovered them."

Gu Wenjing also remembered, "So he didn't just see your identity that day?"

What could this mean?

This means that Shen Minghuan has a keen perception and is particularly familiar and understanding of soldiers.

In other words, what he really knows is... the spy in the dark?

Ji Wangchen unconsciously picked up the water glass at hand to moisten his throat, turned his head and asked Jiang Li: "The one taught by Yiwen?"

Jiang Li looked dazed, "I don't think Yiwen has this ability."

"Mr. Shen said that he was caught by spies, but how could spies target him? Even the base has not received news about what happened in Mutian Village."

Xu Yi shrank his neck and quickly finished the rest of his words: "Is it possible that the spy targeted him much earlier than we thought?"

That's why he understands this so well, because he has suffered for too long.

These words are really scary. If Xu Yi's guess is true, then isn't Kyoto, which makes Shen Minghuan so fearful and fearful, the source of all this?

Kyoto is the capital of China. If Kyoto is invaded by spies, it will be like buying pork in a wet market and picking and choosing the talents of China. They dare not imagine what it means.

Ji Wangchen's eyes were deep, and he rubbed the cup in his hand, "Then let's make a hypothesis, suppose -"

He took a deep breath: "Shen Minghuan was targeted by spies when he was in Kyoto, and he was aware of it. In order to protect himself, he deliberately pretended to be Fang Zhongyong, who was invisible to everyone. He behaved plainly and did not stand out, making the spies think he was watching. Wrong person or wrong information.”

"After that, he signed up to teach and left Kyoto for Muta, Tong County. Only then did he dare to put forward some scientific research results with confidence. Unexpectedly, spies also followed him. Under such great pressure, he naturally had trouble sleeping and eating, so he often I’m sick and can’t eat.”

Ji Wangchen's voice was light: "Maybe there is a traitor around us. I prefer people around Jiang Li. Otherwise, Ming Huan's birthday gift sent to Jiang Li alone would not have been covered up with wild camellias. That person, or That group of people must be able to open Jiang Li's personal letters without arousing suspicion."

"Do you think it makes sense?"

Gu Wenjing thought for a while. Although it was outrageous, if that was the case, then everything would indeed be correct.

Jiang Li always felt that Ji Wangchen's expression at this time was a bit scary. He pondered for a moment, "Why didn't Ming Huan tell me?"

"Maybe he thinks you won't believe him even if he says it?" Gu Wenjing guessed.

Jiang Li shook his head: "Impossible, I would report this kind of thing even if I didn't believe it."

Ji Wangchen lowered his eyes: "Perhaps Ming Huan doesn't know who that person is. He just vaguely feels that he is being watched. He is worried that telling him will alert him."

Ji Wangchen put down his cup, "There is something I have always found strange. Before Pei Shu went abroad, we asked him to keep a low profile. He is an obedient child and has always been very careful. Why was he imprisoned by Country M when he was about to return?"

"We once thought that Pei Shu accidentally exposed his intelligence, but what if someone revealed his performance in the country?"

Gu Wenjing was stunned for a moment, "Ji Wangchen, what do you mean..."

"I'm not sure, but it's very possible, isn't it?" Ji Wangchen said.

"The importance of the two of you to our country is self-evident. The people around you have been subject to political review and regular investigation. It is my dereliction of duty to let traitors mix among them." Ji Wangchen's voice became calmer: "I'm sorry."

"...It's not your fault, Ji Wangchen." The old man who lost his student clumsily comforted his friend.

He was not completely without resentment, but he knew that if he hadn't said this, if Pei Shu's teacher hadn't said "I don't blame you" personally.

——Ji Wangchen will definitely blame himself extremely, feel ashamed to the point of shame, and even push himself hard.

They were his like-minded friends and comrades who fought side by side with him for the same ideal.

How could he bear it?

"It's not your fault, Ji Wangchen." Gu Wenjing repeated over and over again.

Jiang Li fell back again, "No wonder... no wonder Ming Huan sometimes gives me a messy homework, and even the most basic theorem can be mistaken."

It turned out to be a hint, asking for help.

"But I didn't see it." Jiang Li sighed.

The sullen Ji Wangchen couldn't help but roll his eyes at him: "What can you tell?"

Gu Wenjing was furious: "How did you become a teacher? If it were me, I would definitely be able to tell."

Everyone tacitly used slapstick to cover up their complicated thoughts.

If all this is true, how difficult is it for Shen Minghuan?

He was still so young and was targeted by wolves because of his extraordinary talent. After that, he didn't even dare to sleep to relax.

Was he scared when he first discovered he was being followed? Have you ever been at a loss and didn’t know what to do? Have you ever been helpless and tried to find someone for help but couldn't find the words?

One person carries a heavy secret, and one person bears a huge burden.

At the age when you are most qualified to be high-spirited, you put aside your amazing talent and splendor and be willing to be a weed that no one cares about.

In this era when talents are most needed, watching others point out the situation, watching others scold Fang Qiu, watching others entering and exiting the laboratory at will to turn ideas into reality...

And as he watched all this in silence, did he feel sad for a moment?

"He is a good boy." Ji Wangchen was silent for a long time and could only say this description.

For the first time in his life, a diplomat who was always eloquent and successful in negotiations felt the lack and powerlessness of words and words.

Shen Minghuan should love scientific research.

Otherwise, I would rather stay away from my relatives, give up the excellent living conditions, and go to a remote and barren mountain village just to fulfill my dream of scientific research.

Everything in the small room in Mutian Village was crude, but even in such a bad experimental environment, it was already an opportunity he finally got after giving up everything.

Shen Minghuan should also love his country very much.

Otherwise, I would not have gone to great lengths to plant a flower that will not wither, just to cover up the heavy patriotism in the crumpled paper ball.

He presented a sharp sword to China, with the tip pointed directly at the enemy's throat. He presented a warm breeze to the motherland, helping her soar above the blue clouds in the sky.

——That’s what he wanted to give, a flower that will never wither.

In the distant Mutian Village.

Shen Minghuan suddenly felt something. He raised his head from the desk and frowned in the direction of the door, "Fang Peng, Comrade Fang, why are you standing at my door without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

No wonder he always felt like he was being stared at and talked about.

Fang Peng had trouble sleeping. After waking up two or three times from his dream, he finally decided to let him go.

Half excited and half scared, mixed with deep expectations for the future, Fang Peng felt that he needed to cool down for a while.

When he opened the window, he found that Shen Minghuan's room was still lit by candlelight.

This is not okay, not sleeping well is not good for your health.

Fang Peng, who had a strong sense of responsibility as a security guard, just walked to the door. Before he could knock on the door, he was discovered by Shen Minghuan unexpectedly.

He persuaded outside the door: "Sir, why haven't you slept yet? It's too late to do things tomorrow."

"It's too late, I have to go to the city tomorrow." Shen Minghuan opened the door, "Come in, since you are here, I have something to tell you."

If Fang Peng keeps following him, how will he find his good friend tomorrow?

Shen Minghuan put on the posture of having a long conversation, and then unexpectedly picked up the gun next to him and pointed it at himself.

"Sir!" Fang Peng reflexively tried to stop Shen Minghuan, but obviously he couldn't stop Shen Minghuan.

"Sir?" Fang Peng watched Shen Minghuan pull the trigger of the gun. The next second, a glowing light lit up around him.

Like a ball, Sheng Shenghuan was tightly wrapped in the middle.

Shen Minghuan pressed the ring on his hand and everything returned to normal, "This is my new achievement. I call it a small protective shield. It can block most damage, including guns."

"So you can rest assured that I'm safe," he said.

The small shield is a cut down version of the shield.

After the protective cover is made, it can withstand nuclear bombs. The small protective cover is relatively ordinary in comparison and can only stop bullets.


Early the next morning, the students lined up obediently to get on the donkey cart.

Fang Peng naturally had to ride in the same car as Shen Minghuan, so two children had to ride in another car.

The two children who won the rock-paper-scissors game last night and lost again this morning glared at Fang Peng angrily.

Damn adults, they know how to use their privileges to oppress children without even going through the cruel rock-paper-scissors competition!

Fang Peng, who was not very clear-headed, smiled back without realizing it, which immediately made the two children scream in anger.

Shen Minghuan fell asleep for a while at the urging of the system in the middle of the night, and was in good spirits at this time.

Fang Peng was in a lethargic state, and it was obvious that he had not fallen asleep since he left Shen Minghuan's place.

Shen Minghuan snorted proudly, with a smile on his face, "Comrade Fang, you don't seem to be in very good condition, why don't you follow us?"

He did it on purpose. If it weren't for Fang Peng, he wouldn't have to work overtime at night to make a small protective shield to convince the other party.

This person kept him up half the night, and he had to pay it back.

Fang Peng smiled bitterly: "Mr. Shen, you are really..."

He recalled last night, Shen Minghuan had such a relaxed and comfortable posture, unaware of how reassuring the words he said were.

The doors and windows were not closed at that time, and the cool evening breeze blew out the dancing candles, leaving only a faint moonlight in the room.

Shen Minghuan was trapped in the shadows, and he could only vaguely see the outline of his figure, which gave him an unreal and ethereal look.

"I'm safe." He seemed to smile softly: "No matter what happens tomorrow, please believe that I will be safe."

Everything was silent, and Shen Minghuan's voice was firm and clear. Accompanied by the shimmering moonlight, it seemed a bit strange.

It seemed to indicate that something extremely bad was happening, and even this promise was no longer credible.

A day without sleep was nothing to Fang Peng. He was simply scared by himself.

Shen Minghuan guessed that Gu Wenjing might be waiting in the library. He felt that fooling Fang Peng alone was troublesome enough, and he really didn't want to increase his workload.

So we parted ways with the main force halfway. The people driving on the left and right were the adults in the village, and we couldn't be more at ease leaving the children to them.

Fang Peng followed silently.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the ring on this man's finger, feeling a little relieved.

After turning two corners, Shen Minghuan suddenly stopped.

In front of them was a closed noodle shop.

"Mr. Shen?" Fang Peng asked strangely, "Are you hungry? I heard that there is another noodle shop that makes particularly delicious noodles."

He knew that this person ate very little, and it was rare to see him having an appetite. He was even a little happy at this moment.

Shen Minghuan glanced at him and said leisurely: "That is the stronghold of M country spies in Tong County."

This is probably the dark place under the lamp. Who would have no reason to doubt a noodle shop run by two honest and simple brothers?

Fang Peng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and turned to look at Shen Minghuan numbly.

"Don't believe me?" Shen Minghuan glanced at him and seemed to just ask casually, not caring about the other party's level of trust in him.

Fang Peng blinked blankly and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

It’s not that I don’t believe it, it’s that I don’t want to believe it.

The maggot in the dark will not allow his hiding place to be exposed. Shen Minghuan must have suffered a lot and endured a lot of torture if he was alive to know all this.

"Mr. Shen, can you please leave this matter alone and leave it to us?" Fang Peng's tone was almost pleading.

They are the soldiers, and this is their responsibility. There is no need for a weak scholar to charge into battle. This person has greater value, and any injury is a huge loss.

Shen Minghuan looked at him again, shook his head slowly, and said softly: "It's too late."

When he said this, his brows and eyes were warm, as if there was an endless gentle smile, as if he didn't realize how difficult and amazing what he was doing was.

Han Aimin pushed the door open irritably.

Ever since Shen Minghuan made such a big fuss, he didn't even dare to let anyone inquire about Shen Minghuan's whereabouts, let alone following him.

In the past, this person came whenever he wanted. They were like the concubines in the ancient Chinese harem who were treated coldly by the emperor. They could only wait for this person's favor when he rose up.

But today is different. Today is the time they made an appointment, but Shen Minghuan has not arrived yet.

Regarding the protective shield that their country M spent a huge amount of money on, and the rescue plan for the most important scientist, Professor Flos, Han Aimin was on pins and needles.

As soon as he opened the door, he caught a glimpse of a piece of white clothes flying around. He looked around and saw Shen Minghuan flirting with a strange young man.


Han Aimin waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Shen Minghuan, you are finally here. I thought you were going to break the contract."

He thought he smiled humorously to show his friendliness towards Shen Minghuan. He thought he had perfectly portrayed the simplicity and innocence of a Chinese noodle shop owner.

But in the eyes of Fang Peng, an insider, this smile revealed unspeakable malice, vulgarity, sarcasm... and a cold threat.

Fang Peng grabbed Shen Minghuan's wrist: "Mr. Shen, I will protect you from leaving!"

"It's okay, I'll come as soon as I go."

Because this picture of misunderstanding that he deliberately caused made Fang Peng so worried, the guilty Shen Minghuan could not patiently comfort him: "Have you forgotten? I am very safe."

Han Aimin could guess that the strange young man was most likely a Chinese soldier. He guessed that he was here to monitor Shen Minghuan. Of course, the hypocritical Chinese people would definitely call this kind of thing protection.

However, they should not have aroused the suspicion of Hua Guo, otherwise Shen Minghuan, who is devoted to Country M, would not bring people to the noodle shop so naturally.

Han Aimin was confident that he had completely mastered Shen Minghuan's script, and he continued to act out the scene of friends meeting.

If everything goes well, with Shen Minghuan's cover, they will be able to get through the Chinese soldiers, and their subsequent operations will be safer.

Thinking of this, Han Aimin's smile became more enthusiastic, "Ah, Ming Huan, my good brother, why don't you come over? Don't you want what's yours?"

He was deliberately evasive about the shield.

Han Aimin's heart: Did you hear that? I also prepared a gift for this person! We are really good friends.

Fang Peng was furious. He suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, what is he threatening you with?"

Fang Peng thought to himself, does this damn M country spy think he can't understand? You dare to be so provocative in broad daylight, force Mr. Shen to do something he cares about, and you don’t know what excessive things you will do when you close the door!

"It's coming." Shen Minghuan responded, as if he really cared about what Han Aimin said, which made Fang Peng feel a wave of sadness.

Shen Minghuan broke away from Fang Peng's hand, took two steps forward, and said without looking back: "I was just chatting with my friends. I will go back in the evening, so don't follow me."

Han Aimin added with a smile, "Brother, Ming Huan and I have known each other for a long time. You don't have to worry. I will definitely send him back well when the time comes."

Fang Peng never knew he could be so tolerant. As if driven by instinct, he saw himself showing a friendly smile, "Then you guys talk slowly, comrade, I'm really troubling you."

The moment Han Aimin turned around, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Fang Peng watched Shen Minghuan move forward step by step, as if watching him go through a sea of ​​​​knife and fire. This man had an extremely clear foreknowledge of the situation he was about to encounter, but there was no hesitation or pause in his steps.

Always determined, always moving forward, with the determination to break the boat.

Under the high-hanging warm sun, Fang Peng was bathed in the scorching brilliance, but felt as if he had turned into an ice sculpture.

Fang Peng turned and left. He could not stay here any longer, otherwise he would be exposed.


"I can't bear it anymore!"

The moment the door of the noodle shop closed, Shen Minghuan changed his face instantly. He complained aggrievedly: "Sir, did you see it? They must have suspected me."

Han Aimin is skillful in coaxing people, "Yes, my friend, I really feel for you. Calm down, maybe you want a cup of sweet honey water?"

"I don't want to drink, I feel too uncomfortable." Shen Minghuan looked gloomy, and no matter how much Han Aimin tried to persuade him, he couldn't get up the interest to talk.

Han Aiguo, who was fanning his head, had an idea and offered advice in a flattering manner: "Mr. Shen, since you don't like him following you, then..."

He crossed his fingers across the front of his neck, showing a sinister expression, which was full of hints.

Before Shen Minghuan said anything, Han Aimin jumped up and slapped him hard: "Idiot, this is China's territory. If you dare to touch their people here, how many fucking lives do you have? Do you want to die? "Don't bring trouble to me!"

The more Han Aimin talked, the angrier he became. He was afraid that Shen Minghuan was really interested in this evil idea, so he slapped him again. Han Aiguo's cheeks suddenly swelled up.

Han Aimin looked at his embarrassed appearance and rolled his eyes in disgust.

As an outsider, he is still afraid of the toughness of the Chinese country, but this Chinese man is bold. It can be seen that he is still protected by the country so well that he can survive without any brains.

Han Aiguo covered his face and shrank his neck, but did not dare to have any objection.

"Get out of here." Han Aimin cursed impatiently and immediately showed a flattering smile, "Shen, let's do this..."

Shen Minghuan threw the cup heavily to the ground and cursed, "Are you trying to harm me? He is the person next to me. If something happens, wouldn't it be like using a loudspeaker to call me that there is something wrong with Shen Minghuan!"

He looked suspicious: "Sir, you don't really want to use this method to harm me, do you?"

"How could it be? Shen, you are my best friend."

"I hope so." Shen Minghuan emphasized, "No one is allowed to touch him. If he loses a hair, I will be very angry!"

Han Aimin had already deeply understood Shen Minghuan's ability to torment people, and he quickly said with a smile: "Don't dare."

Although he felt that these words were a bit serious, not even a hair should be missing, and even sounded a bit ambiguous, but when he thought about Shen Minghuan's timidity, he felt that it was completely normal.

This person should be very afraid of arousing suspicion in China.

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