After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 81 The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (33)

Gu Wenjing patiently answered the students' doubts as before. He took a pen and wrote down calculations one after another in his notebook, but he was a little absent-minded.

"Grandpa Gu, you speak too fast, I don't understand." Yun Gou'er spoke calmly. He could express his doubts naturally without worrying about disappointing others and stressing his learning progress like in the original plot.

Gu Wenjing took a second to react and smiled apologetically, "I'll say it again."

"Grandpa Gu, are you thinking about the teacher?" Yun Gou'er looked gossipy.

The other students seemed to be studying seriously. At this moment, they suddenly raised their heads, their eyes glowing green.

"The teacher said that you are his teacher's friend. Did Grandpa Gu know the teacher for a long time? Did the teacher always get the first place in the exam when he was a child?"

Zhou Xiaoya put her face in her hands, "Teacher Shen is so awesome, I think he is the smartest person in the world!"

"On the contrary." Gu Wenjing said half-seriously: "He used to be very ordinary, which was completely unimpressive."

"Liar, Grandpa Gu lied to children." The children complained one after another.

Gu Wenjing said seriously: "How about you come back to Kyoto with me, and I will take you to ask Ming Huan's teacher."

The children looked at Gu Wenjing's "sincere" face and didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Yun Gouer looked suspicious: "Are you trying to trick us into going to Kyoto?"

Gu Wenjing smiled slightly and was noncommittal.

Zhang Jingchang asked curiously: "Have you never asked Comrade Shen before?"

"I asked, but the teacher didn't tell me."

"The teacher never told us about his past."

"That's right, Teacher Shen is very mysterious."

"He is always alone and doesn't know what he is busy with."

It can be seen that the students are very interested in Shen Minghuan's past, and they can't help but complain depressedly after hitting the wall many times.

Gu Wenjing listened with a smile on his face, but there was bitterness in his heart.

Shen Minghuan was indeed mysterious, and even they knew very little about him. During those unknown and heavy years, he had always walked alone.

No one to rely on, no partner to show vulnerability to. He couldn't even express the difficulties and twists and turns along the way.

"But we know that Teacher Shen is the best in the world." The children finished with this sentence.

Song Youcai looked around nervously and said conspiratorially: "I think Teacher Shen has magic, the kind that turns stones into gold. Every time he goes to the city, he will turn out a lot of money."

"When the boss and I first came to the city with Teacher Shen, we went to the factory to buy equipment. The teacher didn't have enough money, so the price agreed upon by the boss and I."

Song Youcai lowered his voice, "But after that, the teacher never negotiated the price. He even bought two donkey carts!"

Zhao Jun pushed him and shouted: "Grandpa Gu, don't listen to Song Youcai's nonsense. There is no magic in this world. Teachers earn their own money."

"You're talking nonsense. Can you make so much money in such a short time?" Song Youcai was unconvinced, "This must be magic."

"Stop arguing, what's the fuss like?" Yun Gou'er used his majesty as a squad leader to stop the farce.

Gu Wenjing originally wanted to persuade him not to be so serious, but Yun Gouer made a fist and coughed lightly like a little adult, and then said in a lower voice, pretending to be profound: "Actually, I have inside information."

Gu Wenjing laughed dumbly.

"The teacher's money was given by others." Yun Gou'er said.

This is more ridiculous than magic. Zhao Jun curled his lips and said: "Monitor, you are not a good boy who lies. I want to tell the teacher."

"It's true!" Yun Gou'er was anxious and didn't care about getting Qiao, "Didn't someone suddenly donate money to us to build roads some time ago? Teacher Shen's money was given by that person."

Yun Gou'er said it in a decent way, and Zhou Xiaoya said "Wow": "But why did that person give money to Teacher Shen? Is he also Teacher Shen's friend?"

Zhou Dazhuang nodded, "Sister, road construction costs a lot of money. You must be a very good friend."

There seemed to be confusion in Yun Gou'er's eyes. He shook his head, "The teacher doesn't like him. The teacher seems to hate that person."

At that time, the village chief wanted to write a letter of thanks for this matter and send it to the city. He came to Yun's house and asked Shen Minghuan to write it. However, after hearing the cause and effect, Shen Minghuan sneered and then refused outright.

"Village chief, it's just a transaction, no thanks. Mutian Village doesn't owe them anything, and they are not good people."

Yun Gou'er repeated Shen Minghuan's words with a straight face, then spread his hands and said, "That's what the teacher said."

Zhou Xiaoya listened carefully and raised her hand: "If you are not a good person, then you are a bad person? Why didn't Teacher Shen call the police?"

"Yeah." The students suddenly realized, and then looked at Yun Gou'er with their round eyes open for knowledge.

"..." Yun Gou'er was furious: "How do I know? If you have the ability, ask the teacher!"

Gu Wenjing watched them playing around and smiled again, his smile full of unspeakable sadness.

Yun Gou'er didn't know the reason, but he knew it well.

Of course there are reasons why you can't call the police.

The spy was actually able to build a road for Shen Minghuan. Gu Wenjing didn't know whether to feel happy or distressed for this consideration.

And to enable Country M to achieve this step, Shen Minghuan did not know how much he had to pay.

Gu Wenjing touched the children's heads and said sincerely, "Your teacher is very good to you. You must study hard and don't let him down for what he has done for you."

She went to great lengths to build this road just to make it easier for children to go to the city to study. Shen Minghuan really has good intentions and has great love and selflessness.

"Of course we know, and we will be kind to teachers!"

"Yes, we listen to Teacher Shen the most. I don't even listen to my father."

"Teachers are the best teachers in the world, and we must also be the best students in the world!"

Just when the children expressed their determination one after another and Gu Wenjing and others looked on with smiles, Fang Peng arrived late.

Xu Yi was the first to notice him and immediately frowned, "Why is it only you, Comrade Shen?"

Fang Peng looked around at the children who were looking at him inquiringly, and smiled reluctantly: "He still has something to do, and he will meet here later. Well... Professor Gu, can we take a step to talk?"

Fang Peng really didn't know what to do. He admitted that he was not very smart and could only choose to ask for help from others.


"You said we would take action tomorrow?" Han Aimin raised his voice.

Seeing Shen Minghuan covering his ears and glaring at him, Fang swallowed and said with a smile: "Shen, I wonder if this is a bit sudden?"

"Of course not. Do you have the heart to let me continue to live this kind of life?"

Shen Minghuan asked back: "Don't you want Mr. Flowers to go back early to help your stupid scientific researchers? Sir, the God of Technology in Country M is crying. Don't you hear it?"


Seeing that he was still hesitating, Shen Minghuan stood up impatiently and walked to the back room in a familiar way, "Okay, if you can't make a decision, please let me talk to someone who can give orders, Admiral Rice..."

Shen Minghuan found the hidden communication equipment and opened it.

"Shen, my friend, no, please don't do this." Han Aimin hurriedly stopped him, not daring to be too tough and not daring to directly let Shen Minghuan talk to General Rice.

With this man's low emotional intelligence and bad temper, if he makes General Rice angry, won't he still be the one to suffer?

Shen Minghuan has already pressed the call button, "Good morning, Your Excellency General Rice. Ah, yes, I have received the semi-finished protective shield from you. To be honest, it is a bit poorly done, but it doesn't matter, I can do it. Forgive you generously.”

Although it costs a lot, the protective cover is actually very small. Even with the equipment and tools, it can only fit into a backpack.

"Professor Floss and I can finish the rest within two days. I mean, if you don't have any objections, can you come and take us back to the country tomorrow?"

"In fact, we can't wait for a long time. Oh, of course this is what Professor Floss means. God proves that we have had enough of China."

He held the receiver alone and said "Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh," and then handed it to the nervous Han Aimin next to him: "Mr. Hunter, the general wants to discuss it with you."

Han Aimin took over nervously, "Sir, this matter..."

Admiral Rice said "hmm": "You are in China and know the situation there better than we do. Since you and Shen are both sure, then follow your plan. By the way, what is your plan? "

"A plan?" Han Aimin said incoherently.

Admiral Rice, who was far away in country M, frowned, his tone full of impatience with this incompetent subordinate: "Is there any problem?"

"No, no, no..." Han Aimin looked at Shen Minghuan for help.

Shen Minghuan smiled innocently, and took the microphone again with great compassion under Han Aimin's grateful eyes, "Your Excellency, they will take me to see Professor Floss at two o'clock every afternoon, and I will find a way to hide the semi-finished product. Bring it with you and we can assemble the protective shield in just half a day.”

Shen Minghuan vowed: "Your Excellency, you know the ability of the protective shield. No weapon in the world can penetrate it. Well, be more rigorous, at least not yet, so Professor Flos and I are absolutely safe, and we can rush out directly. "

It sounds like a perfect plan... just weird.

Admiral Rice spoke very gently to Shen Minghuan: "Yes, I know, but Shen, how can you guarantee that the protective shield can be delivered to Professor Floss?"

He didn't believe that the people guarding them in China wouldn't search them.

The young Chinese scholar was extremely naive, "Will they still doubt me? We are compatriots. Don't worry, Your Excellency, I will tell them that this is a state secret, and then they will not check it like before."

"...It's impossible to tell, Shen. Unlike our M country, China is willing to give its people unconditional trust." Admiral Rice felt contemptuous and speechless at Shen Minghuan's innocent remarks, but he still wanted to save him. Yes, you must know that Professor Floss may be transferred back to Kyoto at any time.

"Shen, what was the process like when you went to see Flos before? I mean, how many times would they check, and would they be very careful?" Admiral Rice asked.

Shen Minghuan smiled imperceptibly: "It will only be checked once when you pick me up. I sometimes bring some state secrets with me. Of course, I can't let too many people know."

"Only once..." Admiral Rice pondered for a moment and suddenly murmured: "God, this is really good news."

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